Romance Poetry posted January 8, 2023

This work has reached the exceptional level
Simply what the art gave me


by justafan

He walked through the door 

His heart stopped for a moment 

Standing there in front of him

Her skin glowing in the moonlight 

Shimmering through the window 

perfection… she was perfection 

Which made normal breathing 


A long single strand of pearls 

Lay gently in the delicate contours 

Of her back 

Barely any discernible movement other than the gentle rise and fall of her breathing 

Perfect …she was perfection 

His body trembling with anticipation 

His heart pounding 

His palms sweating 

Dare he disturb such beauty for she was

Perfect … she was perfection 

He moved to her quietly, 

with purpose and there 

In the smooth supple curve of her neck 

He placed a single kiss 

for she was

Perfect …she was perfection 


Love Poem Poetry Contest contest entry

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