General Poetry posted August 17, 2008

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What inspires me to write

Inspired By Nature

by Helvi2

Contest Winner 

Inspired by GrassRoots08

I write from deep inside my heart, with words that touch my soul
Where every feathered whispered sound becomes a written goal.
From the nectar in the honey that sugar coats my tongue
And all of nature's visuals I seem to be among.

A hummingbird that buzzes by revealing ruby throat.
A butterfly that lingers near and settles on my tote.
A bubble swept up by a breeze that has a rainbow's glow.
These are the things that make me scribe, the things I love and know

The melodies of chirping birds, carillon's tinkling bells,
A xylophone of icicles that ring in winds that swell,
The artistry of snowflakes with their intricate design,
Wherever inclination leads I follow to incline.

I listen for Spring-peepers and the toads that trill in Spring,
Then wait for summer's twilight nights, when crickets start to sing.
Soft trickles of a wayside brook, or sparkling silver falls,
It seems I just can't help myself. I have to write it all.

My scribbles come from sunset hues that melt into the sky,
Where twinkling stars and moonlight meet, and spirits seems to fly.
The sapphire blue of ocean waves, with edges crested white,
Are all the inspiration that I'll ever need to write.

I listen for a drop of rain, I see, I smell ,I touch!
A raccoon coming down a tree, my ears are tuned for such.
The shooting stars, Aurora's light, lush berries on a hill,
There's so much more that I could say, perhaps some day I will.

Contest Winner


I was inspired to write this when I went to review a chapter in GrassRoots08 book, "Pertainning to A Writer's Life." It was CH 7~
"How A Poem Forms". I felt very in tune with the words he wrote and felt the same. When I wrote my review for him, I discovered the words I wrote to describe his poem, were inspiring me to write a poem.
Inspiration never ceases to amaze me. It surrounds you This time it was GrassRoots08 who inspired me with his wonderful poem. I plan to read every chapter. I've been going through a little bit of writer's block and this was a great kickstart for me.

I hope you enjoy my poem.
Thanks so much for stopping by,
Helvi :o)
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