General Poetry posted July 11, 2012

Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
a semi ballad about a very nefarious woman.

White Lady Revised

by Justin Chopin

The White Lady

The white lady has a black rose in her hand.

She puts the rose on her lover's grave

Even though he is still a living and breathing man.

Oh she has such a Yin and Yang personality.

She is so visible

Yet she is a being that no man woman or child

Could ever see.

She laughs in a state of elation with pure and unadulterated joy.

She laughs in a state of lamentation

Keeping it all to herself

As she acts rather confused and coy.

Oh she's like a zeppelin ready to find

Her final death in the doomy and desperate skies

She's like an angel

And her love of life and living never dies.

She's burning like a radiating rainbow

In her facilities of fantasy

She's as frozen as a frontier frost

In an icy soul shattering sea

She's perishing in

The ravishing realms

Of reality.

One day her paradoxical nature

Caused her to be annihilated

By Satan

As the devil dipped

His venom inside her heart.

She lost all the pigmentation

That had long allured men to

Her eyes

And Beelzebub

Tore her apart.

Now the lady lies lifeless

As her tar boiled blood

Stains the inferno's callous


Alas the white lady

Damned to her

Eternal grave.


Just something I wrote about four years ago about a detestable woman whose image was inspired by the White Witch in C.S. Lewis's Narnia Chronicles.
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