Mystery and Crime Fiction posted February 7, 2021 Chapters:  ...21 22 -23- 24... 

This work has reached the exceptional level
The detectives are shocked when they follow a lead.
A chapter in the book Where Are All The Children

The Great Disguise

by Mistydawn

The bright mid-morning sun shines high from the cloudless skies promising a warm day ahead. Toni and Jamal weave through the traffic, hoping they can make their way across town before the perpetrators have a chance to escape. According to their recorded conversation, they were planning on leaving town soon.

Jamal pulls up to find the undercover a few feet from the restaurant. He then realizes there aren't any vacant spots nearby. He turns towards the sergeant and says, "Why don't I drop you off, then circle back around."

Toni nods. "See you in a few." She walks over to the undercover and taps on the glass.

Discovering it's his boss, the rookie rolls the window down. "Morning, Sergeant." He glances at the table and says, "They're still trying to come up with a plan."

She looks over to find two distinguished gentlemen engrossed in a conversation on the far side of the deck.  A mix of anger and fear is plastered across their forty-ish faces.

One suspect is wearing an expensive navy suit and baby-blue tie. His black dress shoes appear to have been recently polished, and his coffee-colored hair recently trimmed.

His partner is casually dressed in a striped button-up shirt and toffee slacks. His salt and pepper hair is a military styled crew-cut.

Toni shakes her head. You never know who's doing what to whom these days. Thanks to the vigilante's assistance, she and her crew now realize child traffickers come from all walks of life. This will be fifteen the vigilante has helped us get off the street, she thinks. "Thank you for keeping an eye on them."

"No problem, Sergeant. Do you need me to help with anything else?"

"Can you get an idea on these men?"

He smiles and says, "I knew you'd ask." He scoops up a piece of paper and continues. "Your guy on the left's name is Brian Bennet. He's had one arrest for domestic assault back in 93. He served three years. His record has been clean ever since."

"And the other?"

"His photo didn't show up in the system, but I ran his ID through the hospital directory and found Dr. Marcus Rolland is a family practitioner. He's been working in the clinic since 2010. According to his reviews, everyone believes he's a saint.

"That's what makes these men so dangerous, coming across as one of the good guys. The fictitious images Hollywood paints don't help."

"Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"I want you to help me run a tail."

His face lights up. It's not every day a rookie runs detail with his boss. He shuffles in his seat. "I'd be happy to, Sergeant."

"Jamal walks up beside her. He glances at the table and asks, "So what's the plan?"

"I think we should follow them, see if either will lead us to the girls. I'll take the doc, and you two take the guy." Her phone rings. Pulling it from her pocket, she answers it. "Sergeant Moore." Realizing it's her boss, she puts it on speaker.

"Toni, it's the Captain. I just spoke to the District Attorney, and he believes the tape and the evidence will be enough for a warrant. Said he'll take it to the judge."

"Could you ask him to hold off for an hour or so?"

"Why, what's going on?"

She glances at her partners. "Jamal, Officer Bennet, and I are going to follow the men, see if they can lead us to the girls."

"I'll let him know. Did you hear any more about Mark Hensley?"

"Patrol claims that he ate his gun. Kevin is checking on it now."


"Yes, captain?"

"Stay safe out there." 

Toni glances over at Jamal, then the rookie, and says, "You know we will."


Kevin discovers forensics and the Medical Examiner are already on scene when he pulls up to the small brick structure. He glances around and discovers the house is taped off, and a few beat cops are doing their best to keep the area contained. Climbing out of his car, he walks over to the closest officer and asks, "Were you first on the scene?"

"Yes, sir."

Kevin pulls a small notebook from his pocket. He flips to a clean page and continues, "What can you tell me?"

"I walked in to find the victim in his office. The back of his head is gone; a gun and a suicide note beside him."

"He's the only victim, correct?"

"Yes, sir, and the alarm was on when I responded to the call. The company claims it was set at 6:15 the night before. They said that someone used a key to enter the house, then reset the system a minute after. They went on to say that according to their records, 6:15 is Mr. Hensley's usual arrival time."

Mark recalls what the vigilante said. A puzzled look crosses the detective's face. How would the vigilante know Mark took his life if she wasn't here? She could have the access code. Wouldn't the records show the reset when she came in and slipped away?

"Is something the matter, sir?"

"I'm just trying to piece it together."

"There's nothing to figure out; he felt remorseful for trafficking and took his life."

He ponders his rationalization, tilts his head, and says, "Yeah, maybe, but sometimes things aren't always the way they seem." He suddenly recalls their latest collar and how the perp took all of them by surprise. Especially not in this case. "It's best you keep that in mind if you want to make detective someday."

"Yes, sir."

Kevin sees the Medical Examiner in the hall. "Excuse me."Crossing the porch, he steps through the door. He walks up beside her, and asks, "Were you able to determine a time of death?"

"Well, good morning to you too, Mr. Grumpy."

"Sorry, Mary, I didn't mean to be so short with you. It's just been a bad morning with the court and all."

"It didn't go well; I take it?"

Kevin runs his fingers through his ginger hair. "The guy scaped on a technicality the same way Mark did."

She raises her brows. "Now I understand. According to the victim's body temp, rigor, I'd say his death was sometime between six and ten last night, and the cause of death was a bullet wound to the head. I'll let you know if I find anything more."

"Thank you, Mary."

She starts to leave, turns, and says, "Kevin?"

The detective rubs his throbbing head. "Yeah?"

"You'll get him the next time."

 He sighs. "I hope you're right."

Kevin sees forensics busy processing the room when he steps through the doors. He walks over to the deceased and takes a quick look around. The body is slumped sideways in the chair. His right arm is dangling off the side with a .22 on the floor below it. Kevin notices an odd-shaped object on his lap when he steps closer. Picking it up, he discovers it's an older photo of Mark and a beautiful young woman, each with a toddler in their arms. He glances at the man and then the picture again. Did the vigilante threaten to harm them if you didn't take your life? How would she know you went through with it if she wasn't here?

The forensic tech walks towards him. He points to the blood-splatter on the frame and then the impression in his chest. "He must have been clenching onto it when he took his final breath."

"You're sure he's the one who pulled the trigger?"

"He has gun powder residue on his hand and this note beside him." He hands him a piece of paper and continues. "I compared the handwriting with another sample and believe the writing is the same. I'll take it to the lab to confirm."

Kevin scans the page. So you did do this for them. "Did you find any signs of forced entry?"

"No, sir, and there isn't anything to indicate anyone but the victim has ever been in the house. The only fingerprints and DNA in here is his."

"I want you to check the security camera just to be sure."

The lad nods. "Right away, sir."

Remembering this morning's experience, he says, "And Brian?"

"Yes, sir."

"Make sure you do everything by the book."

The lad nods. "Always, sir."


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