Romance Fiction posted October 24, 2021 | Chapters: |
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Katherine teaches Jordan to dance.
A chapter in the book Football - A Novel
Football Chapter 31 part 2
by barbara.wilkey
Background After Katherine's husband dies, she struggles raising her four sons by herself. Is Gabriel the father figure the boys never had and the husband she deserves? |

Katherine and Gabriel have known each other for 36 days.
After the boys went inside, Katherine said, "You know they'd scare off most men."
"I'm not most men." Gabriel hesitated before he continued, "Now for what we were talking about. If you remember, when we first met you'd get upset saying I forced my way in." He grinned. "At least we're past that. I'm one of those people who sees a need and helps. Mom says it's one of my endearing but aggravating qualities."
"Bill has mentioned it on occasion."
"I'm going to promise I'll never stop helping and not because I'm trying to convince you to marry me." He cocked his head. "That doesn't sound right. When the time's right, I hope you'll agree to marry me. I understand the time isn't right for either of us." He scanned the area. "I think it's safe." He leaned over and kissed her. "Nothing would make me happier than someday making you my wife."
Katherine swallowed hard.
"I'm sorry that scared you." Gabriel stood. "I need to start the potatoes." He walked inside, but stood at the window and watched Katherine.
Chapter 31 part 2
When Gabriel carried the bag of charcoal outside, Katherine asked, "What can I do?"
He glanced at her. "Nothing. I'm making dinner. I have the potatoes in the microwave. The oven will heat the house."
"I can make the salad."
"I bought a bagged salad. I'll put it in bowls. I got this."
"I feel useless."
"Hmm, come here." When she got closer, he teased, "I'll let you light the charcoal."
She turned to walk away. "I'll set the table."
He reached for her arm and drew her into a hug. "I can, or at least have one of the boys do it. I really want you take it easy. I didn't understand how hard me cooking would be for you. Please let me do this." He scanned the area before he kissed her.
Closing her eyes, Katherine released a deep breath and hesitated. "I'm going inside. A load of laundry needs to be folded."
Gabriel stood at the laundry room door and watched Katherine fold T-shirts. "I know you well enough to know something's bothering you, but I'm not exactly sure what. It can be one of three things."
He held up one finger. "Is it because I'm cooking dinner, combined with you being worried I'm just doing it to con you into marrying me?"
Holding up the second finger, he said, "Or maybe because, I admitted someday I'd like to marry you? I'm willing to wait until you're ready. You're definitely worth waiting for."
Finger number three went up, before he added, "Is it because I kissed you?"
As finger number four went up, Gabriel grinned. "Maybe it's all of the above, or maybe you'd better just tell me because I'm running out of fingers."
Katherine tossed the T-shirt into the laundry basket. "Maybe it has nothing to do with you, but with me."
"I'm confused." He glanced toward the grill. "Just a minute, I'll be right back."
Waiting for him to check the grill, she finished folding the laundry. When he returned, she stood in the kitchen. Her eyes met his. "You make me feel like I'm special, like a princess. I like that feeling; a lot; too much." She studied the laundry basket. "Then reality hits. I'm not special. I don't deserve it."
His arms went around her and he drew her close. "Your low self-esteem reared its ugly head again." He kissed the top of her head. "I'm glad I make you feel like a princess. To me you are." He stepped back. "I'm betting not only to me, to the students in your classes, and especially to the girls you coach, and your sons." He hesitated. "To your mom and my parents. I can't forget Angie." He chuckled. "Usually Paul, but I wouldn't check with him Monday morning, if I were you."
"Why not? What's wrong?"
"He's pretty sure he'll get at least a call from the UIL. He mentioned between my play Friday night and you running with your girls, we're giving him job security." As Katherine's eyes widened, Gabriel hugged her again. "I'm sure he was teasing, but he'll get a call. We're good. He's used to keeping me out of trouble."
"And now me."
He pecked her cheek. "I guess we come as a packaged deal. At least from Paul's point-of-view."
"Should I be worried?" After he shook his head, she said, "Good."
Gabriel glanced at his watch. "I'd better get the steaks on. I don't want to mess up the boys' nighttime routine." On his way outside, he checked the potatoes, and added time to the microwave.
As Gabriel cleared the dishes from the table, Katherine smiled. "This was good."
"I'm glad. So it'll be okay, if I do it again?"
"You have my permission. How's that?"
He nodded. "Good. I'll get dessert."
Jeremy rubbed his hands together. "Goody. I like dessert. What is it?"
Winking at Jeremy, Gabriel said, "Come on, you can help."
They set bananas, vanilla ice cream, fudge sauce, bowls, and spoons on the table.
Jeremy sat in his chair. "We're having banana splits."
Facing Gabriel, Katherine asked, "Is there anything I can do?"
"Matter-of-fact there is." He pointed to the bowls. "What's the best way to pass this out to these guys? I didn't plan well."
"I normally do an assembly line. How about I slice the bananas, you add the ice cream, Jordan adds the fudge sauce, and Joshua passes them out, youngest to oldest?"
Holding a 'thumbs up', Gabriel said, "I figured you had this worked out."
When Jeremy finished eating, Katherine glanced at him. He pouted. "I know bath time."
Quickly Joel followed. Gabriel and Joshua were in the kitchen cleaning, when Jordan asked, "Mom, can we talk?"
"Sure. Let's go in the living room." Katherine noticed Gabriel watching and she nodded toward him.
After they sat on the couch, Jordan began, "I asked Samantha to Homecoming and she accepted."
"I'm glad. Why the long face?"
"I don't know what to do next. Isn't Homecoming a dance?" After his mom nodded, he continued, "I don't know how. Will you teach me?"
"Of course, but first you'll need to ask Sammy two questions, the color of her dress and whether she'd like a pin-on or wrist corsage. Let me know and I'll order it. Now for the dancing part." Katherine got up, went to the stereo, and searched. "Give me a few minutes, and I'll get some loaded."
After the music began playing, Katherine motioned for Jordan to stand in front of her. "I can help with the slow dances, but I haven't kept up with the popular dances, so I suggest you watch Youtube videos and practice in your room. I wouldn't enlist your brothers unless you enjoy being teased."
"Got it. What do I do first?"
"First, be sure to ask Sammy if she'd like to dance. Don't assume, she does. If she does, then hold her hand and escort her to the dance floor. The man's the leader, but right now, until you learn, I'll be the leader."
Katherine placed her right hand behind Jordan's shoulder blade. Then she showed him where to place his hand before she held his other hand. "Before you touch her, you might want to ask if it's all right."
She released a deep breath. "Okay, listen to the beat of the music and begin to tap your foot." She paused. "Great, now follow my lead." She stepped back with her left foot, and then slid the right to it. She stepped back with her right foot and slid the left until they were together and then repeated it. "It's okay to watch your feet, but as you get used to it, look at Sammy, not your feet."
They repeated the steps and Katherine said, "Good job. You're doing great."
When they heard footsteps coming toward them, Jordan stepped away and studied his feet.
Gabriel cleared his throat and warned, "Joshua."
Katherine's eyes met Gabriel's and mouthed, "Thank you." When he nodded, she asked, "At the school dances do they still ensure the students remain a certain distance apart?"
"They do." Gabriel stepped closer to Katherine. "I was wondering if you'd be my date to Homecoming."
Her eyes widened. "You're inviting me to Homecoming?"
Gabriel winked at Jordan. "This getting a date is even difficult for adults." He faced Katherine. "I am. I have to chaperone and figured I needed a date."
"Who do you usually take? She may not like you asking me."
"Reggie. I'm pretty sure he won't mind. I'll still take him and he'll still eat too many cookies and get an upset stomach." He tilted his head. "You're leaving me hanging."
Jordan attempted to hide his snicker, but couldn't. "Mom, just answer his question."
"A girl can't be too careful." Katherine studied Gabriel for a few moments. "Of course, I'll accompany you to Homecoming. Was there ever really a question?" She got quiet. "I guess it'll be our first date. You know people will talk."
"No worse than they did last week at the grocery store. I guess it's official, we're dating. Is that okay?"
Her eyes met his. "It is." She tapped Jordan's arm. "Let's try this again."
After a few more dances, Katherine said, "I think you're ready to lead." She sat on the couch. "Start from the beginning."
Jordan asked his mom to dance and then led her to the dance floor. He remembered to ask if it was all right to touch her. As they danced, Katherine smiled. "You're doing a wonderful job. Next Saturday we'll practice again. Okay?"
He hugged his mom. "Thank you."
Gabriel tapped Jordan's shoulder. "May I butt in?" His eyes met Katherine's and he offered his hand. "Will you dance with me?"
She accepted his hand. "Of course."
As they danced, Jordan watched for a few minutes before going upstairs. "Good night."
Both Gabriel and Katherine said good night and continued, moving closer and closer. Leaning over, Gabriel's kiss lingered. Their dance became two bodies swaying together as they kissed.
Gabriel backed away. "I need to leave." He cleared his throat and exhaled. "Sorry, I'm leaving. I'll come by in the morning." He tapped his thigh. "Come on, Reggie."
Katherine watched him.
I want to thank those of you who have expressed concern and have asked about my broken wrist. Thursday when I went to see my Orthopedic doctor, I got another new cast, for two reasons, first I need to move my fingers and second, my cast fell off. I guess I'm hard on casts. I now have to do some finger movements every two hours, and some hand/wrist movements every four hours. I asked if I could type and was told yes, but I'm realizing the cast stops the little finger from hitting the 'a' any idea how often you use the 'a' key? I do as much typing as my pain level allows, but keeping it heavily iced.
Katherine Riley: age 33 - widowed: husband died 6 months ago. She moved to Texas from NYC with her four sons. She teaches high school math and also coaches girls cross country.
Daisy: Katherine's yellow Labrador
Gabriel Hudson: High School football coach and former NFL defensive lineman
Reggie: a very large English Mastiff
Jeremy: Katherine's six year old son. He's in first grade.
Jordan: Katherine's fifteen year old son. He's a sophomore.
Joshua Katherine's thirteen year old son. He's in 8th grade
Joel Katherine's eleven year old son. He's in 6th grade.
Paul Edwards: High School principal and Gabriel's friend.
Rodney Frost: Math department head, at least for now.
Angie Brooks Math teacher and Katherine's friend.
Frank Collins Math teacher.
Rebecca and Harold Hudson Gabriel's parents
Sarah and Bob Beck Katherine's parents, Bob is deceased
Frank Collins math teacher
Alan Green an Assistant Principal
Sandy Frost Rodney Frost's wife
Sam Auto repair shop owner
Bill Brooks Assistant football coach, Gabriel's friend, and Angie's husband.
Harold Hudson Gabriel's dad and football announcer.
Sandy Teenage girl on cross country team.
Judy Teenage girl on cross country team.
Rhonda Morgan Teenage girl on cross country team, and victim of dating violence.
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Rhonda's parents.
Kenny Clark Teenager - Rhonda's boyfriend
Grace Former friend of Gabriel and featured in porn magazine
Janette & Jackson Riley Katherine's in-laws
Dr. Martin Jordan's doctor
Troy Elder Lawyer and friend of Gabriel from his pro-football days
UIL The University Interscholastic League exists to provide educational extracurricular academic, athletic, and music contests. The UIL was created by The University of Texas at Austin in 1910 and has grown into the largest inter-school organization of its kind in the world.
After the boys went inside, Katherine said, "You know they'd scare off most men."
"I'm not most men." Gabriel hesitated before he continued, "Now for what we were talking about. If you remember, when we first met you'd get upset saying I forced my way in." He grinned. "At least we're past that. I'm one of those people who sees a need and helps. Mom says it's one of my endearing but aggravating qualities."
"Bill has mentioned it on occasion."
"I'm going to promise I'll never stop helping and not because I'm trying to convince you to marry me." He cocked his head. "That doesn't sound right. When the time's right, I hope you'll agree to marry me. I understand the time isn't right for either of us." He scanned the area. "I think it's safe." He leaned over and kissed her. "Nothing would make me happier than someday making you my wife."
Katherine swallowed hard.
"I'm sorry that scared you." Gabriel stood. "I need to start the potatoes." He walked inside, but stood at the window and watched Katherine.
Chapter 31 part 2
When Gabriel carried the bag of charcoal outside, Katherine asked, "What can I do?"
He glanced at her. "Nothing. I'm making dinner. I have the potatoes in the microwave. The oven will heat the house."
"I can make the salad."
"I bought a bagged salad. I'll put it in bowls. I got this."
"I feel useless."
"Hmm, come here." When she got closer, he teased, "I'll let you light the charcoal."
She turned to walk away. "I'll set the table."
He reached for her arm and drew her into a hug. "I can, or at least have one of the boys do it. I really want you take it easy. I didn't understand how hard me cooking would be for you. Please let me do this." He scanned the area before he kissed her.
Closing her eyes, Katherine released a deep breath and hesitated. "I'm going inside. A load of laundry needs to be folded."
Gabriel stood at the laundry room door and watched Katherine fold T-shirts. "I know you well enough to know something's bothering you, but I'm not exactly sure what. It can be one of three things."
He held up one finger. "Is it because I'm cooking dinner, combined with you being worried I'm just doing it to con you into marrying me?"
Holding up the second finger, he said, "Or maybe because, I admitted someday I'd like to marry you? I'm willing to wait until you're ready. You're definitely worth waiting for."
Finger number three went up, before he added, "Is it because I kissed you?"
As finger number four went up, Gabriel grinned. "Maybe it's all of the above, or maybe you'd better just tell me because I'm running out of fingers."
Katherine tossed the T-shirt into the laundry basket. "Maybe it has nothing to do with you, but with me."
"I'm confused." He glanced toward the grill. "Just a minute, I'll be right back."
Waiting for him to check the grill, she finished folding the laundry. When he returned, she stood in the kitchen. Her eyes met his. "You make me feel like I'm special, like a princess. I like that feeling; a lot; too much." She studied the laundry basket. "Then reality hits. I'm not special. I don't deserve it."
His arms went around her and he drew her close. "Your low self-esteem reared its ugly head again." He kissed the top of her head. "I'm glad I make you feel like a princess. To me you are." He stepped back. "I'm betting not only to me, to the students in your classes, and especially to the girls you coach, and your sons." He hesitated. "To your mom and my parents. I can't forget Angie." He chuckled. "Usually Paul, but I wouldn't check with him Monday morning, if I were you."
"Why not? What's wrong?"
"He's pretty sure he'll get at least a call from the UIL. He mentioned between my play Friday night and you running with your girls, we're giving him job security." As Katherine's eyes widened, Gabriel hugged her again. "I'm sure he was teasing, but he'll get a call. We're good. He's used to keeping me out of trouble."
"And now me."
He pecked her cheek. "I guess we come as a packaged deal. At least from Paul's point-of-view."
"Should I be worried?" After he shook his head, she said, "Good."
Gabriel glanced at his watch. "I'd better get the steaks on. I don't want to mess up the boys' nighttime routine." On his way outside, he checked the potatoes, and added time to the microwave.
As Gabriel cleared the dishes from the table, Katherine smiled. "This was good."
"I'm glad. So it'll be okay, if I do it again?"
"You have my permission. How's that?"
He nodded. "Good. I'll get dessert."
Jeremy rubbed his hands together. "Goody. I like dessert. What is it?"
Winking at Jeremy, Gabriel said, "Come on, you can help."
They set bananas, vanilla ice cream, fudge sauce, bowls, and spoons on the table.
Jeremy sat in his chair. "We're having banana splits."
Facing Gabriel, Katherine asked, "Is there anything I can do?"
"Matter-of-fact there is." He pointed to the bowls. "What's the best way to pass this out to these guys? I didn't plan well."
"I normally do an assembly line. How about I slice the bananas, you add the ice cream, Jordan adds the fudge sauce, and Joshua passes them out, youngest to oldest?"
Holding a 'thumbs up', Gabriel said, "I figured you had this worked out."
When Jeremy finished eating, Katherine glanced at him. He pouted. "I know bath time."
Quickly Joel followed. Gabriel and Joshua were in the kitchen cleaning, when Jordan asked, "Mom, can we talk?"
"Sure. Let's go in the living room." Katherine noticed Gabriel watching and she nodded toward him.
After they sat on the couch, Jordan began, "I asked Samantha to Homecoming and she accepted."
"I'm glad. Why the long face?"
"I don't know what to do next. Isn't Homecoming a dance?" After his mom nodded, he continued, "I don't know how. Will you teach me?"
"Of course, but first you'll need to ask Sammy two questions, the color of her dress and whether she'd like a pin-on or wrist corsage. Let me know and I'll order it. Now for the dancing part." Katherine got up, went to the stereo, and searched. "Give me a few minutes, and I'll get some loaded."
After the music began playing, Katherine motioned for Jordan to stand in front of her. "I can help with the slow dances, but I haven't kept up with the popular dances, so I suggest you watch Youtube videos and practice in your room. I wouldn't enlist your brothers unless you enjoy being teased."
"Got it. What do I do first?"
"First, be sure to ask Sammy if she'd like to dance. Don't assume, she does. If she does, then hold her hand and escort her to the dance floor. The man's the leader, but right now, until you learn, I'll be the leader."
Katherine placed her right hand behind Jordan's shoulder blade. Then she showed him where to place his hand before she held his other hand. "Before you touch her, you might want to ask if it's all right."
She released a deep breath. "Okay, listen to the beat of the music and begin to tap your foot." She paused. "Great, now follow my lead." She stepped back with her left foot, and then slid the right to it. She stepped back with her right foot and slid the left until they were together and then repeated it. "It's okay to watch your feet, but as you get used to it, look at Sammy, not your feet."
They repeated the steps and Katherine said, "Good job. You're doing great."
When they heard footsteps coming toward them, Jordan stepped away and studied his feet.
Gabriel cleared his throat and warned, "Joshua."
Katherine's eyes met Gabriel's and mouthed, "Thank you." When he nodded, she asked, "At the school dances do they still ensure the students remain a certain distance apart?"
"They do." Gabriel stepped closer to Katherine. "I was wondering if you'd be my date to Homecoming."
Her eyes widened. "You're inviting me to Homecoming?"
Gabriel winked at Jordan. "This getting a date is even difficult for adults." He faced Katherine. "I am. I have to chaperone and figured I needed a date."
"Who do you usually take? She may not like you asking me."
"Reggie. I'm pretty sure he won't mind. I'll still take him and he'll still eat too many cookies and get an upset stomach." He tilted his head. "You're leaving me hanging."
Jordan attempted to hide his snicker, but couldn't. "Mom, just answer his question."
"A girl can't be too careful." Katherine studied Gabriel for a few moments. "Of course, I'll accompany you to Homecoming. Was there ever really a question?" She got quiet. "I guess it'll be our first date. You know people will talk."
"No worse than they did last week at the grocery store. I guess it's official, we're dating. Is that okay?"
Her eyes met his. "It is." She tapped Jordan's arm. "Let's try this again."
After a few more dances, Katherine said, "I think you're ready to lead." She sat on the couch. "Start from the beginning."
Jordan asked his mom to dance and then led her to the dance floor. He remembered to ask if it was all right to touch her. As they danced, Katherine smiled. "You're doing a wonderful job. Next Saturday we'll practice again. Okay?"
He hugged his mom. "Thank you."
Gabriel tapped Jordan's shoulder. "May I butt in?" His eyes met Katherine's and he offered his hand. "Will you dance with me?"
She accepted his hand. "Of course."
As they danced, Jordan watched for a few minutes before going upstairs. "Good night."
Both Gabriel and Katherine said good night and continued, moving closer and closer. Leaning over, Gabriel's kiss lingered. Their dance became two bodies swaying together as they kissed.
Gabriel backed away. "I need to leave." He cleared his throat and exhaled. "Sorry, I'm leaving. I'll come by in the morning." He tapped his thigh. "Come on, Reggie."
Katherine watched him.
I want to thank those of you who have expressed concern and have asked about my broken wrist. Thursday when I went to see my Orthopedic doctor, I got another new cast, for two reasons, first I need to move my fingers and second, my cast fell off. I guess I'm hard on casts. I now have to do some finger movements every two hours, and some hand/wrist movements every four hours. I asked if I could type and was told yes, but I'm realizing the cast stops the little finger from hitting the 'a' any idea how often you use the 'a' key? I do as much typing as my pain level allows, but keeping it heavily iced.
Katherine Riley: age 33 - widowed: husband died 6 months ago. She moved to Texas from NYC with her four sons. She teaches high school math and also coaches girls cross country.
Daisy: Katherine's yellow Labrador
Gabriel Hudson: High School football coach and former NFL defensive lineman
Reggie: a very large English Mastiff
Jeremy: Katherine's six year old son. He's in first grade.
Jordan: Katherine's fifteen year old son. He's a sophomore.
Joshua Katherine's thirteen year old son. He's in 8th grade
Joel Katherine's eleven year old son. He's in 6th grade.
Paul Edwards: High School principal and Gabriel's friend.
Rodney Frost: Math department head, at least for now.
Angie Brooks Math teacher and Katherine's friend.
Frank Collins Math teacher.
Rebecca and Harold Hudson Gabriel's parents
Sarah and Bob Beck Katherine's parents, Bob is deceased
Frank Collins math teacher
Alan Green an Assistant Principal
Sandy Frost Rodney Frost's wife
Sam Auto repair shop owner
Bill Brooks Assistant football coach, Gabriel's friend, and Angie's husband.
Harold Hudson Gabriel's dad and football announcer.
Sandy Teenage girl on cross country team.
Judy Teenage girl on cross country team.
Rhonda Morgan Teenage girl on cross country team, and victim of dating violence.
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Rhonda's parents.
Kenny Clark Teenager - Rhonda's boyfriend
Grace Former friend of Gabriel and featured in porn magazine
Janette & Jackson Riley Katherine's in-laws
Dr. Martin Jordan's doctor
Troy Elder Lawyer and friend of Gabriel from his pro-football days
UIL The University Interscholastic League exists to provide educational extracurricular academic, athletic, and music contests. The UIL was created by The University of Texas at Austin in 1910 and has grown into the largest inter-school organization of its kind in the world.
Book of the Month contest entry
![]() Recognized |
Thank you Google images for sharing a photo of a couple slow dancing. I also want to thank everybody for the helpful reviews. This novel is not actually about football, but is part of the background. High football is a national pastime in Texas. This post is a little over 1,500 words. Thank you for having patience.
one point
and 2 member cents. 

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