"Lessons Learned and Spiritual"

Chapter 2
War Family

By Debi Pick Marquette

My gramps went in the army at the start of WWl 

A dif'rent kind of soldier, 'twas a preacher with a gun

Supported many in their faith while fighting with his squad

He served his country well while he was also serving God


My dad had joined the Navy when he lied at fifteen years 

To help his widowed mother make it through her sweat and tears 

WWll had shown him life was cruel and unforeseen 

My dad was fighting kamikazes and was just a teen


My boyfriend went to Vietnam, the lottery he played

He fought his very best and what a difference he made 

He saved a couple of his friends during a sneak attack

I thought I'd die when I found out he wasn't coming back


My nephew Mike in Desert Storm, was in Afghanistan 

That's when I knew for sure that he had turned into a man

He was a paramedic, saving lives with no regrets

Now volunteers his extra time to help his fellow vets


I have to choke the tears back when I say these words out loud

And when I do I'm telling you, that I'm so very proud

To know my loved ones fought in many wars to keep us free

I'm thrilled to say it was for you, and also was for me


So when you see a veteran, no matter what their ranks

Please take the time to honor them, with even just a "Thanks!"


Chapter 3
Abandoned ~Abortion~Abused

By Debi Pick Marquette

Our life together, you'd destroy 

You stole my joy - I was your toy

A game you played just to annoy

A plot, a plan, an evil ploy

They said they knew it was a boy

For all the times that I was shocked

I can't be blocked ~ No longer knocked

Not again will I be mocked

You only yelled, you never talked

I lived in fear, but should've walked

You took a dip in my gene pool

You were so cruel  ~ was your sex tool

No longer will I be your fool

While you enforced your every rule

You always had to ridicule 

So many times I wondered why

I was so shy ~ We lived a lie

On yourself you would rely

I'd never hear my baby cry

  A year ago I'd finally die

Author Notes It's the one year anniversary of my girlfriend's death
Her husband was very abusive and at one point made her have an abortion.
She couldn't deal with the guilt and became very ill after and would ultimately kill her.
She begged me to write against abuse and to tell her story to help others
I wrote one last year and plan on writing one every year in her honor

Chapter 4
Chasing Mr Ego

By Debi Pick Marquette

She met a very handsome guy 
She wanted to connect
He had a problem with his 'I'
He thought he was perfect

She felt she should exemplify
And not be so direct
No matter how she’d really try
Big egos don't correct

She thought to fake to act more shy 
But what did she expect
This whole new her would be a lie
Herself she'd not detect 
  She saw he never would comply 
And started to suspect 
That she would never qualify
For his high intellect

He spattered her just like a fly
Or any small insect
She even went so far to cry
But it had no effect

So finally she said goodbye 
'Twas such a hard reject
Aretha, will you tell him why
He'll never get respect

Author Notes For anyone who didn't understand the last two lines: Aretha Franklin is a legendary singer who is known for her song, "Respect", which is the song that plays after. (And is what most people think when they think of her or hear the word, Respect)
When I wrote this I was thinking that most would know that, but thought it best to clarify.

No punctuation intentional

Chapter 5
Judgment Day

By Debi Pick Marquette

Just in case you didn't know

Upon this day His Face will show

Dire judging could mean scathe

Grace Divine for those of faith

Meet your Lord, of whom you're from 

Enter in His Kingdom Come

No more fear of satan’s roast

The Father, Son and Holy Ghost


Dear Lord and Savior, hear my prayer 

Allow Faith to shine everywhere

Your Love's Eternal Home we'll share

Chapter 8
No Room for Halloween in Spring

By Debi Pick Marquette


We always loved our Halloween in Autumn every year

I sewed all of our costumes, and I did it with much cheer

It was a lot of work and time, but tried to make it fun

A family outing we enjoyed, for each and every one


 I do not go for zombies or the night of living dead

I'd rather talk of Jesus, coming back to life instead

Some may get their thrills to conjure spirits that they host 

The real one lives inside of you, He's called the Holy Ghost


How could it be more awesome, than a spirit from within

I have no room for gory, all the evil and the sin

Some creatures you admire, are a part of satan's snare

It all becomes too real, it's Halloween with too much scare


Here's why I don't think Halloween should have an extra fling

‘Cause Santa might just want to throw his hat back in the ring

The bunny has already done the part he does in Spring

What next ~ another turkey who will want to do his thing


Give Jesus back His Holidays and show Him he’s "our King"



Author Notes I really don't have a problem with the fun contest theme of Halloween in Spring. I realize it is all in fun. But as my last line is referring to, Jesus still hasn't a holiday of His own! He has to share His with the Easter Bunny and Santa. And even Santa has Christmas in July too. Just something to think about, as a society we do tend to give into the fun aspects of the holidays, and need to spend more time in honoring why we celebrate them.
So as far as a Halloween in Spring, please just not too close to Easter! Lol..

Chapter 11
We Have Each Other's Back

By Debi Pick Marquette

I will not dwell on times that weren't as blessed as they are now

I'd rather wish some happiness, some joy to all somehow

I'll never wear a kick me sign, that once showed what I lack

Jesus paid it all; my heart is all that He wants back

I'd love to sprinkle love and peace, on top of each rainbow

Then underneath, quote poetry, how much more it will glow 

It's wonderful to write with friends, who give valued feedback 

But kindness is essential; judging just feels like a hack

I'm honest about who I am, and what you see you get

A past of childhood incest, I wish I could forget

Some led to my addictions, like a train going off the track

That's when I found my faith and knocked the monkey off my back

We go through rough times in our life, when things do not seem fair

And when we lose our loved ones, it's the worst kind of despair

But life's not picture perfect, like those moments from Kodak

We can't appreciate the white, if we don't see the black

There are things I haven't shared, 'cause I have not known long

I can't give in to weaknesses, forfeiting what is strong

I tend to run away from things; an area I slack

Each moment's closer to the end, and we can't get it back 

God sent me on this journey, to this great writing buffet

If it's important to our life, it's more so for each day

Where respect is a priority; injustice will attack  

I love this second family, who has each other's back

Author Notes When my mom was alive, she would say wise things all the time that used to go way over my head. But now they make sense. Such as that she loved being a cheerleader because she could crawl onto the backs of others and before long, she knew who would support her best and who would let her down. But once she got to the top, she could see how clear it was that some let themselves down by expecting the supporters to do all the work. It is true that God helps those who help themselves. Therefore reaching out to others in times of need and also reaching to them when you see there is a need you can help with. To my dear friends, I am here for you always, and I thank those who have done the same for me.

Chapter 15
Best Valentine's Day Gift Ever

By Debi Pick Marquette


My grandson Carter, (Goober) came to visit me today

What I love about him most, I never know what he will say

He told me that he had some very special gifts for me

And said he would deliver where I needed them to be 

Our day was going great, until I got a dreaded call

A friend of mine slipped on the ice and took a nasty fall

He delivered his first gift, I started laughing as he spoke

Just like this twelve-year-old, to cheer his grandma with a joke

Our Goobs loves story telling, writing poetry and art

His second gift was a sweet poem, that came straight from his heart 

I won't regret creative times, I've had with this dear one

He'll be the one to treasure all my writing when I'm gone

His next surprise for me, was telling me to take a rest

You won't be any fun, if you get sick because you're stressed,

I fell asleep, and he was just as quiet as a mouse

I awoke to all the dishes done; he picked up the whole house

I looked for him, but he was gone, yet left a little note

"Happy Valentine's Day Grandma," was part of what he wrote

"I could never pay you back, but hope today can be a starter" 

"I thank you and I love you! Your Sweet and Charming Carter"

Author Notes

Chapter 16
Nightmare in the Hospital

By Debi Pick Marquette


I was excited for both of my coming surgeries.,

For I would get my legs back and a couple brand new knees 

One scheduled for July and then the next one in September 

I had no fear at all, and I was calm, I can remember

The day finally came, and then the first one had gone fine    

When time for bed my restless legs, no way I could confine

Then hemoglobin, heart rate, and my blood pressure dropped too 

My heart was in so much distress, they had to call code blue 

I woke up feeling strange, but glad I didn't wake up dead  :  )

It took a week to stabilize and two more weeks in bed   

And after a long month, I was released and on my own

They said six months of therapy and healthcare at my home

           And now it is September, and I'm on my eighth transfusion       

         And after that first surgery, I'm going through much confusion       

    For as the second date approached, I couldn't even sleep   

       I just was so exhausted and so done with counting sheep       

     It had been such a scary time, so I am so nervous        

   I try hard not to show it, but it's starting to surface   

       The first one didn't go so well, and I am full of fear      

  So now I have to ask myself,  just why am I back here?


Author Notes I wrote this about the feelings I had when I went in for my second surgery in September.
It went remarkably well. And I am happy to say that at least for now I am taking a few steps on my own. They are slow and like baby legs after not using them for so many years. It was never my intent to ask for sympathy because of what happened in July, but to tell how happy I am that I did go through it and glad it is over. Thank you all for your ongoing prayers, as they truly do work.


Chapter 17
Beauty of Their Story

By Debi Pick Marquette

  I took my children into town to slide downhill in snow
      We saw some homeless people down there by a fire below
      Some parents tried to make the homeless turn away and go
        I said you have no right to judge, these people you don’t know

      A homeless little boy said, yes, we're living in our car 
 We sure could use some friends who just like us for who we are
     Years later, I was picking up my grandson from his school
     I saw some teens who were about to break the golden rule
     My grandson pushed a wheel chair with a crippled girl inside
   The teen boys started teasing her, the little girl then cried

      My grandson said, you’re cruel, you think it’s easy in this chair
       Mean bullies just like you, should have to spend some time in there
      We went to the care center, to say bye to mom that day
     At 58, so frail and weak, her skin and hair were gray
    They put her in a chair, and heard some punks walk by and say
 So look at that old lady, looks like she’s wasting away

    My grandma’s dying of cancer, and she was so beautiful
    My son said, she can hear you, she is not delusional
      So why do people look at things and judge from what they think
  No caring or compassion and their sense of values sink
    They might be homeless, crippled, sick or having a bad day
 But you could make a difference, with help in some small way

   So when someone is needy, do not give them a cold shoulder
Just learn the beauty in their story's eye of the beholder

Chapter 18
Good and Bad Reviewing

By Debi Pick Marquette

So have you questioned a review, like did they read my post

And when they're done, you ask yourself, was this to be a roast

Many are really awesome; we can tell they read each line

But some will leave you thinking, am I sure they reviewed mine

And some are so spot on, and I applaud their honest tone

And then there's those I wonder, am I in the twilight zone

I cannot read long posts, until my eye surgeons correct

I have to pay my own, if I can't read, I don't collect

And feedback is the greatest gift; up there with a six star

How we improve, from day to day, and help us to go far

Some try to throw you off and pick at things so unrelated

But you're not fooling anyone, smug cannot be debated

I've heard one say, who cares, but is it fair to all the rest

The ones who follow all the rules and always do their best

Next time I read one just like that, so not to feel abused 

I'll know that I am not the one, who really is confused

Author Notes This was written for a friend who had gotten a disturbing review from someone, who obviously did not read her story, then proceeded to tear it apart because he didn't understand it. She was insulted and very hurt.

For myself as well, the only thing I will not not tolerate is not being read, (I had someone read a post about my dog and they said they were sorry my grandma died)
And I despise disrespect and smug. I am human with feelings. All I ask is what I give out.
When friends hurt, the mama bear comes out, and this is that result.

Everyone who is reading this is the 99% of reviews who are awesome. And as I include feedback is so important. It is the only reason I feel myself improving daily. And most are so generous with six stars too. And as my friends that have been so great with your awesome reviews, I praise you as in this poem. I hope the humor shows that I mean no offense to anyone unless they feel the need to get their message across with rudeness. Thank you for reading!!! : )

Chapter 19
Planning My Own Funeral

By Debi Pick Marquette

I'm planning my own funeral
So you may get it right
Your dad will not know who to call
He’ll pick a dress too tight


Do not let Susie do my hair
She screwed it up last time
Get someone from that Fancy Kare
Put on your father's dime


 Don't choose flowers that make me sneeze

Get ones that will survive 
Pick music from the great BeeGees
How ‘bout "Stayin' Alive"


When time to read my eulogy
Don't let my cousin speak
Ten years since she has talked to me
Some secrets she would leak


The eulogy just may surprise
There's things about your mom
I'll know, kids, if you roll your eyes
Just where you're coming from?


Have the obituary show
On paper's second page
Use picture from ten years ago
Don’t let them pad my age


If dad finds someone else too soon

Then takes her out to flaunt
Tell him that I'll sing him a tune
When I come down to haunt


While at the cemetery plot
Would you please hold my hand?
And please come visit me a lot
If not I'll understand 


And when it's time to bury me
You'll be at my grave sight
I fear the dark, so can there be
In coffin, a night light


Author Notes I steered away from serious family sentiments and spirituality, to keep this exactly how I meant it, just as a little humor poked at myself.

Chapter 20
Jesus vs satan

By Debi Pick Marquette





Jesus with Grace: Praying, Staying God

satan disgrace:  preying, slaying fraud

Author Notes You will never see me capitalize satan or anything to do with his evil.
To do so, would be putting some sort of importance in him, of which he has none.

Chapter 21
Cycle of a Child and a Flower

By Debi Pick Marquette

A baby blesses us so much, before and after birth
They are much more precious than anything on Earth
After good nutrition, love is mostly what they need
Give them tons of nurturing; at first they're like a seed

Like the seed that grows into the beauty of a flower
A child also needs the rays of sunshine and its power

Both depend so greatly on lots of loving care
And neither can survive without water, food and air

Blessed to have our children for many years to cherish
But the lovely flower, every winter it will perish
These cycles will continue from birth until old age
Tell your child of Christ; He's needed every stage

A Child and a flower are gifts from God we know

Some flowers give us food and others just to show
Our child will be our child until the time we go
Sadly some weren't given, the chance to bloom and grow

Chapter 22
Forgiving Cheaters

By Debi Pick Marquette

If we want to be forgiven, then we also must forgive 
But this is not how God intended for us each to live
One night you didn't come home, till 3:30 next morning
You didn't even call me or give me any warning 

I thought you knew the nanny was hired for the kids 
You cheated your kids too; that's what this mom forbids

Technically you weren't in bed, but you were only on it?
You really must be kidding me; I'll soon write you a sonnet

For you and your assistant, neither one are very smart
Put you both together, and it still won't make one heart  

You call it an addiction and you could not help yourself ? 
But you helped yourself to others and you stored me on a shelf

You must feel so entitled that you give yourself a pass
If you ever cheat again, you're kicked out on your ass

I'll give you one more chance, but I'm warning you to stop it
 'Cause if you cheat again, meet the next Lorena Bobbitt


Author Notes Thankfully this is not my marriage. Yet I know too many, that it is theirs. I wrote this to raise awareness to abuse and the pain of infidelity in marriage. If you have a friend or family member who lives this lie, please reach out to be there for them, encourage and help them find a way out, if they are willing to take the help.

Chapter 23
Quotes of Wisdom ~ My View

By Debi Pick Marquette


The greatest glory in living, lies not in never falling,

but in rising every time we fall.

-Nelson Mandela

When you fall, get back up, dust it off and try again

Do not pay attention, to those who mock you or condemn

If I fall, I wait for help, think of poems that I'll write then


The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

 -Walt Disney

 If you want it bad enough, shush it; grab and clutch

Stop babbling your way through life, without even a touch

I do get a lot done, but I love to talk too much


The best and most beautiful things in the world

cannot be seen. They must be felt with the heart.

-Helen Keller

For family and friends, love in our heart is how to see

My blind friends can see better, than some whose sight is free

I can't see you FS friends, but you mean the world to me


In all stages of your life, you'll have choices, bad and good

Happiness and less regrets, by choosing those you should

Find those that are of value, and always do your best

Make decisions that are close to God, and throw out all the rest

      - Joyce Pick

     Decisions in our life, we make one choice or another

     Thinking only of yourself, can make you choke and smother

    I ask myself, will God approve, then surely would my mother          



{This is how I view the three black lines of each stanza}
1. The way I interpret it
2. Another way of seeing it
3. How it pertains to me (at times a way to laugh at myself)

Acts of Kindness for Teachers" was named for my Mom, Joyce Pick, by Oprah Winfrey
Oprah read and proclaimed this quote by my mom, for all to live by, on national television.

Chapter 24
Making Lemonade

By Debi Pick Marquette

Writing about lemons, is nothing new to poetry

 But there are times that lemons can fool you totally

. I don't believe all lemons, should be given equal ranks

Especially when sweetening, the lemon said, 'no thanks' 


Looking at a lemon, you can't see the fruit inside

It can be so beautiful, but inside it has died 

People are like lemons, make life sweeter or more sour

  My mom warned me about these, that love or else devour


  Lemons can have bad spots, that need to be cut out

 Bitterness stuck in your mouth, like venom there's no doubt

  But "a lemon that's a lemon?" You can't win, I know first hand

  They'll steal from underneath you, so they should all be banned


  Much like apples in a pail, a few don't spoil the bunch

   Take the good and make yourself, a drink for your next lunch

  Do what you must do, to keep the positive in life

  Don't take the personality, of lemons that cause strife


 I have a lemonade stand; a cup of how you choose

  sweeten it with honesty, are just a couple do's

 Serve with a clear conscience, are options we should use

     One more thing that you should know, I don't supply the booze  


Author Notes This was a little lesson taught to me by my mother. She said, lemons are not all created equal. That you must keep your eyes open to the ones who can make other things in life taste better, those that are just sour by nature, the ones that can make your life miserable without any thought of sweetening, and those that can destroy your vision for life by squirting their juice in your eye. I agree, to choose the ones that you are able to work with and make lemonade with them. All the others, as my mother always said,
Just spit it out and don't be foolish enough to try that one again.

Chapter 25
White Hope for 2023

By Debi Pick Marquette


midnight blues won't disappear

~gold hearts live in fear~

white hope needed in new year

Chapter 26
Self Inspection

By Debi Pick Marquette


Do you feel superior, where you show off your art

Do you irritate your peers, thinking you're so smart  

 Your "l"phone full of selfies?  you might need a restart

My diagnosis for you: you may need a new heart


Are you partial to a "No," why not try to say "Yes"

"No" is beneficial, when it keeps you free of stress

But "yes" opens more doors, for achieving great success

Less is mostly more {in life} and more is mostly less


You making any friends, from your pedestal on top

My dear, sooner or later, you most likely will drop

I do hate when I hear, anybody go ker~plop

Humility is priceless, humiliation stop!


Chapter 27
Letter from God

By Debi Pick Marquette


I'm writing this letter, to remind you again

You're no longer that young girl; it wasn't your sin

 Your childhood was taken before I intended

A child and woman, too young they were blended

"Don't let those events, define you and scar"

"They're now in the past, they're not who you are"

Some years had gone by, you thought life as a teen,

Would help you forget what you lived and had seen

Now once again, you would go through more hurt

You felt so unclean; more filthy than dirt

"Don't let those events define you and scar"

"They're now in the past, they're not who you are"

Then you were married, and mother of three

Still haunted by ghosts; your life is not free

If only those secrets, weren't forced to be kept

And if maybe just once, you had finally wept

"Don't let those events, define you and scar"

"They're now in the past, they're not who you are"

I'm thankful you let me back into your life

 Replaced goodness for evil. and joy for the strife

Tormented affliction, is not so perplexed

'Cause Jesus is first and your family is next

"These events shall define you and not leave a scar"

"They now are your present; they are who you are"

Forgiveness is key, mend some of the pain

Pray for offenders, you'll heal and sustain

No longer the hate, the fatigue and the strain

Another New Year; your life's fresh as the rain

    "These events shall define you, and not leave a scar"

    "They now are your present; they are who you are"

Chapter 28
The Christmas Spirit

By Debi Pick Marquette

Each Christmas ~ and not just holidays,  

lift your voice, love and kindness pays.

 Jesus will guide all your days, 

let His light shine always~

share with no delays,

feel healing rays, 

 burdens raise. 
Christ saves~ 

Author Notes

Chapter 29
Season of Joy, Joy Joy

By Debi Pick Marquette

 From the time we have Thanksgiving, in my dear son's humble home

To the time that I will sit and write, my joyful New Year's Poem

These feelings that come over me, they give me so much joy

My children feel the same; my precious two girls and a boy

I'd like to pay it forward, for who've not found their way yet 

I do know what it's like, when you are trying to forget

Forget about the hurtful things, the sadness and depression 

I'd like to help them feel the joy, of Jesus's Redemption 

For starters you must learn, about the joy of His great birth

Then lead the joyful life, that God has meant for you on Earth

Next you'll feel joyfully new, as you are born again

Eventually you'll change again, on your way to Heaven

Enjoy the Season with loved ones; share their joy and grins

Rejoice in knowing He was born, to die just for our sins

Love each other all year long, like the joy of Christmas morn

Because God gave us so much joy, when Jesus Christ was born



Author Notes Just had to write this after reading the prompt last night in, "God in our Life" Club.
Writing for Jesus, is so easy because the Great Author is the One who leads the way!

Chapter 30
If You Were to Ask

By Debi Pick Marquette

If you were to ask, what leads me everyday 

I'd say the Holy Trinity, and guidance when I pray 

He convicts me of my sins, in my soul, I used to fear it

Now He keeps me righteous; He is the Holy Spirit 

If you were to ask about my Wonderful Best Friend 

The One who will be faithful, until the very end

God blesses us with friends; He truly wants to please us 

 But this Friend died for us,; He loves us and He's Jesus

If you were to ask, about the Best Love to mankind

Nothing can compare to it; No Greater Love you'll find

God blessed us with love stories, for which He was the Author 

His Love is Perfect and So Pure; He is our Heavenly Father

It started with our God; Beginning and the End 

God conceived the virgin birth, He promised He would send 

Then Jesus died to save us; Holy Spirit; Helper, Friend 

We will be with Them in Heaven, where Eternity we'll spend 

Author Notes Jimmy Fortune was one of the Statler Brothers and wrote many hits, including:
He' more than a Face on a Wall
I Believe
And many others

Chapter 31
Thursday Let Us All Give Thanks

By Debi Pick Marquette

Remember them and help today

For those without, please give and pray

For some, no money in the banks

On Thursday, let us all give Thanks

 Remember holidays are hard

For those whose health is bad or scarred

Once joyful eyes, now sad and blank.

On Thursday, let us all give Thanks

Remember those who fought in wars

For many vets, are just closed doors

They fought on foot, planes, ships or tanks

On Thursday, let us all give Thanks

Remember cherished family

A gift of love, from God to thee

 So laugh, have fun, do silly pranks

On Thursday, let us all give Thanks,

Remember how much you are blessed

God gave His Son for you, His Best

The Holy Trio, knows no ranks

On Thursday, let us all give Thanks

Author Notes Although I continue to talk about Thursday, we all know that we should be aware of the hardships of our fellowman, give, pray and give thanks everyday of the year.

Chapter 32
Divine Clouds

By Debi Pick Marquette

Not sure I've seen any clouds quite so beautiful 

I doubt that they are real, but this is what I know

If they were, they would be Clouds that are Divine

For sure they'd be the Work of God, and truly be a sign

A lovely thought that someday, together we could be 

In a Paradise called Heaven, through all eternity

We'll write our poems or stories, perhaps in streets of gold

From the King of Kings first hand, exactly as it's told

Even though we're sinners, God so often tries to please us
I love that I am saved, by our Lord and Savior, Jesus

These clouds are a reminder, that Jesus leads The Way

He'll ride that horse when He comes back

Soon on Judgement Day

Chapter 33
ClaraBelle Christine

By Debi Pick Marquette

~ClaraBelle Christine~

May your faith always be as strong, as it is today

You're still a child of God, but in a special mature way

I've watched you grow in stages, from crayons to a text

Each has been my favorite, not knowing what was next

Today will be my best ever, to see you get confirmed

It's the most important thing that you have ever learned

You're sixteen years and six foot one; you face things with a smile

 You've lived your life so far, with an exemplary style

As your grandma, I pray daily that your days be free of strife

It gives me so much peace knowing that God's first in your life

There's one thing I must ask of you; it's more than just a favor

Please always keep your faith, and keepJesus as your Savior

I know I always tell you; I might another million times

I'll love you through Eternity, as long as God's Son Shines

 ~Your grandma Debi~ 


Author Notes ClaraBelle's being confirmed today, 10-30-2022. Unfortun/ately, because I have been sick I'm unable to attend. So in honor of this very special day in her life, I'd like to share the poem that I had written a couple weeks ago for her and put on a plaque for her.
This childhood picture of Clara has always been one of my favorites, as her personality shines through from a little girl unto today. When my husband brings home pictures of her, I will replace it with a Confirmation picture.

One of thousands of stories, poems and books available online at

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