Biographical Poetry posted April 12, 2022 Chapters:  ...7 8 -9- 10... 

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NaPoWriMo 9 - Butterfly Cinquain
A chapter in the book Highlights of Home

H for the Hill

by Mama Baer


We bought
the empty lot
from developers who
demolished an apple orchard.
But now,
folks don't know there was an old barn
at the end of our street
up on the hill.



West of town, the land slopes up to a very large plateau, or hill as we call it. Grandview Hill. We had to move from our small home when I was 12 years old. The nearby hospital expanded and purchased our entire neighborhood. We moved to Grandview, a wonderful place to spend my teen years, though it is sad to think how many orchards were sacrificed for the sprawling neighborhoods that now adorn the Hill.

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