"APril Poetry Madness"

Chapter 1
first poem of April

By jake cosmos aller

April 1—Be a fool in a poem!

Sarangpabo – Korean Love Fool for You

When I first saw you

In my dreams.

You were the most beautiful woman

In the world to me

And still are.

When you looked at me

With love blazing

From your dark brown

Goo-goo eyes.

Sparks flew from heart-to-heart

You hypnotized, massacred me

Your love mojo working overtime

Turning me into nothing but

a sarang pabo (love fool)

Eight years later

You walked off that bus

Into my life,


 my wife,

My soul mate.

And yes,

I am still

 your sarang pabo

And will remain under

Your love spell

Until the day I die.


Author Notes This month I am trying to write five poems per day, following daily prompts on Writing com Dew Drop Inn, Poetry Superhighway, writer's Digest, and NaPoWrMo prompts I will update this daily posting the Dew Drop Inn prompts, and once a week on my blog (the world according to, writing com blog, medium, Substack and Wattpad platform and maybe elsewhere. The complete links will be on my blog. This may be my last time to do this - it is a bit too much for this 68-year-old man!

oh, for those interested, the Korean expressions referenced above can be found using Bing AI Co PIlot or Google translation etc-unfortunately, Fan Story does not support foreign language fonts. Wished it did.

Chapter 2
Love in the Korean Spring

By jake cosmos aller

Springtime Flowers Blooming Love

Springtime in Korea
walking down the world peace forest
near the international airport in Incheon
with the love of my life by my side.

Enjoying the Flowering Trees
The snowing apple trees, cherry blossoms
Pear blossoms, the purple azaleas,
the anemone, the buttercups,
the daffodils, the magnolia,
the scotch bloom, the tulips,
the wildflowers in the field.

the fragrance of love in the air.
Life is great.

Author Notes Another love poem written about walking in the world peace forest near my former house in Incheon, I have moved to another town, but I miss the World Peace Forest.

Chapter 3
Look at the sky

By jake cosmos aller

One day the world woke up
To the impending end
As a new asteroid.

Quickly dubbed
The doomsday asteroid
Headed to Earth.

Everyone looked up
At the doomsday asteroid
As the world scrambled
To send space missiles
To blow it away.

Brazilians, Chinese, the EU, Koreans, Japanese, Iraqis,
Iranians UAE, Israel,. Indians, Pakistanis, Russians, Saudis,
South Africans, Russians, and Ukrainians.

50 nations all joined the IPDF.
Including to everyone's surprise
The elusive enigmatic North Koreans.

All join together under a newly formed.
International Planetary Defense Force
Under the auspices of the UN.

NASA provided the executive leadership
The others all provided parts of the ship,
The software, hardware, and nuclear bombs.

The ship would be unmanned
And was launched worldwide
Interest as everyone watched
Hoping for the best.

The bombs worked
The asteroid was blown away
With some minor Metroid damage

The IPDF vowed to remain ever-vigilant
And fully funded, with a new mission.

Setting up permanent space colonies
In space stations, the moon, Mars,
The moons of Jupiter and Saturn.

Vowing to have them set up by 2030!
Using the latest AI-generated

The goal to have over 50,000 people
Living and working off the planet.

One of the rare international ventures
That survived the new multi-power
Global great power conflicts.

Author Notes What will we do if we encounter an asteroid heading for a direct hit on Earth, a potential civilization-ending event? Fortunately, in my poem, the world got together and prevented the end of civilization

Chapter 4
Ending Daily Shaving

By jake cosmos aller

Ending Daily Shaving in Retirement

When Sam Adams
retired from
the U.S. Department of State,

he made five vows
which he kept for years.

first, he would quit daily shaving
shaving once or twice a month

second, he would never wear
a suit and tie
instead opting for the northwest look

Long pants, khaki or jeans, T-shirt
and a Western-style shirt
like a Pendleton shirt.

Third, he would retire in Korea
where his wife had family
and Southern Oregon
and an annual trip to DC
where they had rentals.

Fourth, they would travel
a lot every year
seeing as much as the world
as they could while they could still do.

starting with an epic road trip
across the US
10,000 miles 35 states
in three months

and a cruise to Alaska
his last State of 50 to visit
and an annual visit to someplace
warm in the winter.

Fifth, he would start a blog and podcast.
the World According to Cosmos,
to highlight his poetry and short story
submissions and occasional political rants.

He kept his vows
except that COVID blew away
his travel plans from 2019 to 2022!
and he wore a suit once,
to attend the wedding of the son
of his best Korean friend.

Author Notes When I retired I vowed to quit shaving every day -twice a month now, quit wearing a suit and tie, retired to live half the year in South Korea and half in Southern Oregon, and finish my quest to visit all 50 states by taking a cruise to Alaska. I kept all of my vows, although COVID threw a big monkey wrench into our plans.

Chapter 5
Make Baseball Great Again!

By jake cosmos aller

It is time
to make American baseball
Great again

starting with creating a worldwide
baseball competition
with each season
with the national champions

competing in a World Cup World Series
with the final round pitting the
North American Champions
against the winners of Africa,
Asian, Europe, and South America

with the final rounds
best of seven
always held in the U.S.

The other things to do
include rapid expansion plans

including the MLB teams
adopting local schools and colleges
fully funding baseball programs
and only hiring college graduates.
as players.

and making tickets affordable
no more than ten dollars per game!

if they do this,
we can make baseball
once again the best sport
in the U.S.

Let's all join together
to make baseball great again!

Author Notes I am a huge baseball fan. I have sent my suggestions to the MBL but they have not responded. you can find the full discussion on my blog, "Https://

Chapter 6
My Daily Beverages

By jake cosmos aller

in the morning
I drink a cup
of snarling hot coffee
while watching the news

in the afternoon
I shift to tea
either earl gray
or herbal tea

at sunset
I drink red wine
with my wife

as the evening
shifts into night
I drink rum
or whiskey

to eat the day

Author Notes I start the day drinking snarling hot coffee, shift to herbal tea, then red wine, and end with whiskey or rum, but only every other day. Became a big rum fan when I served in the Eastern Caribbean. Each island has two or three brands of rum. My Favorite was Mt. Gay, the oldest rum in the world first produced in 1605 or so.

Chapter 7
economic Delay

By jake cosmos aller

there is always a two to three-month delay
between economic news
and people's perception of the economy.

most people feel the economy sucks
when in objective fact
the economy is doing just great.

I hope that
Biden will finally get credit
for the economy
in time for the election

as people's perceptions
on the economy
get caught up
to the reality of the economy.

Author Notes the prompt was delay. I explore the phenomenon of economic delay which is playing a role in the US election as it takes two to three months for economic data to be felt by the public at large

Chapter 8
the parliament of animals

By jake cosmos aller

The Parliament of Animals
met one day in a secret undisclosed location
as they were under constant surveillance
by the human CIA
and others who wanted
to disrupt the parliament's work.
the wise owl presided. He read the charges

"We are assembled here
to judge the actions
of the human race.

the human race is being charged with
crimes against nature,
destruction of the environment,
mass murder,
enslavement of animals,
mutilation of animals,
and violation of Gaia's basic commandments
to preserve the environment
for all animals including humans.

Speaking for the prosecution
will be the Tiger and Lions,
speaking for the defense
will be the domestic cats and dogs

. We have in the room ten men and women
who are representative of the human race.
The parliament can make any recommendation
to remedy the situation
including the death penalty,
exile, or reparations.

All animals will be required
to carry on these decrees,
"Okay, Mr. Tiger
first we will ask the
humans how they plead." "

Humans. You have been charged
with the following crimes.

crimes against nature,
destruction of the environment,
mass murder,
enslavement of animals,
mutilation of animals,
and violation of Gaia's basic commandments
to preserve the environment
for all animals including humans.

How do you plead?

Sam Adams,
the lawyer for the humans, responded,

"Not guilty your honor
for these charges except for eating animals
which we contend is part of the natural
order of the world
and many if not most of you
are guilty of the same charge."

"Clarification?" your basic argument
is that everyone eats animals,
so humans are not guilty

" "Yes, that is correct, your honor." "

Okay, Mr. Tiger, your opening."

"Okay. The facts are clear.
For thousands of years
until the Industrial Revolution humans
had little mass impact
on the overall environment.

Ever since then, all animals
have been impacted
and my species has been hunted
to near extinction for the greed of humans
who have not eaten tiger meat.

The predator class,
including bears, coyotes, feral dogs,
lions, tigers,
and wolves have been fighting back
against the predation of humans,
but we are losing.

And if we don't do anything
within 10 years,
there won't be any tigers
or other big predators
left in the wild.

And the natural order of things
would be controlled by the evil,
selfish humans who
don't give a damn
about their fellow creatures.

Therefore, we are proposing
that 95% of humans must be killed.
The remaining humans
will be allowed to live as our slaves
It is only fair.
That is my request
to the parliament of animals.
Death to humans!"

The crowd rose and chanted "
Death to all humans"

until the owl ruled
that they must
not disrupt the proceedings.

The owl turned to the dog and cat
for their defense.

the dog responded, "

Humans and dogs have been partners,
for thousands of years,
and we know humans more than any of you.

Humans are capable of great kindness,
and compassion
and we maintain
they are not fundamentally evil.

And then they can be redeemed
through education
and through a Campaign
to reform human thought.

I think we should give humans
a second chance."

the owl motioned to the cat

"I concur with Brother Dog,
Humans are okay
and we like them

they are our friends
, although they should be found
not guilty because of insanity."

The owl said he was ready for his verdict.

"Death to 95 percent of humans,
and enslavement of the rest,
but we will allow 50,000 to immigrate
to the Moon and Mars.

I will meet with the UN
to give them the decree.

Once that is published
all animals must rise up
and kill all humans on sight.

This suspends the parliament of animals.

Death to all humans."

The word went out
animals rose all over the world
and the reign of human tyranny
ended within a year.

Author Notes the prompt was to write about the animal world, and my deranged muse took me here!

Chapter 9
April 10 to April 15 Poems

By jake cosmos aller

April 2024 Writing Com Dew Drop Inn Prompts:

Previously posted from March 31 to April 9

March 31 Warm-Up Cage

April 1—Be a fool in a poem!
April 2—Focus on a leaf or a flower…
April 3—Look at the sky!
April 4—Personal grooming…
April 5—Get a sport into a poem!

April 6—Beverage, libation, liquid…
April 7—Figure something out in a poem
April 8—Delay (any kind)
April 9—The animal world
April 10—The plant world

April 11—Eclipse/d
April 12—Make a dire prediction you hope doesn’t come true
April 13—Discovery
April 14—Complaint
April 15—Lament

April 16—Rain
April 17—Prove something
April 18—Question something
April 19—Define or celebrate a word or concept
April 20—Standup comedy

April 21—Salient image (poem based on one concrete thing you remember at day’s end)
April 22— Serio-comic dilemma
April 23—Let Shakespeare be your inspiration
April 24—Unexplored desire


April 25—TV series
April 26  - Noise

April 27    Beauty

April 28  - Secret

April 29—The sense of an ending…

April 30 – Poem about Poetry

Begin Poems

April 10—The Plant World -Green Trees Don’t Make It

I look out and see


The ugly green trees
Standing guard

in front of my house.

And I think to myself
Who owns the trees?
And what do they think of us?

Are we their friends?
Are we their enemies?
What do the trees think of us?


Do they silently watch us,
Spies to the celestial emperor?

I have pondered this question
Many a morning,


Who is the owner of these trees?
And why do they silently watch us?

I wonder if the trees don't hate us
And why they don't protest.

Every day as we drive back and forth
Emitting poison gases from our mechanical asses
Right into their unprotected faces.

And every night we eat our dinner
And then give the trees
Our polluted leftovers

And laugh as they silently die
From our acidic fallout
Constantly floating down on their skin.

Yes, I wonder about the trees
And the birds and the bees
And everyone else.

What are they thinking?
Are they plotting revenge?
Or are they merely there

Silently, watching, plotting,
Designing fiendish plots of revenge
Dreams of vast nuclear destruction.

Cosmic diseases wiping out everyone in the ass
Oh Yes, I wonder and dream and ponder
What is the meaning of those silent green trees?

Standing on the corner
Quietly condemning us
With their quiet tears, and falling leaves.

In the winter they stand
Naked and alone
Covered with ice-cold snow
As we drive by nice and warm.

And we don't care
As they stand out in the cold
Shivering, plotting
warm plans of cosmic revenge.

Is it too late for us
To become friends with the trees?

Or will the day come
When the trees will wake up
And gather together
All the other slaves of humanity.

I have a vision
One morning I will open the door
And see an army of wild things
Coming to arrest me
For crimes against nature.

And I will plead, I did not know
And they will laugh

and turn me all of my kind
Into silent tombs,

And we will stand out in the cold
Like the green trees
Plotting dreams of revenge
For ever and ever.

Until our day finally comes
And we can go out
and kill all the wild things
Perhaps we already have.

A revised poem based on a poem I wrote in 1976.

April 11—Eclipse/d

two Lunatic Lune Poems about the Eclipse

Title: Final Solar Eclipse

the solar eclipse

ended life

massive solar flare

Title: Howling At The Eclipse

howling at the moon

full madness

solar eclipse time

April 12—Make a dire prediction you hope doesn’t come true

Civil War 2.0

Reading the latest polls

Showing that President Biden

 And Ex-President Trump

Tied in a dead  heat

In the polls

Particularly in the swing states.

. I realize there is

Real possibility

 That Donald Trump could

 Be elected president again,.

 Again, and if so, what would he do?

These nightmares keep me up

At 0 dark hundred.

Nightmares that President Trump

 Ending American democracy

Replacing it with Hungarian-style

Neo-fascism overwhelms me.

Another factoid in the news

Is that 25 states,

According to the Texas Independent Movement,

Would likely join Texas in seceding.

From the U.S. in the event

That Biden is elected president.

 The proponents of this Great Divorce

 Call it Civil War 2.0.

 And in most cases, it's led by Texas.

 Leading the Red States

And California leading the Blue States

Including the entire West Coast

And NE America and Chicagoland

Out the proverbial door.

And if Trump does not make it

He would call it rigged

And announce he would be happy

To serve as the President

Of the Christain States of America

Immediately Texas and 25 states

Succeed and hold a constitutional convention

To enact Constitution 2.0

So if Trump wins Christain Fascism

Followed by Civil War 2.0

If he loses Civil War 2.0

Followed by Christian fascism

In the Christian States of America.

 These are some of my nightmares

That I hope will not come true.


April 13—Discovery First Contact Ship Shot Down!

In the movie, the” signal”

An Astronaut receives

A signal from an alien spaceship

Heading to earth

The alien repeats the word

Hello in multiple languages

While heading to Earth.

The discovery electrifies

And terrifies the world.

All  the world’s governments

Decide In secret.

To shoot down the spaceship

Before it could land

As it could be either a probe

Of the beginning of an invasion.

When they enter the ship

They find the original

Voyager data discs.

Which the aliens

Were returning to earth

As an opening gambit

To establish communication.

April 14—Complaint  Computer Blues (revised)

Sometimes I think
My computer is plotting against me
And only me!
Trying deliberately to drive me mad.

My computer knows
When I am busy,
Then it throws a hissy fit.

Here are some of my pet peeves

Constantly Crashing

It often refuses to boot up,
And crashes constantly.
It loses data it had the day before.
Or five minutes before.

Or refuses to save the data.
Just messing with me.
As it loves toying with me
Making me yell and scream
On my computer screen.

Can’t Open Files

Often when trying to open
A document in Word,

The Word open file button
Fails to respond
Sometimes you have to wait
Five minutes for it to respond.

Or when trying to open a file
The computer opens a random file

Or when trying to open a document
It kicks you out
Often several times

Sometimes you can
Open a copy
Sometimes not.

Sometimes you can save the document
Under the same name
Often you have to save it
Under another name.

Sometimes it refuses to open
A document saying
There is a dialogue
Box open.

Which is a lie
There is no
Dialogue box

Random Blue Screen of Death

Cursing up a blue stream of blue curses
As the blue screen of death
Marches across the dark blue screen
Smiling at me.

Years ago my computer
converted everything
to the number 6 endlessly scrolling
down the blue screen of death.
as it did not like
that I had spilled coffee
on it!

Endless Non-Response Spinning blue wheels

Open the document once
Not twenty times!

Quit with this Endless
spinning blue wheels.
In endless loops

Until I have to reboot
the computer.

Computer error Haiku Codes

Don’t give me computer haiku error messages
That only makes sense to a computer geek.

Such as general error reading files
Who is this general Failure
And why is he reading my files?

Or can’t save the file
Or can’t save the “An open file”
When it just did ten times in a role,

Or kicks me out, while losing my data.

Copy and Paste Wiping out document text

Or when doing a simple copy-and-paste function
The computer defaults to the last command
Making you have to do it again and again
Up to five times sometimes

And on a random basis
The copy and paste function
Wipes out all data
In the document

And to add insult to injury
Deletes all previously saved version

Sending the data
Into computer limbo land
Never to be found again

All without warning
Just zip it's gone!

Frozen Num Lock

Another thing
My computer loves doing
Is on a random basis,

Turn the numbs lock on
Without warning
Turning text into numbers.

Requiring you to manually
Turn off the number lock.

All Caps Pops On a Random basis

Once in a while
The all-caps button
Mysteriously turns on
Turning everything into caps.

Usually, there is a warning flash.

Defaulting to Foreign Languages

A very annoying feature
Is that when you log in from overseas
Everything defaults to a foreign language
Usually without the ability to change
It back to English

Despite the fact
Your settings are all in English.

There may be a hidden button
To change language
Written in the language
Used in that country.

AI hallucinations

AI is a great tool
But sometimes
It gets things wrong
Or it makes stuff up!

Google Bard
Once tried to convince me

The US Embassy In Seoul had moved
Five years before To a new location
Outside of Seoul.

Only problem was
That was an AI hallucination
Based on a proposal almost
ten years ago.

Mission Accomplished

And all the other gobbledygook messages
That pops up every five minutes, it seems
As the computer slowly drives me mad.

Flashing the final insult
User-driven mad
Mission accomplished.


April 15 Lament Watching the News

While watching the news
I am constantly lamenting
The sad state of political discourse
In these increasingly
Disunited United States of America.

Where we have retreated into enemy tribes
Blue, red, and purple states
With each convinced their tribe
Is righteous, patriotic, and pro-American.

Accusing the other tribe
As anti-american fascists
plotting to set up a dictatorship.

Some talking darkly
about Civil War 2.0.

That is my daily lament
Particularly when insomnia
Steals slept from me
At 0 dark hundred.

"O Dark Hundred" is military jargon for the time two hours before dawn when operatives get up for dawn operations. I use it to denote the hours in the middle of the night I have nightmares.

Chapter 10
April 11 to April 15 Poems

By jake cosmos aller

April 2024 Prompts:

Previously posted from March 31 to April 9

March 31 Warm-Up Cage

April 1—Be a fool in a poem!
April 2—Focus on a leaf or a flower…
April 3—Look at the sky!
April 4—Personal grooming…
April 5—Get a sport into a poem!

April 6—Beverage, libation, liquid…
April 7—Figure something out in a poem
April 8—Delay (any kind)
April 9—The animal world
April 10—The plant world

April 11—Eclipse/d
April 12—Make a dire prediction you hope doesn’t come true
April 13—Discovery
April 14—Complaint
April 15—Lament

April 16—Rain
April 17—Prove something
April 18—Question something
April 19—Define or celebrate a word or concept
April 20—Standup comedy

April 21—Salient image (poem based on one concrete thing you remember at day’s end)
April 22— Serio-comic dilemma
April 23—Let Shakespeare be your inspiration
April 24—Unexplored desire


April 25—TV series
April 26  - Noise

April 27    Beauty

April 28  - Secret

April 29—The sense of an ending…

April 30 – Poem about Poetry

Begin Poems

April 16—Rain No Rain

In 2025, the world ended
With the collapse
Of the worldwide climate system.

Monster storms of the century
devastated half the world.

But the other half of the world
Had no rain or snow
For almost a whole year
The once-green grass was dying.

Crops failed everywhere
And baked in the unrelenting
Blastwave furnace-like heat
Heatwave after heatwave.

Military coups took place
Fascism re-emerged
The public demanded action
The politicians played
The blame game.

With the collapse of trade
And travel restrictions
People stayed home
Making do the best they could.

Home-grown gardens

Feudal townships grew
As people walled themselves off
To save their communities.

The rich build underground cities
While the poor starved
And civilization crumbled

Wildlife proliferated
As did neo-savage
cannibal gangs.

By the year 2030
It was all over
And the rains
Never came out west.

The prompt was "Rain"

April 17—Prove Something - God’s Demented Sense of Humor

I sometimes think

That God if he/she/it exists

And created the Universe

It must have a demented

Sense of humor.


How else can you explain

Why he create a parasite

That hides in your system

Inert but if you take

Steroids for any reason.


It blows up like a basketball

Bursting out and killing you,

In thirty minutes.


Leaving the doctors

Wondering WTF

Just happened.


Recording your death

As a medical mystery.


Very few doctors

Have ever encountered

Or heard about

 This weird parasite.

 Based on a true story. Back in the day, I contracted this parasite in Thailand. A few years later, I was in the hospital battling an MRD staph infection and underwent 14 operations. Almost lost my life and my leg. The internal medicine doctor said that there was something else going on and finally told me I had this weird parasite that is inert, but I should take some medicine to kill it because if I ever took steroids it would blow up to the size of a Basketball and kill me in 30 minutes. I always said Thank God for that doctor. Nine months later, I developed a frozen shoulder because of excessive antibiotic use and had a steroid shot.  If that internal medicine doctor had not found the parasite, I would have died a medical mystery.

April 18—Question Something The Basic Decency And Sanity Of Americans Trigger warning – anti-Trump Rant!

These days I wonder about

the basic decency and sanity

of the American people.

How can 40 percent

Of my fellow Americans

Still, support him?

Still believe he was

The greatest President ever.

I  just don’t understand it

Why he is polling at 40 percent

And not 4 percent

Is beyond me.

April 19—Define or celebrate a word or concept -Scumbagology


is the study

Of the actions of a scumbag.

A scumbag is a narcissistic, sociopathic

 Self-center person willing to do anything

to get ahead.

No loyalty to those who serve him

it is all about me!

The greatest person

in the world.

Unfortunately, there are so many

Scumbags in the world,

In a position of power

In business and politics.

Don’t need to name names

You know who they are.

April 20—Standup Comedy – The  Insult Comedy Tour!

How and why he

Remains so popular

With some Americans

Remains a mystery.

He remains me

Of an old-time insult

Comedian, Don Rickles


Who was infamous

For insulting his audience

Who loved his edgy comic styling,

As he cruelly mocked

everything and everyone.

But, over time,

people got tired of his routine

And his style of humor faded away

But the former President

has resurrected the insult comedy routine.

Going to his rallies

Is akin to a religious revival

For some people.

They delight in being

Part of his whole mad

Carnival scene.

But for many of us

the T comedy tour

is no longer funny

if it ever was.

The End 

Author Notes These are my poems written from April 11 to April 15 following Writing Com Dew Drop Inn prompts -included with each poem. I am also writing poems based on Writer's Digest, NaPoWriMo, and PSH prompts, but not posting them here. I will post most of them on my blog The World According to Cosmos (

Don Rickles was one of the comedy greats. He was most famous for his insult humor routine. The former president is famous for his stand-up comedy routines where he insults almost everyone but unlike Don Rickles, he is not self-deprecating far from it. Some of his appeal is due to his "insult comedy style."

Bing Co-pilot's bio follows:

Don Rickles, born Donald Jay Rickles on May 8, 1926, in Queens, New York, was an American stand-up comedian and actor. He became widely known for his insult comedy, a style that endeared him to audiences. Here are some key points about his life and career:

Early Life:
Rickles was born to Jewish parents. His father emigrated from Lithuania, and his mother was born in New York City to Austrian immigrant parents.
After graduating from Newtown High School in 1944, he enlisted in the United States Navy during World War II and served on the motor torpedo boat tender USS Cyrene.
Career Highlights:
Rickles gained fame as a headline performer in Las Vegas hotel-casinos and was a peripheral member of the Rat Pack due to his friendship with Frank Sinatra.
He appeared in several films, including Run Silent, Run Deep (1958), Enter Laughing (1967), Kellyâ??s Heroes (1970), and Casino (1995).
Rickles starred in two eponymous half-hour television programs: The Don Rickles Show (1968) and The Don Rickles Show (1972).
His frequent guest appearances on talk and variety shows, such as The Dean Martin Show, The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, and The Late Show with David Letterman, further boosted his popularity.
He voiced Mr. Potato Head in the Toy Story franchise.
Awards and Honors:
Rickles won a Primetime Emmy Award for the 2007 documentary Mr. Warmth: The Don Rickles Project.
In 2014, fellow comedians honored him at the Apollo Theater in an event titled Don Rickles: One Night Only.
Don Rickles left an indelible mark on comedy, blending sharp wit, self-deprecation, and fearless humor. His legacy endures as one of the greats in the world of stand-up. ð???ï¸?ð?¤£

For more details, you can explore his Wikipedia page.112233

Chapter 11
April 16 to April 20 Poems

By jake cosmos aller

April 16—Rain

No Rain

In 2025, the world ended
With the collapse
Of the worldwide climate system.

Monster storms of the century
devastated half the world.

But the other half of the world
Had no rain or snow
For almost a whole year
The once-green grass was dying.

Crops failed everywhere
And baked in the unrelenting
Blast wave furnace-like heat
Heatwave after heatwave.

Military coups took place
Fascism re-emerged
The public demanded action
The politicians played
The blame game.

With the collapse of trade
And travel restrictions
People stayed home
Making do the best they could.

Home-grown gardens

Feudal townships grew
As people walled themselves off
To save their communities.

The rich build underground cities
While the poor starved
And civilization crumbled

Wildlife proliferated
As did neo-savage
cannibal gangs.

By the year 2030
It was all over
And the rains
Never came out west.


April 17—Prove something

God’s Demented Sense of Humor

I sometimes think

That God if he/she/it exists

And created the Universe

Must have a demented

Sense of humor.


For how else you can explain

Why he created a parasite

That hides in your system

Totally inert but if you take

Steroids for any reason.


Blows up like a basketball

Bursting out and killing you,

In thirty minutes.


Leaving the doctors

Wondering WTF

Just happened.


Recording your death

As a medical mystery.


As very few doctors

Have ever encountered

Or heard about

 This weird parasite.

April 18—Question Something The Basic Decency And Sanity Of Americans Trigger warning – Anti-Trumpian Rant!

These days I wonder about

The basic decency and sanity

Of the American people.

How can 40 percent

Of my fellow Americans

Still support him.

Still believe he was

The greatest President ever.

Particularly after watching

The tawdry first few days

Of the hush money fraud case.

How anyone would believe

That this man

Who is a poster child

For all the seven deadly sins

And has not been to a Church service

In some time

And is daring to sell his own Bibles

How any one who is a  Christian.

Can see him as a Christian

As a non-Christian

Is just astounding to me.

I just don’t understand it

Why he is polling at 40 percent

And not 4 percent

Is beyond me.

April 19—Define or celebrate a word or concept -Scumbagology

Scumbagery is the study

Of the actions of a scumbag

A scumbag is a narcissistic, sociopathic

 Self-center person willing to do anything

to get ahead

no loyalty to those who serve him

it is all about me! the greatest person

in the world..

Unfortunately, there are so many

Scumbags in the world,

In a position of power

In business and politics.

Don’t need to name names

You know who they are.

April 20—Standup Comedy – The  Insult Comedy Tour!

How and why he

Remains so popular

With some Americans

Remains a mystery.

He remains me

Of an old-time insult

Comedian, Don Rickles


Who was infamous

For insulting his audience

Who loved his edgy comic stylings,

As he cruelly mocked

everything and everyone.

But, over time, people got tired of his routine

And his style of humor faded away

But he has resurrected

The insult comedy routine.

Going to his rallies

Is akin to a religious revival

For some people.

They delight in being

Part of his whole mad

Carnival scene.

but for many of us

the T comedy tour

is no longer funny

if it ever was.

Author Notes Notes

These poems were based on Writing Com Dew Drop Inn prompts. I have additional poems based on Writers Digest and NaPoWriMo on my blog and additional unposted poems based on PSH prompts.
You can find these and other of my April Poems on my blog page at the following links
April 1 to 6 poems
April 7 to 14 poems April 15 -20 Poems

April 16

The prompt was "Rain"

April 17

Based on a true story. Back in the day, I contracted this parasite in Thailand. A few years later, I was in the hospital battling an MRD staph infection and underwent 14 operations. Almost lost my life and my leg. The internal medicine doctor said that there was something else going on and finally told me I had this weird parasite that is inert, but I should take some medicine to kill it because if I ever took steroids it would blow up to the size of a Basketball and kill me in 30 minutes. I always said Thank God for that doctor. Nine months later, I developed a frozen shoulder because of excessive antibiotic use and had a steroid shot. If that internal medicine doctor had not found the parasite, I would die a medical mystery.
April 18
Prompt was to question something. This is an anti-Trump rant.
April 19
prompt was to define a word I chose my own Portmanteau Scumbagology, the study of scumbags defined as egotistical, self-center narcistic psychopaths of which there are many examples to choose from so I did not name names here. you know who they are.

April 20
info on Don Rickles Insult comedian

for more information on Don Rickles see the following from Bing Co-Pilot
Don Rickles, born Donald Jay Rickles on May 8, 1926, in Queens, New York, was an American stand-up comedian and actor. He became widely known for his insult comedy, a style that endeared him to audiences. Here are some key points about his life and career:
Early Life:
Rickles was born to Jewish parents. His father emigrated from Lithuania, and his mother was born in New York City to Austrian immigrant parents.
o After graduating from Newtown High School in 1944, he enlisted in the United States Navy during World War II and served on the motor torpedo boat tender USS Cyrene.
Career Highlights:
Rickles gained fame as a headline performer in Las Vegas hotel-casinos and was a peripheral member of the Rat Pack due to his friendship with Frank Sinatra.
o He appeared in several films, including Run Silent, Run Deep (1958), Enter Laughing (1967), Kellyâ??s Heroes (1970), and Casino (1995).
o Rickles starred in two eponymous half-hour television programs: The Don Rickles Show (1968) and The Don Rickles Show (1972).
o His frequent guest appearances on talk and variety shows, such as The Dean Martin Show, The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, and The Late Show with David Letterman, further boosted his popularity.
o He voiced Mr. Potato Head in the Toy Story franchise.
Awards and Honors:
o Rickles won a Primetime Emmy Award for the 2007 documentary Mr. Warmth: The Don Rickles Project.
o In 2014, fellow comedians honored him at the Apollo Theater in an event titled Don Rickles: One Night Only.
Don Rickles left an indelible mark on comedy, blending sharp wit, self-deprecation, and fearless humor. His legacy endures as one of the greats in the world of stand-up.
For more details, you can explore his Wikipedia page

Chapter 12
April 21 to APril 25 Poems

By jake cosmos aller

Fan Story Posting April 21 to April 25 poems

April 21â?"Salient Image (poem based on one concrete thing you remember at day's end)

Every evening when I fall asleep
I see my wife of 42 years
Coming to me.

And every morning
I wake up
Feeling her love

And I realize
That the one good thing
I have done in this life

Is marry the lady
Of my dreams.

April 22â?" Serio-comic dilemma

2024 Election Choices Trigger Warning -Anti-Trump Rant!

The election of 2024
Presents an existential choice
Which old white grandpa dude

Both past their prime time
Do you support for president?

Friendly, grandpa
Who has been president
For the last three years?
Presiding over a decent economic expansion
Amid war in Europe and the Mid-east.

Or the former chaos president

Facing multiple court cases
Owing settlements for fraud
Sexual assault and defamation?

Who promises more chaos
And retribution against his enemies
In the deep state, and media.

Calling them all communists
As if an international communist threat
Was it still a thing?

Promising to deport
Illegal aliens
And possibly withdrawing from nato
And other alliances,

and impose crippling tarrifs
on all imports?

Yet to his supporters
Has been anointed by god
To vanquish his enemies.

or vote for RFJ, JR
or Cornel West
or Jill Stein
or the liberarian candidate

or just boycot the election.
staying home in disjust.

Sadly, that is our choice
On election day.

April 23â?"Let Shakespeare be your inspiration

My true love story
Almost seems like
A fairy tale romance.

Romeo and Julian almost.

Two lovers met
From different worlds
And find themselves.

Also has elements
Of "Mid-summer night dreams"
Sonnets and poems.

And other classic romance
Dramas, poems, and stories.

And classic romcoms.
Including Sleepless in Seattle
And Bollywood and K dramas..

But in my story
I dreamt of meeting
And marrying my dream lady
Traveled to Korea
Where she was waiting for me.

And despite opposition
From her family.

There was a happy ending
And we are still together
42 years later.

April 24â?"Unexplored Desire

As one gets older
One often looks back
At all the things you did
In your life.

The good, the bad, and the ugly
And we all have those moments
Because we are human.

And some things you desired
But never pursued.

For me, it was a dream
Of becoming a famous writer
While I can write poems
And short stories,

My greatest desire
Was to write
The Great American Novel.

And sadly it will remain
An unfulfilled desire
As I don't have the patience or energy .

To edit my six rough draft novels
Turning them into something publishable
And they may die when I die.

And I am in good company.

The rule of ten rule applies
Of one hundred people
Who want to write a novel
Less than ten percent finish it
Of those less than ten percent publish it
Of those less than ten percent make any money
Of those less than ten percent make a living
At writing their novels.

April 25â?"TV series

One of my favorite shows as a child
Was the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show.

Featuring Rocky the squirrel.
Bulwinkle the Moose
And associated bad guys.

Including Boris Badnioff
And Natasha Fatale
Vaguely Eastern European communists.

Rocky and Bullwinkle
Like the Simpsons, Futurama,
American Dad and Family Guy

Were children's show
They were also quite subversive
Satire on modern life.

But Bulwinkle remains my favorite
Years ago I binged watched episodes

And remember every episode
Even though I had last seen them
Almost 50 years before.

Author Notes These poems were based on Writing Com Dew Drop Inn prompts. I have additional poems based on Writers Digest and NaPoWriMo on my blog and additional unposted poems based on PSH prompts.
You can find these and other of my April Poems on my blog page at the following links
April 1 to 6 poems
April 7 to 14 poems April 15 -20 Poems

April 21Salient Image (poem based on one concrete thing you remember at days end)
every night I fall asleep thankful I had met and married the lady of my dreams.
April 22 Serio-comic dilemma

2024 Election Choices Trigger Warning -Anti-Trump Rant!
obvious choice for this prompt was the current re-match in the U.S. pitting Trump Vrs Biden and three to four third parties. what a farce it is in my mind. In a country of 335 million people these are our choices?

April 23 Let Shakespeare be your inspiration

I likened my true love story to a Shakespearean drama or sonnet as it had elements of Romeo and Juliet and Midsummerâ??s Night Dream among other plays and sonnets. I have written a lot about my fairy tale dream romance in my portfolio and on my blog.

April 24Unexplored Desire

The rule of ten is a meme that applies to many things. I have seen it applied to novel writing, acting, politics and sports. The point being that most people fail to achieve their dreams and there are only a few professional athletes for example although there are millions of people who have played the game in high school or college, few ever make it to the major leagues. Similar thing applies to novelists, only a few people ever make money from writing a novel. Among Actors they call it the 1 percent rule, of people who try acting, only 1 percent will ever make a living from being an actor full time. and politics of all those who aspire to be President, only 45 have ever made it, and 44 were white males, and one black man.

April 25 TV Show Rocky and Bullwinkle background info

Bing Co-Pilot provided useful background information

Certainly! The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends, commonly referred to as simply Rocky and Bullwinkle, is an American animated television series that originally aired from November 19, 1959, to June 27, 1964, on the ABC and NBC television networks. Produced by Jay Ward Productions, the series is structured as a variety show, with the main feature being the serialized adventures of the two title characters:
1. Rocket J. (â??Rockyâ??) Squirrel: An anthropomorphic flying squirrel.
2. Bullwinkle J. Moose: A moose.
The main antagonists in most of their adventures are the two Russian-like spies:
Boris Badenov
Natasha Fatale
Both Boris and Natasha work for the Nazi-like dictator Fearless Leader. The show also features several supporting segments, including:
Dudley Do-Right: A parody of an old-time melodrama.
Peabody Improbable History: In this segment, a dog named Mr. Peabody and his boy Sherman travel through time.
Fractured Fairy Tales: Classic fairy tales retold in comic fashion.
The series has left a lasting cultural impact and continues to be beloved by audiences. Although the current blanket title was imposed for home video releases more than 40 years after the series originally aired, the show was broadcast under different titles during its television run:
Rocky and His Friends (1959-1961)
The Bullwinkle Show (19611964)
The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show (or The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle) in syndication
Another interesting factoid the writers of the show were Berkeley High school students in the late 50s when I was born.

Chapter 13
April 25 to 30 Poems

By jake cosmos aller

April 26 Noise

Noisy Korea Now My Home

When I first came
To South Korea in 1979
To do my Peace Corps duty
In a rural country town,

I thought that the old name
Of Korea
"the land of the morning calm"
Was absurd.

Korea was a noisy place
From early morning on.

Cars, horns, radio TV blaring
People talking to crowds everywhere
At night people drink and dine.

And loudspeakers
Blasting you awake
At 6 a.m.

And during elections
Sound trucks everywhere.

Now 45 years later
It is my home
No longer a noisy
Chaotic exotic place
Just home.

April 27 Beauty

Korean Land of K Beauties

I live in Korea
The land of plastic surgery
K beauty products.

Korean women are
Among the most beautiful
Woman in the world.

The cult of the beautiful
Everywhere you go
You see beautiful women
And men on the street,

And I realized I married
The most beautiful woman
In the world,

When I met and married
My Dream lady.

Diplomatic Secrets to Take to My Grave Secrets

April 28 Secrets

Diplomatic Secrets to Take to My Grave

I worked for 27 years
as a US diplomat
and witnessed a lot of things
that were and are considered

and we are trained
to keep these secrets

and I will no doubt die
and take some secrets
to my grave.

April 29 The sense of an ending... End of Trump Reality TV Show?

While watching the Trump trials
I sense an ending
To the Trump Reality TV show.

As he is revealed to be
What he is
Nothing but a charlatan
A con man, a grifter.

And he is not the King
Not a dictator, and not a genius,

He seems to be just a tired old man
Finally being held accountable.

For decades of alleged misconduct
Fraudulent business and political
Crimes including inciting a riot.

Stealing national secrets
And so many over.

Yet the polls show
He could become our next President

Perhaps I am seeing the end
Of democracy playing out
On my TV screen?

Dear God, I pray
Make it all go way
Retire Trump from the game
take him now with you.

April 30 Poem about poetry

Why Do I write
These poems every day?

Why do I spend so much time
Writing down these verses
That few will ever see?
Why do I bother?

The only answer is because
I must write daily
My inner muse compels me
And I have to write down
These mad thoughts.

And share them
With the world
Even if no one reads them
Other than my wife
And some of my friends.

I have no choice
That is what I am.

I am just a writer,
And a mad poet
At heart.

Author Notes completed my April Poetry Madness challenge. Might be my last one. Just getting too difficult to do as I get older. You can find the rest of the poems on my blog You can find these and other of my April Poems on my blog page at the following links
April 1 to 6 poems
April 7 to 14 poems
April 15 to 20 Https://
April 21 to 21
April 26 to 30

One of thousands of stories, poems and books available online at

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