"2024 Gypsy's Free Verse"

The Ways I Love You

By Gypsy Blue Rose



I love You,

and I hope You know

how much 

You have changed my life

just by being You.


I love You,

as the streams full of stars

flow alone at night

amidst smooth rocks

where translucent fish fly

between surface and sky.


I love You,

as You travel

through timeless dawns

that glide across the ages

to touch my life.


I love You

You rescued me

from the darkest night

where I struggled with lies

and the eternal 

suffering of being.


I love You,

because You are the only one

in my corner

when I fight with my life’s ghosts

and struggle to take a breath

You calmed my fears.



I love You,

where birds carry my spirit high

and southern winds

carry me away

above oceans and lands


I love You


Author Notes Inspired by the New Testament

Inspired by "The Book of Longings" - author Sue Monk Kidd

Inspired by, "Te Amo" - poet Julia de Burgos

I have been sharing very personal history, sometimes I need to purge my soul. This poem came to mind while thinking about a few times I thought about killing myself. I didn't have friends and my children are my only family close to me, but I couldn't talk to them about it. God was the only one on my side, but He was all I needed.

I have horrible panic attacks that make me feel like I can't breathe, it's an awful feeling. Some of my depression episodes have been so bad that I thought about killing myself. I didn't want to die, it was just too hard to live.

I still feel bad about myself but I'm working on it.

Fortunately, I do feel better. I have a good doctor and found the right medication. I live with my daughter and grandson. He is a precious little boy, I take care of him. It's hard to be sad around him.

( lifeline for suicide prevention is 988)

I hope sharing my personal experiences will help somebody.

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem,


Chapter 1
The Seven Seas

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:word definitions in auther notes

I want to dance with the wind

the way it dances with tender branches

and embraces deep-rooted oaks

aquamarine waves carry

my intrepid boat into the unknown

over diamond-covered oceans

wild horses gallop

across umber mountain ranges

to the rhythm of my heartbeat

I dream about you

aching and yearning for your embrace

  my soul's sanctuary

eyes filled with gypsy moon

and stars lighting the way to the sun

rising across the seven seas


Author Notes Intrepid = resolutely fearless
Gallop = to ride a horse at full speed
Seven seas= the Arctic, North Atlantic, South Atlantic, North Pacific, South Pacific, Indian, and Southern Oceans.

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Chapter 2
Mercy and Bread

By Gypsy Blue Rose

my heart aches and yearns

to love You and be loved

I look for You day and night

close, far, here, and there

reaching for heaven

as cypress branches do

is that where You are?

I thought I saw You

in a motherless child's eyes

and a homeless man

begging with open hands

for mercy and bread

or was it You

in the sunrise upon the sea

and sunset over rolling hills?



Author Notes Inspired by 'The Book of Longings' by Sue Monk Kidd

In Spain, where I am from, we believe cypress trees point to heaven. They are planted in cemeteries.

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Chapter 3
The Mediterranean Sea

By Gypsy Blue Rose

you are on my mind
maybe because my dreams

are still playing on your shores

and my first love

hides behind the reeds

I keep your salty scent on my skin

everywhere I go

and buried in your sand

I keep love, games, and pain

paint me blue on long winter nights

sailing through turbulent waters

in the deep end of your soul

my Mediterranean Sea

Author Notes I grew up in Spain by the Mediterranean Sea. I have good memories.

Thank you very much for reading my poem.


pictures from pinterest

Chapter 4
In the Blackness Behind my Eyes

By Gypsy Blue Rose

in the blackness behind my eyes

I am free to love you

with ache, sweetness, and flame

we sit by a lake,

your shadow floats on the water

swimming with the stars

our bodies veiled

with lightning and thunder

as we watch the rain

and the wild untethered sky

being near you,

I feel your breath beating

my heart's drum

I find rapture

in the things we do

in my quiet holy of holies place

Author Notes Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem,


Chapter 5
I don't Want to Die

By Gypsy Blue Rose

I don't want to die

      without tasting your lips

      and salty skin

      covered with goosebumps

I don't want to die
      before I feel your beating heart

      and yearning passion

      when I'm around

I don't want to die

      until I give you all

      o f   m y   b o d y  a n d  s o u l ~

      I don't want to die

Author Notes Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem.


pictures from Pinterest

Chapter 6
When I Was a Tyke

By Gypsy Blue Rose

when I was a tyke   

I followed fireflies  

   in grandma’s back yard —

my heart full of light 

Author Notes 20 syllables poem for the contest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem,


Chapter 7
An Unforgettable Night

By Gypsy Blue Rose

I woke before daybreak

      with my head burrowed

      in the crook of your neck

      radiating heat from your skin

      with the scent of musk

      and Old Spice 

I didn't move,

      afraid to break the spell

      of that moment

      I will never forget

lying in the dark,

      I drank you in

      while the lazy light
      took its time to get there


      the splitting thunder rumbled

      with unrelenting cracks

      foretelling lightning

      that would never come

your taste was in my mouth

      blended with sweet wine

      and salted nuts
      from our midnight snack

an unforgettable night


Author Notes Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem,


pictures from pinterest

Chapter 8
Carry me With the Southern Wind

By Gypsy Blue Rose

carry me with the southern wind

to your beach far beyond

on the other side of the world

take me tonight

like you never have before

we'll pretend to be strangers
washed up on the shore


Author Notes Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem,


Chapter 9
Midnight Sky

By Gypsy Blue Rose

and when my boat comes in

push it back to sea

let the winter breeze

guide the white sails

to the dark midnight sky

amidst somber clouds

that say goodbye

let the ocean waves 

carry my ashes 

to tender shores

and be One with All




Author Notes Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem,


Chapter 10
Take a Breath

By Gypsy Blue Rose

take a breath

and be present,


with everything,


and with our source

loving omnipotent God

This titled syllabic form, created by Betty Ann Whitney has exactly seven lines.
Syllable Pattern: 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 7

click here to see source

click here to see source

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem,


Chapter 12

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for my best friend, Helen, who always prays for me, among others



I know …

      what You did for me

      You suffered for all my sins

       and you'll continue to love me

       U N C O N D I T I O N A L L Y

We know 

      You have loved and been loved

      been seen and heard

      will never be forgotten

      not a single act of love 

      will be squandered

      because you love us

      U N C O N D I T I O N A L L Y


You brought your Father's kingdom 

      as You hoped

      Your love-seeds are planted

      in all our hearts and souls

      because you love us

      U N C O N D I T I O N A L L Y


You know,

      sometimes I worry 

      but deep in my heart

      I know the truth

      scarcity does not define me

      You'll take care of all my needs

      because You love me 

     U N C O N D I T I O N A L L Y


You don’t judge my faith

        and the way I pray

        or the way my altar looks 

        maybe it’s not as fancy

        as other ones 

       but it is the way it is

       it doesn’t need jewels or silk

      because you love me

      U N C O N D I T I O N A L L Y     


I am enough the way I am

      I don’t fall short 

      I am different

      but that is alright 

I love and praise You

      in my own way

      and that is okay

      because I know

      with all my heart        

      that You love me

     U N C O N D I T I O N A L L Y







Author Notes Thank you for taking the time to read my poem.


Chapter 13
And When I Die

By Gypsy Blue Rose



and when I die

you will find me 

between the sea and sky


I'll be in blue mountains

with a good view

of  little white houses


my body will be the path

for vendors and carts

pulled by stubborn donkeys


I will give green to the pines

yellow to sunflowers

and blue to the sky



Author Notes Zen monks believe everything is linked in nature, including people. Zen is a movement, introduced into Japan in the 12th century, that emphasizes enlightenment, meditation, and intuitive insights.

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Chapter 14
I Dreamt

By Gypsy Blue Rose

I dreamt ...

the lake was on fire,

the fire was ice cold,

the snow was aflame,

the sun froze,

and the moon fell to earth.

      For dreaming the impossible,

      I dreamt we were in love

Author Notes Thank you for reading my poem,


Chapter 15
Her Pillow

By Gypsy Blue Rose

the sun
didn't come out that day
only grey clouds
were out on parade

Dad said,
"Mom is in heaven
she's no longer here"

in my parents' bedroom
friends and family
cried and prayed

my mother was lying
cold and breathless
on her last bed

the smell of mums
permeated our house
and I hated the sign 
on our kitchen's wall
'Home Sweet Home'
the only thing 
I had left of her
was the scent
on her pillow
and her clothes
in the chest of drawers

I was only ten
and didn't understand
why my life had changed
from one moment to the next

I asked God
why my friends had a mom
and I would never be held
by mine



Author Notes non-fiction

In Spain, when I was growing up, dead bodies were kept at home for one night to have family and friends pay respects and a final goodbye, instead of at a funeral home. Maybe this has changed since I was a child.

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem,


Chapter 16
Go To Sleep

By Gypsy Blue Rose



go to sleep

my precious one

your boat is on the shore

waiting for you

my little girl



go to sleep 

my sweetie pie

on this clear night

and amber dusk

my little angel



go to sleep

I’ll push the boat

deep into your dream

there you go

my baby girl



Author Notes Cancion de Cuna is Spanish for Lullaby

Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.

Gypsy "Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

pictures from pinterest

Chapter 17
If One Day

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

if one day

your heart skips a beat

and blood flows like rivers

rushing to the sea

if thoughts of me

tremble in your mind

and you imagine me

kissing you at the beach

if your skin burns

and explodes

in a hundred goosebumps

whenever we touch

if cascades

of untameable

rapid river flows

between our legs

if you can't stop

to taste my intoxicating lips

and juicy cherry mouth

until our face turns red

then we will know

that you are mine

and I am yours

we can't refuse our love


Chapter 18
Valentine's Day is Not For All

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:words definition in author notes

Her sensitive heart feels

the oppressive grief and loss

of moribund love

How many blue dusks witness

a river of teardrops

tangled with disillusion

Dawn carries the nostalgic seeds

of the wistful longing for his caress

and yearning for a happier life

Look into her sad eyes

they hold everything unsaid

of a fractured heart and a tethered soul

barely held together with insufficient hope

Valentine's Day is Not For All

Author Notes Sorry about the sad valentine's day prologue, it's for those people who are not in romantic relationships... I'm sure there are a few in fanstory. True love should be celebrated every day. Valentine's day is another way to make money. But of course, it will be a happy and fun day for many. I hope you have a magical one.

Disillusion (disenchanted; dissatisfied or defeated in expectation or hope)
Nostalgic (thinking about a happier time)
Moribund (dying or near death)
Insufficient (not enough)

Thank you very much for reading my poem,


Chapter 19
When I'm Sixty Four

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Happy Valentine's Day

Will You Still Love Me 
When I'm Sixty Four
I’m afraid of forgetting 
the many splendid suns
of your smile 
will gardens still bloom for us 
with the scents of spring
permeating our love
will your mouth still remember
the taste of mine at 16 
and the sweetness that lingered
will our hungry hands explore
every inch of our being and soul
on life's winding road
our love is evergreen 
and I'm still next to you 
and you to me
Will You Still Love Me 
When I'm Sixty Four

Author Notes free verse without punctuation

The title, "When I'm Sixty Four", is a Beatles song.

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem.


Poem in black font
Will You Still Love Me
When I'm Sixty Four

I'm afraid of forgetting
the splendid sunshine
of your smile

will gardens still bloom for us
with the scents of spring
permeating our long-haul love

will your mouth still remember
the taste of mine at 16
and the sweetness that lingered

will our hungry hands explore
every inch of our being and soul
on life's winding road

our love is evergreen
and I'm still next to you
and you to me

Will You Still Love Me
When I'm Sixty Four

Chapter 20
You Come To Me

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:if you have time, please read my author notes


You come to me

whenever I hear Your song

pulling the heartstrings of my soul

I feel Your true love

Nobody has ever

loved me the way You do

I feel seen and accepted

by Your sacred heart

My soul is full to the brim

with all the things seen and unseen

that show Your love for me

like a splendid sunrise or a child’s smile


On Valentine's Day

or any other time

I know that You love me

the kind of love that lasts


Author Notes "Love caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun, so shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth. Like sheaves of corn, he gathers you unto himself.

All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life's heart.

When you love you should not say, "God is in my heart", but rather, "I am in the heart of God." And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.

Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself. But if you love and have desires, let these be your desires:

-To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.
-To know the pain of too much tenderness.
-To be wounded by your own understanding of love, and to bleed willingly and joyfully.
- To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;
-To rest at the noon hour and meditate on love's ecstasy;
-To return home at eventide with gratitude, and then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips." - On Love, by poet Kahlil Gibran, from his book, "The Prophet".

Thank you for reading my poem. Happy Valentine's Day, may it be filled by love today and always.


Chapter 21
Comfortably Numb

By Gypsy Blue Rose

nothing makes sense anymore
and my only friend is Death
standing at the end of my bed

I'm grateful for his company
and I feel comfortably numb
as we both bask in silence

on our way to the end
we pass a school playground
bursting with children's laughter

then we watch the sun
set over golden fields of barley
waving goodbye

Author Notes "Comfortably Numb" is the title of a Pink Floyd's song. The song's melancholic melody and emotive lyrics speak to the struggles of addiction, depression, and emotional numbness.

inspired by Emily Dickinson's "Because I Could Not Stop for Death"

Because I could not stop for Death
He kindly stopped for me
The Carriage held but just Ourselves
And Immortality.
We slowly drove - He knew no haste
And I had put away
My labor and my leisure too,
For His Civility
We passed the School, where Children strove
At Recess in the Ring
We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain
We passed the Setting Sun
Or rather He passed us
The Dews drew quivering and chill
For only Gossamer, my Gown
My Tipp only Tulle
We paused before a House that seemed
A Swelling of the Ground
The Roof was scarcely visible
The Cornice in the Ground
Since then is Centuries and yet
Feels shorter than the Day
I first surmised the Horses Heads
Were toward Eternity

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem

picture by Anne Stokes, at Deviantart

Chapter 22
My Sweet Little Girl

By Gypsy Blue Rose

my sweet little girl

       don't you cry

      the night sky is as bright

      as you are

my quiet little girl

       don't you worry

      everything will be alright

     when you're all grown up

until then ...
in your dreams
      you will ride

      a blue comet

      across the universe

      where you won't be touched

in your dreams 
      you will fly

      over normal families

      in warm and happy homes

      where children are safe

      and loved

you will fly

       over tall dried grass

       where your innocence lies



      beneath the scorching sun


don't be afraid
      my quiet little girl

      the day will come

      when your broken heart

      will mend
      and fear will go away
remember ...

      you are beautiful

      you are loved

      you are strong

      and you are mine

we will never part

Author Notes This poem can be read as God and a girl; or as an adult and her inner child.

This week, in the Finding Your Muse club, we are writing a letter to our younger self or the Child Within. If you would like to join the club, just click on the link below and follow the prompts. Please let me know if you need help.


National Child Abuse Prevention Hotline
1 800 422 4453 24 hours 7 days a week

National Domestic Violence Hotline 24 hours 7 days a week
1 800 787 3224

Chapter 23
In The Morning Sun

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note: sexual innuendoes, not crude

I watch you sleep

       jealous of the moonbeams

      caressing every inch of you

      in silence and unperturbed

your half opened mouth

      calls my lips
      should I wake you?

      or let you sleep?

I close my eyes

      imagining I straddle

      and ride you

      like an untamed mare

your cinnamon

      and amber scent


      my senses
I kiss and taste

      your arms' salty skin

      pausing to eat berries

      and drink sweet wine


      for the day to begin

     to bask

     in the morning sun

Author Notes Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem,


Chapter 24
Life of my Life

By Gypsy Blue Rose


life of my life

I feel you deep inside

and wait for words 

that may never come

I lose you

again and again

but I must try anyway

in our elusive game

my immortal desire

travels across the universe

through galaxies of time

and myriad luminous stars


Author Notes Thank you for reading my poem,


picture from JensFineArt at pinterest

Chapter 25
Around the Bend

By Gypsy Blue Rose

When love calls you,
      answer and follow his lead
      even when it's a hard climb
      to the highest mountain peak

And when his angel wings
      enfold you,
      surrender your being
      into his embrace

      if you are wounded
      do not cease to yearn
      for unconditional love

And even when your lover
      lies and deceives
      continue to search
      till the end of the world

      even when a lover
      shutters your dreams
      true love awaits

Around the Bend



Author Notes Inspired by the Prophet by poet Kahlil Gibran

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem.


Chapter 26
My Lover Rips

By Gypsy Blue Rose

My Lover Rips

my beloved rides
the waves of life
some exhilarating
and others not

my darling is lulled
waves without breaks
lying on a warm
surfboard deck
my honey's waves
break over sandbars
but he never quits
he tries and tries
ballroom dancing
with the sea tides
always aiming to find
the perfect wave crest

My Lover Rips


Author Notes Rip - to surf very well

I used a lot of surfing terms, click here if you want to read the surfing glossary-terms
Thank you very much for reading my poem. Having a bit of fun.


Chapter 27
When Love Calls

By Gypsy Blue Rose


when love calls, follow, 

even if the path is rocky

beneath a turbulent sky

let it enfold you


if passion thrusts you

with yearning’s sword

dress your wounds

and search for more


and when it speaks

believe its soothing words

even if your heart breaks

grieve and find new love





Author Notes This poem is about Love, not about a lover. Inspired by one of my favorite books, "The Prophet" is a book of 26 prose poetry fables written by the Lebanese-American poet and writer Kahlil Gibran. wikipedia

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem.


Chapter 28
Church in Ruins

By Gypsy Blue Rose


church in ruins

   at war ravaged town—

only leafless trees left

to bear witness






Author Notes bear witness = to make a statement saying that one saw or knows something.
bare = without clothing

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Chapter 29
Broken Wedding Vows

By Gypsy Blue Rose

when you left me

it was hard to go on

for a while

you sent letters every day 

then weeks, then months

till they stopped

and my letters came back

"return to sender"

I miss your letters, poems, and songs

and your caresses and craving for more
once I was all you needed

and I miss your love

when I dream of you do you feel it?

do you even know or care?

do you miss me sometimes?

you forgot our wedding vows

and our passionate life

was it ever true love?

all I have left of us

is broken promises, betrayal, and deceit

I heard you married again

does she dress sexy for you?

make your heart beat fast

the way it did with mine?

does she leave love-notes 
in your fridge door?

I know I deserve better

no more wasted tears

I finally see the real you

a f-ing lying hypocrite


Author Notes My divorce happened a long time ago and I don't feel like that anymore. I was deeply in-love and it took me 5 years to let him go. He definitely didn't love me unconditionally and I'm better off without him. Now I'm happy and I don't need a man.
Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem.


pictures from my Pinterest account

Chapter 30
Embraced with Tenderness

By Gypsy Blue Rose

You spread love

wherever You go
sometimes it's welcome

with the opened arms

of the inconsolable

broken and forgotten ones

            others with dark souls

            and full coffers,

            crucify You

            and crown You with thorns
but you embrace everyone with tenderness

You teach us

-that with love everything is possible-

a simple lesson to learn

yet many people don't

            they would rather stay
            inside their golden palaces
            with a perverse foundation
            built on the unseen poor
but you embrace everyone with tenderness

people can learn from nature

as branches quiver in the sun

reaching faithfully to the sky

            their shaking leaves in the winds

            with strong down-to-earth roots

you embrace everything with tenderness

Author Notes Inspired by my favorite poets and their books, Kahlil Gibran's- The Prophet-; and Sue Monk Kidd - The Book of Longings-. Both books are fictional but inspired by the gospel according to John about Jesus Christ in the New Testament.

I divided the poems into chapters so they are easier to read

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem


Chapter 31
~ Cobalt Sky ~

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:definitions in my author notes

   lake full of cobalt sky is a rare sight—
once in a blue moon

Author Notes "lake full of cobalt sky'' is the reflection of the sky on the lake AND it's a Zen concept that everything is interconnected.

"cobalt" is a shade of blue

"once in a blue moon" is an idiom that means once in a long time. It's based on the fact that Blue Moons occur once every two to three years, according to NASA.

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem.


pictures from my pinterest account

Chapter 32
~ Harvest Time ~

By Gypsy Blue Rose

as corn is gathered

at harvest time,

He gathers you

when you are ready

to be embraced tenderly

discarding resistance

He will sift you free

from your husks

of suffering

down to your joyful soul

everything is done

out of sacred love

so you may know

where you come from

and where you'll go

Author Notes Inspired by my favorite poets and their books, Kahlil Gibran's- The Prophet-; and Sue Monk Kidd - The Book of Longings-. Both books are fictional but inspired by the gospel according to John about Jesus Christ in the New Testament.

click here if you want to read Chapter One

Thank you for reading my poem,


Chapter 33
You Are Mine

By Gypsy Blue Rose

I was called unclean
sentenced to be stoned
to death
at the center of town
by the fountain of hate 

I was shoved to the ground
there I waited for death
but you came to my rescue,
and although we never met,
you told everyone 
that I was yours 
and soon we will wed
I still remember
when you knelt 
and offered me your hand
to help me stand
your rebellious dark curls
fell haphazardly
on your beautiful face
the shade of amber dusk
and the scent of sunset
your kind eyes met mine
and the world was right,
my coward accusers 
and my fear fled away 
with you by my side
I felt loved and safe 

Author Notes Women have been stoned in the Middle East for centuries and it still happens today.

CNN article why women are stoned to death

Countries that still stone women: Afghanistan, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Malaysia, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi, Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.

Thank you very much for reading my poem,


pictures from my Pinterest account

Chapter 34
~* My Beloved *~

By Gypsy Blue Rose

my beloved,

I see myself in your eyes

and look into the deep end

of your creek clear soul
resting on beds of calm sea

my beloved,

I taste our union

on your alluring lips
and feel your warming touch

of a thousand splendid suns


my beloved,

I want to touch your skin

to make sure you are here
with me on our bed

where we know each other


my beloved,
we play and laugh

through fields of golden barley

the scent of fertile ground

tangled with desire



Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


picture from my Pinterest account

Chapter 35
Wondrous Things to See

By Gypsy Blue Rose



Your voice cuddles me

with nurturing words

that satiate my soul's thirst

in a way only You know

through the seasons of love



spring yearns to rise

between my toes

with tickling sprouts

that faithfully follow

nature's flow



what wondrous things to see

from land to heaven above

I am grateful and at peace

knowing He provides

maybe not all I want but all I need




Author Notes some of my spiritual thoughts about God and nature

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem, I appreciate your time and kind words


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Chapter 36
If You Forget Me

By Gypsy Blue Rose

If You Forget Me




you should know

I still see you every night

on the moon phase

and hear your name

in the autumn wind



I seek warmth

from our passion’s fire

but only embers 




you were my life 

my hope

my future

my dream




now all the roads

lead to lovelessness

and our life together

reached the end






Author Notes free verse all in lowercase except the title

Thank you for your time and review

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Chapter 37
My Love

By Gypsy Blue Rose

my love   

you are divine  

the best I ever had

and I can't get enough 

of your silky

My Decadent Chocolate

Author Notes "hand over the chocolate and nobody will get hurt"

free verse with a syllable count 2/4/6/6/4/2/7

The picture is from a movie called ''Chocolat" starring Johnny Depp and Juliette Binoche. Chocolat is chocolate in French.

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem


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Chapter 38
a Poet's Plume

By Gypsy Blue Rose


poet’s plume

dances across the page

bleeding love poems

written with red ink

and passion



Author Notes Plume: a feather; an old fashion writing pen

A Naani poem has 4 lines. The total number of syllables in the poem is between 20 to 25. While the poem does not have to be about a particular subject it is often about human relations or current statements. rules from Poetry Dances fanstory

Red feather spiritual meaning: �¢?? is one of joy, courage, passion, strength, and creativity.

Thank you for reading my poem,


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Chapter 39
** Tangerine Dream **

By Gypsy Blue Rose


summer breeze caresses

his golden skin 

from head to toes


he is intoxicated by her scent

of sweet tangerines

as he loses himself


entangled in a veil of warm air

with the nebulous svelte silhouette

of the California Southern Wind


Author Notes tercet free verse suite using personification of the wind

Nebulous = cloudlike, hazy
Silhouette = the outline and shape of something
Svelte = graceful, slender

title is inspired by "Tangerine Dream" a German electronic music band founded in 1967 by Edgar Froese.

Thank you very much for reading my poem.


Chapter 40
Sitting at the Shore

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:poem in black font in my author notes


little by little

you forgot to love me

with passion

like the first time


it’s alright

l finally forgot too


spring winds

carried memories

of you and me



at the end

I caressed your face

with tender love

for one last time




Author Notes Free Verse with lowercase

little by little
you forgot to love me
with passion
like the first time
it's alright
l finally forgot
to love you too
spring winds
carried memories
of you and me
when we were one
at the end
I caressed your face
with tender love
for one last time

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem.


pictures from my pinterest account

Chapter 41
* Time After Time *

By Gypsy Blue Rose


time after time

we find each other

at the shore of infinity

where our steadfast love

is constant and unwavering

reaching profound depths

time after time


Author Notes Free Verse

The title, "Time After Time" is a song by Cyndi Lauper, it has no relation to the poem, I just like the phrase.

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem.


Chapter 42
Life's Journey

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Finding my Muse Club, please check my author notes

we shared the journey

through hills and valleys

and at the end of our trip

we sit on verdant pastures

to watch the last sunset dip

into the horizon

Author Notes Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem about life. It's our club challenge for this week. Event: Describe the sunset and use it as a metaphor for the end of a personâ??s life.


pictures from my Pinterest account

Chapter 43

By Gypsy Blue Rose

h e r

unruly dark curls    

and eyes of rain clouds 

stir turbulent passion in men's hearts



Author Notes Four-line poem for the contest

thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem


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Chapter 44

By Gypsy Blue Rose

I thought he was the one

but he was not

he is only dust from my past

our memories

are enmeshed in disarray

swept under time’s carpet

midst his ambivalence 

and cruelty

if thoughts of him surface

u n i n v i t e d

I say my mantra

“d o n' t    g o    t h e r e”

once I considered death

but I'm still here

I survived 



Author Notes If you or someone you know is suicidal tell him or her that life gets better
*** 988*** is the suicide and crisis line

free verse

thank you very much for taking the time to review my poem,


pictures from my Pinterest account

Chapter 45
Summer Nights

By Gypsy Blue Rose

the sky is filled to the brim 

with trembling stars


as the wind tousled her hair

blowing away all doubts 


where blooming flowers’ scent

wafts the sultry air


and flies buzz by here and there

in the summer night



Author Notes Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem.


Chapter 46
The Bells Toll at Break of Day

By Gypsy Blue Rose

 the bells toll at break of day

and you are not here



the love poems I write for you

are braided with unwavering woe 



tears of dew fall over pastoral fields

as the dying night loses luster



when you are not with me at dawn

the morning is as cold as marble




Author Notes free verse couplets from a man's point of view

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem,


pictures from my Pinterest account, by David Durall

Chapter 47
Queen of Ice

By Gypsy Blue Rose

his fierce northern wind

howls like a pack of wolves

whipping through the land

in search of his Ice Queen

looking forward 

their tempestuous affair 


Author Notes I thought of elf Lady Galadreil, lord of the rings and the hobbit but the poem is not about her.

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem,


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Chapter 48
Treats and Love

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For My Cat Ellie

I’ll never forget 

      you kept my lap warm 

      and your purring engine

      brought you home

you were the best

      with the softest paws

      and wet nose

a lifetime of mews and trills

     asking for treats and love


Author Notes free verse with low caps

My cat, Ellie, has stomach cancer. It has spread all over her little body and there is nothing we can do for her. All of you who have pets know they are an important part of the family.

I always gave her treats after dinner and if I was late she would sit in front of me and stare ... so cute. She was always very patient and sweet with my grandson. I am going to miss her a lot. Writing is how I process my emotions, it does help.

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


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Chapter 49
The Proposal

By Gypsy Blue Rose

he proposed  

and his voice   

cast a spell 

over me 





silence fell  

upon us  

like a veil




and quiet 

crimson leaves  

danced and dived  

to the ground 



touched my face


and earth hummed  

his love song  



his body  

sighed waiting,  

my answer  

rode the breeze  



then I knew  

I meant to   

be in this  

blest moment  



yes, I do!




Author Notes Quatrains with 3 syllables per line and one line at the end. I created this form.

Cast = Over centuries, the word 'cast' has changed, now the past tense form of cast is 'cast'

thank you for reading and reviewing my poem,


Chapter 50
Last Night

By Gypsy Blue Rose

last night

you came by

in a dark dream

and even in dreams

you had to hide

with your bag of lies

now you belong 

to someone else

and it’s her turn to cry

for your cheating ways

and nobody 

can change that

we had our love

we had  our laughs

it wasn’t a good idea

but I was young

and I learned my lesson

at last


Author Notes six lines suite free verse

thank you for your review and feedback,


Chapter 51
Her Body

By Gypsy Blue Rose


her body

      white hills and verdant valleys

her thighs

      a path to deep caverns

      sanctuary for wary bones


she is my world

      my Queen

      my Goddess

      my Lady of the Lake


my farmer’s body is rough and worn

      working the arable soil

      tenderly tending to seeds 


I love her mysterious ways 





Author Notes Free Verse with low caps and minimum punctuation.

The Lady of the Lake (poem is not about her, I just use her name on one line) is the name of a fairy-like human enchantress in medieval literature and mythology associated with the legend of King Arthur.

arable= capable of producing the crop

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem,


pictures from my Pinterest account, by Sara Meseguer

Chapter 52
Raindrops Outside

By Gypsy Blue Rose

raindrops outside

play a melancholic song

    against the window pane—


flowers die

leaf by leaf


Author Notes Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


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Chapter 54
The World Awakens

By Gypsy Blue Rose


the world awakens

as Venus sows sunrise seeds

over blue planet


Author Notes Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


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Chapter 55
Fire On the Mountain

By Gypsy Blue Rose


the moon sat 

like fire on the mountain

      crowned with a cloudless sky

      black and full of embers

my whole body and soul 

ached to call out to him

      but words escaped me

      in the stellar silence


his kind burning gaze

pierced my inhibitions

      and tamed 

      my rebellious heart


his beautiful face flared 

the way into my world

      as I felt a ripple of intimate

      touch inside me

 the largeness in me
touched the largeness in him
      as he caressed
the center of my universe

it caused a furious pounding

inside my heart 

      where my passion  

      and my being resides


a wild thought knocked on my mind

with a sense of urgency 

      that he was a wanderer as I am

      the one who could set me free


Author Notes Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


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Chapter 56
* After You Left *

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:rules and poem in black font in author notes


after you left

I sailed turbulent waters

beneath a gypsy moon

trailing silver stardust

I followed the night

embraced by the summer breeze

on my cradling boat

lulled by waves

sailing over a lonesome sea

I drown in your absence

musing what could have been


Author Notes Poem inspired by poet Federico Garcia Lorca

RYOKAN POEM -- Taigu Ryokan was born in northern Japan in 1785. He was a successful haiku poet. When he was eighteen years old Ryokan met the Zen Master Kokusen became a Buddhist monk. He wrote about nature and the way people related to each other The rules are the same as free verse. You can use any amount of syllables and lines. Doesn't rhyme. It's written in lowercase and no punctuation. You may use any poetic device.

Thank you very much for reading my poem.


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POEM IN BLACK FONT �???�??�?� 

after you left me �??�?�¢??
I sailed turbulent water
beneath a gypsy moon
trailing silver stardust

I followed the twilight,
embraced by the summer breeze
and on a�???�??�?�  cradling bough

sailing over the bitter sea
I drown in your absence
musing what could have been

Chapter 57
I Lost Her

By Gypsy Blue Rose


my voice sought the wind

to reach her

but she belongs to another



her voice, her body, her eyes 

linger dormant in my heart

telling myself I don’t love her 



it’s true

our love didn’t last 

and after time it died



we forgot 

the way our bodies




because on nights like this 

with her body next to mine

she trembled in my arms



now all that remains

are dying embers and emptiness

~ I lost her ~



Author Notes Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem. It's inspired by Pablo Neruda poetry. I write from a man's point of view, just to try something different.


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Chapter 58
Winter's Tempestuous Wrath

By Gypsy Blue Rose


winter’s tempestuous wrath

can't take away her hope  

praying for his return

while the storm stubbornly lurks



white clouds say goodbye

as the raging gust rips his last lie,

'cause the wind doesn’t have a heart,

and his love dies in the dark



lightning flashes and thunder booms

as the girl counts seconds between the two

with her loyal trembling dog by her side

she waits for Dad to come home




Author Notes the girl waits for her dad who will never come, perhaps he is dead, or he abandoned her

If you count the number of seconds between the flash of lightning and the sound of thunder and then divide by 5, you'll get the distance in miles to the lightning: 5 seconds = 1 mile, 15 seconds = 3 miles, 0 seconds = very close. Keep in mind that you should be in a safe place while counting.

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem.


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Chapter 59
From Her Dark Room

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Dedicated to Maya Angelou


from her dark room

      she watches people go by

      they laugh cheerfully 

      and go to places near and far

      she dreams of the things

      they may do and feel

from her dark room

      she dreams of joy beyond the hills

      but she is trapped in dread and fear

      no one to embrace

      only memories of his touch

      and the loving way he was

broken promises lie by her feet

      on her dark empty room

      where nobody sees

      her unrequited love 

      longing for the way it used to be

     when she was happy and free



Author Notes "The caged bird sings
with fearful trill
of the things unknown
but longed for still
and his tune is heard
on the distant hill
for the caged bird
sings of freedom"
- 'I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings', by Maya Angelou, American Poet Laureate, author, and civil rights activist.

The contest requirement is to write about a woman who has impacted my life. I chose Maya Angelou because she is my favorite poet and a remarkable woman. I feel inspired by Maya in many ways ... personal advice, inspirational speeches, the way she lived her life, and her beautiful poems.

Thank you for reading my poem,


Chapter 60
Tempestuous Morning

By Gypsy Blue Rose

tempestuous morning

entangled with winds of change 

kisses the clouds goodbye

as the storm shakes off

the  multitude journeys

of you and I


night of lovers' beating hearts

bathed in nocturnal music

sang by creatures of the dark

it dances between ancient trees 

and silent rocks

Author Notes free verse with lower caps, no punctuation, and personification of "Morning and Night".

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


pictures from my Pinterest account. I use two programs for my presentation: ImageShack and Window's Paint. - Gypsy Blue Rose�???�??�?�©

Chapter 61
You Can't Have Me

By Gypsy Blue Rose


you can’t have me

don't invade my space

I said stay away!

you can’t gaze 

at my blue eyes, my cherry lips,

or my ivory skin

you can’t steal my passion

or the way I sway my hips

when I strut along the way 

with each breath I take

I reinvent myself

don’t assume to know 'who I am'

if I give you permission

you may touch all over

my voluptuous curbs

you may gently bite my lips,

hold the crook of my neck,

you may caress my beautiful face


Author Notes inspired by - Maya Angelou, American poet, author, and civil rights activist

Thank you for reading my poem,


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