General Poetry posted May 30, 2024 Chapters:  ...119 120 -121- 122... 

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One Line Poem for the Contest
A chapter in the book 2024 Gypsy's Haiku

Cold Morn

by Gypsy Blue Rose

cold morn, shepherd sleeps covered with dawn mantle

One Line Poem contest entry

ONE-LINE HAIKU needs to adopt some of the guidelines and rules of a three-line haiku. We all know that a three-line haiku can have 17 syllables or less, Any three-line haiku can be converted into a one-line haiku, because of the break pattern in the structure of haiku. haiku foundation

In Japanese, haiku are traditionally printed as a single line, while haiku in English often appear as three lines, although variations exist.

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pictures from my Pinterest account, I use two programs for my presentations- ImageShack and Windows' Paint. All parts of my presentations are copyrighted.

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem,


pictures from my Pinterest account. I use Windows Paint and ImageShack programs for my presentations
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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