Romance Poetry posted December 31, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
Lost love


by estory

I still think of you out there,
Off somewhere in your life.
Perhaps you are sitting at a window
Watching the boys trying to impress the girls.
Perhaps you are thinking of me.
Or someone else.
Or nobody in particular.
Or maybe you are sitting at a window
With your guitar, composing a melody,
A song, a sad song,
About lost love
Or some other tragedy.
Maybe you are driving to work
Looking through the windshield wipers in the rain,
Your thoughts blinking 
In the swipes of the wipers
Between frustration and hope,
The bumper to bumper traffic
And the music on the radio.
Or maybe you are in an office somewhere
Watching the hands moving slowly on a clock,
Daydreaming of somewhere else,
Some kind of plan of escape.
Or perhaps you are with another lover,
In another room, a darkened room
Full of indistinct shapes and indistinct sounds
In which I can't make out the pictures on the wall
Or the titles of the books on the shelf.

There are all sorts of things that haunt you in a lost love; misplaced hopes, frustration at being left out from someone's life, the fear of having lost control of something you thought you had in hand. Our thoughts drift back to that other person, off somewhere in their life, happy or sad, and whether they are thinking of us, or have moved on to some new relationship somewhere out beyond us, where they find new experiences we will never share. estory
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