General Poetry posted July 24, 2023

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A Merry~go~Rhyme for my Granddaughter, Artist, Kenzie Jo

I Love You More

by Debi Pick Marquette

A Happy Birthday, Kenzie Jo

Now you are twenty years

And I just need for you to know

Mine are nostalgic tears

The sweetest place I've ever known was not a candy store

'Twas when you text me on my phone, Grandma I love you more

Your art, precious as bags of gold

I'm proud of what you do

Reviewers and my friends have told

How much they love it too 

I know you aren't that little girl, so we're not keeping score

But I knew twenty years ago, I'd always love you more

So much in your life's happening 

Just think of where you've been

More strongly will your passion sing

Much more will you do then

 So many changes in your life, that I cannot ignore

And as I watched you grow and grow, I loved you more and more

How beautiful you have become

Your soul is sweet and kind

Your C r e a t i v i t y  is from

Your talent and your mind

With all that you hold in your heart, you let your feelings pour

So I will always love you, and each day I'll love you more

My love is not a metaphor

But you knew that before

I love that next week we'll explore 

When we're on the lakeshore

And someday there will come a time when my spirit will soar

My love is with you always, 'cause I couldn't love you more



Rules of my Merry~go~Rhymes

1~must rhyme
2~must be fun
3~normal 4 line stanzas
with a fun line or 2 between each stanza
(for the up and down carousel effect)
Usually done in just one rhyme
4- must be informative

For Kenzie's poem
4 line stanza in abab
2 line stanza in aa
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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