General Fiction posted February 3, 2025 Chapters: 1 2 -3- 4... 

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A visitor from the past
A chapter in the book The Wedding Crasher

Sally and Jack's Surprise Guest

by Begin Again

The Ending of The First Half Of
Who Is The Wedding Crasherer.......

Carol hurried across the dance floor to the bride and groom. She tapped Jack's shoulder and hissed, "May I cut in?" Then she took Sally's hand and led her away.

Flabbergasted, Sally asked, "Has the champagne gone to your head, dear?"

Carol smiled, and suddenly, they were twirling across the dance floor, moving closer to the man. She leaned close to Sally's ear and said, "Listen, Philadelphia, we've got a wedding crasher here."

Sally followed Carol's gaze as Jack joined them. "Is that a friend of yours?"

"Can't say that I know him. I thought it was someone you knew."

Sally (alias Philadelphia) felt her stomach twist. A last-minute plus-one wouldn't have been unheard of in the blur of wedding planning, but something about the stranger unsettled her. He wasn't just attending — he was watching.

Having finished the dance, Sally grabbed her maid of honor, Debby. "Hey, do you know that guy? Over by the cake table?"

Debby glanced over, then frowned. "Weird — I don't think I've seen him before. Is he a friend of yours, Jack?"

"Nope. Never saw the guy before."

Curious now, Sally and Jack made their way toward the stranger. He smiled as they approached, lifting his glass in a toast.

"Finally," he said. "I was wondering when you'd come say hello."

Jack cleared his throat. "I'm sorry, but — who exactly are you?"

* * * * *

Sally and Jack's Surprise Guest

The enigmatic stranger offered a mischievous grin. "Apologies for the surprise," he began, "but I couldn't resist attending such a joyous occasion."

Before they could respond, the room's atmosphere shifted subtly. The band struck up a lively tune from the Roaring Twenties, and suddenly, a group of translucent guests in vintage attire materialized, dancing and mingling with the astonished attendees.

Sally and Jack's confused gazes shot toward the dance floor.

Sally gasped. "But that can't be!"

Jack's arm wrapped protectively around his bride's waist, "What is it, Sally?"

Before she answered, her eyes shifted to the uninvited guest whose eyes were glimmering with delight. "Told you I always get the last laugh." He gently removed the skintight mask covering his face, tipping his hat to the couple. "Tony the Tiger, here to congratulate the fine couple. Of course, I am accompanied by a few other friends you might remember."

Sally observed the couples on the dance floor. Her mouth was open in disbelief. "Isn't that —"

Tony nodded, overly satisfied with his surprise. "Yes, Detective Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste and his darling wife, who you must recognize — Suzy."

Jack couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Sally's former personal assistant?"

"Oh, and the other couple near the bar — Detective Lieutenant Mike Lemborsky, Detective Lieutenant Janelle Harris, and, of course, you must recognize the German Shepherds, Buddy and Vanta.

"I do, but —" Her eyes widened as she exchanged looks with Jack and then stared at their guest. "Tony Alfanzi is dead. I saw the splintered pieces of the boat. You couldn't have survived."

"You are so right — spot on with the detective work, Sal."

A spirited flapper twirled up to the bride. "Darling, your gown is simply divine! Much lighter than the corsets we endured."

A dapper gentleman tipped his hat to the groom. "Splendid event, old chap! Nice of you to invite us to join in the festivities?"
"Should I know who they are?" Sally asked.
"Probably not. They're friends I made on the other side," Tony replied.

Sally stammered, "Wait! We didn't—this can't be happening. " Her protest fell on empty space as the couple danced away. She gasped and turned to her groom. "Jack, there are dead people at our wedding."

Jack decided he needed to take control. He pointed his finger, waving it in front of Tony's face. "You, sir, are dead as far as I know, and the others, I'm not sure of, but regardless, why are any of you at our wedding?"

"Oh, that's easy. The Detective Lieutenants have been working feverishly on numerous cold cases — struggling since Sally is no longer there."

Sally shook her head. "I've moved on, so don't drag me into their story."

"Not my intentions at all, dear. Let me explain — it was a dark and rainy night, and their frustrations were running high. Being in a nostalgic mood, my spirit was lingering at police headquarters — missing the sounds and smells. You know, puking drunks, groaning detectives, burnt coffee. I wandered into the conference room and overheard everyone moaning about how they hadn't cracked a case in months, especially one case." Tony grinned before he continued, "A series of art thefts worth millions of dollars, and you know how I love art."

"The Ziegler Case?"

"Oh, so you have a little of the detective blood still flowing in your veins."

"Maybe, but that doesn't explain why you or the others are here at our wedding."

"I, being one to forgive and forget, introduced myself to the group. After a little smelling salts for the ladies, I suggested that I could help them solve a few of their cases."

"You, the ultimate criminal, returned from the crypts to offer to solve criminal cases?" Jack asked.
"Now, let's not be rude." Tony sniffed and turned his head. "I'm not the same man."
"No, I guess not. You're dead!" Jack snarled, fighting to remain calm.

Sally shook her head vigorously. "The Tony I tracked for years wouldn't care one ounce about helping any law enforcement."

"An arrow to my bleeding heart, Sal. You should know I am not accustomed to the horrific accommodations offered in the tombs of the evil. I saw the error of my ways and turned over a new leaf."

"Really? What did you want?"

"Yes, well, I offered to assist if they would give me the opportunity to celebrate this joyful occasion — your wedding. After much debate, they agreed, and here we are."

"I'm not buying it, Tony. Dead or not, you're up to something. And all those people."
"They don't eat much. They just wanted to dance. They promised not to steal anything."
"So you crashed our wedding merely to have a good time?"

Tony lifted his pant leg, showing his ankle bracelet. "They've granted me this token, but they've chained me with their restraints."

"Ankle bracelets?" Sally rolled her eyes. "I need to remind the Detectives of how tricky you are." With a swish of her bridal gown, she started across the floor.

A loud clanking noise caught her attention, and she spun around. The ankle bracelets lay on the floor near Jack's shoes, but Tony the Tiger was nowhere to be seen. Nor were the other guests.


I've always enjoyed Sally's detective stories, and in honor of her and Jack, I have taken the liberty of "borrowing"—or maybe it's "hijacking"- a few of her characters. Many of you have read her marvelous stories and might remember a few of the guests now attending the wedding.
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