Humor Fiction posted April 1, 2022

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Contest Fiction 9 Sentence

April Fool

by Alcreator Litt Dear

Contest Fiction Dedicated to God; it is NO making God an April Fool, some unwise or poor or childish reviewers wrote reviews so without reading the Author Note and all....

April fool!

Pull away an April fool today; a wise man may seem to be an April fool.

Roughly fools, wise fools, or foolish wise men often daringly or foolishly tell God it is for a fool.

I know and have deep faith in God; fools of millions worldwide say God is true to a fool.

Literatures, scriptures, books and proofs say God does exist and He is there above all.

Fatefully, God showed me some scenes of man's peaceful living from God's gift in this war-free world.

Only you called me a liar and fool and disbelieved my seeing the scenes from a war-free world.

Only I know why God showed me at this dawn the scenes from countries of the war-free world.

Let the truths be revealed, on a dreamy show my television showed me the same scenes from the war-free world.


April F***s! writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write about an April fools prank that goes terribly wrong. Sex/language/religion/politics/violence are permitted. Fiction or nonfiction, 1000 words max.



1) Excuse me, I'm sorry to write this; please leave, please escape if you are in a hurry and do not understand the essence of this and anything; please do not write a review if you have no time, no energy and no power to write a fair, complete, clear, correct, expressive and right review

2) Please, please, please read this work and read the writing prompt, and the Author Notes thoroughly and only thereafter write your review of the work, if you have not understood anything, please leave, escape this, for some reviewers without reading, without understanding wrote reviews desperately for earning and caused the author losses deliberately, daringly to prove their wisdom and ultimately prove their inability, poor knowledge and inhuman skill writing something beyond the work as they did so simply to earn and cause losses to the author and to get joy like a child and to deceive the Fanstory and to the author by writing a filled in words foolishly

3) I have written a lot and again I write to save our resources (our time, our money, and our energy), and to avoid making mistakes (like children) in reviewing as evidently I can show examples how some reviewers wrote without reading the Notes, without reading the work properly, and without reading and understanding everything they egoistically, daringly and foolishly wrote unfair, incomplete and wrong reviews (yes, I have proofs)

4) Again I write please read (a) this 9 sentence Fiction in a poetic form of expression for your easy read, clear read, and interesting read; (b) read this Fanstory Writing prompt for the Contest; (c) read this Author Notes and if you have read and understood (d) write a fair, appropriate, original and wise review without quoting words from your religious scriptures to relate to this fictional work without simply assuming or presuming something beyond the scope of this fiction; (e) thank you for writing a fair review of the fiction free from your assumptions and misinterpretations; (f) thank you very much for writing a review of this fiction within the scope and object of the fiction and nothing beyond the concept, object and purpose of the Fiction deliberately

5) Please remember I tried to give you more and more enjoyment, convenience and easy appreciation of this work expressed in a limited words in 9 sentences in a style of poetic expression

6) Please find I have tried to make the fiction in a poetic form of expression in an acrostic style April Fool, though I know it is not a true Acrostic in expression but I have tried to express the poetic form for your easy, simple and clear understanding and comprehensibility

7) Please write fairly, truly and wisely how, what and why you like this fiction in my art and style of expression

8) Please write truly, expressively and fairly what, why and how you dislike this fiction expressed in a poetic art and style of expression

9) Please never confuse this fiction with April Fools or April Fools' Day or Happy April Fool's Day, because my fiction title is April Fool and please remember this fiction does not make April Fool to or for our God (as reviewers without reading the notes wrote reviews so daringly and foolishly)

10) Please do not write anything beyond the scope of this fiction; I know and believe (a) God is the Omnipresent (one is present everywhere at the same time), (b) Omnipotent (one is absolutely powerful) and (c) Omniscient (one knows everything) and (d) God is religion free; I expect you may please never (e) quote anything from your religion, religious books or religious philosophy to relate anything to this fiction about (f) God, existence of God, faith in God, God's power, and God's activities and God's gift of a war-free world for world peace in a dream (April fool and dream -- humour); this is a (humour; reason given) fictional work and not a poem or not a non-fiction; still some wise reviewers commented a Fiction cannot be expressed in a poetic expression (they daringly do the job of a contest reviewing committee)

11) Please do not write your assumed or doubtful words about anything beyond the scope of this fiction to misinterpret this fiction

12) The picture borrowed from free upload from the internet; there is no advice, suggestion or instructions to the reviewers

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