General Poetry posted February 2, 2025

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Picture, Neurotrophic keratitis, Oxervate grows nerves back

My Cornea Disease

by Debi Pick Marquette

From first appointments that I had 

The damage did not seem to heal

Infection and the scratch was bad

My doctor says it's a big deal

He frowns, examining my eyes

He says the inflammation's grown

More steroids to decrease the size

So any change I call his phone

It's only one eye I am blind

But other eye is hard to see

Some days feel I'm out of my mind

I see things run on side of me

Three month treatment of Oxervate 

Six drops a day in sterile form

I know there's some here who relate

Antibiotics now the norm

My situation is unique 

Doc claims to lose sleep over me 

Saw cornea surgeon last week

After six months this should not be

On my iPad I can expand

Not much time daily they allow

I wish doctors would understand

My writing helps get by somehow

My lupus may have all control 

To clear this they have tried, but can't

The surgeon and my doctor's goal

Is still for corneal transplant 



So many of you have been asking me how my eye is doing and offering prayers. So I wrote this to explain.
When I had covid eye in August, and scratched my eye while it had infection I then realized that I was blind in one eye. It formed an abrasion and now is scarred.
For the first three weeks I saw my eye dr every day, then three times weekly, now I am back seeing him again twice a week.

My husband has been to nearly every appointment with me. The doctor told him that he loses sleep over trying to treat this eye that is resistant to healing. Now they wonder if I harbor infection in my body from my lupus. which would mean it can't heal properly to have the surgery.

That is maybe why it is constantly getting virus or bacterial infections and so full of inflammation that I am always on an antiviral, antibiotic and almost always at least three eye drops daily of steroids and other drops. Unless they get this under control, there will be no cornea transplant for me. And that is all that will bring my vision back. The good news is the Oxervate did grow the nerves back in my eyes again. I have another appointment with cornea surgeon on Feb. 28th and we're praying for a new outcome.
Thank you so much for your caring support and much appreciated prayers.
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