General Fiction posted March 5, 2022

This work has reached the exceptional level
Please see notes for story inspiration.

The Rose and the Sunflowers

by Leann DS

Challenge Contest Winner 

At the home of the church sponsors, he was comforted by the aroma of cornbread that overtook the room as he tapped the camera symbol, and was connected to the motherland. Texas was wonderful, but paled when compared to home.

"Papa," squealed the two loves of Arkady's world, and the sweet faces flooded the screen. "Come home, Papa!"

"Soon, my sunflowers," he assured them. "Where's Mama, my rose?"

"We shall fetch her," they laughed as they galloped off camera.

Arkady heard the merry announcement that Papa was on a Skype call and wanted to speak to the rose. Mama's lovely laughter floated to eager ears through the speakers.

Then, among the warm sound of home, he heard a loud boom. The connection was broken, and the screen went black.

Writing Prompt
Write a story of not more than 150 words without using the letters
j or i

Contest Winner


A rose is a symbol of love.
The sunflower is the national flower of Ukraine.

My step son and daughter-in-law live in Texas and are very involved in their church. Their church is hosting three missionaries from Ukraine. The missionaries have tried to go home three times but were delayed twice because of the coronavirus and the last time due to the war and conflict going on there. They live near Kiev.

Obviously, they are very afraid, as their families are still there. Most have attempted to flee the area, but some have been forced to stay.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by Renate-Bertodi at

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