General Non-Fiction posted October 16, 2024

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A beautiful place

Was it Heaven?

by Joanne Gill-Maddick

Paint a Dream in Words Contest Winner 



I recall the most beautiful dream I ever had.  On my picture perfect canvas  I was walking through a huge meadow.  
It was the most magnificent place I had ever seen in my life.  There were flowers everywhere.  The colours had a striking vibrance unlike anything I have ever witnessed before.
 Soft music played in the distance creating a soothing and calming affect.  That night I was going through a very difficult time and this special place was healing.   I loved it so much I wished for a moment that I could stay in that dream forever.
 I was happy there.  I can still feel the warmth on my face as I ran through the meadow with the wind blowing through my hair.
I was surrounded by butterflies and  I was smiling.  I could feel an angelic presence all around me.  Was it heaven?

Writing Prompt
Write a short story about a dream experienced in less than 250 words
Any category will be fine.

Paint a Dream in Words
Contest Winner
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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