Romance Fiction posted August 29, 2021 | Chapters: |
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Jordan is admitted to the hospital.
A chapter in the book Football - A Novel
Football Chapter 25 part 2
by barbara.wilkey
Background Katherine struggles raising her four sons by herself. Is Gabriel the father figure the boys never had and the husband she deserves? |

Katherine and Gabriel have known each other for 28 days.
The quarterback called cadence and the play began. It was a quarterback sneak, but after running a few yards, he handed the ball to Jordan. Jordan ran thirty yards for a touchdown. He was hit hard from behind and went down. He didn't get up. The trainer and Gabriel ran to him.
Katherine stood at the railing watching and willing him to stand. Angie came over and put her arm around Katherine's shoulders. "He'll get up. I know he will."
He didn't.
Reggie ran out and lay beside Jordan.
Gabriel glanced toward Katherine and then motioned for the ambulance.
Tears streamed down her cheeks.
Chapter 25 part 2
As Gabriel waited for the ambulance, he punched a number on his phone. "Dad." He listened. "Yes, it's bad. Have Mom get Kate's house keys from Sarah and take the boys home. That'll free Kate to go to the hospital. Have Mom take my truck and Reggie. Also have her tell Sarah to meet us there. Kate's going to need her mom." Silence. "Thanks, Dad"
Katherine left the boys with Angie and hurried to the hospital. When she arrived, Gabriel stood to greet her. She ran up to him and repeatedly slugged his chest yelling, "All you care about is winning! You don't care about the boys! You'll risk their lives to win! Why'd you attempt that risky play? Now my baby's lying in the hospital!"
She began sobbing and fell into his chest. Gabriel put his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. "I'm sorry."
They remained like that until the doctor came from examining Jordan and offered his hand. "Hello, Coach. We meet again." He faced Katherine. "Mrs. Riley?" As she dried her tears, she nodded, and he continued, "I'm Dr. Martin. I just examined your son. He's remained unconscious. I'm not sure of his prognosis. That'll depend on what happens within the next hour or two. The X-ray shows only slight swelling. He should come out of it soon, then we'll know if there's any spinal cord damage or brain damage and to what extent. The longer he remains unconscious, the more we have to worry about."
Katherine closed her eyes. "No!" She walked away from both men.
She turned her head when she heard the repeated call of her name. She ran and threw her arms around her mom.
The waiting began.
While Katherine stood by Jordan's door, Sarah went over to Gabriel and hugged him. "She's upset. When Jordan recovers, she'll forgive you."
He nodded. "I hope so."
After about an hour, Bill and Angie arrived. Angie went straight to Katherine and hugged her.
Bill went to Gabriel. They shook hands and then pulled each other close.
Katherine walked up to Bill. "Did you win the game?"
"We did fourteen-to-fifteen."
Her eyes met Gabriel's as she pointed toward Jordan's room. "I hope Jordan lying in that bed is worth the win. Another one under your belt." She walked away.
Both Angie and Sarah put their arms around Katherine. They also glanced back at Gabriel and mouthed, "Sorry."
Bill exhaled. "Moms don't handle their child being injured well."
"I know. With Kate, it's more than that. Her anger goes back to childhood. She felt her dad loved winning a football game more than her."
"That's got to hurt."
"That's why she married George. He was the opposite of a jock."
"From what I understand he treated her horribly. Then you came along. Totally a jock." Bill hesitated. "Things are starting to make sense. It's obvious she cares about you."
"But is it enough?" He studied the door Jordan was behind. "And now her son's injured because of me."
"No," said Bill louder than intended. His voice lowered, "It's not your fault. Besides it was Jordan's play. He'd been begging you to try it. It worked. That play won the game for us. It was a late hit that put him down."
"I'm the head coach. It ultimately falls on me."
As the doctor walked out of Jordan's room, all eyes stared at him.
He shook his head. "Sorry, still unconscious."
Tears rolled down Katherine's cheeks. Gabriel started toward her but stopped.
Bill touched his buddy's shoulder. "Go to her, she needs you."
"I'm the last person she wants." Gabriel motioned for Angie to come to him. "We're in for a long night. You and Bill go home and get some sleep. You're going to have to coach the cross country meet together. Have Dad play that fight song to get the girls ready. You know what to do." He wiped his mouth. "Win this one for Kate. I'll call if anything changes."
Angie put her arms around Gabriel. "She's hurting and scared."
"I know."
About midnight, Katherine yelled, "The boys. I forgot the boys. I'd left them with Angie. Mom, the boys need you. Go."
Sarah put her hand on Katherine's arm. "Sweetheart, Gabe took care of that. He had his mom take the boys home. His parents are with them."
Katherine glanced at him, swallowed, and then looked away. "Mom, why don't you go home? You've got to be tired. I'll be all right."
Sarah's eyes met Gabriel's. When he nodded, she said, "Okay, call me if there's any change. I'll probably be more useful helping with the boys."
"I promise I'll call." Katherine hugged her mom and then watched her leave.
Dr. Martin allowed Katherine to enter Jordan's room and wait.
Just after one o'clock his eyes fluttered. "Mom?"
She yelled and hugged her son. "You're awake!" She kissed his cheek.
Gabriel ran in.
Jordan's eyes met his. "Coach, my play worked! We scored!"
Katherine's eyebrows scrunched together. "What? You've been unconscious for hours and the first thing you talk about is football?"
"Mom, I worked out this play and have been trying to get Coach to let me try it. He finally did and..."
"Well, young man," interrupted the doctor as he rushed in. "I see you woke up. How do you feel?"
"I've got a massive headache, but other than that I'm fine. My stomach's a little queasy."
Dr. Martin faced Katherine. "I need to examine the patient, but it appears he's doing fine. He just gave us a scare."
Gabriel left the room.
A few moments later Katherine left and walked to Gabriel. "Why didn't you tell me that play was Jordan's idea?"
"Two reasons, first you didn't give me a chance and second, you weren't in any mood to listen to anything I had to say."
Katherine walked away. "You're probably right."
Gabriel started to say something, but stopped. She needs more time.
As the doctor left Jordan's room, he said, "I want to keep him the rest of the night for observation and re-examine him in the morning. All indications are that he'll make a full recovery."
Gabriel had been standing off to the side, but stepped forward. "Is there any way his mom can remain in the room with him?"
Dr. Martin faced Katherine. "I'll make that happen.
Katherine chewed on her bottom lip and then whispered, "Thank you."
Gabriel nodded and backed away.
Katherine Riley: age 33 - widowed: husband died 6 months ago. She moved to Texas from NYC with her four sons. She teaches high school math and also coaches girls cross country.
Daisy: Katherine's yellow Labrador
Gabriel Hudson: High School football coach and former NFL defensive lineman
Reggie: a very large English Mastiff
Jeremy: Katherine's six year old son. He's in first grade.
Jordan: Katherine's fifteen year old son. He's a sophomore.
Joshua Katherine's thirteen year old son. He's in 8th grade
Joel Katherine's eleven year old son. He's in 6th grade.
Paul Edwards: High School principal and Gabriel's friend.
Rodney Frost: Math department head, at least for now.
Angie Brooks Math teacher and Katherine's friend.
Frank Collins Math teacher.
Rebecca and Harold Hudson Gabriel's parents
Sarah and Bob Beck Katherine's parents, Bob is deceased
Frank Collins math teacher
Alan Green an Assistant Principal
Sandy Frost Rodney Frost's wife
Sam Auto repair shop owner
Bill Brooks Assistant football coach, Gabriel's friend, and Angie's husband.
Harold Hudson Gabriel's dad and football announcer.
Sandy Teenage girl on cross country team.
Judy Teenage girl on cross country team.
Rhonda Morgan Teenage girl on cross country team, and victim of dating violence.
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Rhonda's parents.
Kenny Clark Teenager - Rhonda's boyfriend
Grace Former friend of Gabriel and featured in porn magazine
Janette & Jackson Riley Katherine's in-laws
Dr. Martin Jordan's doctor
The quarterback called cadence and the play began. It was a quarterback sneak, but after running a few yards, he handed the ball to Jordan. Jordan ran thirty yards for a touchdown. He was hit hard from behind and went down. He didn't get up. The trainer and Gabriel ran to him.
Katherine stood at the railing watching and willing him to stand. Angie came over and put her arm around Katherine's shoulders. "He'll get up. I know he will."
He didn't.
Reggie ran out and lay beside Jordan.
Gabriel glanced toward Katherine and then motioned for the ambulance.
Tears streamed down her cheeks.
Chapter 25 part 2
As Gabriel waited for the ambulance, he punched a number on his phone. "Dad." He listened. "Yes, it's bad. Have Mom get Kate's house keys from Sarah and take the boys home. That'll free Kate to go to the hospital. Have Mom take my truck and Reggie. Also have her tell Sarah to meet us there. Kate's going to need her mom." Silence. "Thanks, Dad"
Katherine left the boys with Angie and hurried to the hospital. When she arrived, Gabriel stood to greet her. She ran up to him and repeatedly slugged his chest yelling, "All you care about is winning! You don't care about the boys! You'll risk their lives to win! Why'd you attempt that risky play? Now my baby's lying in the hospital!"
She began sobbing and fell into his chest. Gabriel put his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. "I'm sorry."
They remained like that until the doctor came from examining Jordan and offered his hand. "Hello, Coach. We meet again." He faced Katherine. "Mrs. Riley?" As she dried her tears, she nodded, and he continued, "I'm Dr. Martin. I just examined your son. He's remained unconscious. I'm not sure of his prognosis. That'll depend on what happens within the next hour or two. The X-ray shows only slight swelling. He should come out of it soon, then we'll know if there's any spinal cord damage or brain damage and to what extent. The longer he remains unconscious, the more we have to worry about."
Katherine closed her eyes. "No!" She walked away from both men.
She turned her head when she heard the repeated call of her name. She ran and threw her arms around her mom.
The waiting began.
While Katherine stood by Jordan's door, Sarah went over to Gabriel and hugged him. "She's upset. When Jordan recovers, she'll forgive you."
He nodded. "I hope so."
After about an hour, Bill and Angie arrived. Angie went straight to Katherine and hugged her.
Bill went to Gabriel. They shook hands and then pulled each other close.
Katherine walked up to Bill. "Did you win the game?"
"We did fourteen-to-fifteen."
Her eyes met Gabriel's as she pointed toward Jordan's room. "I hope Jordan lying in that bed is worth the win. Another one under your belt." She walked away.
Both Angie and Sarah put their arms around Katherine. They also glanced back at Gabriel and mouthed, "Sorry."
Bill exhaled. "Moms don't handle their child being injured well."
"I know. With Kate, it's more than that. Her anger goes back to childhood. She felt her dad loved winning a football game more than her."
"That's got to hurt."
"That's why she married George. He was the opposite of a jock."
"From what I understand he treated her horribly. Then you came along. Totally a jock." Bill hesitated. "Things are starting to make sense. It's obvious she cares about you."
"But is it enough?" He studied the door Jordan was behind. "And now her son's injured because of me."
"No," said Bill louder than intended. His voice lowered, "It's not your fault. Besides it was Jordan's play. He'd been begging you to try it. It worked. That play won the game for us. It was a late hit that put him down."
"I'm the head coach. It ultimately falls on me."
As the doctor walked out of Jordan's room, all eyes stared at him.
He shook his head. "Sorry, still unconscious."
Tears rolled down Katherine's cheeks. Gabriel started toward her but stopped.
Bill touched his buddy's shoulder. "Go to her, she needs you."
"I'm the last person she wants." Gabriel motioned for Angie to come to him. "We're in for a long night. You and Bill go home and get some sleep. You're going to have to coach the cross country meet together. Have Dad play that fight song to get the girls ready. You know what to do." He wiped his mouth. "Win this one for Kate. I'll call if anything changes."
Angie put her arms around Gabriel. "She's hurting and scared."
"I know."
About midnight, Katherine yelled, "The boys. I forgot the boys. I'd left them with Angie. Mom, the boys need you. Go."
Sarah put her hand on Katherine's arm. "Sweetheart, Gabe took care of that. He had his mom take the boys home. His parents are with them."
Katherine glanced at him, swallowed, and then looked away. "Mom, why don't you go home? You've got to be tired. I'll be all right."
Sarah's eyes met Gabriel's. When he nodded, she said, "Okay, call me if there's any change. I'll probably be more useful helping with the boys."
"I promise I'll call." Katherine hugged her mom and then watched her leave.
Dr. Martin allowed Katherine to enter Jordan's room and wait.
Just after one o'clock his eyes fluttered. "Mom?"
She yelled and hugged her son. "You're awake!" She kissed his cheek.
Gabriel ran in.
Jordan's eyes met his. "Coach, my play worked! We scored!"
Katherine's eyebrows scrunched together. "What? You've been unconscious for hours and the first thing you talk about is football?"
"Mom, I worked out this play and have been trying to get Coach to let me try it. He finally did and..."
"Well, young man," interrupted the doctor as he rushed in. "I see you woke up. How do you feel?"
"I've got a massive headache, but other than that I'm fine. My stomach's a little queasy."
Dr. Martin faced Katherine. "I need to examine the patient, but it appears he's doing fine. He just gave us a scare."
Gabriel left the room.
A few moments later Katherine left and walked to Gabriel. "Why didn't you tell me that play was Jordan's idea?"
"Two reasons, first you didn't give me a chance and second, you weren't in any mood to listen to anything I had to say."
Katherine walked away. "You're probably right."
Gabriel started to say something, but stopped. She needs more time.
As the doctor left Jordan's room, he said, "I want to keep him the rest of the night for observation and re-examine him in the morning. All indications are that he'll make a full recovery."
Gabriel had been standing off to the side, but stepped forward. "Is there any way his mom can remain in the room with him?"
Dr. Martin faced Katherine. "I'll make that happen.
Katherine chewed on her bottom lip and then whispered, "Thank you."
Gabriel nodded and backed away.
Katherine Riley: age 33 - widowed: husband died 6 months ago. She moved to Texas from NYC with her four sons. She teaches high school math and also coaches girls cross country.
Daisy: Katherine's yellow Labrador
Gabriel Hudson: High School football coach and former NFL defensive lineman
Reggie: a very large English Mastiff
Jeremy: Katherine's six year old son. He's in first grade.
Jordan: Katherine's fifteen year old son. He's a sophomore.
Joshua Katherine's thirteen year old son. He's in 8th grade
Joel Katherine's eleven year old son. He's in 6th grade.
Paul Edwards: High School principal and Gabriel's friend.
Rodney Frost: Math department head, at least for now.
Angie Brooks Math teacher and Katherine's friend.
Frank Collins Math teacher.
Rebecca and Harold Hudson Gabriel's parents
Sarah and Bob Beck Katherine's parents, Bob is deceased
Frank Collins math teacher
Alan Green an Assistant Principal
Sandy Frost Rodney Frost's wife
Sam Auto repair shop owner
Bill Brooks Assistant football coach, Gabriel's friend, and Angie's husband.
Harold Hudson Gabriel's dad and football announcer.
Sandy Teenage girl on cross country team.
Judy Teenage girl on cross country team.
Rhonda Morgan Teenage girl on cross country team, and victim of dating violence.
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Rhonda's parents.
Kenny Clark Teenager - Rhonda's boyfriend
Grace Former friend of Gabriel and featured in porn magazine
Janette & Jackson Riley Katherine's in-laws
Dr. Martin Jordan's doctor
Book of the Month contest entry
![]() Recognized |
Thank you google images for a photo of a hospital waiting room. I also want to thank everybody for the helpful reviews. Yesterday, I rewrote many areas of this post. Not only that, I just made additional changes. This novel has been complete since Christmas. I reread it all the time and still can't get it the way I want it. I hope it's okay. Again, I hope I didn't make it worse. This novel is not actually about football, but is part of the background. High football is a national pastime in Texas. This post is a little over 1,000 words. Thank you for having patience with me.
one point
and 2 member cents. 

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