Commentary and Philosophy Non-Fiction posted March 29, 2021 Chapters:  ...112 113 -114- 115... 

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A Hope Topic Submission
A chapter in the book Pappa's Memories and Ramblings

A Sparrow's Hope

by QC Poet

Whenever I'm beginning to start to lose my sense of Hope,
Matthew 6:226 (KJV) helps to refocus my outlook's scope!
Even if I felt in this Life that I could no longer deal or cope,
In my darkness there's always a grain of Light to grab onto and grope,
I find in a Sparrow's chirping tweet I regain a sense of a calming dope,
That will pull me out of the World's deepest despair pits as if it's a rope,
So when you feel you're giving up remember this sparrow saying Nope!


Story of the Month contest entry

A Sparrow's Hope
By; George Martinez
(A.K.A) Chochee Medina / QC Poet
A Hope Topic Submission

Let's write about the hope that Jesus Christ gives us. If the Lord has been good to you and given you hope in a particular situation please share it with us. Please give a scripture about hope from the Bible too.
No deadline.

Matthew 6:26 KJV
Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

Definitions related to this poem;
1) Grope: verb (used with object), groped, groping. To seek by or as if by groping: to grope one's way up the dark stairs.
2) Dope: adjective, Slang for great; excellent: His band is so dope!

Club entry for the "Hope - 1 Timothy 1" event in "God in Your Life".  Locate a writing club.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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