General Poetry posted March 3, 2022

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Poem starting with when I was young and...

Life Was the Bee's Knees

by Leann DS

When I was young and life was sweet
The world was all my hive;
I buzzed around so merrily
Just glad to be alive.

I'd shoot the breeze with all my friends
And sleep till after noon;
As sweet as honey, were my days,
To gloom, I was immune.

I was the leader of my friends,
And they all followed me.
I chose the clothes and where we'd go,
For sure, I was queen bee.

Good times- the bee in my bonnet,
So, with good times I flew;
The world, my flower garden and
Each day, a grand debut.

This is my story, true and real,
And if you laugh or scoff,
It doesn't matter much to me
'Cause you can just buzz off!

The Past writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a rhyming poem that starts with

When I was young and ......

The bee's knees- something of excellent quality.

"The bee in my bonnet" - to be obsessed with something, in this case, good times.

Queen bee - a woman who has a dominant or controlling position in a particular group or sphere.

Buzz off- go away.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by willie at

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