Romance Fiction posted December 31, 2023 Chapters:  ...42 43 -44- 45... 

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Pastor Pat and Emma talk.
A chapter in the book Guided by Faith

Chapter 28 A

by barbara.wilkey

Depend on God in every part of your life, and He will guide, protect, and comfort you. Will God guide Emma's life? If He does, will she listen?
Seth and Emma met 29 days ago.


When Emma cuddled into his chest again, he said, "I was impressed with how you handled Calvin, Gretchen, and everything you did for Lizzy."

"Thank you. My social working major came in handy. I wish I could do more."

"I have a feeling you'll get that opportunity."

As time passed, Emma's composure returned. She inhaled a deep breath and slowly blew it out. "I think it's safe for you to leave."

Seth grinned. "You sure?"

She nodded and smiled. "I'm sure." She leaned into his chest again. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. If you need anything, I'm only a phone call away."

"I know. Thank you."


Chapter 28 A

Saturday morning as Pastor Pat sipped his second cup of coffee, he said, "I've always wondered why your dad felt it necessary to teach you how to use a gun."

"Me too." Emma tilted her head. "I'm sure he's mentioned I'm a lousy hunter."

Pat chuckled. "He has. Something about you being loud and unable to shoot furry animals with big soft eyes." He grinned. "I guess God prompted him knowing someday you'd need that skill. Keith said you were great at target practice and skeet shooting."

"I am, and it came in handy."

"I'm curious what do you think would've happened if you didn't shoot Mickey Casey?"

"He would've killed Seth, then raped and killed me."

"You didn't have a choice, did you?"

"No. But I took a life. That's a sin. If I'm not mistaken it's the sixth commandment."

This discussion continued for about a half-an-hour, before Pastor Pat said, "We'll continue with this next week. I sense something else is going on with you."

After a few deep breaths, Emma shared with him what had happened the previous night with Elizabeth and what she'd told her and her parents. "I guess God's prompt for me to major in social working along with elementary education was for this purpose. I'm worried I didn't do enough or gave poor information. Mr. Higgins didn't say much. I have a feeling he'll have a lot to say once he's had time to process everything and is alone with Lizzy."

"Sounds like you did everything right. All we can do now is pray they seek guidance. Knowing Calvin, I'm positive he'll have a lot to say and very loudly. I'll remind them I'm available."

"I'll check with Lizzy every chance I get." Emma studied her coffee cup. "He wouldn't hurt Lizzy, would he?

"I doubt it, but I'm sure she'll get lectured and disciplined." Pastor Pat stared at Emma a few moments. "Anything else on your mind?" When she looked away, he said, "Emma, I've known you for twenty-two years. Out with it."

"Seth and I are dating."

"You've been dating for about a month. How's that news?"

Her eyebrows rose. "So everybody knew, but us?"

Chuckling Pat said, "I guess." He hesitated. "Does this bother you?"

"Seth's great, but..." She swallowed.

"There's not a 'but' to it. You two make a great couple. I'm happy for both of you."

Both heads turned at a knock on the door. Emma glanced at her phone and then stood. "It's ten-fifteen. Seth said he'd come by around ten-thirty. I'm sure it's him. He's always early."

Pastor Pat grinned. "It's time for me to leave anyway."

When Seth entered, Pat gulped the rest of his coffee and stood. Seth offered his hand. "Pastor Pat, good to see you. You don't need to leave on my account."

"I'm not. I have another meeting I'm almost late for. Emma and I have covered the reason I came and then some." Pat hugged Emma and pecked her cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow at church and is next week at the same time all right?"

"It is. Thank you."

After Pat left, Emma asked, "We have time before we need to leave for Molly's appointment. Would you like a cup of coffee?"

"That would be great."

As Emma handed him the coffee, she studied him. "What's on your mind?"

He chuckled. "I guess if I expect you to be open, I should be too, right?" When Emma nodded, he continued, "I was wondering three things, but one of them, I shouldn't ask about; Mickey Casey. That's private."

"I don't have anything to hide. If I didn't kill him, he would've killed you. I didn't have a choice."

Seth sat. "That's true." After a sip of coffee, he continued, "Did you discuss last night or anything about us?"

"Pastor Pat said I did everything right last night and now we wait and see what happens. All we can do is to be there for them." She smiled. "You were right."

He nodded, but was silent.

"As for us, he already knew we were dating and he's happy for us."

"I guess everybody knew, but us."

As Seth and Emma left the vet clinic and sat inside Seth's pickup with the two dogs, Emma said, "I'm glad Molly's ready to move around and get off her liquid diet. She was protesting."

"I'm sure, but she's still on a special soft diet. Did I hear Dr. Mason right, she won't be able to eat her regular food for another six weeks?"

"I'm afraid so." Emma glanced toward the truck bed. "There are a lot of cans of food. The last week I need to mix her food with the special food." Giggling she added, "Maybe if Ace helps her, she can finish the cans faster."

Shaking his head, Seth asked, "Really?"

"Just an idea. At least she doesn't have to be on the pillow anymore."

"True." As Seth turned into their lane, he said, "Should we grab something to eat when we put the dogs inside or when we get to Cedarville?"

"Maybe something quick now. I've got chicken in the crockpot. I thought we could do pulled chicken for dinner."

"Sounds good."

After lunch and on their way to Cedarville, Emma asked, "Are you getting Dad's basketball hoop tomorrow after church?"

"Yes. I'll get the dart board from the station on the way home this afternoon."

"Great. At the sports store, I'm getting the gift certificates for that. I'm hoping part of the cost will be donated. All I need at the craft store is face paint and brushes."

"What type of gift certificates are you thinking about?" asked Seth.

"The boys suggested a twenty-five-dollar certificate for first place, ten dollars for second, and then five dollars for third. I guess if we have a tie, we'll have a tie breaker."

"The highest score?"

"Yes, but I think we'll modify the dart game and just add up the points and not mess with the doubles and triples. What do you think?"

Seth thought a moment. "Good idea. The maximum points from basketball would be fifteen; five, three pointers. One-hundred-fifty from three darts, hitting the fifty circle three times. That's a total of one hundred-sixty-five points."

"Whoever has the most points is the winner. Sound right?"

"It does. It'll be fun."

"Can you help supervise that?" asked Emma.

"Sure." Seth reached over and took her hand. "Can we watch the fireworks together?"

"Wouldn't miss it."

As Emma talked with the sports store manager, Charlie Michaels, Seth stood off to the side. She has him wrapped around her little finger. He shook his head. She's completely unaware she's being hit on, and he's unaware that Emma's always happy and bubbly.

As they left the sports store, Seth asked, "Did you get a discount on the gift certificates?"

"I did. Charlie was happy to donate all three certificates to the youth group. Wasn't that nice?"

Chuckling, Seth said, "Very nice. Did he say anything else?"

"Not really. He said something about meeting up with me later."

Seth shook his head. Another man in the mix. Calhoun and this guy will both attempt to date her. I'd better make sure I'm on my A game.

"Is something wrong?"

"Nope. Which craft store do you want to go to?"

"I like the one on Second Street best. This should be really fast."

After they left the craft shop with numerous colors and containers of face paint and brushes, Seth asked, "Before we leave Cedarville, do you mind stopping by the house Abbey and her family will move into? I haven't checked it for a few months."

"Sure. Is this another property you inherited?"

"It is. My grandparents willed it to me."

"What about Abbey? What did she inherit?"

Seth blew out air. "Nothing. She made our grandparents angry. She was specifically written out of their will, and it stated she'd never own any of their property."

"Wow! I can't imagine she could do anything that horrible."

"She didn't. Just in their eyes." As Seth drove, he glanced toward Emma. "She's your age." He paused. "You're from May to August older than her."

"And she already has two children. I'm behind."

Chuckling, Seth said, "I wouldn't worry about it. When she graduated high school, she and Gary wanted to get married immediately. He's four years older and had just graduated from college with a teaching degree and had a job. Our grandparents raised us after our parents died and refused to give her permission. She was still underage. The day after she turned eighteen, they married. Our grandparents never forgave her. After they married, he continued his education."

"What about Abbey?"

"She's been working on her degree between having children." Seth parked in front of the house.

"Their marriage appears to be working. Abbey seems happy."

"She is." He exhaled. "More than once she's ended up on my doorstep in tears."

"So you're used to drying tears and listening to young women. No wonder you're good at it."

"I wouldn't say I'm good at it. I still mess up, but I've had practice. It's what big brothers do, they protect their baby sisters."

Emma placed her hand on Seth's arm. "You've done a good job drying my tears."

"I've also caused some." Seth removed the key from the ignition, got out, and opened Emma's door. "Ready?" He offered his hand.

Accepting his hand, they went into the house.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Please have a safe New Year's Eve! I know many of my FanStory family/friends have had a difficult 2023. It's my prayer that 2024 brings my FanStory family/friends joy, happiness, and blessings.

Character List:

Police Chief Seth Carter - hero and Beaverton's Police Chief

Emma Winters - heroine and waitress at her parents' bakery and bookstore, but just graduated college with a teaching degree.

Winters - the bakery/bookstore Emma's parents own.

Carl Jones - Seth's good friend and right-hand man

Susan and Keith Winters - Emma's parents and owners of Winters' Family Bakery and Bookstore

Molly - Emma's almost four-pound Pomeranian

Ace - Seth's German shepherd, a trained K-9

Pastor Pat - Pastor of the Church and Emma's Godfather

Jake Baker - Seth's mentor and Winters' family friend

Ray Hudson - Works at the bakery

Peggy Barton - Emma knew her in high school and is the assistant librarian, she's making a play for Seth

Linda Holton - the town librarian

Mayor Castle - mayor of Beaverton

George Elliot - city council member, from old money, and father of Marc Elliot

Marc Elliot - troubled teenager

Ronald Calhoun - dated Emma her senior year of high school

Dr. Mason - veterinarian who took care of Molly

Mickey Casey - Man stalking Emma and she killed him

Elizabeth Higgins - 'Lizzy' pregnant teenage girl

Calvin and Gretchen Higgins - Parents of Elizabeth Higgins

Charlie Michaels - Sports store manager, donated gift certificates


Not a lot is happening in this post, but it necessary for the rest of chapter and the rest of the book. It has background information and information about our characters.

Today's quote from what I've learned from my research. "Being physically attracted to someone is common...but to be mentally, intellectually, and spiritually attracted to someone is something all of us ultimately long for. It's mutual faith in Christ, friendship, and loyalty that holds relationships together when things get tough."

Thank you, Google Images, for an image of a dart board.

Chapter 28 in its entirety it would be around 3000 words, too long for FanStory. I appreciate the reviewers to tell me not to worry about the length of the post. It warms my heart. This is the first part of Chapter 28 and is a little under 1600 words. There are 37 total chapters, so Seth and Emma's story is close to the end. Of course, when I continue to break the chapters into two part it's still plenty of weeks away.

I have a new computer. I'm hoping my updated Microsoft word helps in editing. We'll see. Thank you for dropping by and reading. I appreciate your help and the time you took to read it.
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