Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted November 2, 2008 Chapters:  ...11 12 -13- 15... 

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A bit o' Aussie slang
A chapter in the book Precious Gems: An Anthology

True Blue

by Gypsymooncat

Contest Winner 


I'm a true-blue Aussie bloke who some folk call a 'Digger'
I fought in wars and got quite good at pullin' an accurate trigger
I still wear me khaki 'cause it's tough, hard-wearin' clobber
If people gawk, I tip me hat with a wink and a "G'day Cobber!"

Some think I'm pretty queer, some sorta outta-space grave robber
That's okay, I got thick skin; odd looks don't cause me bother
Shrapnel scars hide under me hat for I ain't got much hair
(And I ain't wastin' time explainin' how they came to be there)

Me body's a scary sight these days, it copped a beatin' y'see
I've lumpy marks from cuts and burns all over me anatomy
Long sleeves hide me mangled arm where a bayonet got me a beaut
Pant legs cover a botched tattoo, the false foot's tucked in me boot 

Me ticker is tickin' with a contraption a bit like a battery
(Though there are times when it still beats a bit 'pitter-pattery'!)
I ain't whingein', I owe me life to the skill o' the surgery
I coulda been pushin' daisies up in that downtown cemetery

Although me days are gittin' numbered it don't worry me none
I keep to meself and the wife, and try not to hurt anyone 
When I'm asked if me gear is real or a costume counterfeit
I tell 'em "it's a part o' me past", some mem'ries I won't forfeit!

Hell, I gotta bolt! Ooroo my friend, it's time I got to the market
If it's shut, the Missus'll flog me for sure and then I'll cark it!
Don't worry mate, me life's no sad or sorry predicament
She'll be right, I'll keep me smile till I'm lyin' under cement!

Contest Winner


Earned A Seal Of Quality

This poem has been written with loads of Aussie slang.

Meanings are as follows:

GAWK: An obvious stare
DIGGER: The term used for Australian soldiers
CLOBBER: Aussie slang for clothing
COBBER: Aussie slang for "mate" or "friend"
OOROO: Aussie slang for "goodbye"
CARK IT: Aussie slang for "die"
SHE'LL BE RIGHT: Aussie term for "it'll be okay"

There are also quite a few incidences where I've misspelled some words, ie, "of" I've spelled without the "f" here and there, and I've also left the "g" off the end of some words, like "lyin'"- this is a style of Australian dialogue which appears quite often in books based on Australia during our early years. Other contractions, misspellings and the use of "me" rather than "my" are for the same reason.

PLEASE NOTE the word "cemetery" is pronounced as three syllables.

CONTEST REQUIREMENTS were that we had to include all words in the list, ie, GRAVE ROBBER, BOTHER, CLOBBER, ANATOMY, SURGERY, BATTERY, MARKET, PREDICAMENT, FORFEIT, COUNTERFEIT. Each of these words must appear at the end of lines only. Minimum of 10 lines and maximum of 30.

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