General Fiction posted April 15, 2021 Chapters:  ...32 33 -34- 35... 

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Tommy and Squirrel saw many colors on the floor.
A chapter in the book Traffic

Many Beautiful Colors

by Liz O'Neill

Tommy is telling how he got his Native Name. He is also telling about how when food was scarce, he and Flying Squirrel went on a food scavenging expedition.

Tommy is telling how he got his Native Name. He is also telling about how when food was scarce, he and Flying Squirrel went on a food scavenging expedition.

He continued the description of them hurrying to inspect the remaining sack. As they moved it away from the corner, their interest increased. The contents felt weighty and ropey.

"We put our hands over our mouths to subdue screams when we peeked into the darkness of the bag."


It was difficult to see what was in the bag. Corn doesn't make noise and rope is silent. There was movement in the bag. Lots of movement. There was a hissing and sizzing.

The bag was not filled with corn; it was filled with corn...snakes!
We woke them up. They were slithering out of the bag after we dropped it, more and more of them. There was a steady flow of pinks, lavenders, dark purples, oranges, grays and butterscotch. When we came to, we realized we had to reach the doorway before they did.

Liz couldn't hold her enthusiasm in, "My cat dragged in three tiny lavender corn snakes. Being the size of foot-long pieces of yarn they were easy to relocate."

Once again Linda reminded Liz. "Let Tommy finish telling us what happened. What did you and Flying Squirrel do? How did you get away? Why were there so many snakes in that bag?"

He explained there was a lot of money in those snakes. People sell them to keepers of beautiful pets. They go for between $100-200. He announced they were in more danger for scattering the profits than from any actual snake bite.

"We could not let anyone know where we got the corn or that we'd even been in or near that building. Fortunately, we were up at the end where depression reigned near the dilapidated Casino.

Its light still flickers. It seems to be telling us not to give up hope, to keep going 'til we have no breath of life left. Others scream at it, 'just give up, die'.

Liz was at her wit's end, "Come on, Tommy, tell us what you two did to get away." It was like having a tv show cut to an ad at the most suspenseful moment. Although she was part of this interrupting ad.

There was silence while Tommy refocused.

"We couldn't climb onto the rickety wooden chairs fast enough though there were creaks and cracks under our weight. My foot got stuck in one of the springs in a ragged overstuffed chair.

"I was afraid some snakes would slither up onto the arm of the chair. It was a good safe place to stand to plot the next leap onto another safety spot. It was like a child's game they play challenging each other to get to the next safe spot. The floor was alive and moving. It was covered. There was no time to count them and keep my balance at the same time.

"After Flying Squirrel helped me dislodge my foot from its shackle he had to nudge me; I was mesmerized with their beauty. They were all most beautiful, especially the lavender ones." He nodded back toward Liz.

"Thankful the bag of corn was at the door, a jump from the drawer-less dresser through the doorway to the floor assured us of safety. We rushed to the side exit, grabbed the bag of corn, opened, and quickly shut the door.

"Shaking, full of adrenaline, the two of us skirted around the back of a couple of deserted buildings, wove toward a wide field, then back-tracked to a well-traveled path."

Tommy told the two ladies at the edge of their seats, the plan had worked, no one was anywhere to be seen. At a certain point, they stopped to catch their breath. They had zigzagged to confuse anyone who might be watching.

"A part of me, thinks we were running from the snakes," said Tommy. "I kept glancing back to make sure they were not following. It occurred to us there might be cousin snakes in the very bag we were lugging. With that sudden awakening, we dumped the entire contents onto the dirt and instantly stepped away.

"Flying Squirrel searched for a long strong stick, to use to inspect each ear. I had the terrifying task of inspecting the bag. I examined every little cranny, unfolding any spot secreting a small snake that could be the size of a piece of yarn."

Finding nothing, the ears of corn were loaded back into the bag, and their escape continued. It was fun to imagine the two-year-olds, Sweet Blossom and Sage fisting a large ear of corn with big smiles, randomly biting into it and wearing it on their face.

The rear of the house was just up ahead. No one would know about their find except them and their families; they would never know the risks involved. What a thrill it would be for them to see so much delicious food.

"Flying Squirrel and I hadn't taken time to invent a story. People stared in wonder; no questions were asked. We realized, at that point, food was more vital than information. No one wanted to know where we found all that corn."

He told them of his grandfather's wisdom: 'Full bellies keep fights down.'

There was silence, as Liz and Linda had forgotten what the original question was.

Tommy brought everything to focus when he said, "Putting all of those incidents together, now you know why my Native name is Corn Flour."

For the third time in that car, both Liz and Linda were speechless, respectfully silent.

Tommy explained the message from Snake is transformation. "Flying Squirrel and I both agreed that was a lot of messages given us at one time." He further explained it meant shedding the old skin and developing a new one.

"It worked. We never entered nor went anywhere near that house again...except one other time." He expelled a deep sigh.

Quickly changing the topic, he said, "This is why I want to be a mentor like Eddy was and still is for me. I don't know how I'll do it. There'll be no convenient bag of corn snakes around. Somehow, I've got to show these young people there are two paths for them to choose from."

He compared the two in his discussion. "One leads to darkness, self-enslavement, self-hate, brain damage, self-destruction, and death. The other to light, freedom, growth, self-empowerment, a new way of life, and considerable happiness.

"I volunteered on a help-line on the Rez where there is much suicidal ideation. Too many are just looking for a way out of their 'nothing' existence. To tell them,' things will get better', may be a gross untruth . I wouldn't want to get caught trying to sell them B.S. of any kind. It could end up coming back on me.

"I do think if they were offered an informed choice, they might choose to work under my mentorship. I know Eddy would be right there too."

"You have done wonderful things for people and your plans sound great. Prayers for your future." Linda wanted to make sure he knew he was supported. "How did you happen to know you wanted to be a chef?"

I'd like to acknowledge allissamarie123 for their fascinating picture.

There is reference to Chapter 12

Tommy is a young fellow who offered Liz and Linda a seat in his car and who is a chef.

Spring Blossom is one of the teens rescued by Liz and Linda from a trafficking operation. She led everyone through the cave.

Spring Blossom's brother is Flying Squirrel and her father is Shoots the Arrow. They were friends with Tommy.

Sage is Tommy's sister who was rescued from the trafficking

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Artwork by allissamarie123 at

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