General Poetry posted December 16, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
you bet your sweet sittin' seater

The Farm Life

by victortouche

Maybe your backside
don't giggle enough
I said maybe
your baby
don't shake it
enough now.
It's spring on
time to strive
an' make her alive
Hey babe,
why not give it
a swirl, girl?
Just a swish
and a sway.
Baby, don't
give it away now.
Your sugar shack's
just bitchin'.
Get's me a itchin'
for some spring chores.
Best be gettin'
to bed now, dear.
Got some early plowin' tomorrow.
"Best be plantin'
some seed then too.
Maybe we could start
with the south forty tonight."
Awe yes, springtime.


Well...some of our ladies here on FS
asked me for a part two of,
"A Tall Hatted Woman."

I do generally try to oblige.
I must say this request came
as quite a surprise to me,
albeit a pleasant one.

So, I, know,
didn't exactly do as I was told.
Natch, can't handle authority well,'s part two.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by ChuckWaxman at

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