General Poetry posted February 5, 2023 Chapters: -1- 2... 

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Make stuff up
A chapter in the book The Inn at Blackpool

Sing A Silly

by Stu Harrell

Sing a song of silliness
And tickle your fancy too
Hum a little jingle
Any song will do
It can be a lovely warble
Or a pensive tune of blue
Have 'em make up crazy words
Give 'em a nonsense swoon
Needn't be a music feast
Lots of made up words will do
Splash them all together
A joy to them and you
Gather round your classmates
Teach them a giggly tune
Have 'em make up silly words
Lead 'em with an idiot swoon
Now Goop-a loop and hidey hoop
Bellow them near and far
Sing a sprinkle of gorgeous burbs
Create envy from the farthest star
Bundle a jistle and jostle
Make the harps above twang
Have the cosmic voices wonder
Twas the best was ever sang
Fire up a glowing campfire
Night creatures one and all
Then hum a fancy ballad
Praise to the treetops tall
Sing shebang and bee bop a lu
Give your little voices wings
Throw out your tiny diddies
And charm the Elven Kings
Arise you novice balladeers
Grip it up and hold it fast
Bellow out your little twinklers
Your time has come at last

Children's Poetry Contest contest entry



My grandmother was an opera singer....she would gather us kids around and bash the piano....saying "Let's sing some sillies"......Best to all.....Stu Harrell
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