General Poetry posted February 2, 2025

This work has reached the exceptional level
Use 3 words

Nonsense Poem

by Sugarray77

3 Words In A Poem Contest Winner 
Oh horror of horrors, my face is dark blue.
I'm speckled and freckled and often 'kerchew!'
When sneezing and wheezing in short little gasps,
My pjs fall down cause I've broken the clasps.
A malady, schmalady ~ it's just a bad cold;
I'll jive 'em, survive 'em before I grow old.
Cavorting and snorting with my runny nose 
I look like an animal in bedraggled clothes.
I'm wimpy and gimpy; I've stubbed my big toe,
I'm hopping and bopping to make myself go.
So wrangled and tangled, I don't look my best,
perhaps it is simply I need to get rest.

Writing Prompt
Write a poem of any type. These three words must be included in the poem: animal - horror - short

3 Words In A Poem
Contest Winner


Must use these three words: Horror, animal, short
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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