Fantasy Fiction posted July 27, 2024 Chapters:  ...45 46 -47- 

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Chapter 47 of the Tainted
A chapter in the book The Tainted

Our Moment

by Erika Whittle

The author has placed a warning on this post for sexual content.

postapocalyptic medieval setting. In the fictional land of Arrs an unknown black mist has taken over the bodies of humans. They become known as the tainted.

Oh my, so this is Prince Demetri. My heart fluttered at his regal appearance. Jeremy also looked quite taken with Demi in this moment. After the Aarden family pledged their loyalty, the marquis personally escorted Demi to his quarters. Jer was about to show me to another room when Demi stopped us. “Taya, your room is here.” My jaw dropped at his declaration. The marquis looked back and forth between us. The quick witted Jeremy grabbed his father’s arm and quickly dragged him away. Demi opened the door for me. For some reason, this threshold seemed daunting. I calmed my pounding heart and walked in the room.




As soon as I entered the room, Demi closed the door. I didn’t know what to do so I just stood there. Demi leisurely watched me. “I’m not going to eat you, unless you want me to.” he smirked.

This rascal. I laughed, and the heavy yet awkward atmosphere dissipated. I sat on the bed and looked Demi square in the eye. “Perhaps I want you to.” Demi lifted an eyebrow and chuckled darkly.

“Don’t tease me too much, Taya. Originally I just wanted to spend some alone time with you. Let’s forget about the mission and training for a bit. I just want to relax and enjoy some time together.”

I nodded. I wanted that too. Sometimes I miss the time when it was just us against the world. No politics. No finality. Just living in the moment and doing our best. “Yah”, I whispered. Demi approached and I raised my arms to embrace him. We stayed like that for a while, me sitting and Demi standing with my arms around his waist. It was comforting.



“I wasn’t teasing you. I want...that connection. I want this moment to be all ours.” I left the rest unsaid, but Demi understood. Only this moment is guaranteed. The world doesn’t owe us a tomorrow or a second chance. Demi leaned in and kissed me. We started slowly, almost cautious, and then passion took over. Demi lay on top of me on the bed and I pulled him in even closer. I stripped off his cloak and we both freed ourselves from the shackles of clothing. I gasped and took a moment to appreciate the site before me. This specimen of a man, though covered in scars, was the most beautiful being I had ever seen. I was so memorized I failed to notice Demi’s intense gaze, until his hands started roaming. I suppressed a moan when his hand cupped my breast. Once again his lips met mine while his hands explored my body. My breathing grew rapid. He kissed down to my neck, my clavicle and my waist. The lower he went the more ragged my breathing. Sensations I’ve never experienced took hold of my rationality.

“Taya, are you sure?” Demi feigned calm and asked for my final permission.

“I’m sure, I want you.” I declared, gently touching his lips.

It was impossible to stop after that, and I let myself get lost in the tide. Demi had more energy than me and I eventually fell asleep, exhausted. When I woke up, everything was clean and a delicious smell filled the air. My stomach gurgled. The bed shook with Demi’s suppressed laughter. “I had them bring dinner to the room.” Demi handed me a tray with hearty looking stew and a plate of roast chicken and potatoes. I hastily accepted it and dug right in. I got half way through the plate before I realized that Demi was watching me instead of eating.

“Aren’t you going to eat?”

“I’ll eat later, I’m full from dessert.” He shamelessly replied. I almost choked on my potato. I glared at him and he gave me a satiated smile. I shook my head and continued eating while Demi fiddled with my hair. “Taya, I hope this wasn’t a one time thing. I’d be rather heart broken if I got used and dumped.”

I quickly swallowed my food before he could continue. “You think I’d let me first time be a fling? Let me tell you, your title won’t save you from me if you dare play around.”

Demi raised his hands in faux surrender. “I wouldn’t dare. But you know, if you stay with me, you’ll share my title.”

“Titles, don’t interest me; you interest me. And we’ll have to succeed for that title to mean anything anyway. Just live and I’ll be right beside you.” Demi kissed my forehead. It was a long but meaningful night.

Taya: Female lead, orphan, aura user of wind, Demi's hunting partner, Tali’s sister
Demi: Male lead, Demetri Von Arstine, prince, duke, aura user of fire, expert swordsman, Taya's hunting partner
Jeremy: Nickname Jer, 2nd young master, book worm, sword skills, aura user of earth, hunting partner of Brandy, younger brother of Tyler
Aarden Family: Marquis family, family of knights. Marquis and his eldest son Tyler previously participated in the war with Demi. The second son was a hunter with Demi. The family pledged loyalty to Demi
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