Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted December 31, 2020

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I don't always like what I see.

I See Me

by Lance S. Loria

Mirror, mirror I see,
Looking back at me.
An unhappy clown face,
Having fallen from grace.

Too many years a jester,
Like a distant ancestor.
So many years wasted,
Life's fruits gone untasted.

The new year is a fresh start,
Take advantage if I'm smart.
Don't miss this chance,
For love and romance.

Mirror Poem writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
We look in the mirror everyday. What do we see when we see ourselves? Write a poem about what you see when you look in the mirror. It can be as straightforward or abstract as you'd like. Creative responses and free-form poems are encouraged.


Life's many advantages and benefits can be wasted. Looking in the mirror frequently is one way to take stock of how things are going and determine if adjustments are needed.
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