General Poetry posted August 5, 2021 Chapters:  ...18 19 -20- 21... 

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A chapter in the book Heart Crafted Poems -2021

Thoughts on Love through Nature

by JLR

Today sun shines over my shoulder,
Whispers of a breeze gently flick at my hair.
A caw, caw, cawing of a distance crow
pleads for attention from its mate.
In the near scape the lush green grass,
dappled with soft white and regal purple clover,
attracts the bees flitting around pollinating as they go.

Further afield, perhaps one hundred steps away,
I watch the tree limbs heavy-laden with dense multi-shaped leaves
swaying ever so slowly. As the warming breeze rises,
mixing with the occasional rush of air mounting
then ebbing and flowing more voluminously.

A couple ... nature lovers too, wending along
a well-worn path that snakes its way into the bend
of the mountain stop and kiss.
I sit knowing they have seen me not.

The sweet, buttery fragrance of honeysuckles
tickle my memories of times gone away
setting near this same vista --

only now I am older ...
frailer, the sun shines on slumped shoulders.
I am far more unsteady to risk meandering
on foot along these winding paths these days.

So certain am I ...that these very same scenes
are repeats from many past life journeys!
I am amused that these old habits are hard to break.

Oh ... repository of such memories,
as ripe as the sweet nectar of a freshly plucked plum from the tree.
Good memories! Rich in vim and vigor recalling the richness
that comes with being in nature.

These moments of connection that can only be experienced ... observed first-hand.
For should the telling of such scenes come second-hand, read not seen,
then they simply cannot be as robustly captured in mere words laid on a page.

What I have come to realize is that the soft carpet of grass,
surrounded by this canopy of Pine, Maple, Ash and Poplar trees,
with an under-growth of brightly colored, fragrant flowers
and shrubs are all connected into a Oneness --
crafted by a great unseen, mysterious Creator of all this
which is before my very eyes!

I have a knowing -- welling up from deep within my bones
that this experience unfolded, time and time again,
from the very beginning to this present moment.

Continuing to present a living picture of the meaning of Love!
What love is meant to be and feel like ...
What love can provide to a human soul ... sitting within such pure joy!
Experiencing love from that which is set before me this very day.
Always, ever present, if I just would make the effort to see it!

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