Mystery and Crime Fiction posted October 29, 2024 | Chapters: |
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Aaron does some ground work for his book.
A chapter in the book Miranda Chronicles: Teacher's Pet
Agents Elgin and Page
Background Miranda Jessup Buckley is back and in trouble again. |
So far, Miranda is raising the son of her ex-lover, Dougie. Now, Dougie is back and she's afraid he might be back to take the boy away.
Aaron and Waylon are sitting on the porch when I finally get home. Waylon is huddled close and they are both staring at a piece of paper in Aaron's hands.
"What are y'all doing?" I ask, all the while wondering if I really want to know.
Aaron looks up, excitement in his eyes. "I found out some information on the two Feds who were in the other car. This is crazy. The senior officer, was Howard Elgin. Born in Bethesda, Maryland. Had a wife and two daughters. Wife died of cancer in 1957. Both daughters got married and I'm trying to find out contact information for them or anyone from that family."
"How'd you find that out?" I ask, amazed that Aaron had actually followed through and done some research.
"I tapped into the online library of D.C. Then I googled the agents missing during the years of prohibition. There were twenty-three agents missing during those few years. But, I looked into those two after I found out Nathan Page was a home grown guy. Born and raised in Patterson, down around Atlas. Seems he was a distant cousin of the Haynes."
"You think he was dirty?"
"Maybe not dirty, but he may have tipped off someone down here."
I motion for them to slide over so I could sit. "What else do you know about Nathan Page?"
"He was under investigation twice right before he and Elgin went missing. Tampering with evidence and roughing up an informant. Trying to coerce a witness. He sounds like a guy you wouldn't want to mess with." Aaron says.
"Any one still around here that is kin?" I ask.
"Just started looking into that. If there is, I'll try to talk to them. Isn't this cool? I mean, last year they were just bodies in a car at the bottom of a pond. Now, they're real."
"Aaron, they were always real. You were just wrapped up in finding your great-uncle." I look over at Waylon. There is a strained look on his face. He, of all people, understands the pain these two men's families went through. He knows what it is like to wonder where someone is. There is no closure just a lifetime of waiting. I clear my throat and turn to Waylon. "How was school?"
"Riveting." He clips his words, but there is a smirk on his face.
"How about Tomlin? He cross the line today?"
"No. He was his usual charming self. He got distracted because his golden boy got yanked out of class and missed half of it. But other than that, he was fine."
Good for you, Elaine, I think. At least she took me seriously. "Are you friends with that boy?"
Waylon shrugs. "Not really. He's weird. Talks about comic books and anime all the time."
I nod and look at my watch. "I've gotta do a few things before I turn in. Don't stay out here too much longer." I turn to Aaron. "This is impressive Aaron. I think you're on to something. And, just an idea, but why don't you call Colleen Weaver at the Patterson Gazette. She's pretty good and maybe she'll give you a couple of pointers."
Aaron grins. "Thanks. Is it okay if I drop your name?"
"Sure. That and two dollars will get you a cup of coffee. Just do me a favor and don't tell her anything about me, um, you know, if she should ask."
"Got it."
I duck inside and watch Waylon and Aaron sitting on the porch, talking like best friends. As annoying as Aaron can be sometimes, I'm fortunate to call him friend.
I turn on the shower and wipe the condensation off the bathroom mirror when the water gets hot. There she is, my toughest critic, staring back at me. "You may have sealed Waylon's fate with that teacher, you know that right? If Mr. Tomlin finds out you've stirred up some mess with his good name, Waylon might as well kiss that GPA goodbye."
"So, knowing what I know, I should let him get away with grooming a kid, you know, to save Waylon's GPA?"
"You don't know anything, Miranda. You are assuming. How many times have you charged into a situation knowing only hearsay and assuming its the gospel? Too many times, Miranda. Step back. Don't let nosiness and your need to be right, be what is Waylon's undoing."
"I'm not. But Dougie said," I start but the withering look I receive from the mirror shuts me up.
"Dougie is a liar. You of all people should know that. How do you know he caught Tomlin after some kid? Don't you think other people would have heard about this?"
"Maybe I'll ask around?"
"Waylon asked you not to interfere. You did it once and he forgave you. Do it some more and if his daddy asks him to leave, that boy is gone. Be the one person he can trust."
I watch a rivulet of moisture roll down the mirror. "He knows he can trust me."
"You assume it. Don't put it to the test by sticking your nose where it doesn't belong."
I step into the hot spray and lean back letting it soak my hair. I should have asked Mirror Me, if protecting one child was as important as placating another. I think about Howard Elgin and Nathan Page. Was Nathan the bad guy? Did he tip off the local runners or was he trying to serve and protect. All we have is hearsay. All parties involved are dead. Maybe Nathan was pulled in two different directions just like me.
Aaron and Waylon are sitting on the porch when I finally get home. Waylon is huddled close and they are both staring at a piece of paper in Aaron's hands.
"What are y'all doing?" I ask, all the while wondering if I really want to know.
Aaron looks up, excitement in his eyes. "I found out some information on the two Feds who were in the other car. This is crazy. The senior officer, was Howard Elgin. Born in Bethesda, Maryland. Had a wife and two daughters. Wife died of cancer in 1957. Both daughters got married and I'm trying to find out contact information for them or anyone from that family."
"How'd you find that out?" I ask, amazed that Aaron had actually followed through and done some research.
"I tapped into the online library of D.C. Then I googled the agents missing during the years of prohibition. There were twenty-three agents missing during those few years. But, I looked into those two after I found out Nathan Page was a home grown guy. Born and raised in Patterson, down around Atlas. Seems he was a distant cousin of the Haynes."
"You think he was dirty?"
"Maybe not dirty, but he may have tipped off someone down here."
I motion for them to slide over so I could sit. "What else do you know about Nathan Page?"
"He was under investigation twice right before he and Elgin went missing. Tampering with evidence and roughing up an informant. Trying to coerce a witness. He sounds like a guy you wouldn't want to mess with." Aaron says.
"Any one still around here that is kin?" I ask.
"Just started looking into that. If there is, I'll try to talk to them. Isn't this cool? I mean, last year they were just bodies in a car at the bottom of a pond. Now, they're real."
"Aaron, they were always real. You were just wrapped up in finding your great-uncle." I look over at Waylon. There is a strained look on his face. He, of all people, understands the pain these two men's families went through. He knows what it is like to wonder where someone is. There is no closure just a lifetime of waiting. I clear my throat and turn to Waylon. "How was school?"
"Riveting." He clips his words, but there is a smirk on his face.
"How about Tomlin? He cross the line today?"
"No. He was his usual charming self. He got distracted because his golden boy got yanked out of class and missed half of it. But other than that, he was fine."
Good for you, Elaine, I think. At least she took me seriously. "Are you friends with that boy?"
Waylon shrugs. "Not really. He's weird. Talks about comic books and anime all the time."
I nod and look at my watch. "I've gotta do a few things before I turn in. Don't stay out here too much longer." I turn to Aaron. "This is impressive Aaron. I think you're on to something. And, just an idea, but why don't you call Colleen Weaver at the Patterson Gazette. She's pretty good and maybe she'll give you a couple of pointers."
Aaron grins. "Thanks. Is it okay if I drop your name?"
"Sure. That and two dollars will get you a cup of coffee. Just do me a favor and don't tell her anything about me, um, you know, if she should ask."
"Got it."
I duck inside and watch Waylon and Aaron sitting on the porch, talking like best friends. As annoying as Aaron can be sometimes, I'm fortunate to call him friend.
I turn on the shower and wipe the condensation off the bathroom mirror when the water gets hot. There she is, my toughest critic, staring back at me. "You may have sealed Waylon's fate with that teacher, you know that right? If Mr. Tomlin finds out you've stirred up some mess with his good name, Waylon might as well kiss that GPA goodbye."
"So, knowing what I know, I should let him get away with grooming a kid, you know, to save Waylon's GPA?"
"You don't know anything, Miranda. You are assuming. How many times have you charged into a situation knowing only hearsay and assuming its the gospel? Too many times, Miranda. Step back. Don't let nosiness and your need to be right, be what is Waylon's undoing."
"I'm not. But Dougie said," I start but the withering look I receive from the mirror shuts me up.
"Dougie is a liar. You of all people should know that. How do you know he caught Tomlin after some kid? Don't you think other people would have heard about this?"
"Maybe I'll ask around?"
"Waylon asked you not to interfere. You did it once and he forgave you. Do it some more and if his daddy asks him to leave, that boy is gone. Be the one person he can trust."
I watch a rivulet of moisture roll down the mirror. "He knows he can trust me."
"You assume it. Don't put it to the test by sticking your nose where it doesn't belong."
I step into the hot spray and lean back letting it soak my hair. I should have asked Mirror Me, if protecting one child was as important as placating another. I think about Howard Elgin and Nathan Page. Was Nathan the bad guy? Did he tip off the local runners or was he trying to serve and protect. All we have is hearsay. All parties involved are dead. Maybe Nathan was pulled in two different directions just like me.
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