General Poetry posted June 1, 2015

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Cruel Rain

by w.j.debi

Rain, you capricious, pouty child,
taunting, teasing,
casting out a few drops of moisture
like pennies to a beggar,
then running and hiding behind
your mother's billowy cotton skirts,
unaware of your own cruelty

while ragged, wrinkled Earth
stares heavenward
and heaves a heavy sigh.
Through dry, cracked lips
and parched throat,
her raspy voice begs
for a few precious drops
to nourish her children.

And you, Rain, throw a tantrum
with a dark and gloomy brow,
stomping, crashing, sneering,
eyes flashing,
and still you withhold your bounty.

Earth groans and collapses to her knees,
laboring for breath.
Red, pleading eyes turn to you,
hoping, doubting,
too weak to cry.

Then you, Rain, unleash a torrent,
a drenching, drowning deluge
full of fury and pride.

And Earth accepts gratefully,
drinking, bathing, capturing what she can,
relieved for the temporary renewal
of her youth,
savoring the moment
with joy and sorrow,

knowing that her fate
lies in the whims of the
haughty, impetuous, spoiled child
of cloud and sky.



Thank you ChuckWaxman for the use of the artwork "It's gonna Rain!"

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by ChuckWaxman at

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