Essay Non-Fiction posted April 21, 2021

This work has reached the exceptional level
My view of a Biblical event

Martha's Story

by amada

Martha feels anxious today. Jesus of Nazareth and His disciples will be coming to dinner tonight.
She wants everything to be right.  

She rises at dawn and sweeps the pebbles in front of her door—the path where Jesus will walk. His holy sandals should not touch a stone.
Martha sweeps the floors, wipes the table, dusts the chairs. and smooths out the cushions.  She opens the windows wide, wider; she wants to bring in all the fresh morning air.

Her rosy cheeks shine with a wisp of fresh air; she wants to please the Lord; food and hospitality are all that she can give.

Her long dark hair bounces at the rhythm of her eagerness. With one quick motion, she pushes it all to the back. Her red lips curve into a semi-smile, as an incipient drop of sweat starts forming on her brows. Tonight, she will be serving the son of God.

She steps back and surveys the room. It’s nice, but it needs…it needs a touch of nature—she rushes to the yard to fetch a bouquet of bellflowers.

Many will say Martha was too worried with the things of the world. People will say…

Then it’s time to start the bread. On her hands, she calculates the flour, butter, sugar, yeast, and spices.  She rolls up the dutiful dough, slow—soft waves arise on the palm of her hands—the birth of the glorious dinner bread. Quickly, she wipes an emerging sweat from her face. 

Martha washes and soaks brown, healthy-earth lentils.   She speeds to the well to wash the fishes. Back to the house, she fills a bowl with crisp almonds, dates, and nuts. 

And then it comes to her mind that Jesus and His disciples would like some fresh mint tea after dinner…

Martha feels anxious today...

Many will say Martha was too worried with the things of the world.  People will say.

Biblical Character contest entry



Thank you, avmurray, for the lovely image of bread, the symbol of peace and hospitality throughout the times.
I love Martha's story, maybe in one way I am like Martha: quiet, and with a desire to please.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by avmurray at

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