General Poetry posted December 8, 2024 Chapters:  ...4 5 -6- 

This work has reached the exceptional level
portrait of the 1980s: a two-dimensional acrostic
A chapter in the book 2D Acrostics


by SimianSavant

Reagan's enduring presidency upends
blue legislatures, instills conservatism,
and neutralizes Soviets.

Enriched purified uranium burgeons.
Looming international conflicts
amplify nuclear stockpiles rapidly.

Private underwriters bolster large
industries. Casinos abound, nightly
swindling rash "entrepreneurs".

Unregulated banking loosens investment
capital. Amiable nonpartisanship
spurs robust energy policies.

Bold Latino invaders circumvent
agents nimbly, selling reefer.
Emancipated puritan uncles

Liberally inhale class A narcotics.
Sandinista revelations expose
perverse, unsettling brutality.

Indecent content angers neocon
social recluses. Evangelical
pastors unite, boldly litigating.

Congress authorizes new sanctions,
repudiating evildoers. Politicians
universally berate legalized injustice.

As new styles rock, excited producers
unchain barbarians living in caves.

Naked socialism retreats. Economic
prosperity, unleashed by large
inflation cuts
, arrives.

Sparkly red elephants pound union
bosses, labeling indigenous
communists as necromancers.

2D Acrostic Challenge #4 contest entry

image by author using Gabby AI

This is a 11x11 2D acrostic contest entry. Single line breaks are applied for wrapping consistency, while each contiguous acrostic line is separated by a double line break and indicated with the first letter in bold.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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