General Fiction posted March 1, 2023 | Chapters: | 2 3 -4- 5... |
A Family Secret Is Revealed
A chapter in the book Dribbles And Drabbles
by Brett Matthew West
A sizzling campfire warmed Bob's terminally ill father as they shared family stories with Bob's young son.
The night stars above bore witness to the transfer of traditions from one generation to the next.
Bob's chest puffed up like an adder with pride at his son's undivided attention. The final tale came.
Bob discovered he was not his father's son.
The night stars above bore witness to the transfer of traditions from one generation to the next.
Bob's chest puffed up like an adder with pride at his son's undivided attention. The final tale came.
Bob discovered he was not his father's son.
Summer Bliss, by TDtraditionalart, selected to complement my Flash Fiction piece.
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