The guards all know that he will die.
His lifeless body soon will lie
inside the prison’s outdoor yard
and found by some old prison guard.
The famous perps are often shanked
by other inmates who are ranked
as bosses high up in their pods.
They’re treated like they’re really gods.
They do it for the bragging rights.
In prison, there are always fights.
The other inmates gather round
concealing who is on the ground.
And in this case, it’s gods they are.
The code of silence goes real far.
No fingerprints were ever found.
His murder’s now gone underground.
The guards will all forget this case.
They’d like to just wipe out his face.
The inmates know who did the deed,
but snitching goes against their creed.
He’s buried in a potter’s field.
No name is shown, his grave is sealed.
It’s like he never did exist.
His victims, though will all be missed .