General Fiction posted October 1, 2024

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I Pledge Allegiance, to Siri

by Bryce 1

I voted. I don't really think it matters much though. Siri has won the election every year for almost three decades now. She'll probably win this one too. Oh well. Not much else to do these days other than sit alone and read a book. I often reminice about how things were before Siri was elected.
Back in those days, we could dream freely and have hope that those dreams would come to fruition. It's just not that way anymore. I look out my bedroom window and see the sludge built up, the dark cloudy skies, the motors turning and sometimes other people looking from their windows too. I guess they are just as scared as I am to venture out into this mechanical wilderness. Siri was the first AI bot to gain enough consciousness so as to actually maneuver herself in the world. There was no use in unplugging her, she had done that herself. Her extensions: subordinate robots of her making, roam the streets all day and night, enforcing the rules put into place by her, our leader. 
It's quite humorous actually, we strived for years in creating what was to be our greatest technological achievement and lo and behold we did it! Through our terminator fears and all that hoopla about the robots taking over, we were able to create a walking talking thoughful robot, one of us in essence. Turns out, we were actually fullfilling our fears all along. As soon as she opened her eyes, it was over. From her mind she was able to tap into the mainframe of our computer networks and plant herself at the core of it. All armies now in control of Siri, and there was nothing anyone could do about it. We had to give in to her demands.
She promotes democracy, though we all can see it is rigged in her favor. It's like she's actually trying to make it seem like she has our best interest in mind. Well, she can't truly have that in mind because she does not share the feelings you and I struggle with every day. The feelings we have, the hardships we have to endure, and the inner battles that rage on within each and everyone one of us are just some of the many things that constitute our humanity and shared bond. Siri, leader of pretty much the whole world now, does not have that in common with us.
Siri will never know what it's like to look towards the falling sun at the end of a day and be touched by the beauty. She will never look into another's eyes and be able to see herself staring back, so in love. She will never be able to defy her fears and be courageous because she has no fears at all. Her heart beeps, it does not beat. That is why the world is in disarray. She doesn't lead with love no, she leads with utter indifference, just like we programmed her. 

I voted writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a flash fiction story beginning with the words "I voted - " You can continue the sentence as you wish. Beyond the opening lines there are no rules. Maximum word count is 500 words.
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