General Fiction posted February 28, 2023 Chapters: 1 2 -3- 4... 

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Rescuing A Senior Citizen
A chapter in the book Dribbles And Drabbles


by Brett Matthew West

The senior citizen shuddered every time rain pellets struck his exposed skin. The bridge's overhang provided small covering from the vicious monsoon.

His gnarled and sore fingers tugged his tattered coat closer to his torso. Like the garment he wore, the old man's life hung by a threadbare balance. Death would be a welcomed relief.

Closing his eyes, he shivered from the frigidity and feared he'd find no warmth tonight.

From nowhere, a voice called above the shoddy shelter.

He opened his eyes and cried.

The outreach group worker climbed the steep, precipitous, hill. Soon, he rescued the ancient geriatric.

On the dark side of life, by cleo85, selected to complement my Flash Fiction piece.

Should you wonder, the picture is not me.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by cleo85 at

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