General Poetry posted August 27, 2023

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(5-7-5) Message from one tree-hugger to another.

A Sign in the Forest

by LisaMay

I asked for a sign,
while needing a hug, myself.
Tree's embrace inspired.


Tree-Hugger 5-7-5 writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem with 5-7-5 syllables about a tree, trees or forest.

Author Note:
(Photo taken by the author.) Years ago, when I was hiking alone in a forest, I realised I had lost my way on the return journey. Unsure which direction to take, I sat down to gather my thoughts and said a prayer. When I looked around I saw this tree with a branch around another, offering a comforting hug. Then I noticed something familiar that indicated the way back. Saved by a tree-hugging tree!
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