General Fiction posted July 16, 2023 | Chapters: |
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Seth and Emma talk.
A chapter in the book Guided by Faith
Faith Chapter 14 B
by barbara.wilkey
Background Depend on God in every part of your life, and He will guide, protect, and comfort you. Will God guide Emma's life? If He does, will she listen? |

Seth and Emma met 14 days ago.
His attempt at hiding his grin failed. "Fur Ball, what if I take your mom to Burger Bob's for a cheeseburger basket? Would that help?"
Emma stood, walked to the back door, and stared out.
Seth followed. "Emma?"
She turned, but no eye contact. "I'd like to go, but if we're seen in public wouldn't it aggravate the situation with Peggy?
"I realize I'm allowing people I don't care about to affect my thinking. I do care about what you think."
"I don't have the extra money right now to go out."
"My treat."
"But then it becomes a date."
Seth shoved his hands in his pockets. "You fixed dinner last night. I'm simply repaying the favor."
Emma's eyes met his. "That's pushing it." After she petted Ace and exhaled, she asked, "Am I being used as a pawn against Peggy?"
"I deserved that." Seth ran his fingers through his short hair. "No, I asked because I'm trying to convince you that I'm not a jerk. When I look into your green eyes, I want to see that familiar sparkle."
"Okay, I'll go."
"Since you've never been on a motorcycle and Ace can't go, want a ride on my Harley?"
Chapter 14 B
Seth handed her a helmet. "First, you'll need to wear this." And then teased, "Second, no line dancing on the motorcycle." When Emma's eyes widened, he added, "Seriously, too much movement can cause the bike to become difficult to control."
"I'm wiggly." She did a little cha-cha before she pointed. "Maybe I'm not the right person to ride on this."
Chuckling Seth said, "Burger Bob's isn't far. You can keep still for a few minutes." He watched her put on the helmet before he got on. "Sit behind me. You'll need to get close." He waited, as she scooted closer. "Closer still."
"What do I hold onto?"
"Me. Either my belt or put your arms around me." Seth hesitated. "Since it's your first time; put your arms around me."
"Just do it." After she did, Seth said, "I'm starting the bike. It'll be loud, so be ready."
Once the engine started, Emma jumped closer. He glanced back and yelled, "Ready?" She nodded so he proceeded. At first, he drove slowly, then gradually increased speed. He grinned as Emma leaned her head against his back.
Seth parked at Burger Bob's, removed his helmet, and got off. He held out his hand to assist Emma, which she accepted. As she removed her helmet and adjusted her long braid, he asked, "How was your first ride?"
"I'm surprised, but I had fun. Thank you for suggesting it." Emma studied the parking lot. "It looks busy. Are you sure you want to do this?"
"Would you be more comfortable if we went somewhere else?"
"I hope Peggy isn't here." After a short pause, Emma said, "Let's do this."
Seth held the door as they entered. They stood and scanned the dining area for a table or booth. Seth pointed to the right. "There's a free booth, four down. Or do you see something else?"
"That's fine."
A few minutes after they sat, a middle-aged waitress, Janie came to their table. "Emma, I heard you were back. I hope to see you more often." She handed them the menu. "Can I get drinks while you decide?"
Emma said, "I'll have a chocolate shake and glass of water. Has the menu changed?" When Janie shook her head, Emma continued, "I know what I want, but I'm not sure about Seth."
Grinning, Seth said, "I know what I want. Emma, go ahead and order."
Her eyes met his. "Okay, I want the quarter cheeseburger basket, no catsup with grilled mushrooms. Instead of fries, I'll have onion rings."
Janie smiled. "For you, Chief?"
"I'll have a chocolate malt, water, the quarter cheeseburger basket, with grilled jalapenos."
"Sounds good. It'll be up shortly." Janie left.
A few moments later, Bob came to their table and set down their water glasses and grinned. "As soon as I saw that order, I knew my girl was back. I'm glad you're home. I've missed those smiling green eyes."
Emma's eyebrows rose. "Are you saying I'm the only person who places that order?"
"You are. It's the grilled mushrooms without catsup. I get one or the other but never both." He hesitated. "I've heard you're staying this time."
She glanced at Seth and swallowed. "I'm not sure."
"I hope so." Bob turned his head when he heard his name. "I'm needed in the kitchen. Welcome back." He gave Emma a small hug.
"You're popular." Seth exhaled. "I thought you'd mentioned before you were never leaving Beaverton. Why'd that plan change?"
She avoided eye contact. "I'm not sure it has. I'm leaving my options open."
"Is it because of what happened earlier?"
She folded and refolded a napkin before she answered, "Maybe."
"I hope you don't leave."
Janie brought their shakes and set them on the table. "Your baskets will be out in a couple of minutes."
Small talk continued throughout the meal.
As they finished eating, Seth said, "I was thinking about catching a game at the little league field. Would you like to go?"
"I'd like that." Emma turned. "I think I'll use the ladies' room before we leave. I'll be right back."
After she left, Pastor Pat slid in the booth across from Seth. "Is something bothering Emma? She's not her usual bubbly self."
"I messed up. She's being cordial but guarded."
"That's not like her."
"Today was a bad day and I took a few things said and then verbally attacked her with them."
Pastor Pat nodded. "I understand. I came by this morning to offer help with the Apostles Creed class and heard George Elliot. His son's used to Mommy and Daddy bailing him out. He feels he's untouchable."
"Why's this the first time I've encountered him?"
"His parents are divorced. He lives in Cedarville with his mom. Dad only gets him for part of the summer. Ask Jake about him."
"I will."
"When you went to the mayor's office, I left and returned and then saw Peggy Barton."
"You heard that too?"
"Sure did." Pastor Pat paused. "I hope you don't mind me sharing some information. It's common knowledge around town, but you're new. It might help you understand Emma." When Seth indicated he didn't, Pat continued, "I've known Emma since she was a few days old. Because of the situation she was born into, she was a sickly infant and went through cocaine withdrawal. Susan and Keith nurtured her to health. Emma thrived in their care, as you can tell today."
Pastor Pat exhaled. "Because Keith and Susan were older when they adopted her and were worried they'd lose her, they protected her from everything. It was like Emma grew-up in a huge bubble. She's truly that innocent."
"Thank you. I figured as much from the way Keith talked about her." Seth glanced at his watch. "She's been gone a while. I hope everything's all right."
"Is Peggy here?"
"Do you think she'd hurt Emma?" asked Seth.
"I wouldn't put anything past her."
Seth exhaled. "Here she comes."
As Emma headed toward their table, Peggy walked by her, shoved her right shoulder into Emma knocking her slightly off-balance, and snapped, "Look where you're going!"
Emma stopped. "I'm sorry."
Seth stood, but Pastor Pat motioned him to sit. "I'll handle it." When he came to Emma, he hugged her, and continued toward Peggy.
Sitting across from Seth, Emma avoided eye contact.
Seth observed her before he asked, "Ready?" After she nodded, he stood.
When both helmets were on, Seth got on the motorcycle, and then Emma got on behind him. She sat close, but not as close as before, and put her arms around him, but not as tightly.
Starting the engine, Seth headed toward the ballpark. Almost there, he made a U-turn and headed in a different direction. When Emma raised an arm, he pulled off the road. "I've changed our plans. We're going to a lake." She nodded, and he continued.
After parking in a clearing, Seth said, "I hope you don't mind. This is one of my favorite thinking places."
Removing her helmet, Emma said, "It's beautiful. The setting sun's colors are gorgeous."
They walked closer to the lake and stared at the distant mesas as the sun continued lowering.
A period of silence followed before Seth asked, "When Ms. Barton shoved you, why'd you apologize?"
"If I said anything, it would've escalated. I didn't want to embarrass you." She almost whispered, "Or have you feel you needed to come to my rescue."
"You're incapable of embarrassing me." He hesitated. "As for coming to your rescue, I don't mind."
Emma nodded and silence followed. Seth walked over to a rock formation and sat. "Come sit."
She did.
Following another period of silence, Seth said, "You were in the restroom a long time. I almost came to check on you."
"I thought this was a thinking place not a talking place."
"It is. You've been crying." He hesitated. "Why?"
"Is it about Ms. Barton?"
After releasing a deep breath, Emma said, "Sort of."
Seth nodded. "Please explain."
Emma stared at the mesas for quite a while and then studied her hands. "I was in a stall, so I doubt they knew I was there. Two women came in and started talking. They discussed that Peggy has been after you for over a year and is now upping her game. She plans on seducing you."
"Thanks for the heads up."
She tilted her head. "Why? You want to be seduced by her? Peggy's really pretty."
"No. Not at all. If she tried, I'd refuse and then she'd probably accuse me of making advances toward her. I want to make sure that never happens." Seth exhaled. "Anything else?"
Another long silence, before she almost whispered, "Laughter and comments were made about my innocence. That I wouldn't know how to seduce a man."
Seth nodded. "A woman doesn't need to seduce a man. If the relationship's such, things happen naturally. I feel there's more. Please continue."
"And I probably haven't even been kissed." Emma exhaled. "I have been kissed, but not really kissed. You know what I mean?"
Seth studied her for a few silent moments. "As for being kissed, when the right man comes along, I'm confident it'll happen." He exhaled before he asked, "What else was said?"
"I dress like an old lady."
"If my vote counts, I like the way you dress. You don't need to show a lot of skin to get a man's attention. You get it naturally. Anything else?" After she shook her head, he added, "I hope this helped."
"It did." Emma avoided eye contact. "Thank you for listening."
"That's what friends do, right?"
She nodded before she stood. "We'd better get home. I know you're really tired. Are we still working on the dog porch tomorrow?"
"I want to finish it this weekend."
On the ride home, Emma tightly hugged Seth and laid her head against his back.
When they arrived at Emma's, Ace took out Molly. After the two dogs returned, Emma said, "Thank you for tonight. I know it wasn't a lot of fun, but I appreciate the time you took."
"If it helped you get closer to forgiving me, it was a perfect evening."
"It did."
"Good. Ace, come on. Emma, goodnight. I'll see you in the morning." He walked out and then returned. "Be careful around Ms. Barton. I'm not sure what she's capable of."
"I will. Tomorrow I'll have breakfast ready."
"I'll bring a can of coffee." He turned and started walking away.
Emma called after him, "I still have plenty from last week."
Character List:
Police Chief Seth Carter - hero and Beaverton's Police Chief
Emma Winters - heroine and waitress at her parents' bakery and bookstore, but just graduated college with a teaching degree.
Carl Jones - Seth's good friend and right-hand man
Susan and Keith Winters - Emma's parents and owners of Winters' Family Bakery and Bookstore
Molly - Emma's almost four-pound Pomeranian
Ace - Seth's German shepherd, a trained K-9
Pastor Pat - Pastor of the Church and Emma's Godfather
Jake Baker - Seth's mentor and Winters' family friend
Ray Hudson - Works at the bakery
Peggy Barton - Emma knew her in high school and is the assistant librarian, she's making a play for Seth
Linda Holton - the town librarian
Mayor Castle - mayor of Beaverton
George Elliot - city council member, from old money, and father of Marc Elliot
Marc Elliot - troubled teenager
His attempt at hiding his grin failed. "Fur Ball, what if I take your mom to Burger Bob's for a cheeseburger basket? Would that help?"
Emma stood, walked to the back door, and stared out.
Seth followed. "Emma?"
She turned, but no eye contact. "I'd like to go, but if we're seen in public wouldn't it aggravate the situation with Peggy?
"I realize I'm allowing people I don't care about to affect my thinking. I do care about what you think."
"I don't have the extra money right now to go out."
"My treat."
"But then it becomes a date."
Seth shoved his hands in his pockets. "You fixed dinner last night. I'm simply repaying the favor."
Emma's eyes met his. "That's pushing it." After she petted Ace and exhaled, she asked, "Am I being used as a pawn against Peggy?"
"I deserved that." Seth ran his fingers through his short hair. "No, I asked because I'm trying to convince you that I'm not a jerk. When I look into your green eyes, I want to see that familiar sparkle."
"Okay, I'll go."
"Since you've never been on a motorcycle and Ace can't go, want a ride on my Harley?"
Chapter 14 B
Seth handed her a helmet. "First, you'll need to wear this." And then teased, "Second, no line dancing on the motorcycle." When Emma's eyes widened, he added, "Seriously, too much movement can cause the bike to become difficult to control."
"I'm wiggly." She did a little cha-cha before she pointed. "Maybe I'm not the right person to ride on this."
Chuckling Seth said, "Burger Bob's isn't far. You can keep still for a few minutes." He watched her put on the helmet before he got on. "Sit behind me. You'll need to get close." He waited, as she scooted closer. "Closer still."
"What do I hold onto?"
"Me. Either my belt or put your arms around me." Seth hesitated. "Since it's your first time; put your arms around me."
"Just do it." After she did, Seth said, "I'm starting the bike. It'll be loud, so be ready."
Once the engine started, Emma jumped closer. He glanced back and yelled, "Ready?" She nodded so he proceeded. At first, he drove slowly, then gradually increased speed. He grinned as Emma leaned her head against his back.
Seth parked at Burger Bob's, removed his helmet, and got off. He held out his hand to assist Emma, which she accepted. As she removed her helmet and adjusted her long braid, he asked, "How was your first ride?"
"I'm surprised, but I had fun. Thank you for suggesting it." Emma studied the parking lot. "It looks busy. Are you sure you want to do this?"
"Would you be more comfortable if we went somewhere else?"
"I hope Peggy isn't here." After a short pause, Emma said, "Let's do this."
Seth held the door as they entered. They stood and scanned the dining area for a table or booth. Seth pointed to the right. "There's a free booth, four down. Or do you see something else?"
"That's fine."
A few minutes after they sat, a middle-aged waitress, Janie came to their table. "Emma, I heard you were back. I hope to see you more often." She handed them the menu. "Can I get drinks while you decide?"
Emma said, "I'll have a chocolate shake and glass of water. Has the menu changed?" When Janie shook her head, Emma continued, "I know what I want, but I'm not sure about Seth."
Grinning, Seth said, "I know what I want. Emma, go ahead and order."
Her eyes met his. "Okay, I want the quarter cheeseburger basket, no catsup with grilled mushrooms. Instead of fries, I'll have onion rings."
Janie smiled. "For you, Chief?"
"I'll have a chocolate malt, water, the quarter cheeseburger basket, with grilled jalapenos."
"Sounds good. It'll be up shortly." Janie left.
A few moments later, Bob came to their table and set down their water glasses and grinned. "As soon as I saw that order, I knew my girl was back. I'm glad you're home. I've missed those smiling green eyes."
Emma's eyebrows rose. "Are you saying I'm the only person who places that order?"
"You are. It's the grilled mushrooms without catsup. I get one or the other but never both." He hesitated. "I've heard you're staying this time."
She glanced at Seth and swallowed. "I'm not sure."
"I hope so." Bob turned his head when he heard his name. "I'm needed in the kitchen. Welcome back." He gave Emma a small hug.
"You're popular." Seth exhaled. "I thought you'd mentioned before you were never leaving Beaverton. Why'd that plan change?"
She avoided eye contact. "I'm not sure it has. I'm leaving my options open."
"Is it because of what happened earlier?"
She folded and refolded a napkin before she answered, "Maybe."
"I hope you don't leave."
Janie brought their shakes and set them on the table. "Your baskets will be out in a couple of minutes."
Small talk continued throughout the meal.
As they finished eating, Seth said, "I was thinking about catching a game at the little league field. Would you like to go?"
"I'd like that." Emma turned. "I think I'll use the ladies' room before we leave. I'll be right back."
After she left, Pastor Pat slid in the booth across from Seth. "Is something bothering Emma? She's not her usual bubbly self."
"I messed up. She's being cordial but guarded."
"That's not like her."
"Today was a bad day and I took a few things said and then verbally attacked her with them."
Pastor Pat nodded. "I understand. I came by this morning to offer help with the Apostles Creed class and heard George Elliot. His son's used to Mommy and Daddy bailing him out. He feels he's untouchable."
"Why's this the first time I've encountered him?"
"His parents are divorced. He lives in Cedarville with his mom. Dad only gets him for part of the summer. Ask Jake about him."
"I will."
"When you went to the mayor's office, I left and returned and then saw Peggy Barton."
"You heard that too?"
"Sure did." Pastor Pat paused. "I hope you don't mind me sharing some information. It's common knowledge around town, but you're new. It might help you understand Emma." When Seth indicated he didn't, Pat continued, "I've known Emma since she was a few days old. Because of the situation she was born into, she was a sickly infant and went through cocaine withdrawal. Susan and Keith nurtured her to health. Emma thrived in their care, as you can tell today."
Pastor Pat exhaled. "Because Keith and Susan were older when they adopted her and were worried they'd lose her, they protected her from everything. It was like Emma grew-up in a huge bubble. She's truly that innocent."
"Thank you. I figured as much from the way Keith talked about her." Seth glanced at his watch. "She's been gone a while. I hope everything's all right."
"Is Peggy here?"
"Do you think she'd hurt Emma?" asked Seth.
"I wouldn't put anything past her."
Seth exhaled. "Here she comes."
As Emma headed toward their table, Peggy walked by her, shoved her right shoulder into Emma knocking her slightly off-balance, and snapped, "Look where you're going!"
Emma stopped. "I'm sorry."
Seth stood, but Pastor Pat motioned him to sit. "I'll handle it." When he came to Emma, he hugged her, and continued toward Peggy.
Sitting across from Seth, Emma avoided eye contact.
Seth observed her before he asked, "Ready?" After she nodded, he stood.
When both helmets were on, Seth got on the motorcycle, and then Emma got on behind him. She sat close, but not as close as before, and put her arms around him, but not as tightly.
Starting the engine, Seth headed toward the ballpark. Almost there, he made a U-turn and headed in a different direction. When Emma raised an arm, he pulled off the road. "I've changed our plans. We're going to a lake." She nodded, and he continued.
After parking in a clearing, Seth said, "I hope you don't mind. This is one of my favorite thinking places."
Removing her helmet, Emma said, "It's beautiful. The setting sun's colors are gorgeous."
They walked closer to the lake and stared at the distant mesas as the sun continued lowering.
A period of silence followed before Seth asked, "When Ms. Barton shoved you, why'd you apologize?"
"If I said anything, it would've escalated. I didn't want to embarrass you." She almost whispered, "Or have you feel you needed to come to my rescue."
"You're incapable of embarrassing me." He hesitated. "As for coming to your rescue, I don't mind."
Emma nodded and silence followed. Seth walked over to a rock formation and sat. "Come sit."
She did.
Following another period of silence, Seth said, "You were in the restroom a long time. I almost came to check on you."
"I thought this was a thinking place not a talking place."
"It is. You've been crying." He hesitated. "Why?"
"Is it about Ms. Barton?"
After releasing a deep breath, Emma said, "Sort of."
Seth nodded. "Please explain."
Emma stared at the mesas for quite a while and then studied her hands. "I was in a stall, so I doubt they knew I was there. Two women came in and started talking. They discussed that Peggy has been after you for over a year and is now upping her game. She plans on seducing you."
"Thanks for the heads up."
She tilted her head. "Why? You want to be seduced by her? Peggy's really pretty."
"No. Not at all. If she tried, I'd refuse and then she'd probably accuse me of making advances toward her. I want to make sure that never happens." Seth exhaled. "Anything else?"
Another long silence, before she almost whispered, "Laughter and comments were made about my innocence. That I wouldn't know how to seduce a man."
Seth nodded. "A woman doesn't need to seduce a man. If the relationship's such, things happen naturally. I feel there's more. Please continue."
"And I probably haven't even been kissed." Emma exhaled. "I have been kissed, but not really kissed. You know what I mean?"
Seth studied her for a few silent moments. "As for being kissed, when the right man comes along, I'm confident it'll happen." He exhaled before he asked, "What else was said?"
"I dress like an old lady."
"If my vote counts, I like the way you dress. You don't need to show a lot of skin to get a man's attention. You get it naturally. Anything else?" After she shook her head, he added, "I hope this helped."
"It did." Emma avoided eye contact. "Thank you for listening."
"That's what friends do, right?"
She nodded before she stood. "We'd better get home. I know you're really tired. Are we still working on the dog porch tomorrow?"
"I want to finish it this weekend."
On the ride home, Emma tightly hugged Seth and laid her head against his back.
When they arrived at Emma's, Ace took out Molly. After the two dogs returned, Emma said, "Thank you for tonight. I know it wasn't a lot of fun, but I appreciate the time you took."
"If it helped you get closer to forgiving me, it was a perfect evening."
"It did."
"Good. Ace, come on. Emma, goodnight. I'll see you in the morning." He walked out and then returned. "Be careful around Ms. Barton. I'm not sure what she's capable of."
"I will. Tomorrow I'll have breakfast ready."
"I'll bring a can of coffee." He turned and started walking away.
Emma called after him, "I still have plenty from last week."
Character List:
Police Chief Seth Carter - hero and Beaverton's Police Chief
Emma Winters - heroine and waitress at her parents' bakery and bookstore, but just graduated college with a teaching degree.
Carl Jones - Seth's good friend and right-hand man
Susan and Keith Winters - Emma's parents and owners of Winters' Family Bakery and Bookstore
Molly - Emma's almost four-pound Pomeranian
Ace - Seth's German shepherd, a trained K-9
Pastor Pat - Pastor of the Church and Emma's Godfather
Jake Baker - Seth's mentor and Winters' family friend
Ray Hudson - Works at the bakery
Peggy Barton - Emma knew her in high school and is the assistant librarian, she's making a play for Seth
Linda Holton - the town librarian
Mayor Castle - mayor of Beaverton
George Elliot - city council member, from old money, and father of Marc Elliot
Marc Elliot - troubled teenager
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Thank you, Google Images, for an image of a Harley Davidson, maybe like the one Seth owns.
This is part two of Chapter 14. This post is a little over 1700 words long.
Happy for any suggestions. I made tons of changes as I posted. I hope I don't need to correct those corrections. Thank you for all your help and suggestions. I appreciate you dropping by and leaving reviews and your support of my writing.
one point
and 2 member cents. This is part two of Chapter 14. This post is a little over 1700 words long.
Happy for any suggestions. I made tons of changes as I posted. I hope I don't need to correct those corrections. Thank you for all your help and suggestions. I appreciate you dropping by and leaving reviews and your support of my writing.

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