Self Improvement Fiction posted August 17, 2024

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Sometimes it feels so good to get it all off your mind.

Rules and regulations.

by Patricia Green1

The author has placed a warning on this post for language.
Jenny plonked down in her chair, and sighed out loud. "Something bothering you?" her partner Jim asked.
"I just don't understand why." Jenny said. "Why what?"  "why you always put the loo paper around the wrong way. You know it should be hanging over the front, not down the back, but you continue to do it the wrong way, why?"
"I put it the way I believe it should be." Jim replied. "Where are the rules to say it should be hanging over the front?" "There are no rules as such." jenny replied "It is just the way things should be done, not the way you think it should be."
"You always do the opposite to what the "rules of society" are. You slosh vegemite half an inch thick on our toast, instead of a scraping. You leave the toilet seat up, when it should be down, you leave toothpaste on the hand-towel, which is only for your hands. You put the bins out, but you never bring them back in, and you really piss me off, when you leave a spoonful of food on your plate, because "you couldn't eat another bite."
I know they are only small things but they all add up and really get my back up."
"Ha! Rules of society, what a lot of rot! There are no such things. It is all made up to keep society in line, so nobody upsets the status quo!"
"Maybe so, maybe it is all made up, but if we are to get along  with each other every day, of every year we need to have a few rules, or we may not make it. Maybe we can compromise on some things, and maybe we can't, but at least we should try, don't you think?"
Jim glared at her, nodded his head, and walked away.
Jenny made a cuppa, then sat back down to watch her favourite show. A slow smile spread across her face as she whispered to herself "now I feel better!"

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