"Eyes on You"

Chapter 1
The Beginning of the End

By Mistydawn

I'm racing down these dark, deserted streets hoping to escape the law. I've been trying to flee from these unwavering detectives for what seems like a lifetime now. Every fiber in my being is screaming in pain and my heart feels like it's going to pound out of my chest. I want to put an end to this merciless manhunt, but Jen and the boys will be in grave danger If I do. So, with every ounce of strength, and determination I can muster, I keep moving on. My name is Tommy Campbell, and this is my story.


It all began on what seemed to be a typical hot July day. The temperature was in the mid-nineties, but the soring humidity made it feel like it was in the triple digits. I'd just clocked out for the day when my phone rings. Little did I know that answering the call would change my life forever.

"Hello?" I wipe the sweat from my brow as I continue across the parking lot.

"Mr. Campbell, this is Dr. Sigmund from Mercy Hospital. Your wife has been in a car accident."

I feel the color drain from my face, hear my heart pound furiously in my head. I push the phone against my ear and manage to stutter, "A ... A car accident, is she alright?" ... "I'm on my way."

I see my mother-in-law crying in the waiting room. In a state of panic, I jog towards her. "Where's Jen is she alright?"

"I'm so sorry, Tommy," she sobs, pulling me close.

The smell of liquor is so overwhelming, that it makes me gag, I push her away. "Sorry about what? Where's Jen, is she alright?" I anxiously look around.

"None of this would've happened if I'd picked her up like we'd planned," Mary sobs.

"What wouldn't have happened?" I ask, more frightened than before.

"Jen was in a terrible accident and they're not sure if she's going to make it. I'm sorry I didn't give her a ride, Tommy, so, so sorry," she cries.

I glance down the cold, sterile hall. "Where is she, I need to see her?"

"They've taken her to surgery."


"They're trying to stop her bleeding."

"What about our baby and the boys?"

"The boys are at home with their sitter."

"And the baby?"

"The doctors aren't sure they can save her."

"It's a girl, we're having a girl?" I plop down in the chair. After having three boys we finally get a girl. "She has to live, she just has to," I say, throwing my head in my hands.

"I'm so sorry, Tommy, so sorry this happened," Mary bawls.

The totality of the situation hits me, I spring from my chair. "This wouldn't have happened if you'd done what you promised instead of boozing it up at the club." Mary looks toward the ground. "Your drinking has gotten out of hand, Mary, way out of hand."

"I know, Tommy, I know."

"You say that now, but I bet you won't do anything about it."

"I will, I promise."

"How many times has Jen and I heard that before?"

"I mean it this time, Tommy, I swear."

"Yeah, right. The only time you'll stop drinking is when you're six feet under." A similar conversation I had with my dad replays in my mind. His memory becomes so unbearable, I turn away.

"That's a lie, I can stop any time I want." Mary took to the bottle after Jen's dad left. She's been going through booze and men like their water ever since.

I spin back around. "Prove it." Seeing one of the doctors step into the waiting room I run towards him.

"How's Jen and the baby, are they going to be alright?"

"You are?"

"I'm Jen's husband, Tommy."

The doctor glances over at Mary, she nods. "Jen's condition is stable for now."

"For now?"

"She has a condition known as cardiomyopathy, which is an enlargement of her heart."

"Yes, yes, I know. She's been taking medicine for that"

"The disease has become life-threatening."

"What do you suggest we do?"

"Your wife is going to need a heart transplant as soon as the baby is born."

"The baby, how is she?"

"We've given your wife some medicine to stop her labor, We're hoping to keep the baby in utero as long as we can. The longer she stays, the better."

"Won't this put Jen in danger?"

"She'll be kept on bed rest, and monitored closely the remainder of her pregnancy. When it's time to deliver, I suggest we do a C-section, so your wife and baby won't have to endure the stress of labor."

"When can I see her?"

He glances at his watch. "Our next visitation starts in half an hour."

I storm towards the front door. "Where are you going, Tommy?" Mary questions.

"I'm going to get some money together for Jen's operation."

"What about visitations?"

"I'll be back before they begin."

We've looked into the cost of transplants when Jen was first diagnosed. Since my health insurance only covers a small portion and we're not eligible for financial assistance, my only option is to gather the large sum on my own. Besides winning the lottery, there is only one other way I know to accomplish the task; do illegal jobs the way I did as a child. Only this time I'm not going to ask Hernandez and his gang for help. Not after having to pay them a large sum of money to get them to leave us alone.

Yeah, you heard me right, I've been on the wrong side of the law since I was the ripe old age of ten. I tried to make money the legal way, with a legitimate job and all but no one was willing to hire a child, not for a real job anyhow, besides Hernandez of course. A few of the townspeople gave me odd jobs, raking their leaves, taking out their garbage, things like that. I appreciated their charity, but it wasn't enough to put food on the table or pay the bills. Since Dad uses all his money for booze and mom left us, it's up to me to make ends meet. So, I did the only thing I could and that was to steal.

I pull my phone from my pocket as I head towards my car. "Hey Vinnie, it's me, Tommy. I have a business proposition for you." Vinnie, Larry, and I did some major looting in our younger years and I was hoping we could do it again. Vinnie's voice blares through the phone. "What would you say if I told you that you'll never have to work again?" ... "Yeah, I'm serious."... "No, it's not another crazy scheme like the others." ... Meet you at our old place in ten and I'll explain."

I pull up to our old hideout a few minutes later. Vinnie is waiting for me by the door. "So what's this great plan you've cooked up?" he asks, pulling me inside.

"I've been setting this up since I first found out about Jen's poor health." Seeing the inquisitive look on his face I continue. "I've been placing cameras in the customer's homes when I install their satellite."
"What's wrong with Jen?"

'She has a heart condition. The doctor said the only way she'll get better is if she has a transplant."

"I'm sorry to hear that, man."

"I need to do this job, so I can get the money for her operation."

"What kind of job is it?"

"Robbing houses." Seeing he's about to protest, I hold up my hand. "I know what you're going to say; it isn't worth the time, normally I'd agree, but the houses I have set up will put us on easy street in no time. I guarantee it." I pull out my phone and start running through the pictures. "What do you think about them?"

He takes the phone away and starts looking for himself. "They're beautiful and all, but I bet they're locked up tighter than Fort Knox."

"That's where my surveillance cameras come in."

"You've been watching these houses?"

"Inside and out. I can tell you the security codes to every door and every safe on the premises. I can also tell you the best time to hit."

"Why do you need my help then?"

"I want to share this great opportunity with my friend."

"So what's my take going to be on these jobs?"

"We'll split the profit equally."

"You really think we'll make bank, robbing these houses?"

"I know we will."

In the far distance, someone is watching, waiting to make their move.

Chapter 2
The Big Heist

By Mistydawn

Tommy whips his car through slower moving traffic, rushing to get across town. He hopes he'll be able to make it to the warehouse on time. He's been looking forward to this heist for weeks because it promises to be the biggest payout of all. A few more of these and I'll have the down payment for Jen's operation. He smiles to himself. Her condition remains stable, but with her heart the way it is, Tommy knows she can go to stable to critical in a matter of seconds.
Tommy recalls the first time he stepped into the old lady's home as his car slides around the sharp curve. I can make bank with this job, he concluded as he continued to scope the mansion out.

We'll hit the jackpot that's for sure. He skids into the empty lot. I hope they didn’t leave without me. Hopping out of the car, he jogs across the lawn. The door flies open, Vinnie jerks him inside.
“Nice seeing you again too, pal.” Tommy laughs.

The strong smell of pot hits him as he’s slung through the entryway. He glances through the haze to find Larry toking it up in the corner. This was a ritual he started years ago; he claims weed helps calm his nerves. Being the jittery type, Tommy figures he can use all the help he can get. "Sorry, I'm late. I was setting up the cameras and lost track of time."

Larry glances up from his hookah. "You found us another house to rob?"

"I have two, but it'll be months before we can hit either one."

"How do you want to split the house, Tommy?"

"I'll do the alarm and safe. Vinnie, you take the upstairs, Larry the downstairs. When I yell time, we'll head to the car, got it?" His buddies nod in agreement. "Let's get to it then."


The daily hustle and bustle of the squad room continues all around them. The three Berryville Detectives are reviewing recent burglary reports at their desks on the far side of the room. They're hoping to find something that'll help solve their case but haven't had any luck thus far.

"I don't understand how a robber can walk into a house in broad daylight, grab a bunch of stuff and walk out without being seen. It's like the crook has an invisible shield or something." Kirk scans through the reports again. After ten years in the lab, Kirk decided he needs a change. So, he took the detective exam and now works alongside his two favorite detectives, Rachel and Jerry.

"According to the reports, the thief is in and out within a very short amount of time. So, we can assume that whoever is pulling off these jobs is familiar with the house and the victim's routine."

"That's a great assumption, Jerry. Were there any strange cars reported in the neighborhood?" Rachel asks.

"No, and the neighbors don't recall anything out of the ordinary either."

"Is there any security footage, Kirk?"

"There's one traffic cam on Fremont and Main, but since the robbery occurred during the morning rush, it's going to take a while to sort through it."

"We still need to pull the tape, see what we can find. Is there any connection between the victims?"

"I haven't found anything yet and by the looks of it, I doubt I will."

"Why, Kirk?"

"Their lives couldn't be any more different and the locations are miles apart."

"Keep digging into the victims' backgrounds. Jerry and I will see what we can find on the webcam, if that's alright with you, Jerr?"

"Sounds good to me, sergeant." Jerry has been with the police force for 16 years, he made sergeant in 10. After suffering from several health issues, the doctor advised him to either retire or find a less stressful job. Jerry didn't want to give up police work entirely, so, he decided to step down from the sergeant position, after encouraging Rachel to fill the spot. She took the test and was promoted to sergeant soon after. Although Rachel outranks him, she often asks for his approval out of respect.

"Guys, there's been a robbery on Church Street. Patrol believes it was done by the same perp," Joe says, walking towards them.

"We're on our way, captain," Rachel glances at her crew.

The three men pull up to the beautiful two-story brick mansion just off of homestead drive. The immaculate home sits on five acres of well-kept lawn. Several large statues encompass the grand entryway. A row of French Lavender flowers runs the length of the walk and two large flower beds are on either side of the steps.

"You weren't kidding about it being fancy, Tommy," Vinnie says admiring the million dollar home.

The group circles around to the service entrance located in the back. "Only take what we can get rid of things that'll be hard to trace," Tommy instructs as he punches in the code.

Vinnie hears gravel crunching in the driveway. He glances up to find a car headed their way. "Someone's coming, Tommy."

They didn't have a single visitor the entire time I cased the joint.


The detectives see forensics diligently working the scene when they pull up to the house. The residents is a two-story baby-blue Victorian. It at the houses around it are listed on the National Historical Registry.
"This is Jack and Elizabeth Barkley. They own the house," a uniformed officer informs her.

"My name is Rachel, and these are my partners, Jerry and Kirk. Can you please explain what happened this morning?"

"My wife and I left for a business trip. We came back and I found this.”

"Who would do this to us, Jack, who?" Elizabeth buries her face in her hands.

"I don't know, honey." He gently wraps his arm around her. She snuggles against him.

"At least you weren't hurt," Kirk says.

 Terror fills Elizabeth’s eyes. "He's right, we could've been killed." Feeling her body tremble, Jack pulls her in closer and then glares at the detective. 
Feeing the animosity grow between then Rachel steps in between the homeowners and Kirk. She clear her throat and then says, “How long were you gone?”
“We left Sunday night and returned today.”

"Do either of you have any enemies, maybe someone who has a grudge against you?"

"I can't think of anyone, can you honey?"

 Elizabeth wipes a tear from her cheek. She sniffles and says, “No, not a soul.”

"Does anyone else have a key to your house, a housekeeper, nanny, or gardeners perhaps?"

Elizabeth glances up. "We can't afford to hire help; we're barely scraping by."

"Barely scraping by?" Rachel glances inside the elaborate house.

"Well, not barely, but we have to watch what we spend." She gets a dreamy look in her eyes. "The baby will be here before long." Seeing Rachel eyeing her stomach Elizabeth laughs. "I'm not pregnant, sergeant. We're adopting a beautiful baby girl from Russia."

"I bet that cost a small fortune."

"It took most of our life savings, but it'll be worth every penny when we hear the pitter-patter of her little feet."

"If you think of anything useful, please let me know." The sergeant hands them her card.

Jack takes it from her. "We will."

Rachel walks across the lawn; her partners follow. When they're a safe distance away, she turns to face them. "I have a new spin on the robberies, guys."

"What's that?" Kirk asks.

"What if it's an inside job?"

"We've already looked into the staff from the first crime scenes and they said they don’t hire out."

"What if it's the owners and not their staff?"

"Why would they want to steal their own stuff?" Kirk questions, scratching his head.

"They wouldn't steal it, they'd move it to a different location. Then file a false police report and wait for the insurance money to roll in."

"I can see someone doing that if they need money, but..."

"One couple told us the economy is hurting their business, and this couple said the adoption wiped them out. So, who's to say the other couples aren't in a financial crisis as well?"

"It's possible I suppose, unlikely but possible."

"Don't you guys think it's odd that the robber seems to  know all the codes and that nothing suspicious is reported when it happens, Jerry?" 

"I'll check the owner's whereabouts, but I still say your theory is way off."

"Have my instincts' been wrong before?"

"There's always a first."

"I'll tell you what, if I'm wrong, which I'm not, I'll make you supper anything you want."

Jerry’s eyes light up as he pictures the delicious feat. He’s all about his food. His large waist is proof of that.

"When you lose, you’ll take me to the restaurant of my choice."

"You don't want me to cook for you?"

"I've tasted your food and I'd much rather eat jailhouse slop."

"I can cook a lot of things." He pats his rounded belly.

"Don't you mean you ruin a lot of things?" Kirk and Rachel laugh.


Chapter 3
Unexpected Visitors

By Mistydawn

Finding out that his pregnant wife Jen needs a costly operation, Tommy turns to a life of crime

Tommy sees a large black Cadillac XT5 pull up to the front of the house. Hitman drives those types of cars. Tommy thinks. Opening the service door, he shoves his two friends inside. This isn't an easy feat considering their massive stature. Vinnie has a buff exterior from his daily workouts and Larry the gourmand is all about his food. "Find somewhere to hide in case this goes sideways." Vinnie's mouth flies open in protest. Tommy looks towards their invader and then his buddy. "I don't have time to argue about this." He closes the door before Vinnie says a word.

Tommy turns to see the car getting closer. I need to come up with a reason for being here and I need to do it fast. He takes a few deep breaths hoping to steady his nerves as the car continues to approach him. Tommy tries to size up the meddler, but the windows are tinted so heavily he can't see who's inside. This terrifies Tommy even more. After what seems like a lifetime, the SUV comes to a complete stop beside him. Here goes nothing. Tommy gulps. The glass barrier squeaks as it glides down.

He sees an older, distinguished gentleman alone in the back seat. His fancy wardrobe and assortment of rings scream money. The way he holds himself gives off a sense of power and prestige.

"What are you doing loitering on my friend's property?" he asks. A fat Havana hangs from the corner of his mouth.

"Well, sir, I was...." Tommy watches him pull out what looks to be a small pistol from his pocket; Terrified, he hits the ground.

"Did you think I was going to shoot you or something?" He laughs, lighting his cigar with the small device.

Red-faced, Tommy pulls himself off the ground. "The lighter look like an old gun, sir," Tommy sheepishly replies dusting himself off.

The man turns the item around in his hand. "I guess it does," he chuckles, pocketing the lighter. "You never did answer my question. Why are you here when they're not home?"

"They're not home, no wonder I couldn't get an answer."

"What are you doing here?" The man demands.

"I was told to check on their satellite service, make sure they aren't having any issues." Realizing the stranger isn't convinced, Tommy decides to elaborate. "Tommy points toward his van. We've been having trouble with the satellites in this area, so the higer-ups wants us to go house to house, make sure all the problems have been resolved." The company had equipment issues in this area a few weeks back. This affords Tommy the opportunity to add a few more houses to his list. "Guess I'll have to come back another time."

"I guess you will."

Tommy heads towards his truck. He glances back and finds the man hasn't moved. He's probably waiting for me to pull away. I'll just leave and then circle back around. What if he checks the house instead of following me out? He glances back again. That's a chance I'll have to take. Climbing in his van, he slowly drives away. He looks back to see the man pull out behind him. Now to make my story seem legitimate. He makes a left at the end of the drive, the intruder does the same. Surely, he won't follow me onto this property. Guess I'll just tell them the same story if he does. He pulls into their neighbor's drive, the intruder slows down, stares a minute then drives away. I really thought he was going to do something. Tommy breathes a sigh of relief.

Tommy waits until the busy body is down the road before he heads back to the house. It's probably not a good idea to carry out the heist now I've been spotted. I was so looking forward to it too. He pulls his van to the other side of the shed so it can't be seen from the main entrance. It's better to be safe than sorry, he concludes as he hikes a short distance to the house.

Peeking around the corner, he finds the coast is still clear. So far so good. He hustles toward the back door. I need to grab the guys and go, he thinks as he nervously punches in the code; the door clicks open. Stepping inside, Tommy glances around. "Vinnie, Larry, where are you?" He continues through the house. " Vinnie, Larry." His voice echoes down the long dark corridor. It'll take forever to find them like this. He starts to pull his cell from his pocket when he hears heavy footsteps behind him. Tommy grabs for his gun as he spins around.

"It's me, it's me," Vinnie says, throwing his hands in the air.

Tommy lowers his weapon. "You shouldn't sneak up on someone. Especially when you know they're packing."

"Sorry, man."

"Where's Larry?"

"Right here," he says, walking down the hall. "You'll never believe all the goodies we found." Vinnie taps his backpack and then Larry's. "You're right, this is the best heist yet."

"Too bad we can't take this stuff."

"What do you mean we can't take it?" Vinnie tosses the luggage on the floor.

"Did you forget about our visitor?"

"You smoothed it over, right?"

"For now, but I'll be their main suspect when the owners report their stuff stolen."

"Not the way I've set it up."

"What did you do, Larry?"

According to their security footage, the robbery happened days ago by two men who don't look a thing like us." Pulling out his phone, he shows Tommy a video clip. "Today's recording shows the place undisturbed."

"They can't tell that the video has been tampered with, right?"

"Not even the experts." He smiles smugly.

"Let's get out of here before the guy comes back."

The three start to head towards the service door when a light flips on in the entryway. High heels tap a rhythmic tune across the tile floor seconds later. Startled, the three glance towards the front. They see a breathtaking blonde wearing a chic red dress, and spiked heels gliding towards them. Her garment's snug fit, low cleavage, and side slit that starts at the top of her hips leave little to the imagination. The things I'd like to do to her. Larry thinks, drooling all over himself. Being single and not the most handsome gentleman in town, women are few and far between.

Tapping his friends on the shoulder, Tommy motions them to follow. The three move quietly across the darkened kitchen. They just make it to the back door when Larry clips a cat with the toe of his boot. The white ball of fluff yelps as it flies into the air. Landing with a thud, the feline lets out an evil hiss as it scampers away.

"Who's out there?" the young woman asks as she quickens her pace.


The small brass bell rings as Kirk steps through the pawn-shop door. This place hasn't changed a bit. Kirk thinks, eyeing the huge selection of merchandise.

"I'll be right with you, the owner says as he finishes up the last customer.

"No hurry." Kirk continues to walk down the aisles as he waits for his turn. He'd just finished inspecting some tools when he hears the bell chime; three questionable looking gentlemen step inside. Kirk immidetly reconizes them as the Salois  brothers. The oldest brother, Andy had just been releassed from prison last week, Jack and Jeremy the week before. I wonder what they're up to probably no good.

"Have a nice day," the owner says as the first customer walks across his store. Seeing Kirk is shopping, he turns towards his new patrons. "How may I help you gentleman?"

"How much we can get for these?" the man asks, laying some items on the counter. Kirk watches as the businessman inspects each piece closely.

"This is some nice stuff you have here, gentleman. May I ask where you got it?"

"It's from our Aunt's estate." Kirk realizes that most of the items on the counter resemble the ones on his stolen item list when he moves in closer.

Pulling his gun from his holster he heads towards the front. "Berryville PD, hands where I can see them." The thugs don't move. "Do it now." Glancing at each other, the three reaches into their jacket and pulls out their weapons.

"They have a gun." The owner yells, ducking behind the counter.

"Drop your weapon, now," Kirk demands. Gunfire erupts as the thugs spin around. 

Tommy main conspirator to the crime
Vinnie, Larry Tommy's friends
Jen, Tommy's wife

 Salois Brothers Andy, Jeremy, Jack career criminals.
Berryvlle PD

Kirk- detective.

Chapter 4
Confronting Danger

By Mistydawn

Finding out his pregnant wife Jen needs a costly operation, Tommy turns to a life of crime
. They're in the middle of one of their jobs when the owners come home. Kirk is trying to see if the pawn shop owner has some stolen merchandise when armed thugs come in.

Fear surges through the owner's entire body as he watched the thugs reach inside their black, gangster replica jackets. A smug smile spreads across their hideous faces as the three remove their Glocks from their waistband. "They've got guns," the owner warns, ducking behind the counter. Shots echoes across the store as he scampers to safety.

Kirk steps into the center aisle, his gun pointed at the troublesome trio. "Drop your weapons, now." The hoodlums spin around, their weapons out in front of them. Kirk takes a quick side dive to the floor. His body lands with a thud behind a large display of dishes.

"You're not escaping this one, pig." Andy pulls the trigger, small ceramic pieces land all around him. Kirk's heart beats so hard that he feels like it's about to pound right out of his chest. Hundreds of thoughts race through his mind as he tries to come up with a plan. I need to call for backup. He notices his hands are trembling uncontrollably when he lifts it off the floor. He takes a deep breath to calm his nerves. "Shots fired, shots fired in Berryville Pawn. Officer needs assistance. Repeat, officer needs assistance." He hears it repeated across the radio a few seconds later. I need to check on the owner, see if he's ok.

"Kirk peeks around the corner to find the three stomping towards him. Their large stature and heavy steps cause the remaining tableware to clank above him. Kirk nervously watches as the unsteady display wobbles back and forth. It's going to crash on top of me if I don't move. He anxiously looks around, hoping to find a safe place to hide.

"Come out, come out wherever you are," Andy says. as he continues to clomp through the store.

"You don't want to do this, boys. You really don't."

"Wanna make a bet," Andy growls.

"You may think so now, but what you do in the next few minutes could determine your future; whether you're locked up for a few years or the rest of your life."

"No judge will give us life; the prisons are too crowded as it is." Andy chuckles as he and his two younger brothers continue towards him. The three were released early this last stint because of the prison's overpopulation. It's also the reason why they haven't spent more than a few years behind bars.

Kirk slinks down the aisle, making a mad dash behind the row of couches when he reaches the end. How am I going to get to the owner from here? He quickly glances around hoping to come up with an idea.

Realizing Kirk has moved from his spot, Andy motions his brothers to fan out."You can run, but you can't hide." Andy continues to tromp through the aisles.

Kirk peeks around the furniture and finds two of the thugs are directly in front of him. Now's my chance to even the odds. Bringing his weapon out in front of him, Kirk shoots the first man in the knee. His portly body crumbles downward, landing with a thud on the cold dusty floor. The thug's hand flies open, his weapon whizzes across the room. It pings off a few pieces of merchandise before falling out of sight somewhere towards the back of the store. Not wasting a second, Kirk pivots and squeezes off a second round. The bullet lodges in the center of Jack's leg. He grabs his extremity as he tumbles to the ground.

Kirk starts searching for Andy when he hears a deep, scratchy voice behind him.

"You shouldn't have done that, pig." Kirk feels something hard press into the center of his back; he winces from the pain. Andy pushes the barrel in deeper. "Game over, detective, you lose." Andy laughs as he cocks his gun.


Terrified, the young woman glances towards the dark kitchen. "Who's out there?" she asks again. The house remains eerily still. Her frightened cat scampers towards her. Startled, she jumps back. "What's going on Kitty?" She squats down to pet the beautiful, white Persian; the ball of fur scampers past her. Something has her spooked. Julie looks towards the kitchen but doesn't see a thing. They could be hiding in the shadows. She pulls a small handgun out of her purse. Taking it off of safety, she holds the weapon out as she continues towards the back. "I have a gun and I know how to use it." She gulps, hoping she sounds braver than she felt. Not hearing anything, she nervously continues on.

Stepping through the service door, Tommy closes it behind them. "Run guys, run." He dashes up the hill. His friends follow. The three just reach the back of the shed when the service door opens.

Stepping into the warm afternoon sun Julie takes a quick look around. I must have scared him off. She starts to head back to the house when she sees movement out of the corner of her eye.

"That was close, Tommy." Larry leans against the shed, trying to catch his breath.

"Too close." Vinnie agrees.

"I hate to burst your bubble, but we're not out of danger yet." Tommy points towards the armed lady clomping her way up the hill.

"What are we going to do?"

Tommy looks around, hoping to come up with a plan.


Rachel glances around the crowded precinct as she steps through the door. It's packed wall to wall with desks and equipment. The officers somehow manage to get the job done despite their close quarters. I don't know how they do it sometimes, she thinks, recalling how busy it can get. She sees some officers typing up reports while others are taking statements as she continues to survey the room. "We have a good team, Joe."

"You're right, we do." He agrees as they continue across the station.

"Just the people I wanted to see, " Jerry says, stepping up beside them.

"Did you find something?"

"It's more like what I didn't find. I've checked the robbery victim's bank statements like the sergeant asked and they all seem to be doing rather well."

"No one has suffered a financial loss, recently?"

"Quite the opposite, they all seem to be doing extremely well; as good if not better than what they did the year before."

"There goes my idea."

"It's not all a loss, guys."

"Do you have a lead?"

"I have something better." He walks over to his computer and pushes a button. "I checked the security footage from the house on Church Street and found this." They see three men walking through the house, grabbing things as they go. He stops the video when a picture of three men pops up on the screen. "I scanned their photos against what's in the system and came up with some names; patrol is picking them up now"


Julie's fear turns into anger and her anger turns into rage as she climbs to the top of the hill. This is the second time someone's broken into my home this month and I'm going to put an end to it right here, right now. Her father's advice replays in her mind. Let the police to do their job my ass. I won't have anything left If I wait for those bozos to figure this out.

Walking up behind him, Julie shoves the pistol against the intruder's head. "Don't move a muscle or I'll blow your brains out, got it?" She cocks her gun.

"Yes." Tommy gulps. He looks towards the shed where his friends were safely hidden and wishes he was in there instead of taking the heat.

"What were you doing in my house a few minutes ago?"

"I've... I've never been inside your home."

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm... I'm not. I've been checking satellite signals for the last twenty-five minutes, see?" He slowly lifts a small handheld device up to his shoulder. "The clock in the corner tells you how long I've been on this machine." What he didn't tell her was this was an old reading.

She glances at the clock and then at him. "I know I heard something when I walked into my house."

"Whatever it was wasn't me."

"It has to be, you're the only one here."

"Well it wasn't and unless you have proof the cops won't do a thing about it."

"Oh, I have proof plenty of it." She storms back down the hill.

Tommy main conspirator to the crime
Vinnie, Larry Tommy's friends
Jen, Tommy's wife

Salois Brothers Andy, Jeremy, Jack career criminals.
Berryville PD

Kirk- detective.
Rachel sergeant
Joe captain
Jerry detective

Chapter 5
Finding Love

By Mistydawn

Finding out his pregnant wife Jen needs a costly operation, Tommy turns to a life of crime
. They're in the middle of one of their jobs when the owners come home. Kirk is trying to see if the pawn shop owner has some stolen merchandise when armed thugs come in.

Tommy is cruising down a long stretch of highway; the wind whipping through his thick dishwater blond hair. Iconic songs continue to play on the radio as today's events replay in his mind. If only I'd called it quits after the intruder, the homeowner wouldn't have found me and called the police. Oh, why didn't I listen to my gut on this one, why?

The police hauled him to the station where the detectives questioned him for four long, grueling hours. Not having enough evidence, they finally set him free. Tommy no sooner made it through the precient doors when his friends called to tell him the stuff they nabbed was nothing more than worthless dime store junk.

I'm beginning to think my robbery idea isn't going to work out. He pictures Jen lying helpless in bed, hooked up to a large assortment of machines; devices that are keeping her and the baby alive. Tommy then recalls what the doctor had said.

"Your wife isn't going to survive much longer without an operation."

The hospital administration told him he needed to come up with ten thousand dollars for Jen's aftercare before they'll even consider her for surgery. When questioned in a press conference about their decision the hospital claimed it's their moral  duty to ensure the organ is put to good use and that requires costly immunosuppression drugs and expencive aftercare. 

I have to make this work, I just have to. He racks his brain, hoping to find a solution. Tommy's mind soon drifts back to the day they met. They'd seen each other in passing numerous times, but never really spoke.

10 years prior

Tommy is finishing up some business in town when he notices her walking by. Jen's long blond hair hangs loosely past her shoulders. Her tight blue blouse showcases her perky breasts. The short denim skirt showes off her trim figure and long slender legs nicely. Jen's adorable face and large almond eyes make my heart race, he thinks watching Jen glide elegantly across the floor.

He's been trying to muster up enough courage to say something to her, but chickens out every time. The one time he did feel ballsy enough, he talked himself out of it before he was halfway across the room.

Being a socialite, he didn't think she'd be interested in a hell-raiser like him. What do I have to offer someone as refined and sophisticated as her? He often dreamed of them being together despite their opposition, but he knew deep down in his heart that's all it'll ever be; a dream.

He smells Jen's perfume drift through the air as she casually strolls past. I wish I had enough courage to ask her out. It'll only be a waste of time to try. He glances toward the ground. What's the worst that can happen? She could laugh in my face, tell me to get lost. What if she doesn't, what if she says yes? There's only one way to find out. He looks up at Jen, a sparkle of hope in his eyes. Clearing his throat, he nervously begins. "Hey, doll face," he says, trying to act nonchalant.

"Who me?" she asks as she anxiously glances around."

"You're the only doll face I see." He winks, hoping to give her the impression that he's sleek and cool. So far so good. He gulps

Jen's heart skips a beat as he strolls towards her. She's always thought this bad boy was a hot item, one she'd enjoy getting to know. Sometimes late at night, she'd find herself fantasizing about what it'd be like to be with a rebel like him. Then her mother's cruel words would play in her mind.

"Jen is so homely the only way she'll get a man is if she blackmails him into marrying her." Mom is right, gorgeous eye candy like him wouldn't be interested in someone as ugly as me, she'd conclude.

"How would you like to take a ride on my bike?" He asks as he steps up beside her.

"I... I'm scared of bikes." She stutters eyeing the frightful contraption.

"I promise to take it slow. The ride, take the ride slow, I mean," he quickly corrects.

"You swear?"

"I would say boy scout's honor, but I've never been a scout. I'm too debonair for them." He lifts his nose in the air as he brushes his clothes. She laughs. "So, what do you say, you up for a ride?"

Jen thinks about all the things she's dreamed of doing but didn't because she let fear get in her way. "You promise not to go too fast or pull a crazy stunt?"

"I promise." He hands her a helmet. "We need to protect your beautiful head." He strums his finger down the side of her cheek. "Beautiful indeed." She blushes. Pulling the helmet over her head, she climbs on behind him. "Put your arms around my waist," Tommy instructs.

"Like this?" She presses her body against him, her hands around his middle.

"Perfect." The bike jerks forward, she tightens her grip as she screams. "Relax doll, you're safe with me." He gives the bike a little more gas.

A few minutes later she loosens her grip. "This is fun."

"Exhilarating, isn't it?"

"It sure is." The scent of his cologne intoxicates her as her body continues to rub against his muscular frame. She snuggles in closer. "Very exhilarating."

Tommy feels her long, slender body press against him, his body relaxes a bit. This is pure heaven, he smiles.

Not wanting their storybook romance to end, Tommy asks her out on a second ride then a third. Wanting to move their relationship up a level, Tommy asks her on a date.

The night of the big event, he pulls up to her house, a wad of cash in his pocket and dozens of plans in his head. I'm going to make this a night she'll never forget. He nervously straightens his suit and then runs his fingers through the mop he calls hair as he heads to the door. He's meeting her parents for the first time and wants his appearance to be perfect. He repeats the process one more time before he knocks on the door. He starts to knock a second time when an older, distinguished looking gentleman throws the barrier open.

"Yeah, what do you want?" he grumbles.

Intimidated, Tommy takes a step back. "I... I'm here to pick up Jenifer for our date, sir."

The man gives him a quick once over. "I don't know who you are or what you're trying to pull young man, but I'm telling you right now, I will not allow my daughter to date a low life hoodlum like you." He slams the door in the young man's face.

"I should've known this would happen, dating out of my league, like I'm something special. What was I thinking?" With his head hung down, he trudges to his bike.

Tommy's had his heart broken numerous times. First by his real parents and then by several foster families. The last time was the worst of them all, one he never really recovered from. The family said they loved him and wanted him to be their son. Then a cute little infant came around, and he was adopted instead; Tommy was shipped to another family. He decided to build a wall to prevent being hurt again. Then Jen came along and smashied the barrier to smithereens. "If only I could see her one last time, tell her how I feel." He glances towards the house. "It wouldn't matter what I'd say, with her dad in our way."

Days turn into weeks, weeks into months. Tommy tries to move on with his life, but nothing he does seems to work. He feels like he's a mere robot, going through the motions of life.

Six months later, he's taking care of a dirty piece of side work for Hernandez when he hears a woman scream in the alley. He normally ignores outbursts in this gangland, but something about the voice sounds familiar. He runs down the alley to find Jen being attacked by a burly goon. Throwing all common sense aside, he runs towards him. "Get away from her, now."

The thug turns around. "This is none of your business, so get lost." He turns towards his victim.

"I said get away from her now." Pulling the gun from his waistband, Tommy squeezes the trigger. He starts to squeeze off another when his attacker's bullet lodges in his leg. Both he and the thug drop to the ground.

"Tommy," Jen cries, running to his side.

Tommy's favorite song blaring through the radio brings him back to the present day. "She saved my life and now she's counting on me to do the same."  Wiping his tear-streaked face, Tommy makes a U-Turn back towards his gang. 

Tommy main conspirator to the crime
Vinnie, Larry Tommy's friends
Jen, Tommy's wife

Salois Brothers Andy, Jeremy, Jack career criminals.
Berryville PD

Kirk- detective.
Rachel sergeant
Joe captain
Jerry detective

Chapter 6
First Date

By Mistydawn

Finding out his pregnant wife Jen needs a costly operation, Tommy turns to a life of crime
. They're in the middle of one of their jobs when the owners come home. Kirk is trying to see if the pawn shop owner has some stolen merchandise when armed thugs come in.

After a lengthy discussion, Tommy, Vinnie, and Larry were finally able to agree on what house they want to do next. Once they monitored it a little closer, came up with a plan of escape in case they find themselves in trouble again. This long deliberation made Tommy late for his visit with his wife.

I hope I can get there in time to see her. Tommy glances at his watch. I'll have ten minutes if I hurry. He pushes the gas pedal down further. She'll be happy to hear that I'll have enough for her aftercare by the end of next week. Pulling up to the hospital, he jumps out of his car. I hope she's not too upset with me. He remembers her temper. Maybe my news will help soften her mood. At least I hope it will.

He jogs through the corridor, weaving his way around the nurses. "Sorry, sorry," he says as he continues down the hall.

Tommy sees tears streaming down Jen's face when he steps into her room. Grave thoughts run through his mind as he races to her side. "What is it, Jen?" He scoops her hand off the bed as he drops to his knees. "Please, baby, please tell me what's wrong," Tommy begs.

She slowly glances up from the table, tears trickle from her face. "I was just looking through some old photos." He notices the family album in front of her when he glances at the table. It's turned to a picture of her in front of a limo. "I had the driver take this when he picked me up for our first date." Jen gently runs her fingers across the photo.

"It was the best date of my life," he says as he gazes into her big brown eyes.

"Mine too." Her mind drifts back to that night.

10 years prior

My friend, Jessie has been helping me get ready for my date for a large portion of the day. It was my first date with Tommy and I wanted everything to be perfect.

"If this doesn't make Tommy sit up and take notice, I don't know what will," she says as she finishes my makeup.

"I just hope I don't do something stupid and screw it all up." Being rather plain, I didn't have much experience with the guys. To be honest with you, this was my first real date.

"Relax doll, you'll be fine." We hear a knock at the door.

"Oh, Jess, he's here, he's really here." I fidget with my clothes. A part of me thought he was going to stand me up like the ones in the past.

"It'll be alright, I promise." Jessie opens the door to find a handsome stranger on her porch. "May I help you?"

"Mr. Campbell asked me to pick up Miss. Lowe for her date." He points to his limo.

I step up beside my friend. "I'm Miss. Lowe."

"Mr. Campbell asked me to give you these."

He hands me a dozen roses. I turn towards my friend, astonished by the recent events. "This is like something you'd read about in a romance novel."

"I assure you, madam, Mr. Campbell has more surprises in store."


"Yes, madam. Mr. Campbell has made arrangements all week."

"What are you waiting for, go, go?" Jessie pushes me out the door.

Draping my arm in his, the driver leads me to his limo. Still in shock, I climb inside. So this is how the other half lives, I think eyeing my exquisite surroundings. I was still snooping through the limo when we arrive at our destination a short while later. All the comforts of home and some, I think as the vehicle comes to a stop. Opening my door, the driver escorts me to the restaurant. Excitement sparks inside me when I realized where I was at."Rogue Manor?"

"Yes, Madam."

Rogue Manor is one place I've always wanted to go but couldn't afford. "I think I've died and gone to heaven."

The chauffeur laughs. Removing my arm from his, he hands me over to the maitre d.

"Mr. Campbell is waiting for you on the patio." He leads me through the dimly-lit restaurant. I try to absorb the elegant ambiance as we continue towards the back. I hear romantic music playing in the background when I step through the patio doors. This is like a dream come true, I think as I glance around. I first notice the wall of beautiful flowers bordering the entire porch. The breeze blows ever so slightly, sending the sweet heavenly scent of the exquisite blooms my way. I pause for a second to inhale the enchanting smell. This is a storybook romance for sure, I conclude.

"Your suitor awaits, madam." Tommy stands as I approach him. I first notice his flattering new haircut and his clean, baby- smooth shave. I then see he's wearing a custom fitted black tux, a bleached white pressed shirt underneath with a fancy bow tie draped around the collar.

"You look beautiful tonight, Jen." My friend and I had decided on a short, lacy, light-pink, ensemble. The neckline drapes just off the shoulder, with delicate lace at the yoke, and the sleeves. The sheer little dress hugs my curves nicely stopping upper-thigh. He takes my hand up to his lips and kisses it.

"You look quite debonair yourself."

"Thank you, my lady." We take our seats. Our table is covered by a white lace cloth. Two candles sit in the center with a floral reef around it.

"May I pour the couple some wine?"

I look over at Tommy, being underage I wasn't sure what to say."

"Relax, enjoy."

"But I..." 

"It doesn't matter tonight." He winks.

The wine tastes so sweet, refreshing on my young palate, like nothing I've ever had before. "This is delicious."

"I'm glad madam approves. I will be back in a few minutes with your appetizers."

I glance around the elegant restaurant. "Oh Tommy, you've really outdone yourself tonight."

"You haven't seen anything yet."

Tommy and I talked for hours about everything imaginable. Stopping briefly to enjoy a walz across the large dance room floor. Our love is so meant to be, I thought as his arms wrapped around me for another slow dance.

"What do you say to a midnight stroll in the park?"

"I'd say that sounds lovely." I giggle, feeling the effects of the wine.

"Why don't we take a limo ride instead," Tommy suggests as I stumble towards the door.

"A ride might be a better idea," I giggle again.

We settle in the limo. Tommy turns to face me. "I've been wanting to do this all night." Leaning in he brushes his lips against mine. "I've fallen madly in love with you, Jenifer Lowe." His kiss is so warm, so passionate that it stirs a desire deep inside of me, a raw hunger I'd never felt before.

Present Day

"We made hot passionate love all night long."

"it was the best date of my life." I look down at the picture beside it. "I miss those times, all the fun we had together. The strolls in the park, making love in the sand." I turn the page to pictures of the boys. I run my fingers across their little faces. "I miss my babies, Tommy, I miss them so bad."

"Do you want me to ask your doctor if I can bring them in?"

" Could you, please. It'd be great to see them, to touch them, hold them one more time, before I..." I burst into tears.

"Don't even think like that. Jen."

I wipe the moisture from my face. "The only thing keeping me alive right now is these machines and one day they won't even work anymore. Why did I have to be born this way, why? It's not fair, it's just not fair."

Tommy wraps his arms around my sobbing body. "Don't worry, baby, you're going to get your operation soon, I promise."

"How Tommy, how? We'll never have enough money for my aftercare."

"You let me worry about that. You just worry about getting stronger so your body can tolerate the surgery."

"You're not working for Hernandez again are you?" Tommy glances away. I grab his arm. "Please, Tommy, please tell me you're  not."

"I wouldn't be dumb enough to work for him again."

"You promise, Tommy?"

Tommy turns towards me."Yes, baby, I swear."

Tommy main conspirator to the crime
Vinnie, Larry Tommy's friends
Jen, Tommy's wife

Salois Brothers Andy, Jeremy, Jack career criminals.
Berryville PD

Kirk- detective.
Rachel sergeant
Joe captain
Jerry detective

Chapter 7
Unsuspecting Accomplices

By Mistydawn

Finding out his pregnant wife Jen needs a costly operation, Tommy turns to a life of crime
. They're in the middle of one of their jobs when the owners come home. Kirk is trying to see if the pawn shop owner has some stolen merchandise when armed thugs come in.

Two brawny men are lying on the pawn shop floor. Blood is gushing from the gaping wounds in their legs. The third goon continues to clomp around the store.

Kirk is behind a row of furniture, his gun pointed towards the two injured thugs. "Make a move and the next bullet will be in your heart," Kirk warns.  He starts to look for the third thug when he feels something hard press into the center of his back.

"Game over, detective, you lose,"  Andy says as he cocks his gun. Kirk hears gunfire followed by a loud plunk; the floor vibrates violently underneath him. He turns to find the owner's son, Marshal, trembling behind him, a rifle in his hand. He then notices Andy bleeding on the floor between them.

"What did I do, what did I do?" Marshal cries.

"You did what you had to, to save us." He sees the gun shaking in the young man's hand as his body continues to quiver. I better disarm him before he accidentally shoots someone. "It's over, son, he can't hurt us anymore.

Marshal glances at Andy and then the two thugs bleeding in the aisle in front of him.

"Hand me your gun, son." Marshal moves the gun towards him. Kirk reaches for it. "That's it, hand it over, nice and slow." They hear a loud commotion coming from the doorway, followed by heavy footsteps running towards them.

"Freeze, police," Joe points the gun at the young lad.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot. Marshal saved my life, he saved my life." Tossing the gun aside, Kirk grabs the boy and pulls him in close. He feels the young lad's small frame heave against him.

"I didn't want to kill him, Kirk, I really didn't, but I didn't know what else to do."

"It'll be alright, son, it'll be all right." He wraps his arms around him tighter; the boy continues to sob in his arms.

Being given the all clear, the paramedics' race through the door, equipment in hand. "We have two wounded in the center aisle and the owner is bleeding behind the counter," Kirk informs them.

Joe walks over to the hoodlums to get a closer look. "Aren't these the three you sent patrol after?"

Jerry steps up beside him. "You're right, it is. I hate to tell you this, gentleman, but your day is about to get worse."


Tommy is halfway home when he decides to cruise through a few ritzy neighborhoods, see if he can find a place to rob on his own. I hope I can make up for what we lost today. He recalls the items his friends had nabbed. Damn idiots, anyone with half a brain can see the shit isn't real.

He notices a few fancy houses camouflaged behind a large row of pine trees. I didn't realize a housing development was back here. Pulling off the highway, he works his way through the fancy area. This could be a great place to hit.

The homes are beautiful two-story Victorians. Each with their bright vibrant colors and fancy gingerbread trim. Glancing from house to house he realizes the exquisite dwellings have a wrap- around porch with porcelain white spindle borders. Some of the homes have large circular towers while others have wings extending off the main structure. All of them have a plethora of windows which seem to extend around the entire structure.

Which one should I choose? Tommy eyes each one closely, trying to decide. He feels his car jolt as it goes from paved road to dirt. Guess I need to find somewhere to turn around. He starts to make a U-turn when he notices the house on his right.

It is a beautiful Victorian like the others, but unlike the others, it looks like it hasn't been occupied for months. The grass is overgrown to the height of the fence and the mailbox is stuffed full; some of the letters have made their way to the ground.

Its seclusion makes it the perfect place to rob.Tommy gets an eerie feeling when he pulls into the drive. "It's just an old house, nothing to get spooked about," he says out loud, hoping to convince himself that it's safe. A scene from a horror film suddenly comes to mind. Movies are made up crap, things that don't happen in real life. He glances at the house again. Jen is counting on me to get the money. He nervously climbs out of his car. The porch door slams in the wind, Tommy jumps. I've got to do this for Jen and the boys. He takes a deep breath for courage as he continues. A coyote howls in the far distance; he jumps again. Get a grip, you coward. Gulping, he continues towards the home.

He's halfway across the yard when he hears growling beside him. He turns to see a large, angry looking mutt snarling a few feet away. Tommy anxiously glances towards the fence and then the house. Finding the screened in porch is closer than his car, he slowly backs towards it. "Nice dog, easy boy, I won't hurt you," he says as he continues to move away. The dog follows. "You're a very handsome boy, I bet you're a good dog too." Tommy takes another step back; the dog gets closer. Tommy starts to retreat again when he loses his footing causing him to stumble forward. The dog lunges towards him, scraping his victim's arm with his teeth. I'm going to be the dog's dinner if I don't do something quick. Realizing the porch is just a few steps away, he makes a mad dash towards it. The dog jumps on top of him; Tommy tumbles to the ground. He tries to shake the mutt off, but the beast has such a firm hold Tommy can't break free of his grip.

"Help me! Somebody, please help me," he screams.

Hearing a commotion coming from the door, Rachel glances up from her desk. She sees Kirk and Jerry dragging two men into the precinct, each supporting a bandaged leg.

"Are these the two from the pawn shop?"

"They sure are, Sergeant."

"I hate to tell you this, but they aren't our burglars. They were in prison when the robberies began."

"I told you it wasn't us," Jack mouths off.

"Shut your pie hole, wise guy." 

"You're just mad because you have to release us."

"Release you my ass, you tried to kill the owner and me when we realized the stuff you tried to pawn is stolen."

"That was Andy, not us."

"Yeah, well you two were with him when he committed these crimes which leads me to believe you were a part of it."

"We didn't know the shit was stolen."

"We didn't," Jeremy agrees.

"And I'm Santa. Come on, let's go."

"Hold up, guys." Rachel turns towards the prisoners. "If you tell us where you got the merchandise, I'll talk the DA into giving you a sweet deal."

"I don't know where Andy got the shit. Hell, we didn't even know it was stolen."

"Honest, sergeant, we didn't have a clue," Jeromy quickly adds.

Rachel chuckles. "That's an understatement. Take them to booking."

Kirk snickers. "Yes, sergeant."

Rachel is writing out some notes when the detectives return a few minutes later.

"What are you working on, sergeant?"

"A profile of our burglar. I believe whoever is robbing these people must be watching them closely, probably for months. Until they get a good feel for their routine. Since the houses are all over the city, I'd say our robber knows the area well. Probably grew up here. I imagine our burglar is a single, white, average looking male. He's somewhere between 25- 35 and has average intelligence. He's either unemployed or has a part-time job which allows him to watch his victims closely. I'm guessing he easily fits in a crowd and wouldn't be someone you'd suspect."

"He probably finds his victims in a public place. A grocery store, doctor's office, church. He follows them home and if he likes what he sees he starts monitoring their house."

"Assuming that Jerry's theory is correct, the first thing we need to do is to start digging into our victim's routine, find out where they frequently visit. Jerry, you take the Petersons, I'll take the Smiths and Kirk you talk to the Jansson."

"Yes, sergeant."

The detectives are headed towards the door when they see the dispatcher walking towards them. "There's been another robbery on Freeman."

"Let's get out there." The sergeant orders, grabbing her phone off her desk.


Tommy main conspirator to the crime
Vinnie, Larry Tommy's friends
Jen, Tommy's wife

Salois Brothers Andy, Jeremy, Jack career criminals.
Berryville PD

Kirk- detective.
Rachel sergeant
Joe captain
Jerry detective

Chapter 8
Failed plans

By Mistydawn

Finding out his pregnant wife Jen needs a costly operation, Tommy turns to a life of crime
. They're in the middle of one of their jobs when the owners come home. Tommy is taken to the station for questioning then released. He's trying to rob a house on his own when a dog attacks him.

The three detectives see a distraught couple talking to an officer on the front lawn when they pull up to the house.

"Another two-story Victorian just like I suspected," Kirk says, as he climbs out of the car.

"What are you talking about Kirk?" the sergeant questions.

"The robber only seems to hit two-story Victorians in the older, more established neighborhoods and all his victims come from old money."

Rachel replays the crime scenes in her mind. "You're right, Kirk."

"What I can't figure out is why our robber chooses this particular subset?"

"Whoever is doing this could've been born into money, something caused him to lose his inheritance, and now he's getting revenge."

"That's a good possibility. Jerry, I want you to see what our forensics team has to say. Kirk, start talking to the neighbors, see what they can tell you. I'll talk to the couple."

Rachel sees the officers scribbling down some notes when she walks up to the porch.

"Sergeant, this is Mr. and Mrs. Lawson. They're the owners of the house." He hands her his notes.

Rachel scans them. "You left at six thirty for your nightly run?"

"Yes and when we returned, the house was unlocked and the alarm disabled."

"Do you run every evening?"

"Yes, well, almost every evening. We go to the gym if the weather is bad."

"Do you leave around six thirty every night?"

"Yes, why?"

"The consistent routine makes you an easy target."

"I always make sure the doors are locked and the alarm is set before we leave."

"Who else has the key to your home?"

"No one."

"Do you keep a spare somewhere?"

"No, of course not, why are you putting the blame on us?"

"I'm not, Mr. Lawson; I'm just trying to figure out how the robber is pulling it off."

"I assure you, detective, we don't give out the code or a spare key to anyone."

"Not even a family member?"

Clenching his fits down by his side he firmly states: "Our family wouldn't rob us." 

"I'm not suggesting they would, but perhaps these items ended up in the wrong hands."

"My wife and I are the only ones who know the code and have a key."

"Do you have domestic help, a housekeeper, nanny, or dog walker?"

"My wife is quite capable of handling the household chores on her own, right, honey?" He throws his arm around her shoulders and pulls her in close.

"Of course, dear," she timidly replies.

"So, take me through your nightly routine."

"I don't see how this will help you catch the robber."

"If we can find a pattern between you and the others, we can narrow down the suspects."

He glances at his watch. "Alright, but it's going to have to be quick, I have an important business meeting in less than an hour."

Rachel takes a notebook from her pocket. "You get back from your run and then?"

"I take a shower while Barbra makes my supper. I eat and then I go to the study to finish up the day's business. I'm there until eight, and then I go to bed."

"Where do you work?"

"Lawson Cororation of course."

"What do you do Mrs. Lawson?"

"I take care of our home." She fearfully glances towards her husband, he nods.

"I need you to make a list of everywhere you go, where you shop, the gym, spas anywhere you frequently visit."

"I can tell you exactly where my wife goes, detective."

She's probably too scared to go anywhere but where you tell her, Rachel thinks, as she watches the fearful woman beside him.

"She goes to the grocery store on Monday, the dry cleaners on Wednesday and Friday afternoons she has a hair appointment."

"Have you done anything different within the past couple of weeks, Mrs. Lawson?"


Her husband interrupts. "She always sticks to the same routine, don't you honey?" He squeezes her shoulders again.

She winces from the pain. "Of course, dear."

"We need the names of the business and the times you visit."

"Why is all of this necessary?"

"As I told you before, we're trying to find a connection between you and the other victims."

"I'll give you what you need, but I believe it's all a big waste of time."

Hearing the raised voice, Jerry steps up beside her. "We appreciate your cooperation, sir."

"You obviously need all the help you can get," he says as he scans the crew. Turning towards his wife, he continues. "Go make my supper while I finish up here. And Barb, lay off the carbohydrates, your ass is getting big. He smacks her on the behind.

"You're a lot flabbier than she is," Rachel mumbles under her breath. Jerry snickers.

"Did you say something, detective?"

"I was just thinking out loud." Barbra tries to stifle a grin as she walks to the house.

"Efficiency is the key to success, detective. I wouldn't have gotten where I am today if it wasn't for my efficiency and time management skills." He glances at Rachel's appearance. "It looks like you could use a course in time management, detective."

"It's sergeant, and I manage my life just fine, thank you."

"I'm sure you think so, but many are fooled by one's own delusions. Here's the list you wanted."

"Thank you for your cooperation," she replies stiffly. Snatching the paper out of his hand, she storms towards her car.

"She needs a strong man to put her in her place. " Turning, he walks into his house.

 Jerry recalls how she's taken down perps twice her size. It's more like she'd put you in your place. He chuckles. "What do you think, Rachel?" Jerry asks, running to catch up.

"I think he's a controlling asshole who probably beats his wife on a regular basis."

"I'll run his name; see what I can find."

"Kirk and I will interview the other victims see if any of them visit these businesses.


The dog continues to tear at Tommy's clothes as he struggles to get away; images of his and Jen's life flash through his mind. He pictures their candlelight dinners, their long strolls on the beach, making love under the starry skies. Tommy remembers how excited he was when he found out Jen was pregnant; the devastation he felt when he was told about her grave condition. He then recalls the countless ways he tried to collect money for her aftercare. How his failed efforts forced him down a path he didn't want to take. He then imagines Jen scowling at him when he tells her what he's done; his frail attempt at redemption that follows. "I didn't want to do it, baby, I really didn't, but what other choice did I have?" He then pictures Jen wasting away in her bed. I have to save her, I just have to.

He searches the tall grass for a weapon. Finding a shovel a few feet away, he crawls towards it. The beast's hot breath brushes against his skin as he slithers across the yard. I'm almost there. The dog's teeth pierce his back as he reaches for the tool. Clenching his teeth, he grabs a hold of the handle and swings it over his head; the object vibrates on contact. Feeling the dog let go, Tommy scrambles up the stairs. He's pulling the screen door to as the dog lunges for him. The canine slams against the door and then falls to the ground. That was close. He notices the weathered screen sag when the beast plunges into it again. The barrier isn't going to hold him for long. He runs to the window and tries to open it, but it wouldn't budge. "Come on, come on." He looks back to see the dog tearing a hole in the screen. He pushes on the window it moves a little and stops. Glancing over, Tommy sees the dog's top half is on the porch. You're not attacking me again. With one hard shove, the window flies open. He's partially inside when he feels the dog clamp down on his extremity. Kicking the dog with his foot, he pulls himself through and then closes the window behind him. The beast's face smacks against the glass. "You can't get me now, you stupid mutt." The dog continues to growl as his teeth clinks against the glass.

Tommy turns around to see worthless junk scattered everywhere. "I went through all of that for this? Glad the last house was lucrative." Tommy is walking around the room, hoping to find something of value when he notices an old staircase in the corner. Maybe I'll find jewelry or a safe. He bolts up the stairs.

Stepping inside the first bedroom, he starts looking around. Seeing a jewelry box on the dresser he runs towards it. Freezing in mid-step, Tommy screams.

Tommy main conspirator to the crime
Vinnie, Larry Tommy's friends
Jen, Tommy's wife

Salois Brothers Andy, Jeremy, Jack career criminals.

Berryville PD

Kirk- detective.
Rachel sergeant
Joe captain
Jerry detective

Chapter 9
Unbelievable Discovery

By Mistydawn

Finding out his pregnant wife Jen needs a costly operation, Tommy turns to a life of crime
. They're in the middle of one of their jobs when the owners come home. Kirk is trying to see if the pawn shop owner has some stolen merchandise when armed thugs come in.

Tommy is standing frozen in the center of the room. His eyes are focused straight ahead, not sure if what he's seeing is real or an illusion. It can't be, it just can't be. He darts across the room. Reaching inside the safe, he pulls out a stack of cash and inspects it. It's either real or a good imitation. Putting it into his backpack he grabs more. This should take care of Jen's aftercare, he thinks as he continues to clear the safe. Tommy sees two rectangular objects in the far corner. He starts to investigate when he notices fine white powder scattered around them. It's probably dirty money.â?? He glances in his knapsack again.  It'll keep Jen alive, just as well as any other would. Shoving the last of the cash in his backpack, Tommy zips it up. I wonder what other goodies they have up here, he thinks as he steps into the hall.

A putrid smell overpowers him the moment he walks into the second bedroom. Glancing around, he sees two bloody figures on the bed, each with a bullet wound in their head. Tommy notices fresh blood and brain matter splattered on the ceiling, floor, and walls. He then finds a young man lying in a puddle of blood a few feet from the bed. He has bite marks across his entire body and a bullet wound in the center of his back.

I've got to get out of here. Tommy darts into the hall. He's halfway down the rickety stairs when he notices the ferocious beast pacing across the porch. I can go out the back and circle my way around. I might get bitten if I do. Tommy glances at the dog again. He'll stay on the porch if he thinks I'm still inside. Carefully working his way down the steps, he tiptoes towards the back. So far so good. Throwing the barrier open, he finds a larger dog in the entryway. Startled, the dog springs to his feet and growls. Tommy slams the door closed. Maybe there's a door off the kitchen. He runs through the hall.

"Thank God." Pulling the sliding door open, he takes off running across the yard. His legs begin to ache and his lungs start to burn as he dashes towards his car. Hearing the two dogs behind him, Tommy glances back to find they're just a few feet away. "You're not getting me again." Tommy picks up his pace. He's almost to the fence when he hears sirens in the near distance.

"It's the cops!" Leaping over the fence, he makes his way down the drive. Looking back, he finds both dogs are trying to jump over.
I'm not going to be dog stew today, he thinks, hopping in his car. Tommy glances beside him and sees the larger dog trying to bite through his window. Tommy starts to shove his key in the ignition when the second dog thumps on the glass. The object flies into the air and lands on the passenger floorboard. "Damn mutt." Tommy nervously looks for the keys as the sirens continue to get closer.

The second dog pounds on the passenger window; Tommy jumps again. I hope my window holds. The sirens are a short distance away. "Please let me get out of here, please let me get out of here," he begs as he tosses the empty containers around. The dogs continue to pound on the window.

"I found them." Throwing his keys in the ignition, he starts his car, the sirens continue to get louder. "So long, mutts."Tommy peels out of the drive. Floating to fourth gear, he gives his vehicle more gas. The car thuds onto the pavement. I need to make it to the highway before the cops get here, he thinks as he shifts the car into fifth. The sirens are ear piercing loud. Go, car, go. He pushes the pedal down further. He makes a hard right fishtailing onto the highway. That was close. Tommy hears a horn blaring behind him, he looks back to find a diesel on his tail.


Pulling up to the Jenson's Rachel looks around. It's another Victorian in an established neighborhood just like Kirk had said,  she concludes, quickly scanning the area. How can someone rob this place in broad daylight and not be noticed? It's just not possible, she thinks as she eyes the row of houses on either side of the street. Rachel continues to gaze around the peaceful neighborhood waiting for someone to answer. A petite young woman opens the door a few minutes later, a feather duster in hand.

"My name is Sergeant Webb, I'm with the Berryville PD. I'm doing a follow-up on the robbery." She takes a notebook from her pocket and flips it open.

"That was such a terrible thing to happen to them, especially after everything they've done for this community."

"What do you mean?"

"They've helped dozens of charities. They've also helped individual families who are facing hard times. I'm surprised you haven't heard about all their contributions."

Rachel glances up from her notebook an an inquisitive look on her face. "I can't say I have."

"Mrs. Jenson is always helping out at the soup kitchens, the local food banks, shelters and such and Mr. Jenson has restored several of the older buildings around the square." He also helped renovate some of the historical landmarks, and a few of the older homes."

"That's very kind of them."

"The Jenson's are very generous people, always giving back to the community."

"Is either of them at home?"

"No, they won't be home until late this afternoon."

Rachel quickly scans through her notes. "You're the one who discovered the robbery, correct?"

"Yes, I reported for work like I do every day and found the house in shambles, a few collectibles missing."

"Mr. and Mrs. Jenson were already gone?"

"Yes, they leave about half an hour before I arrive and they don't return until late afternoon, early evening. Sometimes they don't come home until after I leave."

"Is this an everyday thing?"


"You wouldn't happen to know where they go, would you."

"They do so much in a day's time it's hard to keep track. I have their numbers in case of an emergency, would you like me to get it for you?"

"No, just have them call me when they return." She hands the maid her card.

The housekeeper glances down at it. "I sure will, Sergeant Webb."

"Thank you." Rachel walks back to her car thinking about what the maid had said. I wonder if any of the other victims do charitable work.
She pulls her cell phone from her pocket and punches in a number. "Jerry, it's Rachel, I think I've found a connection."


Finishing all of her interviews, Rachel heads back to the station. She wants to compare notes with Kirk, see if Jerry has followed up on her hunch. She finds the detective pounding away on his computer when she walks over to their cubical.

"Did you find anything, Jerry?" Rachel plops down at her desk.

"You're right about a couple of things, sergeant, all the victims has helped out at the local charities at some point, but they've all worked at different locations. So I'm thinking our robber is involved in a lot of charities and he uses these organizations to choose his victims."

"Do you have anyone of interest?"

"Not yet, but I'm still looking."

"How about my hunch with Mr. Langston?"

"The police were called out to their home on several occasions in the past couple of years, but she never filed charges against him; which is often the case with these types of calls; why fourteen percent of homicides are domestic violence related"

"Why didn't the responding officers step in?"

"They claim they didn't see anything to warrant an arrest. Since the tips have all been anonymous, the officers couldn't follow up with the caller."

"Did you find any similarities in the victim's phone records?"

"I've found a few local businesses. So if this lead is right, the robber might be a business owner or an employee at one of these establishments."

"Why would a business owner rob places?"

"Maybe his shop isn't doing well, so he's turned to a life of crime to keep afloat?"

"That's possible I suppose. Make a list for me, ok."

"I'm almost finished, Sergeant."

The three look up to see the captain rushing over to their desks. "There's been another robbery out on the old farm road, only this time, the victims are dead."

"Dead, sir?"

"From what I was told, they were shot in their beds."

"We're on it, Captain."

Tommy, main conspirator in the crime
Vinnie, Larry Tommy's friends
Jen, Tommy's wife

Salois Brothers, Andy, Jeremy, Jack career criminals.
Berryville PD

Kirk, detective.
Rachel, sergeant
Joe, captain
Jerry, detective


Chapter 10
Nine Lives

By Mistydawn

Finding out his pregnant wife Jen needs a costly operation, Tommy turns to a life of crime
. They're in the middle of one of their jobs when the owners come home. Tommy is taken to the station for questioning then released. He's trying to rob a house on his own when a dog attacks him.

Tommy glides his car onto the highway; a horn blares behind him. Glancing in the rearview mirror he finds a diesel on his tail. "Oh, shit." Putting a death grip on the steering wheel, he punches the pedal to the floor. There's a deafening monotone sound behind him as the driver engages the brakes. Tommy peeks back and sees the truck is a distance away. Someone is watching out for me, he thinks as he slows the car a little. Tommy starts to relax when he spots something in the center of the road. Uncertain on what he's seeing, Tommy eases off the gas. Realizing it's a large pile-up. He quickly downshifts as he slams on his brakes. His car skids sideways; the back-end fishtails into another vehicle. The sudden impact causes Tommy's car to slide off the road.

Tommy finds the paramedics, fire department and police force on the scene when he regains consciousness. He nervously glances over at his backpack. I can't be caught with that. He tries to start the car, the engine clicks in response. Not now, he thinks. He jiggles the key and tries again. I knew I should've replaced it. He starts to turn the key for the third time when he realizes the steering wheel is bound. Moving it back and forth, he tries again. The car sputters. You're not pulling that crap on me. Tommy pushes on the gas, the car roars to life. That's much better. He starts to put it into gear when he hears someone tapping on his window. He glances over and finds an officer beside him. He peeks over at the backpack and realizes it's sealed tight. The officer knocks again. They have to have a reason to go through my stuff, besides, It'll look suspicious if I run now. He rolls down the window. "Can I help you, officer?"

"I want to make sure you're alright."

"I'm fine."

The officer notices the egg-shaped contusion on his head. "Why don't you let a paramedic check you out just to be sure?" He starts to open the door.

Tommy pulls it closed. "I... I have to get back to work before I get fired," he quickly explains.

"I'm sure your boss will understand."

"You don't know my boss." He nervously laughs.

"It'll only take a second." He starts to signal for a First Responder but soon realizes they're all busy. "I'll tell you what, if you answer a few questions correctly, I'll let you go, alright?" He pulls a piece of paper from his pocket.

Tommy grabs it from his hand. "The day is Friday, it's 2019, and the president is Trump. Now can I go?" He holds the paper out his window. Taking the card, the officer steps away. "Thank you."


Pulling up to the crime scene, Rachel glances around. She first notices the vast amount of police cars lined up around the house. She spots animal control dragging two large, mangy dogs through the overgrown yard. The canines are snapping viciously at their restraints as the officers do their best to contain them. Rachel then notices the Medical Examiner walk across the porch, shaking her head. "That can't be a good sign, Jerry." She points towards Sharron.

"Probably not. I'll talk to the officers, find out what's going on." Jerry heads across the yard.

Seeing the sergeant in the driveway, Sharon walks out to greet her. "Talk about perfect timing."

"What did you find?"

"The victims are Mr. and Mrs. Harris and their grandson, John. All three were shot at close range early this morning."

"What sort of time frame are we looking at?"

"According to rigor and body temperature, I'd estimate the time of death between four and seven. I can narrow it down further once I get them to the lab."

"Thank you, Sharon." Rachel is heading towards the house when Jeff approaches her.

"I believe this is a drug sale gone bad since the only thing that seems to be missing is the cocaine that was kept in the safe."

"Mr. and Mrs. Harris are drug users?" Rachel questions, picturing the sweet elderly couple in her mind.

"Not them, their grandson, John."

Rachel nods, "That makes more sense."

"I found a set of prints on the safe, I'm running them through the system."

"Keep looking, see what else you can find and let me know if you get a hit on the prints."

"Copy that."

"You've got to see this, sergeant, " Kirk yells. Rachel walks to the center of the yard where he's standing. "The dogs must've gotten a hold of the intruder."

Taking a glove from her pocket, she bends down and picks up a small shred of tan material. "This came from some type of uniform."

"A delivery man maybe?"

"Or someone pretending to be. I want you to check the hospitals for anyone who was recently treated for a dog bite and have forensics analyze this." She hands the material over.

"I'm on it, sergeant."

Kirk walks over to her. "Sergeant, I got a hit on the fingerprints it belongs to John Harris, the homeowner's grandson.

"The intruder grabs everything in the safe, walks into the Harris' bedroom to kill them. John tries to stop him and he gets shot too."

"That's a plausible theory, sergeant, only the man on the floor isn't their grandson, his name is Charles Montgomery. He's known to have ties with Hernandez, a drug lord for the Mexican cartel."

"I'm very familiar with Hernandez and his crew." Too damn familiar. She's been trying to take them down since she first started on the force. A childhood vendetta she's yet to accomplish. "Did you find the grandson?"

"He and his car are gone."

"Was he even home when this occurred?"

"His bed looks slept in."

"So, John shoots the perp, takes what was in the safe and leaves?"

"Maybe he wanted to get rid of the drugs and whatever else was in the safe."

"I want an APB out on him and his car. Start interviewing the neighbors, see what they can tell you."

"Yes, sergeant."


Tommy didn't want to do business with his old boss after all he had to go through to get out of his crime ring, but he's the only one Tommy can think of that would be interested in that much coke. The drugs should easily pay for Jen's operation and her aftercare. Now I have to figure out a way to make the money seem legit. Maybe I'll ask Hernandez, see what he suggests. 

Pulling up to a rundown bar, he circles around to the back. The establishment is one of many Hernandez uses to clean up dirty money. He spots his old boss's vehicle parked in the far corner.  Relieved, he jumps out of his car. I'll go in, say hi to my pal's,  talk to Hernandez and leave, he thinks as he nervously makes his way across the parking lot. He's halfway to the door when a gorilla looking goon runs out to greet him.

The man stops in front of him and crosses his arms. "You need to leave," he orders in a deep gritty tone.

"I have something that Hernandez will be very interested in." Tommy taps his bag.

"He ain't here, and I'm not sure when he'll be back."

"Bullshit." He pushes the man out of the way. Tommy manages to take a couple more steps before two larger dudes storm out the door. Scooping him up, they escort him to his car.

"I advise you to leave before things get ugly." He shoves Tommy against the vehicle. "Understand?" He pushes him again.

"Look, man, I don't want any trouble."

"Then you better leave."

"I need to talk to your boss; it'll only take a second."

"About what?"

"I have something that might interest him, found it in a safe." He opens the backpack and shows him the drugs. I'm willing to sell it dirt cheap."

"How do I know that this isn't a setup?" The man anxiously glances around.

"I wouldn't do that to my old boss."

Wrapping his fingers around his neck, the man shoves him against the car again. "I know all his little falcons and you ain't one of them."

"I... I use to work for him a while back." Noticing the skeptical look, He continues. "Just tell him Tommy Campbell is asking for him."

The man quickly sizes him up. "So, you're the one he always talks about, huh?"

The man's glare and his tone make Tommy very nervous. "I.. I guess."

"We have orders to take you out." Grabbing his gun from his waistband, he presses it against Tommy's head.

Tommy main conspirator to the crime
Vinnie, Larry Tommy's friends
Jen, Tommy's wife

Salois Brothers Andy, Jeremy, Jack career criminals.
Berryville PD

Kirk- detective.
Rachel sergeant
Joe captain
Jerry detective

Chapter 11
Final Plea

By Mistydawn

Finding out his pregnant wife Jen needs a costly operation, Tommy turns to a life of crime
. They're in the middle of one of their jobs when the owners come home. Tommy is taken to the station for questioning then released. He's trying to rob a house on his own when a dog attacks him. He escapes from that but ends up facing down Hernandez's goons.

Seeing everyone is busy at their desk, the sergeant walks towards them. She's been wanting to get everyone together to compare notes, find a lead, something that'll connect the victims. So far, the detectives have learned that all the victims have volunteered at the local shelters, they're from old money, and they live in Victorian style homes in an older, established neighborhood.

Kirk hangs up his phone as Rachel steps in front of his desk. "Sergeant, I just heard from forensics. The bullets Sharon removed from the victims match the gun found at our crime scene. It's registered to John Harris and the only set of prints found on the weapon belongs to him."

"Maybe our robber wore gloves."

"He didn't have any on when we found him, and forensics didn't find any on his person or at our crime scene."

Rachel glances towards him, a perplexed look on his face. "So, you think John killed his grandparents and the perp?"

"It seems that way, Sergeant."

"What did you find out about Mr. and Mrs. Harris, Jerry?"

"They're retired school teachers, living on a small pension. They've been married for over sixty years and have one child. He and his wife died ten years ago in an automobile accident leaving them to care for John."

"What about their finances?"

"Their bank account is overdrawn, and their house is in forfeiture for back taxes."

"Do they have a life insurance policy?"

"No, and they don't have a will."

"So, money isn't the reason for their death. What about phone records?"

"It was disconnected months ago for nonpayment. Everyone I've talked to say the Harris's are very sweet people. They used to help in the community until they both became ill. They still go to church every week and attend some of the functions."

"Wait, you said they use to help the community, Jerry?" The sergeant questions.

"They helped with the food pantry and the soup kitchen years ago."

"Just like our other victims."

"Yeah, but their charity stopped 10 years ago when Mr. Harris had a stroke."

"It's still a connection. Did this Charles guy work for any of the shelters?"

"No, besides, this robbery isn't like the others, sergeant. Other than the type of house," Jerry argues.

"True, maybe this was an opportunistic burglary. The robber saw the house, thought it was abandoned and broke in." 

"He was searching upstairs when he discovers the Harris' in their bed. He panics and tries to run. John shoots him too," Kirk concludes.

"That's plausible, I suppose."

"Not according to their neighbors. They said the Harris' grandson left late last night and hasn't returned. John told them he was headed back to school earlier in the day. So, either Sharon has the time of death wrong or John didn't shoot them." Jerry reaches for his ringing phone.

The neighbors I talked to claim there was a Honda parked at their house early this morning. Said he was there for about an hour, left when the sirens began." 

"Could they describe him or the car, Kirk?"

"They didn't get a real good look, but they believe he's in his early thirties, he has a tan face and sandy blond hair. The car is a black Honda Accord, they think it's a late nineties model. I ran it through the system, but haven't come up with anything so far."

"I just finished talking to one of the managers at the local shelter. He said they have several male volunteers in their thirties. I asked if any of them worked alongside the other victims and he said it's very possible, but they don't keep a record of who works when since it's all volunteer. I asked if any of the male workers seem in desperate need of money. He said he can't think of anyone off the top of his head but says he'll give us a list of volunteers."

"Stay on top of it, Jerry."

"I will, Sergeant and I'll ask if any of the volunteers on the list worked when the Harris's did when I talk to him again. Oh, and the fingerprints they found on the window doesn't match Charles or anyone in the system."

"That figures. What did you find out about the material?"

"I took a sample to the uniform shop in Harrison. They said they'll look into it."

"Hopefully, they can tell us something."


The goon grabs Tommy's throat tighter as he pushes the gun into the side of his head.
"I have orders to kill you," he says.

"Why... Why does Hernandez want to kill... Kill me?" Tommy anxiously questions.

"He said you turned state's evidence against him and the crew to save your own cowardly ass."

"I... I'd never do that to him."

"The boss believes you did. He says you got jammed up unloading hot merchandise to an undercover."

"That was the crew, not me. They're the ones who got caught up in the mess. I told the cops everything I knew about Lopez to save their asses, Hernandez's too. I even agreed to wear a wire."

Hernandez thinks the crew gave the pigs Lopez and you gave them him."

Tommy is nervously glancing back and forth between his attackers when he notices a security camera mounted on the corner of the building. I bet Hernandez is watching this all play out. Well, I'm going to give him one hell of a show. Make him think twice about offing me. "He should know I wouldn't do that. Not after everything he's done for me. Rescuing me from an abusive home, giving me a better life, showing me the ropes. I hope that I'm as great as a father to my boys as he was to me."

"How sweet, but your heartfelt sentiment doesn't change the fact that he wants you dead."

"I guess Hernandez has forgotten about the little stint I did for him. How I took the heat to cover his ass."

"He hasn't forgotten, but he does find it a bit odd that you happened to stop working for him after that, right before he was taken in."

"I didn't want to quit, I really didn't, but Jen said she wouldn't marry me as long as I work for him. I told Hernandez that, even invited him to the wedding. He wished me well and said I'll always have a job as long as he's in business. That's why I thought of him when I stumbled across the two bricks of blow."

"I'm sure he'll appreciate your generous gift." The thug cocks his gun.

The door flies open, a tall rounded man runs outside. "No, stop, I was wrong, I was wrong. Tommy didn't do it. He didn't rat me out," he breathlessly replies.


I thought the goon was going to kill me, Tommy thinks as he pulls up to his first satellite installation of the day. Grabbing a clean shirt from the back he exchanges it for the one he was wearing. I probably should get rid of that, he thinks, stuffing the torn garment under the seat. The twenty thousand I got from the drug sale plus all the cash will cover her aftercare and be enough to get us out of our small attic apartment. I'm glad he agreed to help me clean up the money. He recalls Hernandez's generous proposal. Maybe I should work for him on the down low. God knows we can use the extra money, especially now with Jen's health being the way it is. It would be nice to work with an experienced crew, and not two dim wits. Nearly getting caught for costume jewelry, how pathetic is that? 

A small annoying canine starts nipping at his ankles the moment he steps out of his truck. "Get out of here, you flea infested mutt," he warns, lunging towards him. The frightened canine yelps as he scampers away.

Tommy starts to unload equipment when he spots a second dog identical to the first."I said get, you stupid ankle biter." The tiny beast continues to growl at the stranger. Confused by the sudden aggression, Tommy stomps the ground, hoping to scare the mongrel away. Feeling threatened, the pint-sized beast plunges his teeth into Tommy's leg. "Let go of me you stupid mutt." Grabbing the canine by the scruff of the neck, Tommy pries him lose; he feels his flesh rips open. "You fucking ankle biter," Tommy yells, tossing him across the lawn. The creature yelps as his small frail body bounces down the hill. "You're lucky to still be alive." Pulling the rest of his equipment from the van, Tommy limps towards the house.

He didn't notice the two large, dark brown eyes staring at him intently, nor does he realize this tall, burly stranger has been following him around for weeks, hoping for the perfect moment when he can carry out his plans.

Tommy main conspirator to the crime
Vinnie, Larry Tommy's friends
Jen, Tommy's wife

Salois Brothers Andy, Jeremy, Jack career criminals.

Berryville PD

Kirk- detective.
Rachel sergeant
Joe captain
Jerry detective

Chapter 12
Change of Plans

By Mistydawn

Finding out his pregnant wife Jen needs a costly operation, Tommy turns to a life of crime. They're in the middle of one of their jobs when the owners come home. Tommy is taken to the station for questioning then released. He's trying to rob a house on his own when a dog attacks him.

Tommy is trying to install the lady's satellite, despite the agonizing pain that continues to surge through his leg. Of course, her bickering over every little detail doesn't help his fatigue a bit.

"Wipe off your feet, don't move that, be careful," she screeches, scrutinizing his every move. The perfume she bathed in this morning makes him gag.

"You shouldn't be working if you're sick," she spouts as he's hacking up a lung.

"I'm not sick," he wheezes, blocking his nose, hoping to get away from the smell.

"Then why are you coughing so much?"

"Your perfume makes me gag."

"I wouldn't expect someone with your caliber to appreciate the finer things of life." Raising her nose in the air, she storms out of the room.

People in my social status wouldn't be stupid enough to spend money on half the shit you rich folks do, he thinks as he gazes around her collection of goodies. "The uglier the piece, the more they seem to be worth." Hernandez once said. Ain't that the truth? he thinks as he packs up his equipment.

Stepping into the hall, he quickly glances around. Finding the coast is clear, he tiptoes towards the den. You deserve to be robbed after all the shit you've given me.

He'd just set the camera in place when he feels a sharp pain radiate through his lower leg. He looks down to see a small ferocious beast clamping down on his calf. He reaches for the dog, hoping to pull him away. Tommy loses his balance, stumbling into an oak bookcase. Knickknacks crash down all around him as he slides to the floor. The dog continues to tear into his leg. Using his other foot, he thumps the dog in the head. The mutt yelps as he scampers across the room.

"What is going on?" the lady asks as she steps through the door. She notices the broken keepsakes scattered across the room. "My trinkets, you've broken my precious trinkets." She scoops up a few of the salvageable pieces as Tommy pulls himself off the floor.

"I wouldn't have bumped into the shelf if your mangy mutt hadn't attacked me." He points towards his torn pant leg.

"You must have provoked Pookie to make him attack you."

"I didn't do a damn thing to your vicious mutt outside or in here."

She opens the front door. "I want you out of my house, now."

"Gladly." Grabbing his stuff, he storms through the door.

Tommy is loading his equipment in the truck when his cell phone rings. Realizing it's his boss, he quickly answers.

"I just received an alarming call from Mrs. Ford. She says you purposely broke a shelf full of valuables is that true?"

"I fell into it trying to get away from the mutt."

"Get away from her dog? I thought the attack happened outside?"

"It did, then the dog saw me in the house and decided to finish the job."

"Are you able to drive?"

"I think so."

"Go to the hospital, I'll meet you there."

Throwing the equipment into the truck, Tommy climbs inside. "You're going to be sorry you ever met me." He sneers as he spins out of the drive.


The sergeant finds her detectives working at their desk when she steps in the door. Surely, they've found something by now, she thinks as she walks towards them.

"Do you have any news for me, guys?" she asks, plopping down at her desk.

"The school claims John Harris returned to campus late last night."

"So, he isn't our shooter. Have you found anything on the Honda Accord?"

"I didn't find anyone locally, so I'm going statewide."

"What about the list of volunteers?"

"None of them drive a Honda and they don't fit the neighbor's description. The manager doesn't believe any of them worked when the Harris' did either." Jerry reaches for his phone.

"What about the material?"

"We haven't heard back from them yet, sergeant."

Jerry hangs up his phone. "Sergeant, that was the lab, they said the DNA from the blood found in the yard isn't in their data bank, but they did determine the victim is a healthy white male. They said they'll try to determine an approximate age as soon as they can."

"I bet we'll find out if it's a thirty-something the neighbors saw driving the Honda."


Tommy is sitting in the hospital waiting for his turn. He was supposed to be next, but a car accident bumped him to the end of the line. I wonder if any of these guys have money. He quickly scans the room for possibilities. His analysis is interrupted by his boss.

"How are you feeling, Tommy?" he asks as he sits down beside him.

"As good as can be expected, I guess." He pulls up his pant leg and shows his boss his leg.

"He did take a chunk out of you."

"It could've been worse." He grimaces as he lowers his pant leg.

I'm about to make it a lot worse, the man thinks, glancing at Tommy. "The customer claims you purposely broke her valuables and is threatening to file a lawsuit against you and the company. She says she'll forget the incident if we reimburse her for all the broken items and if you don't press charges against her."

"It wouldn't have happened at all if she'd put the dog up like she was supposed to."

"She claims he was locked up in the den, and you opened the door without her permission."

"I was bitten in the den, but the door was wide open when I walked in."

"Why were you in there?"

"I thought I saw another TV, so I was going to connect it to the satellite. When I didn't see one, I started to leave and that's when the dog bit me."

"He just came up and bit you? He didn't bark or growl first?"

"He didn't make a sound, boss, honest. He came up from behind, grabbed a hold of my leg and hung on for dear life."

"She also claims you were rude to her, used foul language and moved things that didn't need to be moved."

"The old bat had it out for me the moment I stepped in the door. Making snide remarks about me and my wife just to get me riled."

"That may be true, but until we can figure out what really happened in the house, I have no choice but to suspend you."

"Suspend me, but boss you can't do that. I have a wife and four kids to support."

"I don't want to do this, especially not to you." What he's going through. "But I have to follow company policy, otherwise, my ass will be on the line."

"I won't press charges and I'll reimburse her for everything I broke just please don't suspend me."

"I'm sorry, Tommy, but I don't have a choice in the matter. You can pick up your last paycheck tomorrow." Standing up, he slowly walks towards the door.


After being released from the hospital, Tommy decides to visit his pals at the warehouse. He had decided against working for Hernandez but now that he's suspended, he's going to need some type of money coming in.

"Tommy old buddy, what brings you by?"

"There was a problem on one of the jobs. So my boss wants me to take a few days off, to rest up." Tommy shows him the bandaged leg. "I was hoping you had some work for me."

"What did you get yourself into, lad?" He looks at his extremity again.

"A damn ankle biter came after me, tore me up pretty good."

"I see. Well, we don't have anything planned this afternoon, but meet us back here around seven thirty."

"I will, sir."

Hernandez glances at his watch. "I hate to cut this short, but I have somewhere I really need to be."

"I'll come back tonight, Sir," He replies as he's being escorted out the door.


Jerry sees the sergeant walking by when he looks up from his desk. "Sergeant," he says, motioning her over.

"What is it, Jerry?"

"I wanted to let you know that I've called all the hospitals in a 60-mile radius and only one person came in with a dog bite today, it's a guy by the name of Tommy Campbell."

"Is someone picking him up?"

"He's not our shooter. He was attacked during a routine satellite installation."

"This is a strange coincidence, sergeant."

"What is, Kirk?"

"Tommy Campbell is thirty-two and he has sandy blond hair." He points to the screen.

"Does he own an Accord?"

"He doesn't own a car, but his in-laws have several and one of them just happens to be an old Honda."

"Talk to the customer see what she can tell us about the dog bite and call his in-laws, see if they still have the car."

"I'm on it, sergeant."

"Sergeant, the lab confirmed the blood found in the bedroom belongs to the victims."

"What about the fingerprint?"

"I've run it through every system imaginable and still can't find a match."

Tommy main conspirator to the crime
Vinnie, Larry Tommy's friends
Jen, Tommy's wife
Salois Brothers Andy, Jeremy, Jack career criminals.

Berryville PD

Kirk- detective.
Rachel sergeant
Joe captain
Jerry detective


Chapter 13

By Mistydawn

Finding out his pregnant wife Jen needs a costly operation, Tommy turns to a life of crime
. They're in the middle of one of their jobs when the owners come home. Kirk is trying to see if the pawn shop owner has some stolen merchandise when armed thugs come in.

Tommy is driving through town thinking about all the events that's taken place the past few days. All I've ever wanted is to have a quiet, easy life taking care of my wife and kids. That's not too much to ask, is it? Well is it? He slams his hand on his steering wheel. I guess I should realize by now my life will never be simple. That I'm destined for a hard life no matter what path I choose. Tommy wipes the moisture from his cheek. He was born premature, addicted to drugs. His mom was able to kick her habit just long enough to regain custody of him. He glances towards the sky. Why can't you give me a break, God, why? What do you have against me? What? He dries his teary face again.

Tommy suddenly recalls the turmoil he went through as a child. A drunk, abusive dad, and a drug-addicted mom who would sleep with anything to get her next fix. How he had to steal basic necessities just to survive. I didn't want to turn to a life of crime, I really didn't, but what other choice did I have?

He thinks back to his recent encounters. Nearly getting caught by the homeowner, being questioned by the law, and his run-in with the vicious beasts. I have enough money for Jen's operation, but now I have to steal to pay our bills. Why can't something go right for a change, why? He hears sirens blaring behind him. Glancing back Tommy sees a cop on his tail. "What did I do wrong?" He quickly wipes his face as he pulls to the side of the road. The cop parks his cruiser behind him. "I didn't run a stop sign or anything, did I?" he questions, reaching for his glove box. He starts to pull out a stack of papers when he notices an officer by his door.

"Hands above your head, nice and slow." The officer instructs. Tommy stares at him curiously, uncertain of what's going on. "Do it now." He slowly lifts his shaky hands towards the ceiling. Tommy notices his backpack on the seat as he straightens back up. I thought Hernandez grabbed it. His door flies open. A second officer reaches in and pulls Tommy to his feet.

"What... What did I do, officer?"

The officer spins him around to where he's facing the car. Shoving him closer to its frame, the cop throws handcuffs on one hand and then the other. "You have the right to remain silent...." The officer begins.


Hanging up the phone, Jerry turns towards Rachel. "Sergeant, the lady said the dog bite did take place at her house and Tommy's snooping around was the reason he was bitten. She says she wants to file a complaint against him and the company and she plans on suing for property damages."

"Property damage?"

"Evidently, he fell into a bookcase, breaking a lot of expensive keepsakes."

"Looks like we're back to square one on our robbery case."

"Not necessarily." Smiling, Jerry continues. "His in-laws said they let Tommy and Jen borrow the Honda when their car broke down."

"Really, well, bring him in for questioning then."

"I'm already on it, sergeant."

"Of course you are." She laughs.

Hearing a commotion in the hallway, Rachel glances towards the door. She sees a handcuffed suspect being escorted across the room.

"Where do you want him, Sergeant?" an officer asks.

"Take him to room one, I'll be right there." She turns towards her detective. "Jerry, I want you to watch Tommy's reactions, let me know what you think."

"Sure thing, sergeant." Stepping into the room, Rachel walks over to her suspect.

"You know why you're here, right?"

"Yeah, the customer claims I purposely broke her stuff." Tommy nervously shifts in his chair.

Rachel starts to correct him, but decides he'll be less guarded about what she really wants to know if he thinks the interrogation is about something different. Reaching over, she clicks on the camera. "You were read your Miranda rights, correct?"


"Do you understand them?"


"Good, start at the beginning and tell me what happened today?"

Taking a deep breath, Tommy anxiously begins. "I went into the lady's house to finish installing her satellite. When I was done in the front room, I headed to her den. Most rich folks have a TV in every room you know." He nervously adds.

"What happened then?"

"This mutt comes out of nowhere and grabs a hold of my leg. I try to shake the dog off, I lose my balance and fall into the shelf. The lady storms in and orders me out of her house."

"Where was Mrs. Pearson when the dog attacked you?"

"The kitchen, I think."

"So, what happened next?"

"I told her she's paying for my hospital bill and left."

"Where did you go next?"

"I went to the hospital, my boss called to say he'd meet me there. He told me she's wanting to file a lawsuit against me for all the broken items. He also said she threatened to report us to the FCC, PUC and the Better Business Bureau if I press charges. My boss advised me not to pursue the matter, said the company's insurance will cover my medical bills and reimburse her for everything I broke."

"Your boss advised you not to file a formal complaint?"

"He said it'd be in everyone's best interest if I let it go. This whole mess wouldn't have happened if she'd put her dog up like she's supposed to."

"So, it's her fault you were bitten?"

"I didn't ask that mutt to bite me."

"You didn't do anything to antagonize her dog?"

"No, I was looking for a TV when her beast came up from behind and attacked me."

Now for the important questions. She leans in closer. "What time did you arrive at the house?"

"It was a little before eight."

"Where were you earlier this morning, say between four and seven?"

He gives her an inquisitive look. "I was at home in bed, of course."

"Can anyone verify your whereabouts?"

"My children can. My neighbor, Linda will tell you I was still asleep when she came in to watch my boys this morning."

Rachel hands him her notebook. "Write her number down for me, please." Tommy does as he's told. Rachel grabs the paper off the table. "I'll be back in a minute. Would you like something to drink?"

"A soda would be nice."

"I'll see what I can do." Rachel steps into the hall. "What do you think, Jerry?"

"I think he's telling the truth about the whole thing."

"I do too, but I want to call his boss and Linda to confirm what he said."

"I'll get him a pop, sergeant."

Tommy is sipping his soda when Rachel returns."I see you have your drink."

"Yeah, thank you." He takes another sip.

"I talked to your boss and he confirmed what you told me about the threats. Linda said you were asleep when she arrived. So, I called Mrs. Pearson and explained the consequences of not keeping her dogs secure, and she decided not to pursue the matter any further."

"I'm free to go?"


"Thank you, Sergeant," he says, darting out of the room.

Kirk pops his head through the door. "We have James Cornell in interrogation room two."

"James Cornell?"

"He's 32 and owns a Honda."

"Did you ask if he has an alibi?"

"He said he was at home alone."

"Can any of the neighbors collaborate his story?"

"We're still looking into it."

"Ok, make him comfortable I'll be right there." Walking over to the captain's office, she knocks on the door. "Captain, I wanted to let you know that Tommy isn't good for this and Mrs. Pearson decided she didn't want to press charges against him."

"What changed her mind?"

"I advised her about a possible countersuit because she didn't keep her dog caged."

"I'm glad you straightened all of it out."

"We have another suspect in room two."

"I'll be right there." Hearing a knock on the door, they both turn around.

"Captain, Sergeant, I talked to one of Tommy's neighbors, he claims he saw Tommy leave around four this morning. Said he didn't return home until almost seven."

"That puts a twist on things. Do we still have the fingerprint from the window?"

"I believe so."

"Take prints from Tommy's pop can and compare it to the one from the house."

"Yes, sergeant."

Tommy, main conspirator in the crime
Vinnie, Larry Tommy's friends
Jen, Tommy's wife

Salois Brothers, Andy, Jeremy, Jack career criminals.
Berryville PD

Kirk, detective.
Rachel, sergeant
Joe, captain
Jerry, detective

Chapter 14
From Bad to Worse

By Mistydawn

Finding out his pregnant wife Jen needs a costly operation, Tommy turns to a life of crime. They're in the middle of one of their jobs when the owners come home. Tommy is taken to the station for questioning then released. He's trying to rob a house on his own when a dog attacks him. He escapes from that but ends up facing down Hernandez's goons. He ends up working or Henandez and his gang

That was too close, Tommy thinks as he anxiously pulls away from the police station. He's been questioned numerous times throughout his life, but he's never been accused of murder.

The totality of his situation hits him, his hands begin to shake, his stomach churns with fury. Beads of sweat pop out across his forehead. I could've been thrown in jail for a murder I didn't commit. He imagines himself behind bars. What'll happen to Jen and the boys if I'm thrown in jail? Maybe this is a warning, a glimpse of my future if I continue my life of crime. I can't quit now, I just can't, not until I come up with enough money for Jen's operation. The last robbery didn't bring in as much as he'd hoped. I know, I'll steal just enough to pay for her surgery. If my suspension isn't lifted by then I'll find work somewhere else. Yeah, that's what I'll do.

He notices his friend Jimmy hobbling across his yard as he drives up to his house. I should probably check to see how he's holding out. He hasn't been able to work since he fell off a ladder a few weeks back.

Jimmy walks over to greet him when he pulls into his drive. "Long time no see."

"I've been meaning to stop by, honest, I have, but with Jen being in the hospital I haven't had the time."

"Jen is in the hospital?"

"Yeah, It seems her heart has gotten so bad that she needs an operation."

"They're going to do the surgery on her soon, right?"

"I have to come up with the money for her aftercare before they'll even consider it."

"You know I'd help out if I could but my workman's comp claim hasn't kicked in yet."


"Yeah, I'll be on the streets if it doesn't start soon."

"You can always stay with Jen and me."

"I appreciate the offer, but it sounds like you have enough on your plate as it is."

"I hope to have the money soon, now I'm back with Hernandez."

"You did make a lot of money working for him."

"I was making bank. Hey, I think I've found a solution to your problems. Let me talk to someone, see what I can do." He grabs his cell from his dash and quickly makes a call.

Jimmy is trying to picture what it'd be like to work for Hernandez when Tommy walks up beside him. "I just talked to the boss and he's agreed to hire you."

"What am I going to do exactly?"

"Everything I tell you from here on out has to be kept on the down low, alright?"

"I knew it, you are a gangster."

Tommy anxiously glances around. Discovering neighbors nearby, he pulls him to the porch. "No, no, it's not like that."

"What is it then?"

"I've been setting up cameras in homes I install satellites in."

"So you're a spy," he excitedly replies.

"Just listen, would you?" Jimmy plops down on the swing. Tommy sits down beside him.

"Once we know the homeowner's habits we pick a day and time to go in and take their stuff. The boss sells the merchandise then gives us a split of the profit."

"I don't know man. I mean I need the money and all, but stealing people's stuff isn't right."

"Their insurance company reimburses them for their loss."

"It's still theft, Tommy."

"You're stealing from the insurance company, not them and you know they can afford to pay."

"True, OK, I'm in."

"Now that's settled, I have a big favor to ask."

"What is it?"

"Can I borrow your car, mine overheated on the way over?"

"Use it as long as you like." Jimmy tosses him the keys.

"I sure appreciate this, man."

"You can keep your car in the barn until the fuzz is off your tail."

Seeing Tommy's expression he says: "I know how you gangsters work."


Rachel walks in to find James Cornell fidgeting around in the chair. She first notices sweat dripping off his forehead. She then discovers wet patches under his arms and around his collar. It's not that warm. He's coming off of drugs. "Would you like something to drink?"


"It'll make you feel better."

"I said I don't want anything."

"Suit yourself. So how long have you been using?"

"I don't use drugs," he replies, as he squirms around in his seat.

She grabs his arm and flips it over. "Why are there track marks in the crook of your arm?"

"I use to use, but I don't anymore."

"They look pretty fresh to me." She slams his arm on the table.

"What are we going to find at your apartment?"

"Nothing, I swear." The worry on his face tells a different story.

"Where were you between four and seven this morning?"

"I was at home asleep."

"Can anyone verify that?"


"Not even your neighbors?"

"They might, I don't know." He scratches his arms and then his legs.

You're going to wish you had something sweet real soon. "You better find someone to verify your whereabouts, otherwise, I'm going to charge you with murder."

"Murder, no I didn't kill anyone, I swear I didn't."

"Just like you swear you don't use drugs?" She slams her hands down on the table. Staring him square in the eye, she says: "Stop lying to me. I know you use and I know you killed the Harris's this morning."

"I didn't, I swear!" He tries to look away; Rachel turns his face around.

"Murder is an automatic death sentence, but if you confess we might take the death penalty off the table."
"I didn't do it."

"Sergeant." She turns towards the door. "You'll never believe what we found in his apartment." Kirk steps into the room.

"I love to play show and tell, don't you, James?"

"We found four baggies of meth and a large assortment of paraphernalia."

"So we can add drug possession with intent to sell on top of the murder rap."

"I didn't kill anyone."

"We'll just see about that," she says, storming out of the room.

"What do you think, captain?"

"Check with the neighbors and the security cams see if anyone can verify his whereabouts."

Hearing someone coming towards them, they turn around. "Captain, sergeant, the fingerprints on the pop can match the one found on the window." Jeff hands them the report.

"Pick Mr. Campbell back up."


Tommy decides to visit Jen before the big heist. He doesn't like going behind her back, lying to her the way he is, but he figures, one little lie is worth saving her life.

Jen is overjoyed when Tommy tells her the news. "Is this for real?" she gasps, grabbing Tommy's phone, she looks at it again. The go fund me account showed over eight thousand dollars. Hernandez suggested this type of account to make the money seem legit.

"It's for real baby, and it's all for you."

"I...I can't believe it, I'm going to live, I'm going to live. This is a dream come true, Tommy, a dream come true."

"I told you I'd get the money."

"Oh Tommy, you're the greatest." She wraps her arms around him and gives him a big hug. Her embrace is so warm, so comforting. Tommy knows he has to continue despite the pain, the anguish his excursion might cause. The precious moment in time made their love, their bond grow stronger. It was like they were falling in love all over again. The two talked for hours about their hopes and dreams for their bright future ahead.

They're laughing over silly stunts the boys have pulled when Jen's doctor steps into the room, a grim expression on his face.

"Jen, Tommy, we just got the latest test results back." He glances down at his paper.

Realizing Jen is shaking beside him, Tommy cups her hand in his.

"What is it doc?"

"I don't know any other way to put it so I'll just come right out with it. Your condition is declining. We need to do the surgery within the next few days, otherwise, you may be too weak to undergo the procedure."

"No!" Jen yells. Collapsing against Tommy, she begins to sob.

Tommy wraps his arms around her and pulls her in tight. "It'll be alright, baby."

"How, Tommy, how will it ever be alright again? Damn my stinking heart, damn it all to hell," she cries.

"I'll see what I can do about getting you higher on the list."

"We appreciate it doc, we really do." Tommy mewls, tears streaming down his face.

"I'll do what I can, but there are a lot of people on the list."

"We've gotten this far, we'll make it through the rest," Tommy states, trying to be positive.

"I hope so, son, I really do." Lowering his head, the doctor turns and leaves.

"Oh, Tommy, what are we going to do, what are we going to do?"

"It'll be alright, baby, I promise," Tommy snivels.

"I don't want to lose you and the boys. I don't, I don't," Jen sobs, falling deeper into his arms. I don't want to lose you either, he thinks, holding her as tight as he can.

Tommy main conspirator to the crime
Vinnie, Larry Tommy's friends
Jen, Tommy's wife

Salois Brothers Andy, Jeremy, Jack career criminals.

Berryville PD

Kirk- detective.
Rachel sergeant
Joe captain
Jerry detective

Chapter 15
The Hunt

By Mistydawn

Finding out his pregnant wife Jen needs a heart transplant, and he needs $10,000 for her aftercare Tommy turns to a life of crime. He robs houses, selling the stolen goods for cash. He and his two friends are in the middle of a job when the owners come home. Tommy is taken to the station for questioning then released. He tries to rob a house on his own when a dog attacks him. When he finally makes it inside, Tommy discovers three dead bodies. He grabs the money and runs. The neighbor sees him leaving and informs the police. He's taken to the station for the second time. With an Alibi for the time of the murders he's released. The doctor tells him that Jen needs to have the operation within a week. In desperation, he asks his old boss, a Mexican drug lord for his job back. Having a drug addict mom and a alcoholic father he had to work for Hernandez to support himself until he was old enough to get a legitimate job. Meanwhile, the police find Tommy's prints at the murder house so they want to question him again.  

Running out of the hospital, Tommy hops in his friend's car. "I have twenty minutes to pick up Jimmy and get to the warehouse." Tommy anxiously peels out of the parking lot.

He starts thinking about all the fun times he and his family shared as he continues through town. He first recalls their wonderful days at the park. Swinging, sliding, throwing the ball around. The way he and Jen use to lounge on the blanket while the boys played in the sand nearby. I so enjoyed those lazy summer days. He sighs. He then recalls their first camping trip and what a disaster it turned out to be.

He and Jen were cuddled by the fire, a blanket draped around them as they glance out at the stars. Both are trying to recover from their passionate lovemaking just moments before.

"I'm so glad we took this trip, Tommy." Jen sighs as she gazes dreamily into his almond-shaped eyes.

"I am too." He kisses her forehead, she snuggles in closer. "Keep moving like that and we'll go another round."

A playful smile creeps across her face. "You promise?" She nibbles on his ear as her hand explores his sleek, muscular body. "What did I find here?" She starts playing with his manhood, it quickly rises to attention. "Oh my, what did I do?" She giggles.

"You're in for it now." He pushes her to the ground. Tommy starts to give her a kiss when their boys scream. Tommy runs over to see what's going on.

He finds a small baby skunk in the middle of their tent. His back end is towards the boys, his long, bushy tail is straight up in the air. "Chris, Joel, calm down, calm down, guys."

"A skunk, daddy, a skunk," Joel says, nervously pointing at the creature.

"I see, I see, but if you scare him, he'll spray."

"No spray daddy, please, no spray." The two frightened toddlers start to cry.

"It'll be alright boys, It'll be alright."

"What's going on?" Jen asks, running up to the tent. She starts to step inside when she spots the intruder. "Oh, shit." She backs out of the door.

"That's what I said too."

"What are we going to do, Tommy?"

"I don't know."

"We have to do something."

"I know, I know." Tommy scratches his head trying to come up with a plan. "I have an idea, stay here and keep the boys calm."

"What are you going to do?"

"You'll see." He returns a few minutes later with a package of bacon.

"Not our bacon," Jen protests.

"Do you have any other ideas?"

She glances at her crying toddlers. "No."

"OK, then." Stepping inside the tent, he holds the meat in front of him. "Here's some nice juicy bacon, just for you." He jiggles the slab to get the animal's attention. "Do you want this Mr. Skunk?" The animal wiggles his nose. "Smells good doesn't it?" The creature walks towards him. "That's it, follow the bacon." He backs up, the skunk continues to follow. "Just a little further." Tripping over a rock, Tommy tumbles to the ground, smacking the pots and pans when he falls. Frightened, the skunk lifts up his tail and sprays.

"It took nearly a month to get the smell out." He chuckles, remembering all the tomato juice baths they took. He then recalls the way everyone avoided them wherever they went. I didn't think we'd ever be socially accepted, he laughs. "We need to go camping again."

The doctor's haunting words suddenly come to mind. "If she doesn't get the operation soon, she'll die." Tommy then recalls the devastation on Jen's face. His heart breaks in two all over again. "Why Lord, why are you doing this to her, why? She hasn't done anything to deserve it, she hasn't. She's a great mom, a loving wife, a very caring person. She even helps with different charities when she can. Please Lord, please let her live. I beg you, please let her live." He blubbers. Images of her beautiful face flash through his mind. "If you have to take someone, take me. Please, Lord, take me in her place. I don't deserve to live, I don't, but she does. Please, Lord, please take me, please take me instead." He bawls.

He wipes the tears from his face as he pulls up to his friend's house. Tommy notices the grimace on his face as he limps towards his car. I didn't realize it was so bad.

"I can't do it tonight, Tommy, I just can't. Maybe I could help you another time?"

"Another night is fine. Go, get some rest, I'll check back with you later."

"I'm sorry I let you down."

"It's alright, I understand. We'll do it some other night, OK?"

"Thanks, pal."

Tommy starts thinking about his friends' situation as he pulls away from the curb. He knows how desperately Jimmy needs the money, but wonders if he can handle the work. Maybe he'd be better off running surveillance, he thinks as he pulls into the warehouse parking lot.

His boss walks up to him as he steps through the door. "Tommy, old buddy, I'm so glad you're here." Seeing him raise his arm, Tommy ducks.

"Please don't slap my back tonight, sir." Tommy lifts his shirt and then continues.
"I had a run in with a dog."

"I thought you said he got your leg."

"The second one got my back, sir."

"Two in one day, you've got to stop hanging around them vicious mutts." Antonio laughs.

"You're telling me, sir."

Antonio looks around. "Where's your friend?"

"He couldn't make it. His back is hurting him so badly he can barely walk."

"His back?'

"Yeah, it's been giving him grief since he fell off the ladder at work."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"I was wondering if maybe he could do the surveillance and Vinnie can go to the houses." Noticing the skeptical look on his boss's face he quickly continues. "I wouldn't ask, but Jimmy needs money really bad, said he's going to be on the streets if he doesn't pay his rent soon."

"I'll see what I can do. OK, guys, let's get ready and remember when I say time, we head to the car."


The hustle and bustle of the squad room continues throughout the day. At times the noise is almost loud enough to shatter eardrums. Of course, the small, cramped quarters only make things seem worse than what they really are.

I need to push for a bigger squad room, the sergeant thinks, looking down at the report again. There has to be something in here that'll help us, there just has to be. Rachel is reviewing the facts for what seems like the hundredth time when Jerry steps up to her desk.

"Sergeant, Tommy isn't home. His babysitter said he might be visiting his wife at the hospital. So, I checked and the nurses said he was there, but left about an hour ago. I have patrol at his place and at the hospital in case he decides to show."

I wonder if her being sick has anything to do with Tommy's robbery spree. "Let me get a hold of my friends at the hospital, see what I can find out about her condition. Keep me posted on the stakeout."

"Copy that, sergeant. Oh, and sergeant, the babysitter, Linda claims she's the one who drove Tommy's car the night in question. Said she had to get her husband out of jail."

"Did you confirm her story?"

"He was booked for a DWI around two and released at five."

"So, Tommy tries to rob the place, finds the dead bodies and runs. Is there a connection between him and the Harris'?"

"I can't find anything."

"Maybe it was a random robbery like you originally thought, sergeant," Kirk says as he continues towards them.

"Yeah, maybe." She notices the report in his hands. "Do you have something, Kirk?"

"The uniform shop said the material from our crime scene came from a batch of uniforms sent to Dave's Satellite Service; the same place Tommy works, or at least he did until they decided to suspend him."

"That might be another reason why he's doing these robberies. You have an APB out on him and his car, right?"

"Yes, sergeant."

"I want you to start checking with his friends and family, ask them where he might go."

They start to leave when The captain walks over to their desk. "Guys, Tommy's car was spotted at his friend Jimmy's house over on Church Street."

"We're on it, captain."


Tommy main conspirator to the crime
Vinnie, Larry Tommy's friends
Jen, Tommy's wife
Salois Brothers Andy, Jeremy, Jack career criminals.

Berryville PD

Kirk- detective.
Rachel sergeant
Joe captain
Jerry detective

Chapter 16
Evading the Law

By Mistydawn

Jimmy is sprawled out across the couch, the TV blaring in front of him. A recess commercial comes across the screen. That sounds good, he mumbles as he drifts off to sleep. Someone pounds on his door, startling him awake. The intruder bangs again. He glances at the clock and sees it's nearly midnight. Who'd stop by this late? Jimmy asks as he struggles to get to his feet. He then remembers Tommy's promise to check on him after his big heist. He's such a good friend, worrying about me when he has so much going on. Yawning, Jimmy hobbles towards the entryway. The intruder pounds again.

"Berryville PD, open up." 

What does the police want with me? A horrific thought suddenly comes to mind. I hope Jen and Tommy are alright. In a state of panic, he throws the barrier open.

The two officers reach for their guns. Realizing he's unarmed, they lower their hands to their side. "We'd like to speak to Tommy Campbell, please."

"Tommy doesn't live here."

"We were told he was here." Jerry peeks his head through the door. Jimmy steps in front of him.

"He was here, but he left."

"May we come in?" The detective pushes past him before he has time to answer.

"Sure, come on in. Make yourself at home. Would you like something to drink? How about I fix us a little snack?"

Jerry spins around. "I don't appreciate your sarcasm, son."

"Well, I don't appreciate you barging into my home. There is a thing called invasion of privacy you know."

Jerry steps in front of him leaving a mere centimeter between them. Glaring into his eyes he asks: "Do you know where Tommy went?"

Feeling uneasy, Jimmy takes a step back. "He's probably visiting his wife at the hospital."

"Where else would he go?"

"Home, to his boys."

"Anywhere else?"

Jimmy throws his hands in the air. "Hell, I don't know, I'm not his damn keeper."

Jerry watches his movements, his expressions for a hint of a lie. "Have him call us if he shows up again, alright?" Jerry hands him his card. He starts to walk out the door when a thought occurs to him, he turns back around. "If I find out you're hiding him or helping him evade justice, I'll lock your ass up, got it?"

"I don't know where he is, honest."

"I hope for your sake you're telling the truth." Stepping out of the house, Jerry slams the door behind him.


Antonio Hernandez and his crew shuffle into the dank warehouse. Flipping on the lights, Antonio spins around. "You idiots! You stupid idiots! I told you to wait for the signal, but you didn't listen. No, you got all gung-ho and ran in before we were able to disable the alarm."

"Sorry, boss." The crew simultaneously mumbles.

"Do you know how much money we lost tonight? Do you, well, do you?" He asks, throwing his hands in the air.

"No, sir." The crew replies in unison.

"I'll call you when I have another job. That's if I don't decide to replace you. Until then, I don't want you to come back here and don't be hanging out together, especially not in public places."

"Yes, Sir." The crew trudges to the door.

Seeing Tommy walk past, Hernandez reaches out for him. "I need to talk to you a minute."

This day keeps getting worse, and worse, Tommy thinks as he turns to face him.

"I want you to know that I'm not blaming you for any of this, alright."

"I appreciate it, sir."

"How would you and your friend like to work for me exclusively?"

"We'd like it very much, sir."

"Good, meet me back here tomorrow morning around nine."

"Will do, and thank you for this opportunity."

"Thank you for being such a great worker. Now go home and hug those kiddos for me."

"I will, sir."

"And Tommy, please stay away from the canines."

Tommy laughs. "I plan to, sir."

I can't wait for this damn day to be over, Tommy thinks, as he heads out of town. I'll check on Jimmy, tell him the good news and then head home. He's almost to Jimmy's house when two cop cars zoom past him. "The donut shop must be closed tonight." He laughs.

An unsettling feeling comes over him when he pulls up to Jimmy's house. Running down the sidewalk, Tommy burst through the door.

"I didn't do it," Jimmy yells as he throws his hands in the air.

"It's only me." Tommy chuckles.

"Oh, Tommy, you have to hide, man, you have to hide." Jimmy anxiously replies.

"What's going on?"

"Jen called, said the police are looking for you. About a half hour later the police show up at my door asking if I know where you might be."

"Did they say what they wanted?"

"No, they just said I should tell you to call them when I see you again."

Tommy runs to the window and anxiously peeks out. "You didn't tell them I'm coming back here, did you?"

"Of course not. Why are the cops after you?"

"It probably has to do with the house I broke into today."

"The one with the vicious dog?"

"Yeah, when I broke in I found three people dead. I got scared and ran out the back door."

"You didn't tell me about that, man."

"I didn't want to get you involved." The totality of his situation suddenly hits him. "Oh, Jimmy, what am I going to do, what am I going to do?" Tommy collapses on the couch.

"The first thing you need to do is call Jen, tell her you're alright." The ringing phone startles them causing them to jump. "I bet that's her now," Jimmy says, reaching for the device. "Hello, he just walked in. Do you want to talk to him?" He starts to hand it to Tommy when he hears a clicking noise on the line."Jen, he has to go, he says he loves you and he'll call soon." Hanging up, he turns towards his friend. "You have to get out of here like now, man!"


"The police was listening in on the call. Here, take my cell." He grabs the device from the table and tosses it to him. Pulling the keys from his pocket, he slides them across the table. "The car out back is registered to Aunt Thelma. You'll be better off taking it instead of mine."

"Thanks, Jimmy," he yells, running for the back door.

"Stay safe man and keep in touch. " Tommy waves.

Jimmy nervously glances out the front window, Then hobbles to the one in the back. He sees Tommy climbing into the car. You better hurry, man. Hearing shuffling outside, he anxiously glances towards the front and then back at Tommy. Hurry man, hurry. His front door flies open. He looks towards the noise and then the alley. He sees Tommy's tail lights fading out of sight. He made it.

A tall well-built officer stomps towards him while the remaining crew scatters through the house." Where is he, Jimmy?" the brawny officer demands.

Taking a deep breath for courage, Jimmy anxiously turns around. "Where's who?"

"Your friend, Tommy, where is he hiding?"

"I already told you he's not here."

"We know he stopped by just a few minutes ago, so where is he?"

"I swear he's not here."

"He's right, sir, Tommy isn't in the house," another officer replies.

"Did you tell him we're looking for him?"

"I didn't get a chance."

"What do you mean you didn't get a chance?"

"He walked in when I was talking to his wife. I told him Jen was on the phone and he took off."

"Is he on foot or did he take his car?"

"His car, I guess."

"You guess?"

"I didn't actually see him jump in and leave, but his vehicle isn't in the drive."

"Whose car is out front?"

"That's mine."

"Why wasn't it here earlier?"

"My neighbor just returned it."

"If you see Tommy, tell him to give us a call. Don't think about helping him, because I won't hesitate to throw your ass in jail for accessory after the fact." The officers storm out the door.

Jimmy picks up the phone and dials Jen's cell. "Jen, it's Jimmy..."

"What's going on?"

"Tommy says he loves you and he'll stop by as soon as he gets back from Maryland."

"Maryland, what's he doing there?"

"A special job, one that will pay for your aftercare."

"It's not illegal is it?"

"Of course not. You get some rest I'll see you real soon."

"OK, Jimmy, good night. And Jimmy, thanks for letting me know."

Hanging up the phone, he grabs his keys off the table. That'll teach them to tap my phone, he snickers, heading out the door.

Chapter 17
Hard Truth

By Mistydawn

Finding out his pregnant wife Jen needs a heart transplant, and he needs $10,000 for her aftercare Tommy turns to a life of crime. He robs houses, selling the stolen goods for cash. He and his two friends are in the middle of a job when the owners come home. Tommy is taken to the station for questioning then released. He tries to rob a house on his own when a dog attacks him. When he finally makes it inside, Tommy discovers three dead bodies. He grabs the money and runs. The neighbor sees him leaving and informs the police. He's taken to the station for the second time. With an Alibi for the time of the murders he's released. The doctor tells him that Jen needs to have the operation within a week. In desperation, he asks his old boss, a Mexican drug lord for his job back. Having a drug addict mom and an alcoholic father, he had to work for Hernandez to support himself until he was old enough to get a legitimate job. Meanwhile, the police find Tommy's prints at the murder house so they want to question him again.  

Vinnie and his crew were planning another robbery, on the way back from their first, and Tommy is hoping to be a part of it. He knows he should lay low for a while, but figures he needs to gather as much money as he can before he gets caught. It'll be worth going to jail for, knowing Jen will be alright, he thinks as he walks across Vinnie's yard. Vinnie opens his door as he starts to knock.

"Hey, Tommy, whatcha doing man?"

"I came to see if you guys are still doing your heist."

Vinnie looks back at his crew and chuckles. "Told you guys." He turns back around. "That's where we're headed now."

"Do you mind if I tag along?"

"Not at all. Follow me, I'll fill you in on the way." He drapes his arms around Tommy's broad shoulders.

"Where is this place?" Tommy questions as they cross the yard.

"It's the big mansion on Douglas Street."

"The Goodman place?"

"That's the one, I even have a key and the code."

Tommy turns towards him, a puzzled look on his face. "How'd you manage that?"

Vinnie smirks. "My sister gave it to me."

"Your sister, when did she become one of us?"

"She hasn't, she just wants revenge."

"Revenge for what?" He couldn't imagine someone so sweet, wanting to harm anyone.

"The Goodmans canned her for no good reason. No warning or nothing, just tossed her out with their trash."

"That's cold, man, really cold."

"After twenty years, too. I figure my sister deserves a little extra for all the time she put in, don't you?"

Tommy thinks back to when he was a child. Mr. Goodman found him cold and hungry, hunkered down in a cardboard box. Knowing about the child's home life, he offered to take him in. Tommy first thought the man was a saint until he revealed his plans. The perverted old bastard deserves to lose everything for what he did. "I say she should get a hell of a pension." Slapping Vinnie on the back, he climbs in the car.

The crew finds the streets dark and deserted when they pull up to the house a few minutes later. Hopping out of his car, Vinnie takes a quick look around.  
"Ok, guys, let's go." The crew nervously heads toward the back.

"Remember to wait for my cue." Opening the door, Vinnie quickly disables the alarm. "Ok guys, start looking. Remember, to only take what we can sell on the streets."

The gang excitedly scatters through the house, hoping for a big payday. Tommy is searching the living room when he catches something out of the corner of his eye. He turns and sees several cruisers headed their way. "Cops," he yells, running towards the back.


Jerry and his crew trudge into the station, aggravated they didn't find Tommy. With patrol positioned along the front and all sides, they were sure they had him cornered.

Finding the sergeant at her desk, Jerry shuffles towards her. "I have some bad news, sergeant."

Rachel glances up from her report. "Where's Tommy?" she asks, quickly glancing around.

"That's the bad news. He'd already left by the time we got there. I have an undercover watching the house in case he comes back."

"We still have a trace on Jen and Jimmy's home phone and all three of their cells, right?"

"Yes, we've been trying to track Tommy cell to pinpoint his location. He hasn't made a call in the last six hours and every time we call the number it goes straight to voicemail."

"So it's either off, or the battery is dead."

Kirk walks up to the desk. "Patrol just called, they said Tommy's friend, Jimmy is visiting Jen at the hospital."

"I wish we could get ears in her room, find out what's going on."

"You don't think Judge Barkly will give you a warrant?"

"And violate HEPPA laws? I seriously doubt it."

"What if we sneak a bug in."

"Everything we discover would be fruit of the poisonous tree, so it won't do us any good."

"Not if what we use can be classified as inevitable discovery."

"Now you're splitting hairs."

"What if we use a roving bug and only use the information we gather when they're in areas, where there's no expectation of privacy?"

"We're still splitting hairs, but go on, explain what this roving bug is."

"It's where we use their cell phone as a listening device. It'll catch the conversation in the near vicinity."

"So I'd be like a portable bug?"

"Exactly, all we need to do is get a warrant and contact their carrier."

"Talk to their providers see what you can do, and I'll work on a warrant."

"Copy that, sergeant."

"Oh, and Kirk, have an undercover keep eyes on Jimmy."

"Will do, Sergeant."

Jerry hangs up the phone. "Sergeant, dispatch just called, said there's been another robbery over on Douglas Street. They said they're in pursuit of the suspects now."

"I want you to get everyone you can in on this chase."

"Yes, sergeant."


Jimmy watches the horrifying expressions on Jen's face as he explains what he's been told.

"Tommy tried to rob a house and now he's wanted for murder?" she gasps.

"That's what he said."

"What was he thinking, robbing houses? I oughtta..." She pounds her hands against the bed.

"Jen, Jen, calm down."

"I don't want to calm down I want to beat the crap out of him for being so damn stupid. Putting our family in jeopardy like this. I bet he's working for Hernandez too, isn't he? Isn't he?"

"Well, I..."

"Just wait until I see him again, just you wait." She punches her mattress again. "He knows how I feel about this crime shit, and about Hernandez and his goons." She starts to punch her mattress for the third time, Jimmy grabs her arms to stop her.

"He did it for you, he did it for you, to pay for your aftercare."

"He put his life on the line for me?"

Jimmy nods. "He said he wants to make sure you're taken care of."

She starts tearing up. "This is all my fault, Jimmy. It's all my fault. Me and my damned heart," she sobs. Dozens of thoughts start racing through her head when a similar situation suddenly comes to mind.

The year is 2010 a group of young teens had been arrested for underage drinking and were waiting to be released to their parents.

Jen notices the fury in her dad's eyes when she steps into the lobby. "Just wait until we get home," Frank hisses, his nightly liquor lingering on his breath. He grabs his daughter's arm and drags her across the station. Jen glances back, hoping someone would save her from this violent man, but no one seemed to notice.

"I said come on," Frank says, dragging her through the door.

The wintry mix pelts against Jen's warm, moist face as she's being yanked across the pavement. Her mind drifts back to the beautiful snowflakes falling all around them as she and Tommy said their final goodbyes. I'll never forget you, Tommy, ever, she sobs, wiping a tear from her cheek. Images of all their fun times quickly flash through her mind. Why did our love have to end like this, why? Her small, frail body crashes against their car, jolting her back to the present.

"Get in," Frank orders. Jen sees her mother weeping in the front seat, bruises strung across her pale, bloodied face. He beat her because of me. What did I do, what did I do? she thinks as tears continue to stream down her cheeks.

Frank notices her staring at her Margaret. "That's just half of what you're going to get." Shoving her in the vehicle, he closes the door behind her. Please help me get through this, please, she prays as her father's car door slams shut.

Frank waits until he's out of the parking lot before he begins."What were you thinking, huh, what? Out drinking with a bunch of hoodlums in the middle of the night."

"They aren't hoodlums, Daddy, they're my friends."

"Some friends they are, getting you into trouble. I bet Tommy had something to do with this, didn't he, didn't he?" he screams, slamming his fist against the steering wheel.

"He wasn't even there."

"Don't lie to me, Jenifer Ann, I saw him being hauled away."

"It's not his fault, Daddy, I went on my own."

"I'm ashamed of you, Jenifer Ann, ashamed. I don't even want to claim you as my daughter."

"Please don't say that, Daddy." She bawls.

He recalls all the hell his sister put the family through. How she sent his parents to an early grave. That's not happening to me. "I want you to pack up your shit and leave."

"No, Daddy, no. Please don't kick me out, please. I won't do this anymore, I promise." She sobs.

"Look out, Frank." Margaret warns.

Spotting a wreck up ahead, Frank swerves to the right. The front tires hit a patch of black ice. They slide across the road, landing in a deep embankment. Her parents were pronounced dead at the scene.

I cause catastrophes wherever I go. First my parent's and now this. When will it end, when will it end. She sobs. Jen grabs for her chest as a look of horror spreads across her paling face.

"What is it Jen?"

"I... I can't..." Her monitors start beeping as she collapses against the bed.

Tommy main conspirator in the crime
Vinnie, Larry Tommy's friends
Jen, Tommy's wife
Salois brothers, Andy, Jeremy, Jack career criminals.
Frank and Margret, Jen's parents.

Berryville PD

Kirk, detective.
Rachel, sergeant
Joe, captain
Jerry detective

Chapter 18

By Mistydawn

Tommy is told that his pregnant wife Jen’s condition is declining and that the only thing that’ll save her is a heart transplant. He’s then informed the hospital requires $10,000 for her aftercare. Being denied financial assistance, Tommy turns to a life of crime; robbing houses, and then selling the stolen goods for cash. He and his two friends are in the middle of a job when the owners returns. The police question Tommy, releasing him soon after. Tommy is attacked by a dog trying to rob a house on his own. He discovers three dead bodies when he makes it inside. Tommy grabs the contents of the safe and flees. The neighbor informs the police of his escape. He's taken to the station for the second time. With an alibi for the time of the murders, he's released. The doctor informs him that Jen needs the operation within a week. In great desperation, he asks Hernandez for his job back. A job he supported himself with until he was old enough to get a legitimate job. Tommy managed to evade the law at a job site and then again at his friend's house. Wanting to make sure he had enough money for Jen's care, he tries to pull another heist. Realizing they'd been found he and the crew run for the back door.

Jimmy is standing over Jen's lifeless body, not sure what to do. Various machines are beeping all around her. The door to her room slides open, several staff members race towards her. An older, rounded nurse places her cold hands on his arms. The frigid sensation startles him out of his trance-like state.

"You need to step into the hall, sir."

Jimmy turns towards her. "What?"

"You need to step into the hall," she repeats, guiding him towards the door.

"What's going on? Will she be alright?" he tearfully questions, trying to push past her.

"We'll let you know as soon as we can, now please stay out here so we can help her." She guides him out, closing the door behind her.

"No, not Jen, please, don't take Jen, please, Jimmy begs as he helplessly watches through the door. Memories of the three of them suddenly come to mind. He first pictures the fun times they shared. He then recalls a few of their misfortunes and how they rallied to help each other. "We're the three musketeers," Jen says, in a toast. 

"The three musketeers," Jimmy repeats wiping a tear from his face. 


Vinnie and his crew are speeding through the ritzy neighborhood in hopes they'll escape the law. He glances back to find some of his crew frozen in their seats, while the remaining seem to be enjoying their bit of excitement. Vinnie notices a cruiser right on their tail when he glances further back. How am I going to do this? Think, Vinnie, think. He pictures the town's layout in his mind. This image is soon replaced with him being thrown behind bars. He then recalls a threat made on his life last time he was there. 

He'd just been served his walking papers and was being escorted towards the door. Mateo grabs ahold of Vinnie and slams him against his cell. "You'll be swimming with the fishes if I see you again," he hisses, fire shooting from his cold, dark eyes. I can't go back, I just can't. He pushes the pedal down further.

"Look out," Jack warns, pointing straight ahead.

Vinnie spots a car pulling across Douglas. He makes a sharp left onto Adams.

"That was close," Jack says, as he nervously repositions himself in the seat.

Vinnie notices red and blue lights flashing in his rearview mirror. "We're not out of the woods yet, hang on." He makes a quick right and then a left onto the highway.

"I hope you know what you're doing."

I do too. He gulps. "Trust me." He smiles weakly, hoping he can pull it off.

Kenny hangs up his phone. "My sister just called said they have roadblocks all over the city."

"Like that one?" Jack points straight ahead. They first notice cars stopped on either side of the street, cruisers parked along the shoulder. They then see a slew of cops walking from vehicle to vehicle. "What are we going to do?"

Vinnie glances down the steep cliff beside them. It's not the best choice, but it's the only one we've got. "Are you ready to go mudding?"

"Do what?"

 "Hang on." He makes a sharp turn towards the steep embankment. The crew grabs hold of the closest secured object as the vehicle continues to bounce down the hill. Its engine begins to whine in protest as it slides through the mud.

"I hope you can control this thing," Kenny anxiously replies, staring at the rocky terrain below them.

"Relax, I got this," he says, hoping to convince himself. The vehicle continues to slide around as it advances to the other side. "Its do or die time, boys." Throwing it into a lower gear, Vinnie climbs the steep slope ahead. The crew goes silent as they continue to white knuckle their lifeline.

After what seems like an eternity, the vehicle reaches the pavement. "Told you I got this." Vinnie grins as he turns onto seven south. The crew just starts to relax, when they spot red and blues behind them again.

"Ah, Vinnie, we've got company."

Vinnie glances back to find several cruisers headed towards them. "Hang on." He pushes the pedal to the floor, creating a little distance between them. Just a little further and we'll be home free, he thinks glancing in the rearview mirror.

"Look out." He glances back and sees a gas truck jackknifed in the center of the road. Vinnie slams on his brakes; his vehicle skids sideways, crashing into the truck. 


"How's the spy business going, sergeant?" The captain asks as he walks over to her desk. They were able to put a roving bug on Jimmy and the babysitter's phone.

It's been quiet, so far."

"It's still early yet. Where's Jerry?"

"I sent him out to get a real meal."

"A real meal?"

"Food not loaded down with sugar and fat."

"He's on a junk food kick again?"

"His desk was covered with wrappers when I came back from  supper."

"I'll have a talk with him, find out what's going on."

"Remind him about what his doctor said."

"I will, but you know how stubborn he is when it comes to his junk food."

"Yeah, I know. I married one just like him."

"I'm not as bad as Jerry."

"You would be if I didn't nag you all the time."

Hearing someone clomping across the station, they turn to see Jerry running towards them. "Captain, sergeant, I just heard the news."

"What news, Jerry?"

"The suspects the police were chasing were killed in an explosion. Evidently, they hit a gas truck that was jackknifed across the road. There's one survivor, he's in critical condition at the hospital."

"Why wasn't I notified about this?"

"I don't know, sir."

"Head on down to the hospital, take Kirk with you."

"Copy that, captain."


After what seems like a lifetime of waiting, Jimmy sees the staff slowly migrate towards the door. That can't be a good sign, he thinks as he fearfully waits for the news. He grabs hold of the first nurse he sees. He notices tears in her eyes when she turns around. "What happened, is she going to be alright?"

"The doctor will be out to talk to you shortly." Patting his hand, she walks away.

"No, not Jen, please not Jen," he bellows.

The doctor steps up beside him. "Mr. Campbell?"

"How is she, is she going to be alright?"

"Her condition is stable for now, but we need to get her into surgery as soon as possible. I have my nurses searching the data banks now." 

"Thank you doc, thank you."

"We have another option I'd like to discuss with you."

"What is it, doc, what?"

"It's the stem cell treatment. I haven't mentioned it to you before because its still in clinical stages."

"Clinical stages?"

"We're still learning the ins and outs of this new procedure."

"Go on."

"The risks are a lot higher than a normal transplant, and there's no guarantee of success. On the other hand, there's no guarantee a heart will become available in time." He didn't want to mention the possible candidate in the ED until he was sure they're compatible.

"What are her chances if she has this procedure?"

He hands Jimmy a tablet. "As you can see, the mortality rate is rather small, 3.4%. It's the irreversible damage that concerns me. He points to 37.9%.

"So she has a 50/50 chance this procedure will work."

"Give or take a few."

"That's not great odds, doc." He hands the tablet back.

"We'll keep looking for a donor, but this is something to consider, just in case."

"I appreciate it, doctor, I really do." The doctor starts to leave when another question comes to mind. Jimmy reaches out to stop him. "How about the baby?"

"She and the mom are doing alright for now."

"Can I go see her?"

"Of course."

Jen holds out her hand when she sees Jimmy step into the room. He runs over and scoops it off the bed.

"You had me worried sick."

"It was no picnic for me either."

"I bet not. I just spoke to the doctor, and he said you need a transplant soon."

"He also mentioned something about stem cell research, did he talk to you about it?"

"Yeah, but it's really risky."

"It may be the only choice I have."

"Let's hope they find a donor soon."

The nurse walks over to the doctor as he continues across the hall. "Doctor, two detectives want to talk to you about the patient you consulted on in the ED, the man from the motor vehicle accident."

The doctor turns towards the detectives. "The only thing keeping him alive is the machines."

"There's no chance he'll improve?"

"Only by some miracle."

Tommy, main conspirator in the crime
Vinnie, Larry Tommy's friends
Jen, Tommy's wife
Jimmy, Tommy's friend
Vinnie, part of Tommy's crew
Jack, part of Tommy's crew
Kenny, part of Tommy's crew
Antonio Hernandez, mexican drug lord.

Salois Brothers, Andy, Jeremy, Jack career criminals.

Berryville PD

Kirk, detective.
Rachel, sergeant
Joe, captain
Jerry, detective

Chapter 19
On the Move

By Mistydawn

Tommy is told that his pregnant wife Jen's condition is declining and that the only thing that'll save her is a heart transplant. He's then informed the hospital requires $10,000 for her aftercare. Being denied financial assistance, Tommy turns to a life of crime; robbing houses, and then selling the stolen goods for cash. He and his two friends are in the middle of a job when the owners returns. The police question Tommy, releasing him soon after. Tommy is attacked by a dog trying to rob a house on his own. He discovers three dead bodies when he makes it inside. Tommy grabs the contents of the safe and flees. The neighbor informs the police of his escape. He's taken to the station for the second time. With an alibi for the time of the murders, he's released. The doctor informs him that Jen needs the operation within a week. In great desperation, he asks Hernandez for his job back. A job he supported himself with until he was old enough to get a legitimate job. Tommy managed to evade the law at a job site and then again at his friend's house.

Tommy is sleeping soundly, parked between the building and a dumpster when he's startled awake by pounding coming from the side glass. He sleepily turns to see a man dressed in blue standing beside his vehicle. "It's the cops." In a state of panic, Tommy springs up in his seat. Starting his car, he glances at the intruder one last time before he speeds away.

The man chuckles as he walks back to his truck. "I think I scared the shit out of him, Bart," he says as he watches the vehicle fade out of sight.

Tommy's thoughts are going a mile a minute as he speeds towards the outskirts of town. I have to get rid of this car now the police know what I'm driving. Where can I get another one and where will I go when I do? I bet Hernandez will help me. I'll be taking a big risk driving back through town. I know, I'll call my boss, see if he can meet me somewhere. He scoops the phone off the seat. "I have Jimmy's phone not mine." He tries to recall his number when another comes to mind. "It's worth a shot." He punches the digits into the phone. I hope he's willing to help, Tommy thinks as he waits for the call to connect.

"Hello?" a sleepy voice replies.

"Mike, it's Tommy. I'm in big trouble, man and I need your help."

Rubbing his eyes, Mike glances towards his clock. "Do you know what time it is?"

"I know and I'm sorry to wake you, but the police are on my ass and I don't know what to do."

"What?" He springs up in his bed. He suddenly recalls what a prankster Tommy can be. "Wait, you're playing a joke on me, right?"

"No, I'm dead serious, man, I'm running from the law."

"And I'm Santa Claus. Good night, Tommy."

"Wait, don't hang up, Mike, Mike." Tommy redials his number.

"What is it now?"

"The police think I killed someone." Tommy blurts into his phone.

"You didn't, did you?"

"They were already dead when I got there."

"You have to go to the cops and straighten this whole mess out."

"And take the chance of being thrown in jail?" Tommy asks as he nervously shifts in his seat.

"It's better than running for the rest of your life, isn't it?"

Horrid scenarios flash through his mind. Tommy first pictures being gunned down in the street, He then pictures himself being killed in an accident during his grand attempt to flee. He's right, I can't keep running like this. "Will you help me?"

"So much for sleeping in." Mike exhales loudly as he tosses the covers back. "What do you want me to do?"

"Meet me at the park in ten."


Pulling into the driveway, Kirk jumps out of his car. This is the last house on my list, he thinks, walking up the weed infested sidewalk. He was told to recanvass the area, see if the neighbors can tell him more.

"Can I help you?" A deeply accented voice asks.

"My name is Detective Richardson and I'd like to ask you a few questions about the Harrises." He takes a notebook from his pocket.

"They were such sweet souls, would help anyone who asked them. They even helped several charities through the years. You know they just celebrated their sixty-fifth wedding anniversary. Had a huge turnout too."

"Can you think of anyone who would want to kill them?"

"The only people I can think of are the criminals Frank arrested years ago."

"Arrested, I thought he was a school teacher."

"He was, he was also the acting sheriff for a while."

"Did you see anyone visit them that morning?"

"No, but their grandson and his friend stayed over the night before, left early the next morning. Then a young man came by mid-afternoon, he didn't stay long."

I thought John said he left the night before. "What time did the grandson and this friend leave?"

"I was sitting on the porch drinking my morning coffee so I'd say around six, six-thirty."

"Do you happen to know the friend's grandson's name?"

"His last name is Hernandez I believe. That's what John calls him anyhow."

"Do you know his first name or his parent's name?"

"I'm afraid not, sorry."

"The guy who visited them, he's the one driving the black coupe, correct?"


"Well, thank you for your time."


"What brings you to the lab, Jerry?" Sharon asks, as the detective steps through the door.

"I miss your sweet face."

"You're so full of it." She nervously laughs.

"I do, honest"

"Oh, Jerry." She blushes. She's had a thing for him for a while but was too afraid to say so.

"Are you busy Friday night?"

"No, why," she asks, trying to contain her excitement.

"Because we have a backlog of evidence we need to work through."

"Evidence." She punches him in the arm.

"Hey, what was that for," he asks, rubbing the area she hit.

"She thought you were asking her out." Don chuckles.

"Out where?" He teases, trying to contain a smile.

"You know, dinner and a movie."

"Sounds great, Sharon, thanks for asking."

"Oh, Jerry." Laughing Jerry heads towards the door. "Hey, wait, I have something to show you."

"Shouldn't show and tell come during our date?"

"Jerry." She self consciously covers herself as she glances over at Dave.

Jerry chuckles. "So what is it you want to show me? Handing him a ballistics report she explains. "The gun at the crime scene is
registered to an Antonio Hernandez. I checked unsolved cases and found five homicides tied to this gun."

"I thought you said the gun belonged to John Harris?"

"One of them does, but that's not the gun that was used in the shooting, Antonio Hernandez's is.

"Why would he want to kill the Harrises? And why would he kill Charles Montgomery if he works for him? This doesn't make a bit of sense. Were there any prints?"

"I found one on the bullet. I'm looking for a match now."

"I don't see a career criminal like Hernandez killing an elderly couple and I doubt they'd leave his gun behind."

"Maybe it fell out of his pocket," Don suggests.

"Stranger things have happened," Sharon adds.

"Thanks for the information, and the date." Jerry smiles. He heads back upstairs to tell the sergeant the news.

"So Hernandez shot the Harrises and Charles?"

"That's what the ballistics report shows. Sharon said there are five unsolved cases tied to the gun."

"Get everyone together and I'll get an arrest warrant for Hernandez."

"Sergeant, Tommy just asked his friend Mike to meet him at the park."

"I'll head over there, Jerry I want you to get a task force ready and see if Joe can get you the warrant."

The dispatcher walks towards them. "Sergeant, this man wants to talk to you about Tommy Campbell."

Tommy nervously sits in the park waiting for his friend to show. He told him to be here in ten minutes, forty minutes ago. He tried calling his home and his cell, but he isn't picking up.

I hope he hasn't changed his mind. What if he went to the police trying to help me? I bet that's what he's doing, finding a way to clear my name. The way he blabbers he may end up doing me more harm than good. He wouldn't tell them where I am, would he? No, John isn't a snitch. What if the police tricked him into giving me up? They are good at things like that. Panic quickly sets in. I have to get out of here. He tries to start the car, the ignition clicks in response. I thought he got this thing fixed. He starts to try again when he sees Mike pull into the park. It's about damn time, he thinks, hopping out of the car.

"Hey Tommy, I talked to the police and you're in the clear, man."

"What do you mean I'm in the clear?"

"They said your alibi checks out for the time of the murder, but they still want to talk to you, find out why you were there. I told them you check on Alma and Frank often, that they're like family to you. I think they believe me, I really do, but they still want to talk to you, to confirm it."

 Tommy looks up to see a cruiser pull into the park. He glances back at his friend. "You told them where I was?"

 Mike looks back to see squad cars pulling into the park. "I didn't know I was being followed."

 "Get out!"


"Get out of the car."

"You're in the clear." Pulling Mike out, Tommy climbs inside.

"You don't have to run anymore."

"That's what they want you to believe," he says, throwing the car in drive.

Tommy main conspirator to the crime
Vinnie, Larry Tommy's friends
Jen, Tommy's wife
Salois Brothers Andy, Jeremy, Jack career criminals.
Berryville PD
Kirk- detective.
Rachel sergeant
Joe captain
Jerry detective

Chapter 20
The Great Escape

By Mistydawn

Tommy is told that his pregnant wife Jen’s condition is declining and that the only thing that’ll save her is a heart transplant. He’s then informed the hospital requires $10,000 for her aftercare. Being denied financial assistance, Tommy turns to a life of crime; robbing houses, and then selling the stolen goods for cash. He and his two friends are in the middle of a job when the owners return. The police question Tommy, releasing him soon after. Tommy is attacked by a dog trying to rob a house on his own. He discovers three dead bodies when he makes it inside. Tommy grabs the contents of the safe and flees. The neighbor informs the police of his escape. He's taken to the station for the second time. With an alibi for the time of the murders, he's released. The doctor informs him that Jen needs the operation within a week. In great desperation, he asks Hernandez for his job back. A job he supported himself with until he was old enough to get a legitimate job. Tommy managed to evade the law at a job site and then again at his friend's house.
  He asks his friend to meet him at the park. The police show up with him.

Tommy looks over to find a hoard of cruisers pulling into the park. You're not catching me. Putting a death grip on the steering wheel, he pushes the pedal down a little more. Sweat gushes from every pore as he circles around.

The sergeant sees Tommy heading towards the exit when she enters the park. "You're not getting away again." The cruiser tires screech in protest as she makes a quick left.

Tommy glances over to see Rachel coming his way. I've got to get over there before she does. He shoves the pedal to the floor. Tommy looks behind him to find reds and blues a short distance away. Please let me get out of here, please, he begs, mere inches from the exit.

Pulling alongside Tommy's back fender, the officer taps it with his car; it swerves to the right. Tommy stiffens his body as he tries to regain control. The cop hit the car again. The vehicle slides around, facing the opposite direction. The sergeant and her crew quickly box him in.

Rachel pulls a gun from her holster as she springs out of her car. "Stop! Police! " She cautiously walks across the pavement, her gun pointed towards his head. "Get out of the car, now," she orders, throwing the door open.

Tommy discovers he has several guns pointed at him when he looks around. "I give, I give." Tommy lifts his hands in the air. The sergeant grabs a hold of his shirt and yanks him out of his vehicle.

Rising to his feet, he shoves her out of the way. Rachel turns and fires as she falls. The bullet pings off the pavement, into a neighboring tree. She almost got me, Tommy thinks as he sprints towards the woods.

Seeing their sergeant down, the officers' race to her side. "Go, go," she yells. They take off towards their suspect.

"Grace is back, I see." Jerry chuckles as he offers her his hand. He nicknamed her Grace short for graceful when she first started on the force, claiming she has some type of calamity every other week.

"You're not one bit funny, Jerry." Rachel slaps his hand out of the way. "I want you to get the canines out here and secure the premises of the woods."

"Yes, sergeant."

Standing, she turns towards Kirk. "We still have eyes and ears on his house, wife, and friend, correct?"

"Yes, sergeant."


"And sergeant, the captain is serving Hernandez his warrant now."


Jimmy slowly trudges towards the kitchen, anticipating a nice hot cup of brew. His bedclothes are wrinkled and his hair a frightful mess. I'm more tired now than when I went to bed, he thinks as he slowly works his way towards the counter. He grabs a large mug from the cabinet and pours himself a cup. I hope this does the trick. He plops down at the table. He spent most of the night tossing and turning, worrying about his dear friend. When he finally did get to sleep, he'd have nightmares about Tommy's ill fate. He'd startle awake in a state of panic, his pajamas soaked with sweat. Realizing it was only a bad dream, he'd close his eyes in hopes that he could fall back to sleep. Jimmy would just start to doze off again when Jen's words would replay in his mind.

"A priest stopped by to tell me that Tommy is safely hidden at a church and that they'll clear his name in the morning." No matter how many times he'd repeat it, he couldn't convince himself that it was true.

"Why would Tommy ask a priest for help when he's not Catholic and why would a padre agree to help a fugitive?" Jimmy is racking his brain, trying to come up with the answers when his phone rings. He quickly scoops it up. "Hello?"

"I'm in serious trouble man and I need your help," Tommy spouts into his cell.


"Yeah, man. The police are on my ass and I don't know what to do. You've got to help me, man, you just gotta."

Jimmy starts to answer when he remembers the phones are bugged. How am I going to tell him, without the police catching on?

Hearing a noise, Tommy nervously peeks around the tree. "The cops are coming, I've got to go."

"Mom and I will pray for you at our church," Jimmy quickly blurts out. The line goes dead. "I hope he understood what I meant." Scooping the keys off the table he heads towards the door.


Linda is tidying up the kitchen when she hears pounding in the other room. "Knock it off, boys," she warns as she continues to wipe down the counter. She hears it again. "I said cool it." The noise gets louder. I honestly don't know how Jen does it. Frustrated, she tosses her washcloth down. "You guys are in big trouble now," she says as she storms towards the back. She's halfway down the hall when she realizes the noise is coming from the door. Thinking it's her baby brother, Tommy, she throws the barrier open. She sees Jimmy in the doorway instead. His hair is standing out around his head, and the bedclothes he's sporting is wrinkled to no end. He looks like a mad scientist on the verge of a mental breakdown, she thinks as she takes a step back.

"I need to talk to you, now," Jimmy blurts out as he drags her into the hall.

Frightened by his change in demeanor, Linda pulls away. "Why, what's going on?" Jimmy reaches around and closes the door behind her, Linda side steps out of reach.

"The guy who came here last night wasn't a priest, he's a cop and I believe he bugged the apartment."

"No, you're wrong, Tommy is being cared for by the nuns I know he is."

"Listen, Linda I..." He begins.

"A nun came by with his paycheck, see." Her hands begin to tremble as she pulls a piece of paper from her pocket. "I'm going to give it to Jen when I visit her this afternoon."

Realizing her nerves are frazzled, he decides to let it go. "Guess I've been watching too many gangster movies." He fakes a laugh.

"Speaking of gangsters, I need to get my butt inside, before they demolish the place." Noticing the concerned look on his face she continues. "If it'll make you feel any better, I promise to be careful about what I say."

"Thanks, Linda."

"You want some coffee, I just made a fresh pot?"

"No, I need to go, I have a doctor's appointment in a few minutes."

In his jammies? Maybe it's a sleep study and that's why he didn't dress. "Hope it goes well. Love the pj's, by the way," she yells, as he bolts down the stairs.

"PJ's?" He glances down to discover he forgot to change. "Oh well." He chuckles. Hearing the door shut, Jimmy doubles back to the exit. "The police will think I'm still here as long as my car's in the drive. Unless the house really is bugged then they'll know I didn't come in. It'll take them a few minutes to figure it out and I should be long gone by then," he reasons as he continues across the courtyard.

Jimmy races to the chapel on the corner of Church and Main. I hope Tommy understands. He knows Tommy wouldn't like the idea of meeting in a church, but it's the only thing Jimmy could think of at the time. He glances around and soon discovers the cathedral is completely empty. "Maybe he hasn't made it yet," he thinks, plopping down on a pew.


Tommy darts through the woods in a grand attempt to escape. He recalled what Hernandez had said about an underground tunnel leading out of the hideout as he was being blocked in. Hernandez claimed he constructed it for situations like this. So Tommy figures he'll be home free if he can just get to the warehouse.

"I'm almost there," he thinks as he continues to run from tree to tree. He starts to dart to the next one when something pulls him to the ground. In a state of panic, Tommy scrambles to his feet. He feels a tug on his pant leg. The sudden pull causes him to lose his balance; he falls to his knees again. Tommy anxiously glances back to find a thorny vine wrapped around his extremity. He then notices blood oozing from underneath his bandage. I must've broken it open when I fell. He's trying to work the greenery lose when he hears the dogs in the near distance. I have to get away, he thinks as he tugs frantically at the plant.

 Tommy main conspirator to the crime
Vinnie, Larry, Jimmy, Tommy's friends
Jen, Tommy's wife
Linda, Tommy's older sister.
Salois Brothers Andy, Jeremy, Jack career criminals.

Berryville PD
Kirk- detective.
 Rachel sergeant
 Joe captain
Jerry detective


Chapter 21
Nowhere to Run

By Mistydawn


Tommy is told that his pregnant wife Jen’s condition is declining and that the only thing that’ll save her is a heart transplant. He’s then informed the hospital requires $10,000 for her aftercare. Being denied financial assistance, Tommy turns to a life of crime; robbing houses, and then selling the stolen goods for cash. He and his two friends are in the middle of a job when the owners return. The police question Tommy, releasing him soon after. Tommy is attacked by a dog trying to rob a house on his own. He discovers three dead bodies when he makes it inside. Tommy grabs the contents of the safe and flees. The neighbor informs the police of his escape. He's taken to the station for the second time. With an alibi for the time of the murders, he's released. The doctor informs him that Jen needs the operation within a week. In great desperation, he asks Hernandez for his job back. A job he supported himself with until he was old enough to get a legitimate job. Tommy managed to evade the law at a job site and then again at his friend's house.  He asks his friend to meet him at the park. The police show up with him. Tommy runs towards the woods, getting caught up in a vine.

The noise continues to get closer as Tommy struggles to free himself from the vine; the tips of his fingers are bloody from pricking himself with its thorns. Realizing he can't pry the greenery loose, he looks for something that'll cut through the plant. Seeing a sharp rock, Tommy anxiously reaches for it; he soon discovers it's too far away. Sliding towards the stone he tries again. The object is still out of reach. Just a little further, he thinks. The vine tightens around his leg as he stretches across the ground. He clenches his teeth and tries to grab the object again. The vine cuts deeper into his skin. I'm almost there, he thinks as the tips of his fingers graze the edge. Extending his arm out, Tommy tries to close his fingers around it. His palm taps the corner; it scoots further away. "Damn it."

He starts to try again when he notices a bush quivering in the near distance. He glances towards it and then the rock again. I have to hurry. Planting the tips of his shoes in the dirt, he lifts himself up with his left arm, his right arm extended out. I hope this works. He pushes himself forward with his feet as he lunges towards the rock. The cold object hit his hand, he quickly scoops it up.

Tommy returns to an upright position and begins to cut through the vine. The bushes rattle again. He moves the object faster across his restraint. "Come on, come on, please work, please work," he begs, nervously glancing ahead. The brush continues to shake in front of him. Tommy moves the rock back and forth. The vine starts to give way. I've almost got it. The brush rattles louder than before. Tommy glances up to see the disturbance is closer. I've got to escape, I just gotta. He saws through the vine even quicker than before.

The noise suddenly stops. He nervously looks over and discovers a little cotton tail in front of him. "I was scared of that?" Chuckling, he continues to work through the vine. The dogs start yapping a few feet away. "They brought the dogs?" He moves his arm back and forth as fast as he can. The last little strand breaks free; Tommy scrambles to his feet.

Reaching the warehouse, Tommy pounds on the old wooden door. "Please be here, please be here," he begs as he pounds again. The door slowly creaks open. "Mr. Hernandez, oh, thank god you're here." Stepping inside, Tommy secures the door behind him.

"What's the matter, son?"

"The cops are after me and I don't know what to do."

"The cops, you didn't bring them here, did you?" he asks. He anxiously glances through the peephole.

"I lost them in the woods a few miles back." Plopping down in a chair, Tommy examines his leg.

"You're bleeding like a sieve."

"I broke it open when I fell."

"Let's get you fixed up and then we'll figure out what to do." The two are heading towards the back when someone pounds on the front door.

"Police, open up."

"Run, Tommy, run," Hernandez orders as he darts towards the back.


Jimmy is sleeping on a church pew when he's woken by what sounds to be a dozen police sirens. He sees a horde of officers gathered around the old warehouse when he throws the door open. I hope they're not after Tommy, he thinks as he watches the scene unfold. Glancing around, he notices a canine barking frantically as he pulls on his leash.

"Go get him, boy," the officer orders as he releases the harness. The canine runs towards the woods, the officer is right behind him. The warehouse door flies open, two cops drag a tall, beefy man through the door.

They're not looking for Tommy after all. Relieved, he starts to head back inside. A greasy-haired young man steps up beside him. The man looks like a walking skeleton covered with a thin layer of skin, his teeth are mere rotten slivers protruding from his red, swollen gums.

"Hey man, did you hear what's going down?"

"No, what?"

"They've just arrested the town's biggest drug supplier."


"Him and his crew. Guess we'll have to go to Harrison to get our dope now."

"You don't need the stuff anyhow." 

"Yeah, whatever, man."

"Why do they have the canines?"

"One of his accomplices ran towards the woods. I don't think he'll get too far, not the way he's bleeding."

"He's bleeding?"

"Yeah, man, like really bad."

"What did this accomplice look like?"

"He was around six feet with sandy blond hair."

"It's Tommy," he shrieks.

"You know him, man?"

"Yeah, he's my bro, well like my bro. We're really tight."


"I've got to help him, but how?"

"I don't know what to tell you."

Jimmy glances towards the officers, and then the woods again. I could meet him on the other side. He then recalls leaving his car to ensure he wouldn't be followed. I knew they'd park a cop outside my place, glad Tommy did too. "Do you have a car?"

"All I got is this trike."

"Give me the keys," Jimmy orders, holding out his hand.

"Yeah, I don't know about that. I mean my dad bought it for me and if it gets torn up..."

"Take me then." Seeing him hesitate, Jimmy continues. "You don't want my friend mutilated, do you?"

"No, but..."

"Take me then." Jimmy jumps on the bike.


Linda's been having this feeling that something bad is about to happen all day long. No matter what she says or does this gut-wrenching feeling just wouldn't go away. The anxiety is so bad that it's making her sick. 

Maybe I should call Jimmy, find out if he's spoken to Tommy. She starts to dial his number when she hears the announcer's voice boom across the TV.

"This just came in: the police have captured two known criminals and are on a manhunt for the third." A picture flashes across the screen.

"It's Daddy, it's Daddy," Chris chants.

Linda glances at the TV. "Oh my God, it is," She runs across the room.

"This man is thought to be armed and dangerous. If you see him, do not try to approach him. You should seek safety immediately, and then call your local police department or sheriff's office," the announcer finishes.

"Armed and dangerous? Tommy doesn't have a gun. I have to call Jimmy, find out if he knows what's going on." The phone goes straight to voice mail. "Damn it." She slams her phone on the table.

Evelyn darts out of the kitchen. "What's wrong, Linda?"

"The police are after Tommy."

"Do you know where he might hide?"

"Yeah, but I can't get there without a car." The cop would probably follow me anyhow, she thinks, looking out the window. She was sure he'd been there all night long. She glances at her nephews. "Besides, I've got these rug rats to care for. Oh, what am I going to do?" She plops down at the table.

"Take my car." She tosses Linda her keys.

"What about the boys?"

"I'll stay here until you get back."

"Thanks, Evelyn, you're the greatest." Linda grabs her purse and heads towards the door. She'd just made it to the hallway when her phone vibrates in her hand. "Tommy?" she answers.

"Sorry, Linda it's just me returning your call."

"Oh, Jimmy, what's going on? Have you heard from him? Is he alright? Please,
Jimmy, please, you have to tell me something."

"Slow down."

Taking a deep breath, she tries again. "Have you talked to him?"

"Not since this morning, but someone saw him running towards the woods. "I'm trying to find him before the police do."

"The woods, near the park?"

"Yeah, why do you know where he might go?"

"I think..." Remembering the phones are tapped she stops.

"What, Linda, what?"

"Sorry, I didn't want little ears to hear. Go on Tommy, go play with your sister Jenny in the cave. I'll call you right back, once I get Tommy and Jenny settled in the cave, alright?"

"OK, but.."

I hope he understands, she thinks as she heads towards Evelyn's car.

Jimmy continues to search the woods when something Linda said makes him pause. "Wait a minute; Tommy doesn't have a little girl, does he? No, he has four boys. They don't have a boy named Tommy either. I don't think they do. I know they talked about it, but I thought they decided against it. Let's see, there's Chris, Adam, Gabe, and oh, what's the oldest one's name? Timmy, that's it. So why did she say what she did? Was she trying to tell me something? Jen and Tommy in the cave? What's that supposed to mean? What did she mean when she said little ears? Ears, was she talking about the phone being bugged? Yeah, that's what she meant, but what about Tommy playing with his sister in the cave? Tommy and Jenny in the cave, he repeats. I know what she means now," he says as he dashes through the woods.


 Tommy main conspirator to the crime
Vinnie, Larry, Jimmy, Tommy's friends
Jen, Tommy's wife
Linda, Tommy's older sister.
Evelyn, Jen and Linda's friend
Salois brothers, Andy, Jeremy, Jack career criminals.

Berryville PD
Kirk- detective.
 Rachel sergeant
 Joe captain
Jerry detective

Salois Brothers Andy, Jeremy, Jack career criminals.

Berryville PD
Kirk- detective.
 Rachel sergeant
 Joe captain
Jerry detective


Chapter 22
Tommy's Final Stand

By Mistydawn

Finding out his pregnant wife Jen needs a heart transplant, and he needs $10,000 for her aftercare Tommy turns to a life of crime. He robs houses, selling the stolen goods for cash. He and his two friends are in the middle of a job when the owners come home. Tommy is taken to the station for questioning then released. He tries to rob a house on his own when a dog attacks him. When he finally makes it inside, Tommy discovers three dead bodies. He grabs the money and runs. The neighbor sees him leaving and informs the police. He's taken to the station for the second time. With an Alibi for the time of the murders, he's released. The doctor tells him that Jen needs to have the operation within a week. In desperation, he asks his old boss, a Mexican drug lord for his job back. Having a drug addict mom and an alcoholic father, he had to work for Hernandez to support himself until he was old enough to get a legitimate job. Meanwhile, the police find Tommy's prints at the murder house so they want to question him again. Tommy escapes a near capture and is now hiding out in a cave.

I know I'm going to sound like a crybaby, but I'm cold, tired and extremely weak. The bleeding has finally stopped, but my leg is so red and swollen I'm afraid I might lose it if I don't do something soon. My pain is so excruciating, I can barely move. Oh, how I wish I was home instead of being stuck here in this dark, dank cave.

I start thinking back to all the happy times I'd spent with my family; all the boy's firsts Jen and I shared. First smile, first words, first steps. How Timmy the clown would show off for the camera while his siblings shied away.

I then imagine some of the fun-filled days we'd spent in the park. Swinging, sliding, chasing the ball around. I recall the day Timmy decided to take Rufus for a walk and how he returned a muddy mess on the verge of tears.

"It's the mud monster, run, boys, run," I say. Screaming, we dart in different directions. Seeing potential in this new game, Timmy chases after us.

I chuckle through my tears. I'd give anything to have days like that again. Feeling moisture stream down my face, I wipe it away. Oh, what was I thinking, doing what I did, putting Jen through all this hell? She doesn't deserve this, she doesn't.

I picture Jen hooked up to dozens of machines as she anxiously awaits her transplant. At least I made enough for her operation. I just hope she can forgive me for what I've done, and the boys will remember some of the happy times we shared. Maybe it's best they forget me, move on.

A horrific thought suddenly comes to mind. I'm no better than my father, no better at all. How did I end up like this, how? I swore I'd be nothing like him and yet here I am, doing the same shit he used to do. What have I done, Oh, what have I done? I had a good thing and I ruined it, ruined it. Me and my stupidity.

I wouldn't blame Jen a bit if she never wanted to hear from me again. She'd probably be better off without me; like mom was when she left dad. I dry my face again.

The way I see it, I have two choices, I can either hide like my cowardly father and eventually get caught, or I can make things right. I swipe my face with my dirty shirt tail as I contemplate the pros and cons. I'm going to prove to everyone, to myself that I'm nothing like him.

I try to stand, the pain radiates up my leg, quickly traveling throughout my body. I topple down on the rock. I've got to do this for my family's sake. Gritting my teeth, I hobble towards the entrance. My name echoes through the cave. Frightened, I turn and head towards the back. The pain becomes so fierce that it stops me in my tracks. I have to hide. I try to take another step, the pain is so intense, I plummet to the ground.


The K9 unit and crew are scoping out every inch of the forest while the police copters continue to circle noisily overhead. Their orders were to use any means necessary to bring their fugitive in, and that's just what they planned to do.

The sergeant is pacing back and forth in front of the park's entrance, anxiously waiting for some news. I can't stand this not knowing much longer. She glances towards the woods, wishing she could be a part of the hunt. The captain ordered her to stand down because of her condition.

"I'm only four weeks, Joe." She rubs her belly and smiles. They've been trying to get pregnant for well over a year.

"Four weeks, or fifty weeks, I don't care. I don't want you or our child in danger, do you understand?"

"The normal term is forty weeks, not fifty," she corrects, rolling her eyes.

"You know what I mean..."

Rachel knows exactly what's going on, he's being overly protective like her father. The guys are right, it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission sometimes. God, I wish I'd hear something soon. Glancing at her watch she realizes it's only been a minute since she last checked. I can't take this anymore. Pulling her gun from her holster, she darts towards the woods.


Tommy is struggling to his feet when he hears footsteps coming towards him. He glances over and discovers a strange woman is headed his way. Pushing himself off the ground, he tries to make a run for it, the pain is so overwhelming, he falls face first in the dirt. I've got to get away, I've just gotta. Tommy tries again. He's halfway up when his legs begin to buckle; he plummets to the cold hard ground.

"Oh, Tommy, I'm so glad you're alright," the lady says as she stoops down beside him.

"Linda?" he asks, curiously eyeing the stranger. Chuckling, she removes her disguise. "How did you...?"

"Never mind that now, we need to get out of here before the police show up."

"Tommy, Linda?" Jimmy asks as he steps inside the cave.

"Jimmy?" Tommy asks, surprised.

"Linda told me where to find you. I would've been here sooner, but it took me a minute to figure it out."

"Imagine that," Tommy laughs. He always teases Jimmy about not being the sharpest cutlery in the drawer.

Jimmy scowls. "Up yours, bud." Tommy chuckles again.

"Help me get him up," Linda orders. "Good, now put this on." She hands him her wig and overcoat. Tommy gives her a pleading look. "Just do it."

Tommy glances over at Jimmy. "One word, Jimmy, I swear." Tommy glares as he dons the disguise. Jimmy chuckles.


"I think so." Linda and Jimmy grab a hold of his arms.

"Easy now Tommy," Linda instructs as they continue towards the entrance. They were almost to the front when a woman steps through the door, a gun pointed at them. Frightened, The three stop in their tracks.


"Daddy told me where to find you. Said I need to take care of some unfinished business, tie up a few loose ends." She cocks her gun.

That's typical of Hernandez, sending his daughter to do his work. "You don't want to do this, Lana, you really don't."

"Says who?" she questions, walking closer.

Tommy glances nervously at his sister and then his friend. "It's me, you're after, not them, so shoot me and let them go." Tommy hobbles towards her.

"Don't come any closer," she warns. Tommy ignores her command.

"No, Tommy, stop," Linda begs.

"I mean it, Tommy."

"Police. Drop your weapon, now," Rachel orders. Lana turns to see three cops in the entryway their guns pointed at her. "I said drop it now." Realizing she's defeated, Lana tosses her weapon in the mud.

"Hands above your head. Do it now." Rachel holds her at gunpoint while a second officer cuffs her.

"You better watch your back, Tommy. Watch it real close, cause the crew is going to come after you. You and everyone you hold dear." Her eerie laugh echoes through the cave.

"That's enough out of you," Rachel says as she drags her through the door.

"They'll be coming for you, Tommy, for all of you," Lana yells. 


The police hauled all of us off to jail that day. After a brutal night of interrogation, the DA agreed to let me go on two conditions. I tell them what I know about Hernandez and I agree to testify in open court. Knowing the crew would kill us if I did, I refused.

Seeing my hesitation, Joe agreed to post an officer outside Jen's hospital room and a second at the apartment. Promising to move us out of state when Jen is well enough to travel. He then stated that If I didn't accept his offer, he'd charge me with conspiracy which would afford me a long stint upstate. 

Things were looking up for us, better than what we'd hoped. Jen recovered from her operation, giving birth to our beautiful baby girl two months later. I'm the district manager for several electronics stores. Jen and I felt like we were given a fresh start in life.

Despite all our good fortune, all the precautions we take, there is one thought that continues to haunt me. The crew is out there, waiting, watching, anticipating sweet revenge.


Deep in the backlands of Utah, two large, cold, brown eyes continues to watch Tommy.

The end

Tommy main conspirator in the crime
Vinnie, Larry, Jimmy, Tommy's friends
Linda, Tommy's sister

Jen, Tommy's wife
Salois brothers, Andy, Jeremy, Jack career criminals.
Frank and Margret, Jen's parents. 
Lana Hernandez's daughter.

Berryville PD
Kirk, detective.
Rachel, sergeant
Joe, captain
Jerry detective

One of thousands of stories, poems and books available online at

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