Children Poetry posted October 1, 2021

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Every October...

A Mess of Our Own A-Gourd

by Mama Baer

Artists scheme
and sharp blades flash,
ready for the pumpkin bash!

Gather 'round with tools in hand.

Guts will fly! Where will they land?

Cut the flesh and make a lid.
and stringy like a squid.

Scoops in hand and gooey-armed,
funny no one seems alarmed!

Happy builders poke and saw,
slimy seeds t
hey find (
still raw).
Paper's down, but mess leaks through.
All around is gooey. Ew!

Hollowed, ready for design--
funny yours and scary mine!
Grab the candles, light the match,
dripping wax forms hot white patch.

Jack-o'-lanterns! One, two, three,
on the porc
h for all to see.
Back inside. The mess? Oh, dear!
Cleanup's not as fun, I fear.


What A Mess! writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem about a mess! As long as your poem is about making a mess, or encorporates the topic of messes, anything goes. Creative approaches are welcomed. Contest voters will be asked to consider the topic when making a choice for a winner. Now let's get sloppy!

Can you spot the hidden jack-o'-lantern in this messy poem?
(If viewing on a phone, it might just be a jumbled mess!)

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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