Self Improvement Non-Fiction posted December 12, 2011

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Year-end Musings

December Reflections

by dejohnsrld (Debbie)

As another year passes by, I find it time for reflection. For many species, a year is a lifetime. There is birth in the spring, growth in the summer, and dormancy or death in the fall. We have the luxury of looking back and making new plans with our experiences to guide us.

December is a time for reflection. Just as the pale sunlight reflects on a peaceful, frozen pond, I find the short days and long, dark, cold nights ideal for reflection. What has occurred in the past year, and where is life's journey taking me. It is an opportunity to reflect on self and relationships. Are they satisfying, or in need of change? Am I the person I wish to be, someone I would be proud to call a friend?

Much like a leafless tree in front of a painted pastel sunrise, our inner selves can be uncovered and assessed, taking stock of both positive and negative. Has this been a successful year on my journey through life? All we truly have that is ours alone, is this journey.

If not satisfied, what am I able and willing to change to achieve satisfaction with my life? Our inner selves are malleable as is clay in the springtime. They can be shaped and molded into a better fit for our lives and goals.

In the past year, what areas have I blossomed in, and what areas have been in need of more attention. Have last year's goals been met? If not, are they worth pursuing? Might others provide more satisfaction? What other goals do I desire?

The journey of life takes planning. What am I able or willing to change? What might need to be given up to have the resources needed. This may involve time, money or financial changes. Are these reasonable and attainable? I would love to watch the sunrise sipping coffee each morning, but as a dedicated night person, I may choose to watch the sunset sipping on iced tea instead.

As I ponder these thoughts and questions, I think, write, cross out, and then think some more. I whittle my plans/goals to ten to twelve and then type them. Any time a major life change happens, they can be revised.

My December reflections, much as the sun's reflection on the stillness of the pond, have brought a sense of joy and purpose to my life.

I wish you the best for the New Year!!! Debbie


Thanks tojgrace for the stunning sunrise!

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