General Poetry posted October 20, 2013 Chapters:  ...5 6 -7- 

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Another Pantoum
A chapter in the book Pantoum Collection

The Elephant Ride

by tfawcus

The elephant sways side to side
To seek solace from her despair
At what dire cost our tourist ride
How dastardly her journey here

To seek solace from her despair
She treads the path that crushed her dreams
How dastardly her journey here
This tourist ride her life demeans

She treads the path that crushed her dreams
Ganesh the god must shed a tear
This tourist ride her life demeans
Her wistful eye so full of fear

Ganesh the god must shed a tear
At what dire cost our tourist ride
Her wistful eye so full of fear
The elephant sways side to side


Earned A Seal Of Quality

Photograph courtesy of my daughter. (For more of her work see

Ganesh - the elephant god
Howdah - the carriage on the back of the elephant in which tourists ride (Howdahstardly!)
The elephant crush - a method by which wild elephants are tamed using restriction in a cage

A pantoum has repeating lines throughout. The 2nd and 4th lines of each stanza are repeated as the 1st and 3rd lines of the next. Additionally, to complete the circularity, the 3rd and 1st lines of the poem become, respectively, the 2nd and 4th lines of the last stanza.
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