Family Poetry posted March 11, 2015

This work has reached the exceptional level
The death of a loved one is very depressing at any age.

A Tribute To Mom (Maggaw)

by Quoiky

When the darkness of night is held back by the stars
And a soft glowing moon lights the skies
As if on the wings of a soft butterfly
It is then that my memory flies.

My heart holds volumes of memories so dear
An ocean of joy and of pain
Memories long passed filled with laughter and tears
Times with mom I can never regain

What happens when a body dies?
When the soul, the spirit leaves?
Where does the essence of someone go?
When the living are left to grieve?

As each drop of life slowly trickles out
And the stage quietly fades to black
When death is silent and darkness lingers
And life offers no passage back.

Are you standing next to us, holding our hand?
When our burden seems not to subside?
Is your energy now part of the universe,
And helps your children survive?

We are owed nothing.
Not the sunrise tomorrow.
Time is something we are given,
Not to spend, lend or borrow.

But to use with great gusto
With those we desire
With people we love
Who feed our same fire.

I'd like to dissolve in those moments with mom
Where time would seem not to exist
And I'd tell her the things I neglected to say
And linger for one final kiss.

We love you, mom. Now and forever.
Even though we still often cry
We're lucky to have loved and been loved by you
It's so hard to say goodbye.


Feelings Poetry writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Emotions have overcome us all at one time or another. It could be from someone that broke our heart or just life in general. We all handle situations differently, some good, some bad. This contest gives us the ability to explore this. Write a poem that expresses feelings and emotions such as anger or depression. Any type of poem is welcomed.


My dear mother was the rock of our family. She had 13 siblings, and nine children of her own. She had a sweet temperament, and would help anyone with any thing. As a family, we shared many tears and loads of laughter. No one left her home in need of anything, and no one left hungry, even if it was her last meal.
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