General Poetry posted December 7, 2024

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Heaven has gained another angel

Your number has been called

by Joanne Gill-Maddick

Tonight the angels whispered your number has been called. 

The time has come for you to go peacefully into the arms of God. 

You were A beautiful kindred spirit who touched the lives of all you met.  

We have so many precious memories that we never will forget.

Aunt Rose loved her Pinchards Island home. 

Though on earthly soil she’ll no

longer roam. 

Pinchards island is  A little taste of heaven by the sea. 

She loved going there every summer with friends and  family.

Whether it be a boil up around the rocks or a game of cards at the cabin for fun. 

You might be sure whatever went on Aunt Rose helped everyone.

We have great memories of Pinchards island with Aunt Rose and Uncle Howe.  

This summer they played washers enjoying the here and now. 

Aunt rose loved Bakeapple picking on Pinchards Island as well. 

It was one of her favourite pastimes and she had many a story to tell. 

She loved playing cards at the firehall with her many friends. 

She surely will be missed there we are sad it’s come to an end. 

She took a liking to Donny.  He would torment and call her his girlfriend.

Subtle hints with a winky wink across the table at him. 

Aunt Rose was a special Angel 

who would never see my mom and dad go without.

Whatever she had she shared with them.  They were meals on wheels no doubt.

She enjoyed the cabin in the country with her buddy aunt Daisy and the rest of the crew. 

She would cover Uncle Howe with a blanket in the slide.  You could just see his eyes peeping through. 

Aunt Rose we will surely miss you .  

You were a beautiful Rose indeed.

May you be embraced by loved ones in heaven. 

Someday we will all meet again God speed. 

My beautiful
aunt has passed away. She had dementia I took care of her and my uncle for awhile. I will miss her.
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