General Non-Fiction posted January 15, 2025

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Largely known Fact

The DTE Light

by jmdg1954



When you're driving around in your car and the DTE light indicator displays on the dashboard, pay attention to it.

  Note: in my Nissan Sentra the Destination to End (DTE) will flash at 40 calculated miles of remaining gas on hand.

Tuesday of last week when I was off from work, the DTE light came on after I started my car. My car is parked in my driveway which has a moderate downward slope. This may sometimes confuse the mechanism and cause the DTE to flash.

"Ah! I'll get gas tomorrow after work," I said to the invisible passenger seated beside me, or maybe I might have mumbled that out loud, whatever. I did my driving around never thinking about stopping for gas.

My day off from work rolled into Wednesday which then of course cruised into Thursday resulting in two, twelve miles round trip days to and from work.

"Cool. I'll be sure to stop for gas tomorrow," I told that same passenger from two days earlier. Or maybe I mumbled that as well? Who knows?

When Thursday wheeled itself into Friday, I made like one of the seven dwarfs, (Dopey as you'll soon find out), and off to work I'd go, hi-ho, hi-ho. 

After work I came directly home. Why? Because I had to box up my grandson's birthday presents and bring them to the UPS before it closed in order to ship the gifts to Florida.

"I'd better get my gas now," I again said to the invisible passenger. Or did I mumble it? 

Anyways, on the ride home from the UPS store, Led Zeppelin's Immigrant Song came on the radio. So me being me, I cranked up the volume, started drumming on the steering wheel, singing along and happily drove home forgetting to stop for the dang gas.

I was one-half mile from home when the fuel gauge dipped to where it could dip no lower... 'E' for EMPTY! 

The engine began to sputter. The car began to slow down on its own. Every dashboard light began to flash. I made it through the roads overpass and coasted down the other side. Fortunately it was straight forward riding because my car shut down and I had no turning ability with my steering wheel. 

I coasted to a complete stop approximately fifty feet from the now, red light, one turn and less than one-quarter mile from home. 

Met with the unsettling silence of a stalled engine, I shook my head, embarrassed with myself. Moments later sitting alone in my own awkwardness, I smiled and said to the invisible passenger, "Aye, at least it took me seventy years to do this for the first time." Or I may have mumbled it out loud. 

Moral to this little fiber... when the DTE light comes on, make sure to stop for gas the same day!

Hmmm... what's up with this tire pressure light?

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