Song Lyrics Poetry posted March 6, 2021 Chapters:  ...79 80 -81- 82... 

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Upbeat Sounds of Life
A chapter in the book The Two of Me

A Long Play Record

by QC Poet

Racked up an older Long Play record to listen, to reminisce and to muse,
 a few stacked thirty three and a third albums from which to choose,
 down my old WAR LP seasoned with a slight taste of the Blues,
 by strong vocal lyrics a smoother melody than any shot of booze!

 mingling jingling while conga drums gently key an organ humming,
 sounds gelling lifting up your Soul so you are no longer bumming,
 a ding-a-ling still struggling to find strings on an air guitar strumming!
No commingling lyrics just Deliver the Word as written with a soft drumming.

A smooth flowing
 lyrical master piece treasure as any your Life has heard!
 how to Deliver the Word less going through changes ~ is it absurd?
 a Long Play record can eliminate misery's company if it's preferred,
 by emergencies and urgency cause Prayers have them all deterred!

 listening to your tears give away to a joyous torment as we sway!
 Soulfully and sparkling from the heights and depths that array,
 heartfelt changes needed that are always somehow in play,
 delivered in words by a song's musical lyrics still heard today!



Rhyming Poetry Contest contest entry


A Long Play Record
By; Chochee Medina
(A. K. A) George Martinez / QC Poet
Up Beat Sounds of Life

Photo Credit; Author's Collage Photo,
at WAR Concert in Primm Nevada 07/09.

Drummer Sal Rodriguez (Shown on drums) is also from San Fernando Valley in California.

Rhyming Poetry Contest
Write a poem that has a rhyme scheme, how it rhymes is up to you.

1) Christening; verb (dedicate a vessel, building, ect.) ceremonially.
2) Bristling; verb (used without object), bris-tled, bris-tling.
to stand or rise stiffly, like bristles.

WAR is an American funk and soul band from Long Beach, California, known for several hit songs. Formed in 1969, WAR is a musical crossover band that fuses elements of rock, funk, jazz, Latin, rhythm and blues, and reggae.

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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