~ Pois-s-s-soned Paras-s-s-sol ~

She came to me, as in a dream.
While trying to suppress a scream,
I tried rememb'ring where I'd seen
this ancient gal, s-s-s-o s-s-s-serpentine.
She stood above me, towering tall,
whilst twirling her parasol.
“Relax, dear boy, you look as though
you've seen a ghost, yet, this I know...
...you knew me in another life,
there was a time you called me 'wife'.
Philandering, your vice of choice...”
I tried, but could not find my voice.
“...This lovely, dainty parasol
you gifted me, forsaking all,
those 'others' with whom you had lain...”
I tried to scream, tho' 'twas in vain.
Twirling, twirling, ever whirling —
reeling, kneeling — head was swirling,
She slithered slow to where I lay;
she smelled of earth and death's decay...
“The blood you've spilled has stained your hands,
chthonian spirits make their demands,
that I return to bring you back.”
My heart betrayed me – then attacked!
I struggled mightily for breath,
then saw the gruesome face of death.
Her sockets bore straight through my soul;
her glare said all there was to know.
This damning specter, once my wife,
I shall admit, I took her life.
Far too late to ask forgiveness,
she'd come now for ghastly business.
Twenty years my elder, the gal was rich.
I'd sought, by treachery, to off the bitch;
slipped almond toxins in her tea,
so all of her money would come to me.
I never thought she would return
fresh from the grave, yet soon, I'd learn,
hatred opens the pits of Hell...
“S-s-s-stay, s-s-s-sweet,” she hissed ... and in I fell.