General Poetry posted December 28, 2015

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A poem I wrote for someone special

Sweet Stephanie

by Earthwriter

A beautiful lady with golden locks
And eyes of purest blue
She dreams of love and moonlit walks
Seeking a man whose heart is true

Someone who believes in romancing
And making a new plan
Candlelight dinners and slow dancing
and walking together hand in hand

Seeking a life of joy and laughter
Filled with love and affection
Dreaming of living happily ever after
Two hearts sharing a love connection



This poem was inspired by a special lady who connected with my poetry like no one i have ever known. A lady who has been through love and lost relationships like all of us have, and yet through it all she still believes in romance and candlelight. For a poet there is no greater joy then having their verse touch someone's soul. Thank you Stephanie for the beauty that is you.
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